Chapter 22: chapter 22 : Humiliation and profit
The tension was fierce in the ballroom as Laban and a few other nobles tried to calm the situation, others wanted Barkha dead or simply wanted a show of strength as the women in the room demanded a duel.
"We are here as representatives of my family, I refuse to let us be the core of a conflict with the Midland for the sake of our banks here. I urge you not to do anything offensive." Giorgio told Barkha who looked at him mockingly.
"Hey, I was eating and it was the future corpse who came to provoke me. First of all, you have no orders to give me since it's your father that I do business with and secondly, why should it be up to me not to do anything offensive if I have been offended ?" Barkha asked him nonchalantly and Giorgio came closer to whisper that if he lost this duel then he would halve the price of a ship of his choice from the Vandimion fleet.
Hearing this, Barkha's ear twitched and his gaze became as fixed as a cat seeing a bird for a few seconds before his expression turned dark.
"Vandimion, do you take me for someone who sells his honoré ? Do I look like a low-ranking mercenary or a prostitute you can buy like that ? Do you do that again and I'll rip your head off to offer it to your father..." Barkha threatened him and Giorgio continued to stare at him.
Giorgio: Okay, no more discounts... I'll offer you the ship of your choice, you must understand that our interests in the Midland are important especially after their victory over the Tudor Empire.
"My position remains the same..." Barkha replied while drinking wine.
Giorgio: Lose this duel and not only will you get a free ship of your choice but also a half discount on two other ships of your choice.
"Deal !" Barkha shouted happily attracting the attention of the people around while shaking hands with Giorgio who was cursing him in his mind, his father will not be happy with this transaction but long term interests were a priority.
The duel accepted, a space was made for them in the middle of the ballroom with Reno in the center with a fierce expression with his saber in hand waiting for Barkha who stepped forward smiling.
"This duel will end when one of the two opponents dies or gives up continuing the duel. Are you ready ? " Laban asked them as a referee, Reno made a series of movements with his saber and Barkha didn't answer, he went to get a small knife from the banquet table before returning and saying he was ready.
"Is this a joke you are playing on us ?" Laban asked Barkha in displeasure as a hubbub erupted in the crowd.
A great swordsman and general like Reno was being challenged by someone with a small table knife, even though Barkha was known for never losing a single fight and had confidence in himself, this gesture was an insult.
"Do what you have to do and announce the start of the duel " Barkha said and Laban looked at the king who signaled that he didn't care.
The signal for the fight was given and Reno rushed at Barkha to strike him with a slash of his saber that Barkha nonchalantly deflected with the knife before quickly thrusting the blade of the knife into Reno's right eye at a speed that the latter unfortunately could not avoid and remove the blade just as quickly.
"UAAAAAAAAAAAARGH" Reno screamed in pain as he threw his saber before placing both hands where his eye once was while Barkha looked with amusement at the eyeball at the end of the small knife under the horrified gaze of the people in the room and especially the women who screamed in fright.
"I give up the duel, it's a heroic victory of your one-eyed general who was way too strong for me..." Barkha said with amusement to the King of Midland and the latter stared at him.
Giorgio cursed Barkha with all his soul, he had been fooled by this greedy bastard because even if he had lost, their agreement didn't specify in what way.
Ros watched the scene as her vaginal region had become completely wet, Barkha had a terrible effect on her after two years without seeing each other.
"That speed... a single blow from the general showed me that he was a very good swordsman even if he is not at my level or Griffith's and yet Barkha had fun with him as if he were a child. The gulf between us has not been reduced, on the contrary... " Guts thought while clenching his fists as the hawks began to murmur to comment on Barkha's diabolical display.
Griffith said nothing but his gaze remained fixed on Barkha as if he was looking at something desired but far from his reach by light years.
They saw Reno reach for his saber before straightening up.
" DIRTY DOG, I WILL KILL YOU FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE " He yelled while pointing his blade at Barkha.
Laban told him that the duel was over by Barkha's abandonment and that insisting would shame the king but Reno completely out of control rushed once again towards Barkha and prepared to strike him with his saber with an even faster blow but in full motion, Barkha threw his knife at him which lodged itself right in the middle of Reno's forehead who was killed instantly.
For a moment, no one said anything and the king completely angry stood up pointing his finger at Barkha.
"LORD GRIFFITH, MAY YOU AND YOUR BRAVE WHITE FOENIX BRING ME THIS MAN'S HEAD..." The king yelled as the hawks got serious faces listening to this, Barkha had an even more amused smile on his face as Griffith stepped forward to bow down to the king.
"Your Majesty, my life belongs to you and Barkha is a formidable opponent. Only, due to tonight's occasion, we don't have our weapons like Lord Reno.
Furthermore, the general died attacking Barkha after the duel was stopped and as a general, he represented you and insulted the crown in his thoughtless act.
Barkha is here on behalf of the Vandimion family and attacking him because he defended himself would be an act of provocation against this powerful family for whom several kingdoms could fight, we have just come out of a war that cost us a lot. Should we provoke another one for the actions of a general who died without honor by humiliating your crown by his manners ?
Please forgive my words, I am not your advisor but your sword and if you still want me to act despite what I have just told you then my men and I will act according to your will, my king… "Griffith said while waiting for the king's decision who despite his anger and frustration took a moment to think before sitting down again, he motioned for Griffith to step aside and looked at Barkha saying that out of respect for the Vandimions, he was going to leave this situation as it is and Barkha who had already returned to the buffet table ate while shrugging his shoulders without even looking at the king.
Because of tonight's drama and the death of a general of the kingdom, the party lasted less time than expected and Barkha withdrew to go to the brothel where he réside.
His decision to sleep in brothels annoyed Giorgio a lot because he didn't want his family to be involved in this kind of thing and unfortunately for him, Barkha did not care even if he represented the Vandimion with Giorgio.
His mission was to protect Giorgio in his annual tour in the kingdoms where the main Vandimion businesses were established. Giorgio wasn't just anyone and certainly, a Vandimion risked his life in such a trip because they had less prosperous competitors or opportunists looking for a heavy ransom if they succeeded in capturing him.
Technically, Giorgio already had bodyguards and they were competent but Frederico for this tour had hired the Brotherhood because he had his spies and knew that very dangerous people were going to try something, the Bakiraka clan had reached his ears.
For his stay at the castle, Giorgio will be protected by Barkha's men while the latter was going to enjoy the little pleasures that Wyndham could offer him.
He completely left the castle and as he headed towards the brothel of the Rose which was the most expensive in the capital, he saw Guts and Ros walking towards him as if they had been waiting for him there.
"I told you he would definitely come this way, his reputation as a debauchery is fierce..." Ros said to Guts with amusement as they approached Barkha who gave them a smile, these two had left the castle for a while.
"I had to taste the women of this kingdom, they say they have pretty warm thighs..." He said, spreading his arms and she ran to hug him, holding him tightly against her.
As Ros basked in his warmth and scent, he looked at Guts, telling him that he seemed to be doing well.
"I'm fine, I've made my way and grown up. So many years and nothing, not even a letter from you..." Guts told him, crossing his hands, Barkha was supposed to be his adoptive big brother, but since their paths had separated, he hadn't shown any sign of contact with him.
"Rahahahah, as if you needed it. I have to tell you that I'm quite proud of you for defeating Boscogn, he was far from my level but this guy could defeat more than a hundred soldiers and his brute strength was on the same level as Duro my second four years ago." Barkha told him while raising his thumb.
Listening to this, Guts was quite intrigued because Boscogn was after Zodd the most dangerous enemy he had faced and Barkha had just told him that his own second was as strong as a monster like Boscogn four years ago.
How strong was this Duro now and more importantly, how strong was Barkha really now if his second was far much stronger than Boscogn now.
They talked a bit and decided to go to a tavern to talk around a table. Once there, they told each other things in a relatively good mood and it was after about 30 minutes that Griffith, Casca and Judeau entered the large tavern. Obviously, Barkha and the others who were sitting at the table on the balcony of the upper floor saw them enter and Griffith looked at them before smiling as did Judeau while Casca had a serious expression on her face.