Beyond Invincible

Chapter 7: Chapter 7

His dad really made a mistake in telling him anything; now what was he supposed to do to salvage the situation? The only thing he could think of was to lie. Mark bit his lip, realizing he had unintentionally revealed more than he intended. "I, uh... it's just that things have been intense lately."

He needed to save the sinking ship, so he did what his dad was best at. "This was supposed to be a secret between me and my dad, but... You know how the guardians haven't really appeared in public recently?"

Mark waited for Eve to nod, also buying more time to organize his thoughts before continuing. "Thing is, an alien of the same race as my dad, uh, kinda... killed them?"

Eve's eyes widened in shock, and she took a step back. "Wait, what? An alien killed the Guardians of the Globe? And your dad's involved in this?"

Mark winced, realizing the impact of his words. "Yeah! But it's not what you are thinking; my dad is trying to find the culprit." He started panicking; the last thing he needed was for Eve to confront his dad; that was the definition of disaster.

Eve pinched the bridge of her nose. "Dial it back a little; did you just say Omni-Man is an alien?" At that moment, Mark didn't mind his dad just showing up and socking him in the face.

Mark sighed, realizing that he had crossed a line and revealed more than he intended. "Look, Eve, I shouldn't have said anything. It's complicated, and my dad is handling it. The less people know, the better." Now that Mark thought about it, didn't his dad and Eve talk about this already? Just what kind of lies did he tell her? Was she even aware of it?

Eve's expression shifted from shock to a mix of confusion and concern. "Mark, you're dropping some serious bombshells here. Your dad is an alien, and there's some conspiracy involving the Guardians of the Globe? Why didn't you tell me about any of this before?"

She crossed her arms, clearly not happy with Mark. "And why do you want me to drop it? I thought we were supposed to be a team, that together we would fix this; your dad clearly wants my help at least." She muttered the last part high enough for Mark to hear.

Just before the situation could escalate more, Mark's phone started ringing. "Look, I—just give me a minute; I got this." He pulled his phone in annoyance, but when he saw the number, his heart almost leaped out. "Uh, hi dad, is everything okay?"

Nolan's voice came through the phone, calm and collected. "Mark, I need you to come to the Guardians headquarters. There's been a development, and we need to discuss it in person. Bring Eve with you; it concerns her as well."

Mark exchanged a quick glance with Eve, and to his ever-growing regrets, he could see a mean look on her face. "Sure, Dad. We'll be there." He just hoped she wouldn't say anything to his dad and make him throw them to the sun in sheer anger.

As Mark ended the call, he turned to Eve with an apologetic expression. "Eve, look, I know this is a lot to take in, but my dad is handling it. We need to trust him, and we definitely don't want to get involved in something we don't fully understand."

Eve's frustration was evident, but she nodded. "Fine, Mark. We'll go to the Guardians headquarters, but I need some answers. And your dad better be ready to explain everything."

Mark pulled her by the arm before she could fly away. "Do not involve my dad, understand?!" That was the last thing he wanted. "I—sorry, just please don't." He let her go and flew before she could say anything.

Eve sighed, watching Mark fly ahead. She hated to do this to him, but it was necessary, and the fact that he seemed hellbent on keeping her in the dark made it all the harder to pull.

After flying for a while, the headquarters came from a distance, in all their imposing glory. And there he was, the Omni-Man, waiting for them at the entrance. When he saw him, he had a rare smile on his face but vanished just as quickly, sensing the tension between the two.

"Mark, Eve," Nolan greeted them, his tone even. "Thank you for coming. There's been a significant development, and we need to address it as a team."

They were confused when they saw him flying in the opposite direction of the headquarters. "What are you waiting for, an invitation?" he continued, flying away.

Nolan led Mark and Eve to a secluded spot away from the prying eyes. The air was tense, and Mark could feel the weight of the impending revelation hanging in the atmosphere. Nolan turned to face them, his expression serious.

It quickly dissipated when he patted them on the shoulder. "After extensive negotiation with Cecil, it was quickly determined that I would need to lead the new guardians of the globe."

Nolan's words hung in the air, and Mark couldn't shake off the confusion. He exchanged a bewildered glance with Eve, who seemed remarkably composed despite the bombshell revelation.

Mark's mouth hung open, and he slowly turned to Eve, who just nodded while ignoring him. "Wait...huh?"

"You're going to lead the new Guardians of the Globe?" Mark's voice held a mix of disbelief and uncertainty.

Nolan nodded, his gaze steady. "Yes, Mark. It's imperative that Earth has a unified and capable defense force, especially with the looming threat we face. Cecil and I have discussed this, and I believe it's the best course of action."

Mark's mind raced to make sense of the situation. He had just been training to form a new team, and now his dad was taking charge of the Guardians. The sudden shift in plans left him feeling disoriented. It was supposed to be just the three of them; it was obvious that was the plan, no?

Eve, however, seemed more composed than Mark expected. "So, you're going to lead the new Guardians. What does that mean for us?"

Nolan's expression turned thoughtful. "Mark, Eve, you both played a crucial role in the recent events. Your capabilities and dedication haven't gone unnoticed. I want both of you to be part of this new team, working alongside experienced heroes to protect Earth."

Mark's confusion deepened. "But... Eve didn't know about the Guardians. She just found out, and now you're talking like she's been part of this plan all along." He was feeling stupid right now.

Nolan raised an eyebrow, glancing between Mark and Eve. "Is that true, Eve? You were unaware of the recent events with the Guardians?"

Eve shrugged. "Yes, Omni-Man. Mark just informed me about it before we came here. I wasn't aware of the details until now." She raised an eyebrow as she looked at Mark. "Is that what you wanted me to say, Mark?"

Mark winced, realizing he had just thrown himself under the bus. "I, uh... I just didn't want you to say anything that might complicate things." He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling the weight of the awkward situation.

Nolan sighed, a mixture of amusement and exasperation in his tone. "Mark, we can't keep secrets from each other, especially if we're going to be a team. I already shared the details with Eve here, you see."

He patted Mark with more force than was necessary, making him wince. "And this was a test for you, which you failed, just so you know. You just proved you can't be trusted with any sensitive information, Mark."

As Mark looked at the ground, not sure what was real anymore, Nolan clapped his hands, motioning for everyone to move on.

"Now, let's move past this little hiccup," Nolan continued, his tone shifting to a more serious note. "The new Guardians of the Globe will be a formidable force, and I believe both of you have the potential to contribute significantly. I've discussed the team's composition with Cecil, and we'll be recruiting heroes with diverse skills and experiences."

Mark, still recovering from the revelation, managed to nod. "So, you're leading the team, and we're a part of it. What's the plan, Dad?"

Nolan's gaze turned towards the city, his expression resolute. "The plan is to prepare for the looming threat. We'll conduct extensive training sessions, enhance our coordination, and ensure that when the time comes, the new Guardians are ready to defend Earth against any adversary, especially against Thragg."

Eve, absorbing the information, spoke up. "Thragg? Is that the name of the alien who attacked the Guardians?"

Nolan nodded. "Yes, Thragg is a powerful adversary, and we can't underestimate him. The new Guardians will be Earth's first line of defense, and our duty is to protect this planet at all costs."

Mark's mind was still catching up with the sudden turn of events. "So, we're forming this new team to take down Thragg and anyone else who threatens Earth?"

Nolan affirmed, "Exactly, Mark. We need to be proactive and prepared. The safety of Earth depends on the strength and unity of the new Guardians of the Globe."

Eve, despite her initial frustration, seemed to be coming to terms with the situation. "I'm in. If this is what it takes to protect Earth, then count me in."

Nolan smiled, a rare warmth in his eyes. "Good to have you on board, Eve. Mark, I know this is a lot to process, but I believe in both of you. Together, we can face whatever challenges come our way."

Mark took a deep breath, realizing that the dynamics had shifted once again. "Alright, Dad. We're in this together. Let's make sure Earth is safe from whatever threats may come."

Nolan nodded in approval. "That's the spirit, Mark. Now, that's all for today, and remember." He looked at Eve, waiting for an answer.

Eve smiled. "It's up to us, the three of us, to make it count." Mark's hands felt numb as he looked at his dad and Eve; he almost didn't recognize them.

Nolan nodded. "That's right; don't ever forget it, even when you become a member of the new guardians of the globe."

Mark had enough and wanted to be away from those two. "I'll... see you guys later; I need to prepare for dinner and all that, you know."

Mark flew off, leaving Nolan and Eve alone in the secluded spot. Nolan turned to Eve, his expression serious. "Eve, I appreciate your understanding in this matter. Mark has a lot on his plate, and he's still coming to terms with everything."

Eve raised an eyebrow, not entirely satisfied with the outcome. "Testing his ability to handle sensitive information? Was that really necessary, especially at a time like this?"

Nolan looked unfazed. "Especially at a time like this, the sooner that boy realizes it's not fun and games, the better he'll be able to handle the more raw aspects of what being a hero is about."

Eve crossed her arms, her gaze unwavering. "I get it, Omni-Man. But you need to be honest with me. What's the real plan here? Why make Mark doubt you even more with this little act?"

Nolan studied Eve for a moment before sighing. "Eve, I understand your concerns, and I appreciate your straightforwardness. The truth is, I don't think Mark is ready yet."

Eve's expression softened and she nodded, picturing how much of a mess Mark has done with his life. "I see. But, Omni-Man, we're supposed to be a team. Trust is crucial for that. Testing Mark like this might strain that trust."

Nolan sighed, a hint of weariness in his eyes. "Eve, I know it might seem harsh, but trust needs to be earned, and I need to be sure that we can handle whatever is thrown our way."

Nolan considered her words. "I know what I'm doing, Eve, just make sure Mark doesn't do anything stupid while playing hero, and I'll make sure this new team doesn't destroy more than it tries to save." With those words he vanished, creating a gush of wind.

Eve took a deep breath, contemplating her role in all this. She understood the need for caution and preparation, especially considering the looming threat of Thragg. However, the means by which Omni-Man chose to deal with the situation left a bitter taste of unease.

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