Chapter 56: The new management
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''We will pay loyalty with respect''
-Wilhelm von Hohenzollern
-Third person
Since the Prussian king had assigned the new governors, several weeks had already passed and gradually, normality was returning to the fertile reach.
The governors work side by side with all the members of the Prussian army, making the most efficient use of the scarcest resource in the Prussian army
Men who could read and write, which were totally needed everywhere in the Prussian administration, a scarce resource that had to be used with perfect efficiency and no margin for error, since the new territories obtained by their monarch were extensive and prevented a local administration in all the villages.
For this reason, only the villages that fulfilled certain requirements of more than five hundred inhabitants were prioritized, the rest were temporarily in the hands of an ambulatory Prussian administration that passed once every moon through villages smaller than the amount determined by the Prussian monarch.
In a village quite near goldengrove, which had almost two thousand inhabitants, the Prussian administration had already settled down and had begun to organize the population.
Along with the two thousand inhabitants in this village, there was a Teutonic knight, an engineer, twenty-five soldiers and a doctor, and once every month a judge had to come who would settle all legal disputes between the inhabitants.
''And this is the barn... m'lord?'', said the village elder looking at the imposing Teutonic knight who was checking the important buildings in the village.
''My name is Konrad and I am not a lord, just an administrator in the service of his royal majesty Wilhelm von Hohenzollern, I hope you will not make this mistake again'' said the Teutonic knight looking at the almost empty barn.
''I will take it into consideration...'' the old man tried to say, but was interrupted by a man with a bird mask.
''Why the fuck are rats in the barn?'', asked the man in the bird mask.
the old man looked at the granary and noticed that there were only a couple of rats moving around among the sacks of grain.
''Just... It's just a rat, it doesn't matter much'', said the village elder without much concern.
''IT DOESN'T MATTER MUCH?, the grain could be contaminated, no wonder you are sick and skinny'' said the Prussian doctor angrily.
''We have to burn the grain and clean everything, look for the burrows, or all the grain stored in that barn will be at risk of contamination, we can't sell a poor quality product'' the doctor told the knight
''Gather a couple of young men, we will burn all the grain, we must prioritize the health of the villagers and ensure that we do not sell grain that could kill its consumer'' the knight said nonchalantly to the village elder.
''But... but... But that's all we have until the next harvest, we'll starve to death'' said the old man showing a horrified face.
''Better than dying of fever and muscle pain'' replied the doctor making a disgusted face that was hidden by his bird mask.
The Teuton took out a notebook from his tabard and began to review what he had written in it
''a shipment of grain must arrive in town tomorrow, as it would be used as an incentive for the jobs, but due to the risk of contamination this is a priority job, I want the barn clean and rat free, so this job must be finished today'' said the knight, as he started to move.
''But what about us?'', asked the pale old man who was looking helplessly at the new ruler of his town
''Well, you can work on helping our projects, we will deliver food or you can try to forage, it is up to you'' said the knight looking at a house.
The old man opened his mouth, but his words did not come out.
''That house must be demolished, it is a risk for the inhabitants, if it collapses it could hurt people'' said the knight without paying much attention to the old man while he pointed to a house with rotten wood.
''That house belongs to one of the men who marched... with our lord... we can't tear it down until we know what...'' said the old man.
''It wasn't an opinion nor was it a question, it was an order'' said the knight as he continued walking.
''Yes.... eh Konrad''' replied the old man
''What do you do to survive in the village'' said the knight Konrad.
But before there was an answer from a window of one of the houses a woman threw her waste out of the window falling almost at the feet of the Prussian doctor.
The knight and the Prussian doctor emitted a sound of disgust and annoyance.
''They live like animals... I thank the aromatic plants in my mask'' said the doctor to the knight in his language.
''Lucky man, these barbaric and dangerous customs must change'' said the knight trying to cover his nose, but his helmet prevented him from doing so.
''We have to dig some latrines, we could use them to make organic fertilizer'' said the doctor.
''We are going to spend the year's budget in just one month with so many projects to finance, we will have to request more funds from the governor or it will take more time than it should to civilize these lands'' said the knight annoyed and writing down everything in his notebook.
''from now on it is forbidden, for people to do that... whoever is caught doing such a disgusting act, will spend a good time with forced labor'' said Konrad to the old man.
''Ah.... is.... okay'' replied the old man with his head lowered.
''Well do as I have ordered, when you have finished send me all the young males between twelve and sixteen years old, we will need them'' said the knight walking to the house he had taken as a work center.
''GOTT, this is going to be very difficult'' said the knight as he walked a little annoyed.
''What are you going to do with the youngsters?'', asked the doctor.
''I have orders to teach them to work, to know how to do more than just plow the land, in the next few months tools will be arriving to work the land, which should make working times shorter, but now with the grain sown, they don't have much else to do but watch their animals or do odd jobs to keep their homes in a decent condition that we teach them carpentry.''
''You know, build a palisade in town, a watchtower, new houses, most of them have rotten wood, a corral for the cows, a town hall so we don't have to depend on that abandoned house to take possession and a church to enlighten these heathens'' said the knight taking out his crucifix
''Please don't forget a hospital...I don't want to think how dirty their homes will be, but operate in these conditions.... if they don't die from the pain, surely an infection will do it''said the physician
''Go do your job, I will coordinate with the soldiers to teach the young people of the town, something productive and hopefully get them out of the clutches of that false faith'' said the knight taking off his helmet.
The westerosis complied with what their new authorities had ordered, although not with a good face because they did not understand why they had to burn their grain for which they had worked so hard.
After cleaning the granary and sealing the rat burrows many young men gathered on orders of the Prussian knight
With the help of the Prussian soldiers who knew many jobs they used to do in the camp they set about teaching the young men more skilled jobs that would enable them to qualify for other work than inheriting the work of their fathers plowing the land.
Days passed and many people were forced to work for the Prussians if they wanted to have more food on their plates than their personal reserves.
The village slowly began to have changes that were noticeable
The first construction in town were latrines, which were received with various feelings, many people were accustomed to what they were used to doing their needs in a potty and throwing them in the street, or directly going to the river and letting nature take its course.
But the uncontrollable shouts of the Prussian doctor made many people simply start obeying to avoid having a ten-minute lecture on the importance of hygiene.
With the arrival of the building materials the Prussian knight led the construction efforts in the city, where nearly three hundred young men worked, helping the Prussians with shovels, saws and hammers to build houses.
The parents did not try to resist, as the Prussians offered a succulent deal in their eyes, 10 silver stags and two meals a day to their children simply for helping with building houses for themselves
The knight Konrad, aware of the importance of his mission, always tried whenever he had time to teach the young men to read and write when they were resting, promising them a well-paid job if they succeeded in learning the skill
The study material the Prussian knight priest used to teach them was the bible, promising spiritual paradise to whoever would accept god in his heart and abandon the pagan practice of worshipping the seven
Although the inhabitants distrusted the Prussians already because of their lack of knowledge and what their septon said about foreign demons, they watched as each passing day the Prussians did everything they could to fix their problems.
For the first time they felt that they were progressing and were not stuck in a monotonous life praying to their gods for a good harvest to avoid starvation, giving almost all their harvest to the feudal lord to receive only his protection in return
The more days passed the more people accepted the Prussians until they began to trust them, especially the grumpy doctor that although he was the most annoying of the group of Prussians was the one who cared the most for his patients, helping to heal wounds and cuts and even helping the midwives in the births of some babies although with some resistance from the mothers to his presence.
It was not to be expected when there were the first converts to Protestantism, being baptized by Konrad in the river and embracing them as if they were a lost brother, who was received as one of a large family.
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