Beyond the Limit (DC)

Chapter 7: 7

Joseph learned her name in passing—Selina Kyle.

She never said what she did, but she didn't have to. The way she carried herself, the things she said, the things she didn't say—he knew.

For hours, she humored him. Listened. Challenged his ideas. Shot down his dumb plans before he could even get attached.

It was the most productive conversation he'd had in years.

By the time they reached her penthouse, arms full of designer bags, she still hadn't told him to get lost.

He knew what kind of woman she was now—expensive taste, and the means to afford it.

"I don't need to fight," Joseph said, grinning at the thought of the perfect heist. "I just need to steal. Get in, get out, no one even knows I was there."

"Uh-huh." Selina gave him a dry look. "That's the general idea, kid. You're not supposed to get into trouble. Unless you're one of those flamboyant crooks who like going after heroes for fun."

Joseph's disgusted expression made her smirk.

"Well, at least you're not completely delusional," she said. "But if you keep pulling heists and getting away with it, eventually, you'll run into dear old Batman."

Joseph already knew that. But he had powers now.

Selina lazily filed her nails. "Even if the League keeps him busy, he's got his little sidekick Robin running around. Think you can handle them?"

Joseph leaned back on her couch. 'I could definitely take them now.'

He didn't say it out loud. No way was he giving that away.

Selina studied him, then sighed. "Leave Gotham. This isn't the city for small-time thieves. Someone will eat you alive."

"No money to leave," Joseph muttered. "That's the whole point. I've got maybe two months before I'm out on my ass."

Selina was quiet for a moment. Then she stood and gestured for him to do the same.

"Hands up."

Joseph hesitated, then slipped into a ready stance.

And in the next instant, he was on his back.


"Always be alert," Selina said smoothly. "Now get up. Hit me once, or grab me, and I'll teach you everything I can in a month."


She didn't hit him back—not at first. But that didn't mean she let him take lunges at her without consequences.

Her nails, even bare, were wickedly sharp. She had no problem using him as a scratching post. She tripped him into walls and countertops, flipped him upside-down, twisted him inside-out. He bumped his head on end tables, skidded across hardwood.

Selina figured he'd endure as much as one boy could, then quit. But he didn't. He kept going. His stamina was impressive.

It took thirty minutes before Joseph finally touched her. He had to rely on Nova, his nanite system, to boost his strength at the last second.

She could've knocked him unconscious whenever she wanted. But she didn't. And that told her something. If she could do it this easily, even Robin would tear him apart.

Joseph let go weakly, and Selina glanced down at the red mark on her wrist.

She was getting soft.

"One month," she said. "Listen to everything I say, and keep your mouth shut. If you ever get caught, you learned all of this from no one. And don't come back here again."

Joseph gave a serious nod.

"Now go home and clean yourself up. I don't know about you, but I could use a long bath."


Joseph collapsed onto his couch, staring up at the cracked ceiling as Nova ran diagnostics.

//Minor abrasions, muscle strain detected. Estimated recovery: four minutes. Resume standard settings?//

He shut his eyes. 'Yeah.'

Nova could've healed him instantly, but that wasn't the point. If he couldn't handle this the hard way, he had no business doing it at all.

First things first—rest.

'Put me under. Wake me in eight.'


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