Chapter 11: 10th Race - Pleading with the Phoenix
I stared at the news with hatred burning in my veins.
It didn't matter how many times I thought about what went wrong, the mistakes I made, the signs I missed. It had already happened.
There was nothing that could change the past.
What I had to do from this point forward was think about the future—the next minutes, the next hours, the next months.
The following years.
Each action and each choice that would bring me closer to my goal—closer to that race and that person. So I shifted my gaze, staring once again at the door. Waiting for the person who would help me take the next steps.
And I didn't have to wait long.
The young rider received the strange message only two hours before we met, and as I predicted it didn't take much for them to find me. When the young rider sat in the chair in front of me, I didn't even bat an eye. I continued to drink my tea and eat my bread.
During those couple of minutes we shared in silence, I could feel his eyes drilling holes in my face. His gaze fierce, sharp, almost menacing.
I could not help myself but smile.
"How is Blue? Once you officially enroll in Ergos, they will provide proper lodgment to you both, but since there's still some time until then I wonder how the big fella is faring in the storage I rented."
Emrys said nothing in reply, his eyes narrowing even more.
I had sent him a message, with the new crystal Angus got me, asking for us to meet. I made it very clear to him who was sending the message, without ever saying who I was.
"I know being apart makes it harder for your training, but I believe you are following a schedule just right. It's unfortunate you can't officially be sponsored by Ergos, since we closed the deal after the Golden Races. But hey, it's not like you won't get any other sponsor, right?"
Those were the races that were open to anyone. It was the competitions academies and sponsors paid close attention to in order to spot new talents and rising stars.
It was also the race they used as a cover to formally accept underground riders into their schools.
"I don't have much with me right now, but if you want I can get you something—"
"You promised you had erased that." There was so much venom on the boy's voice, it was enough to make me choke on my last words.
I shrugged.
"I did. That was a copy."
In order to prove my identity to Emrys, I sent him a message with a recording from one of his first races; the rare sight of him crying.
Honestly, I saved it because I thought he looked cute. A younger Emrys fighting back the tears while desperately clinging to Blue.
Before the boy could jump at me and choke me for real, I passed him the liquid silver containing the orb with the display.
"I swear, this is the last one."
Only when he grabbed the vial and put it away in his pocket did his eyes soften, becoming a bit less cold and harsh.
"So, why did you call me here? I thought you were a goner, after—"
I silenced him by placing my finger to my lips, finishing my bread in two bites.
"Let's not mention what happened. It's still…too fresh." I tried to hold back the bitterness in my voice but failed. "I called you because I need your help with something."
That made Emrys raise his eyebrows, his interest picked.
"You? Need my help? How could I help you with anyt—"
"I want to learn how to ride."
Emrys blinked.
I rolled my eyes.
The silence stretched between us for a few more seconds before Emrys spoke again.
"You. You want to be a dragon rider."
I could feel my cheeks flushing, a sudden embarrassment washing over me as I nodded.
And it only got worse when the boy started to laugh.
And never stopped.
"I'm-I'm sorry, but this is too-I mean, the great Jackal is—"
I shushed him, my eyes glancing around the people surrounding us to see if anyone had heard.
And Emrys still couldn't stop laughing.
"It's not that funny."
Somehow, my words made him laugh even harder.
"Oh, you are right. This is not funny, it's hilarious. Next thing you'll tell me is that you have a dragon, and bought them gear and treats…!"
I crossed my arms.
"His name is Styx. He is a two-legged, cold core. Air attribute. Got a good deal for him, too."
That made Emrys lose his smile, the amusement vanishing from his face.
Being replaced by shock.
And then curiosity.
"You are serious."
"Deadly serious."
"Why? You want the money?"
"I want revenge."
That seemed to confuse him for a bit, however, Emrys was smart.
He caught on pretty quickly.
"Alantra Harris goes to Ergos."
I felt as a smile stretched on my face.
"Indeed, she goes."
"What, you want to make her life at the Academy miserable?"
"Not quite."
I took the newspaper from my pocket and put it on the table, right in front of Emrys. He widened his eyes as he read the headline.
"Alantra Harris is one of the greatest contenders for this race. Not only has she been training almost her entire life for it, she specifically stated her desire to win the grand prize; a dragon egg said to be equal to no other."
Emrys' lips slowly curved into a smile, his eyes staring at me as if I was both a genius and a madman.
"You don't actually mean…" His voice trailed in the air, as if it was too shocked to continue.
"The StarWing Race only happens every 15 years, and there has never been such a prize.
Not ever since it was created centuries ago." I tapped my finger in the egg's drawing, my voice burning with poison and thorns. "Alantra Harris took everything away from I will take everything away from her. Her position. Her dreams. Her prizes."
"But first, you need me to teach you how to ride."
As Emrys completed my sentence, I leaned back in my chair. I nodded once, my eyes filled with shadows. A dark anticipation and force.
Because in order to ruin Alantra's life, I couldn't just pass Ergos' exam. I couldn't simply become one of the best students in the academy. No.
I had to qualify for the StarWing Race—
And win.
Emrys was not one to show his emotions with so many…expressions.
I thought I had seen Emrys nervous.
I believed I had seen Emrys surprised.
"…Jackal, you really…"
Apparently, I had been mistaken.
Because the way the kid was looking at me was almost scary.
"How can you be this bad? You kept shouting commands at us, and yet you ride like this?"
"Oh please, it's not that—"
"Everything you said before, it was a joke, right? You can't even get your pink toe into Ergos this way, let alone be a contender for StarWing."
I flinched, my butt still sore from all the falls.
Only a few meters away from me, Styx stood still. Watching me with piercing eyes and an amused grin.
After Emrys agreed to help me, I took him to the estate I got from Styx's previous owner. It was a place remote enough to give me some peace and quiet when needed, but it was also close to Ergos.
Yet most importantly, it had a great terrain for training.
It had a good magic field, and lots of tall trees and artificial mountains, as well as a decent cave system. There were also many structures that could be programmed to simulate other riders.
I couldn't have asked for a better settlement.
Problem was, I couldn't stay on top of Styx for more than one second once he took flight.
And we had been going at it all morning.
"Now I can see why you stayed locked away in your room, watching everyone and giving us orders. If I were as talented as you, I would also hide away in shame."
Emrys was looking at me from above, his voice as unforgiving as his gaze.
"I never tried riding a dragon before, once I get the hang of it I will—" I started to get up, brushing off the dirt of my pants, but then without any notice, I was falling on my back again.
With Emrys' foot on my chest, pressing me down.
The kid did not look cute anymore. His voice was like a frozen fire, gelid enough to send shivers down my spine yet hot enough to scorch me from a distance, while he glared at me as if he could stab me to death with his eyes alone.
"No, you don't get to stand up. Trash belongs in the ground. And as long as you are trash, you are not riding a dragon. Not until I say so."
It was at that moment I realized…
I had awakened a real monster.
And made him my teacher.