Chapter 197: Echoes Of The Past
After I woke up, I went to the Crystal Palace. I avoided it because I felt like I was being watched every time I came here. But even with that feeling, I could never find out why. The city surrounding the Palace was very nice and was already full of citizens looking to live in such a shiny and safe place.
[Image Here]
Once I got to the throne room, I waited for something to stick out to me and explain why I needed to be here. But after a few minutes of nothing happening, I decided to use The Force to guide me, thinking it might lead me somewhere. It took almost no time at all before The Force started leading me somewhere. Eventually, I was led to a room.
'If I recall correctly, this was the room of the previous monarch. Strange, why am I being led here?'
I open the door and look around but notice nothing out of the ordinary. Everything was what you would expect from a monarch's room.
Rio: "Presence, are you here?"
I hear wind and rustling, which I find odd as it is coming from a wall with no windows or doors. I walk up to it and feel around for a door or passage. Eventually, I find what I am looking for and turn a sconce to the left, and the wall moves.
'A secret room. How interesting.'
Once I walk into the room, I notice a few big things. One, the room is soundproof. Two, the room is fairly large. Three, it has toys and things you would see in a children's room. Four, there's a crib. Five, I feel like I have been here before.
???: "That's because you have."
I quickly turned around and took out my lightsaber. The Blue blade ignites, and I see the presence again, but this time, they are much clearer.
Rio: "I have come as you asked. Now explain who you are and why you seem familiar."
???: "Rio, I am your mother."
Rio: "NOOOOOOO! No really. How? We look nothing alike. That, and I think I know who you are, and I feel like it's a bit of a stretch to say I am the son of Princess Amore."
Amore: "Former Empress, actually. I haven't been called a Princess since my foalhood."
Rio: "Regardless, as I have said, we look nothing alike."
Amore: "Search your feelings. You know I am not lying. Think about this room. You were very young when you lived here, but you must feel that connection."
I deactivated my lightsaber and put it away.
Rio: "If you are speaking the truth, then why are you here in this spiritual form?"
She looks saddened by my question but answers anyway.
Amore: "I... Sigh. You have to know that I never wanted to send you away. But to ensure your safety, it was the best choice I could make."
Rio: "My safety? Is that why my room is hidden behind a false wall?"
Amore: "Yes. Let's start at the beginning. I reigned for a very long time. And as you can tell, I am abnormal in my size when compared to others of our species. My looks, combined with my seeming unaging, caused many to come to fear me. The nobles didn't like that I stayed in power and never seemed to age. In my reign, there were only 2 wars, and I was popular among the populace. But my long life meant that the Nobles couldn't get much power. So, in order to pacify the Nobles, I was forced into a political marriage. Your father and I... We didn't love each other. Most of the time, we avoided each other like a plague. He was from a supremacist faction, and I was an abomination in their eyes."
Rio: "My father was a supremacist?"
Amore: "Yes, he was a firm believer in Unicorn Racial Supremacy and that they must never mix their bloodline with the lesser races. As you can imagine, we didn't like each other. But I was willing to accept the arrangement in order to ensure peace."
Rio: "Don't tell me I look like him?"
Amore: "Oh, heavens no! In fact, that was partially the problem. Sigh. There is no easy way to say this, but just know that Alicorns were not known about back then, and society was still fairly superstitious. Even I barely knew what Alicorns were, and that was only because of research I did after your birth. Combine these factors with your appearance looking nothing like your father, and he had an extreme reaction."
I didn't like where this was going.
Rio: "How extreme?"
I could see her wince, and I was certain it was bad.
Amore: "He thought that I had cheated on him and produced an abomination. He thus sought to rectify my error. He tried to kill you. I tried to stop him, and in the chaos, he died."
I freeze for a moment and try to process what she just told me.
Rio: "What? What kind of monster tries to kill their own child upon first seeing them?"
Amore: "He wasn't the nicest unicorn, but I honestly never thought he would go that far. His death would be a serious problem for the Imperium. Another war could be triggered, so I did what I thought was necessary. The official report was that I had a stillbirth and that your father died in an accident. I went into seclusion to mourn for their loss. I was actually taking care of you. We spent most of the days here. There were only 4 beings that knew of your birth. Myself, the Head Butler, the Head Maid, and the royal physician."
Rio: "Okay, let's assume that I believe you. That doesn't explain why I didn't live here."
Amore: "You spent around 8 months in here. But even with my attempts to stabilize the situation, what I tried to avoid happened. 6 months after your father's death, a Civil War broke out, with the Nobility allying with a group of foul creatures of darkness and shadow. Over 2 months, they destroyed and killed nearly everything in the Imperium. Everything they killed was turned into husks, and the land they took was cursed with eternal snow. All that remained was the Capital. I knew that we would not succeed in stopping the enemy. I also knew they wouldn't let you live. Thus, I used an ancient spell from the royal family. A Dimensional Relocation Spell."
Rio: "I know a decent amount about those kinds of spells, and no offense, but by yourself, it wouldn't accomplish much. Even I would only manage to get to a parallel universe or 2. And that is with my current magical power. And even then, it wouldn't be that hard to track the spell."
Amore: "Yes, that is why I did something that I am not proud of. My power alone would not be enough to allow both of us to escape. And even with only you, I couldn't guarantee you wouldn't be tracked down later. So those who knew about you and my most trusted allies willingly gave their souls to power the spell."
Rio: "That would get you enough energy, at least theoretically. But it would be very dangerous and extremely painful for those involved."
Amore: "I also split my soul in half. 50% would stay in my body, but the other half would be split again, with one piece fusing into the Crystal Heart and the other into you."
I widen my eyes as the puzzle pieces start fitting together.
Rio: "You are the one who saved the Aura's Revenge from the Proton Torpedos. They would have either captured me or destroyed the ship."
Amore: "Indeed. But that used most of my power, forcing me into hibernation."
Rio: "Then the vision that warned me of Nightmare Moon."
Amore: "Yes, and then I appeared to help you fight the corruption inside of you."
Rio: "That makes sense."
Amore: "The piece of my soul I sent with you was made to protect you and watch over you when I was not able to be there physically."
Rio: "So the spell worked, but what happened with your physical body?"
Amore: "I led all citizens that could fight for a decisive battle against our foes. I knew that I may not survive, but I intended to use a sealing spell to deal with the Umbrum as they called themselves. The spell succeeded. But I was greatly weakened after casting the spell, which allowed one of my distant relatives to finish me off. Even with my death, those who followed me didn't surrender and instead fought to the bitter end. I only know what happened because the enemy that eventually came to claim the Crystal City was a mere fraction of the numbers they had when I was fighting them. And they had no prisoners."
Rio: "What happened to this distant relative?"
Amore: "They attempted to claim the throne, but they didn't last long before they were overthrown and executed. The following years and decades I can only call the bloody reign. What few remained fought and killed each other until eventually most left. Most went south. A few remained. But over the decades and generations, they devolved. From Governors to Mayors to Commanders to Chieftains. Until they all either died out or left. The last living being in the city was a descendant of a family that served as a knight for our family for thousands of years. Once they died, the city was slowly overtaken by the snow. The Crystal Heart had to enter a state of power saving, and I waited."
Rio: "So you were in the Heart?"
Amore: "Yes, but I was too weak to connect to the 2 pieces of my soul to manifest. Once you summoned the Palace and connected the Crystal heart to it, I was able to wake up again. The piece inside you has been gathering energy to slowly manifest itself more and more until today, when I was ready to meet you."
Rio: "That's quite the tale."
She looks nervous, but I just smile.
Rio: "It's nice to meet you, mother. I have no doubts that you have told me the truth."
I can see she is tearing up, but her face is smiling.
Amore: "Oh, you have no idea how long I have been waiting to meet you. I wanted to spend so much time teaching you all I knew. I got to see you grow up without me. I have seen what you have done, and I can say I am very proud of the ruler you have become."
I smile and get a little embarrassed. But then I get worried as I fear she has been watching me all the time.
Rio: "Ehem, uh mother. You weren't watching me all the time, right?"
She just smiles and looks away.
Amore: "What nice weather we are having today."
Rio: "Cough. Mother, uh, I assure you whatever you have seen are just misunderstandings."
Amore: "You were a growing boy, and I know that you never had someone to teach you these kinds of things. So, I guess I should resolve that now. I would like to see some grand foals soon. Now, how did my mom explain this? The Birds and the Bees, I think? Or was it the Sword and the Stones?"
Rio: "Haha, mother, I don't think we need to have this conversation. I am a grown adult."
Amore: "Hmm, I guess with the things you watch, you could say you are an adult now."
Rio: "HAHAHAHA! Never Speak About That To Anyone. I was young, and I had never had access to the Holonet before."
Amore: "There's nothing wrong with being curious about the opposite sex. I just need to explain to you how to be safe."
Rio: "Mother, Please. No."
I try to walk away, but I am grabbed via magic and set down on a floor pillow. What comes next I won't dare speak about to anyone.
Authors Note:
Rio's origins are revealed, and now he has a mother that I planned about a while back. She can't manifest outside the Palace. I had the backstory of Rio built for a while but wanted to wait for the right time to write about it. Also, I won't say what Amore saw Rio do or watch. Despite how she is wording it, she hasn't seen everything Rio has done, only bits and pieces here and there. She did protect Rio as an infant when he was transported to the Star Wars Universe. The Star Wars Universe and the Twilight Universe are one and the same for this story. Technically, Rio's Tutorial World was the Star Wars Universe he just ended up awakening right as he got to the Earth Star System. Until next time Ciao.