Ben Ten X Dc

Chapter 7: Superboy

(POV SuperBoy)

"Be Free."

Was all I could hear from someone I didn't know and threw across the room.

Why would He a total stranger tell me to be free?

What is free?

"Great work project Kr."

The doctor congratulated me on my performance. Which fell on deaf ears as I focused on what He said.

"You don't have to listen to Him."

Another voice spoke this time it wasn't the same as before it was a man who took the most damage besides the one I threw. This man had weird things on His neck and markings across His body.

Yet like the other one He only spoke to me as a person not as a thing.

Suddenly I felt a slapping across my face where once I turned I saw the Doctor wipe the pain off while screaming.

"Pay attention to your creator!!!"

The man in the Golden helmet wanted to move and stop the Doctor from hitting me but chose to stop as He raised His hand soon then brought it back down to his side.

I felt something I couldn't control and felt like something was breaking until I felt something jump on my shoulder calming me down.

I felt something or one telling me to calm down saying it wasn't time I didn't understand and just fell asleep to the control over my body.


(POV General)

After SuperBoy's mind was taken over by the Genomorph. SuperBoy became more responsive with orders.

Doctor Desmond the head person in charge of CADMUS was pleased and ordered the SuperBoy and Guardian to leave while Desmond spoke to His head Genomorph ordering Him to bring in a team of scientists to scrounge up some DNA from the new prisoners.

As the Genomorph followed Desmond's commands His horns glowed Red sending a message to His fellow Genomorphs.

Away from them where Superboy and Guardian were leaving. Once they walked past another Genomorph.

This one seemed of human size with fists as big as a human head.

The Genomorph on SuperBoy's shoulder jumped off and onto the other Genomorph releasing SuperBoy from His hypnotic slumber.


SuperBoy thought to Himself only to hear an unfamiliar voice echoing out through His head.

"You must flee brother."

SuperBoy was confused and wanted to ask questions but before He could he was given sets of directions going around corners and hallways until. He was back to the room where he imprisoned the intruders.

Still confused SuperBoy walked through hearing the voice again.

"They can help you, especially the one in the wall He is like us. He will help you."

SuperBoy was still confused repeating His prime directive as the SuperBoy was a clone using Superman's DNA to replace or kill Superman whenever He was to leave the Light.

Suddenly that prime directive was closed like a distant memory and from that the alarms set off.

SuperBoy now panicking began to follow what the voice said and first released Aqua-Lad, Kid Flash, Robin, and then Shift.

"Thank you"

"Took you long enough."

Aqua-Lad and Kid were the only ones to talk while Shift was knocked out slowly waking up on the ground due to Robin spraying a blue tonic on His mask.

Where upon breathing it into His mouth woke Him up like a cat nearly jumping up.

Once up Robin filled in Shift on the situation that SuperBoy released them and that the alarm went off.

Once standing Shift didn't utter a word until He was face to face with SuperBoy who had His guard up.

Shift raised His hand to extend it into the handshake. SuperBoy was confused but He didn't sense hostility and shook His hand and heard Shift speak.

"Thank you"

With that handshake over with Shift took control saying a set of orders.

"Kid go scout outside and mark out any creatures outside. Robin, you see if you can crack any CADMUS systems and get us eyes and ears. Aqua-Lad, SuperBoy, and I will lead the charge. Let's go."

With that said and done Kid sighed thinking how cool that was but still went and ran around CADMUS scoping out all who was there while the rest followed.

This went on for five minutes until Superboy heard the voice from before giving out directions.

We decided to follow Him after hearing Him say the voice told Him to help us it also helped that Robin couldn't hack into CADMUS so we followed SuperBoy.

At the end of following SuperBoy, we were led to a bathroom where once inside were surrounded by Genomorphs outside.

"I knew we shouldn't have trusted Him!"

Kid flashed claimed receiving a stare from SuperBoy.

"Now is not the time to place blame."

Aqua-Lad like usual came and stopped the fight that was beginning to brew as both Robin and Shift spotted the ventilation system.

Soon both of them looked at each other and smiled which wasn't visible on Shift's face due to His mask.

After that realization, everyone got into the vents and made their way to the elevator escaping to the surface.

While the Team was following suit to the elevator Doctor Desmond was in His office searching for something.

"Where is it? Where is it!?"

After a few seconds of searching, Desmond found a vial of a purple tonic and smiled at His Blockbuster Formula.

Where after consumption began to enter a physical change. Changing his height, muscle mass, and facial features to resemble that of a monster.

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