Chapter 202: The Preperations of Kaer Morhen
POV Vesemir
I was studying a potion when suddenly something triggered one of the wards. I stop the experiment and go to see what it was this time.
Vesemir: "Sigh. This better not be another false alarm. If it is, I am going to give Tempest an earful for making the wards too sensitive."
I arrive at the computer that suveils the area and is connected to the wards. I am shocked at what ward was triggered.
Vesemir: "Dimensional Magic! Oblivion! Great!"
I run to get my swords and gear. Once I am equipped, I go to the main gate. Once I arrive, I look around and try to see if anything is around the barrier. I stop when I hear someone fall over. I follow the sound and see someone who looks familiar. But more importantly, I see riders chasing the girl.
Vesemir: "Maximize Magic Fireball!"
The spell hits them, but I can see some get away but I let them go and approach the injured girl. When I get closer, I confirm who it is. But they faint as I approach. I run towards them and see that they are bleeding badly. I pour some healing potions on her, but they only stop the bleeding. I pick her up and rush her to the medic bay.
A Few Hours Later...
I enter the med bay after sending an alert about the attack so Geralt can hurry back. And some reinforcements can arrive. When I enter the room again, I hear her wake up.
???: "Ugh, my head."
Vesemir: "Easy, Ciri. You took quite the beating. And here I thought I had trained you better."
Ciri: "Uncle Vesemir? Is that you? Why do you look so different?"
Vesemir: "Hah, I got summoned, and part of the deal was I got my youth back. Now I am as fit as a fiddle, and the ladies can't get enough of me."
Ciri: "Gross! I am injured and hurting, but I will hit you."
Vesemir: "Glad I could make you smile. Now I want to know how you got here?"
Ciri: "I was on the run from the Wild Hunt. I got injured while trying to escape. I trusted someone, and they nearly got me killed. I was desperate, so I tried to teleport to Geralt. But I guess I missed the mark."
Vesemir: "Well, you made it to Kaer Morhen, so that was close enough. You were very lucky to arrive here as the Emperor will deal with the Wild Hunt like a Drowner deals with a drunk idiot."
Ciri: "Emperor?"
Vesemir: "Ah, my bad. You are currently in the Crystal Imperium. The Emperor is Rio, and he summoned me and many others. Including Geralt. I can assure you he is strong enough to deal with the Wild Hunt. He should be arriving here soon. He will heal your wounds as well. I have potions, but Rio can heal injuries even my potions can't."
Knock Knock
Vesemir: "Ah, that must be him."
The door opens, and Rio comes in.
Ciri: "Uh, Uncle Vesemir, a horse is here."
I look at her, confused, then back at Rio and then back to her.
Vesemir: "Uh, no, that's not a horse. That's Rio."
She pulls me closer and whispers in my ear.
Ciri: "What are you talking about? That's clearly a horse. Are you telling me that the leader of this country is a horse?"
Rio: "Ehem, I can hear, you know."
Ciri: "AHHH! The Horse is Talking!"
Rio: "You know that sounds really condescending. Should I just refer to you as the Human from now on? And for your information, I am not a horse; I am an Alicorn. I thought you raised her better, Vesemir."
Vesemir: "Don't look at me. She was always a rebellious little monster, and technically, Geralt and Yennefer raised her."
Rio: "Speaking of Geralt, he just arrived."
I hear someone running here from down the hall. Rio steps to the right as the door slams open.
Vesemir: "Geralt! Don't slam my doors!"
Ciri: "Geralt!"
Geralt: "Ciri!"
Rio: "Rio!"
We all look at him, and he just smiles.
Rio: "What? I always wanted to do that. Now come on Vesemir, we have a siege to plan for."
I feel myself start to float, and I can already tell who is responsible by the glowing horn.
Vesemir: "I am not an old man. I can walk myself, you know."
Rio: "Uhuh. You don't say."
'And he is ignoring me.'
I ignore Vesemir grumbling and focus on the area outside the castle.
'It seems the Wild Hunt is waiting to gather their forces. The Wood Clone should be back soon.'
A Wood Clone appears before me with a corpse of the Ane Elle Elf. I take the corpse and start inspecting it.
Rio: "Impressive. High resistance to the cold, but they don't have a crippling weakness to the fire element. They don't seem to have other resistances to much else. Maybe a slight magic resistance."
Vesemir: "Elementa Oil works well against them."
Rio: "I suppose we could do that, but I think I will try using a spell I learned recently. It will take a minute to cast, but I can hide it with an illusion. It will wipe out the planet they come from most likely."
Vesemir: "Wait, WHAT!? Isn't that a bit much?"
Rio: "Eh, not really. I have already looked into the Wild Hunt. The entire species, at this point, has been so indoctrinated that they don't see anything wrong with the horrors they have caused. That, and the total population is only around 30k."
Vesemir: "Wait, it's that low?"
Rio: "Of course. Why else did you think they kidnapped people and forced them to work for them? The White Frost wiped out most of their people, and the following crises caused more deaths. They have waged a few wars since the White Frost destroyed their homeworld. Eredin is coming, and he is bringing most of his people here. They have come to the conclusion that this castle prevents teleportation. Which isn't wrong, but it's not quite right."
Vesemir: "They think Ciri is trapped here."
I nod.
Rio: "Yep, and they think she is injured and disabled. Eredin is becoming desperate. He will not take the risk that she will escape again."
Vesemir: "If Eredin is bringing so many troops here, why do you intend on destroying the planet they came from?"
Rio: "I won't destroy it. It will just become uninhabitable. As for why, 2 reasons. One, it's an experiment of the new spell. And two, the planet is in a spot that makes it an interdimensional and interuniversal focus point. The spell I will use should make even the area around the planet nearly impassible. Thus decreasing the chances of others using the same pathway the Wild Hunt used."
Vesemir: "Do you think others would?"
Rio: "Yes, I have already mapped some of the ways you can travel to this universe from. There are not many. And ones from outside our Multiverse are even fewer. The path they are using now is one of the likely very few that exist."
Vesemir: "Can't they travel without these paths? Isn't that how you do it?"
I make a so-so gesture with my hoof.
Rio: "It's technically possible. But once I seal this Universe, the only way to get here would be via the physical paths. The way I move is technically very different. The System has preplanned routes, and I take them. Other times, the Trials are just simulations. Right now, if a being like Death wanted to enter this Universe, she could if she used an avatar and used the right spell. But if Eredin were to try it without a physical path, he would be obliterated by the barrier surrounding all Universes. It is built to keep outsiders outside. Mind you, bypassing it is not impossible; you just need the right spell and the proper amount of power."
Vesemir: "Wait, then how did Ciri get here?"
Rio: "Hmm, I can't say for certain, but my guess is that the Elder Blood lessens the requirements for entering a Universe. It also helps her find the path of least resistance. She can foresee the future. She can teleport. Thus, she can unconsciously find the optimal route to get where she wants to go. Time and Space working together in a single body. I can understand why Eredin wants Ciri. For weak beings, her power can be the solution to all resource crises before they even happen. A gateway into the Omniverse and beyond."
Vesemir: "You don't sound all that interested."
Rio: "That's because I'm not. It's interesting as a study object, but it has a hard limit. The Elder Blood is great for traveling but nearly useless in the grand scheme of things. I am not sure how to say it, but it has a hard limit on growth. Sure, she has a higher ceiling than most humans, but that's it. She might only have a maximum power on par with Orochimaru. But I honestly doubt she could match him."
Vesemir frowns, and I can tell he is upset. Before he gets really angry, I sense he just gets sad.
Vesemir: "Sigh. It kind of hurts to hear that the thing that entire kingdoms and civilizations fought and died over was not that important. I died making sure the Wild Hunt didn't take her."
Rio: "Sorry, I didn't mean to insult you or your efforts."
Vesemir: "No, you're fine. I know that you don't mean anything malicious by it."
Rio: "To be fair, even matching Orochimaru is really strong for your world. But I am sure you have spoken with Orochimaru and know that he isn't even considered the strongest in his original world. If she trained to use her power and was creative, she might be able to punch above her weight class."
Vesemir: "Sigh. Sometimes I forget how strange our group is."
Rio: "Hahaha, yes, we are quite the unique collection of beings. But we should focus on drawing in all the enemies we can get. I would rather not have to deal with stragglers."
Vesemir: "Geralt and I can make the enemy approach us with less caution. Are you sure they will send so many troops?"
Rio: "Positive. Eredin is desperate, and he won't risk losing track of Ciri again. And I can tell they haven't done much scouting beyond a few hundred kilometers. Very few live in this region. They will first encircle the castle, and then they will try to force you to surrender. Just stall them. It should only take a minute or two to cast the spell, and once it is cast, they won't be able to escape. Oh, and sorry ahead of time. I will fix the damage it does to the environment afterward."
He just raises his brow at me.
Vesemir: "Are you sure you can do that? Isn't it supposed to make the planet uninhabitable?"
Rio: "I can control the spell and its aftermath for a period of time after it is cast. And if I can't, I have ways of undoing the effects."
Vesemir: "Very well. Now, can you let me down?"
I look at him and give him the blankest stare I can manage before responding.
Rio: "No."
I walk away.
Vesemir: "WHAT?! What do you mean no!? Rio, get back here! You can't leave me like this!"
I giggle and make sure the spell will wear off if someone touches him or if 30 minutes pass. I move to one of the towers and set up the illusion.
Authors Note:
Until next time Ciao.