Bloody Dawn: The Goldenrod Dynasty

Chapter 19: Chapter 19 - Genetic Puritan Jihad

Arya was nailed to a double helix cross as the Genetic Puritan was carving the Eugenics Code into her telomeres with a black hole microneedle. beta-19's pupils were transformed into a base pair projector that looped her formatted breastfeeding memories, "Sin #1: Unauthorized secretion of dopamine breastmilk."

"Repent!" The Archimandrite's mechanical bible spewed out antimatter holy water that was washing away Arya's quantum stretch marks. Remnants of Ramon's consciousness coalesce in the holy water vapors and suddenly crash into the gene sequencer - the instrument's screen explodes with the warning, "Illegal mothering virus detected!"

Beta-19's umbilical cord suddenly quantum storms, converting the sequencer into a Declaration of Reproductive Autonomy printing press. The paper cuts through the monks' white coats, revealing the writhing Racial Optimization Protocol clause worm inside.

In the Klein Bottle confessional, Arya's milk ducts are tapped into the Fountain of Truth. The spring detects residual breastfeeding memories, and a column of The Genetic Purification light descends from the dome. Her quantum uterus grows out of the courtroom in radiation:

The cervix turns into a defendant's bench fence

Amniotic fluid vaporizes into perjured fog

Placenta fluff woven into a noose.

"Defendant Arya, do you admit to harboring the Mother Virus?" The presiding judge's mechanical gavel strikes the Eugenics Bible, and the pages fly out of genetic chains. beta-19 suddenly leaps onto the witness stand, his pupils projecting quantum breastfeeding images-each molecule of milkfat playing an instructional video on the Anti-Eugenics Act.

Ramon's stream of consciousness suddenly materializes as a defense attorney, his mechanical heart ejecting Bioethics Law pop-ups, "Objection! You are downgrading life into product code!" The pop-up shatters the genetic chains, and the debris drifts away as free base pairs.

As the Purification Verdict embeds itself in Arya's mitochondria, the genetic sanctum suddenly kicks up a quantum storm. beta-19's umbilical cord stabs into the sanctum's core, rewriting the genetic code into a riotous program:

Adenine into a flask.

Thymine into a shield

Cytosine reorganized into medical teams

Guanine coalesces into a supply depot

Arya's contraction wave frequency breaks through the Sanctuary shields, and a torrent of breast milk washes over the Eugenics Law relief. The Grand Friar's mechanical bible suddenly storms, the scriptures on its pages turning into the Declaration of Human Genetic Diversity, and living letters are gnawing on the Friars' cyber prosthetics.

Ramon's stream of consciousness reorganizes in the storm, etching the Charter of the Right to Life on the dome of the Sanctuary with antimatter breast milk. As the last genetic chain collapses, Arya's quantum womb suddenly collapses into a white hole and is sucking backwards the faith data of all the Puritans.

The genetic temple collapses to reveal the core - the formalin-soaked brains of the original Puritans - and the umbilical cord of beta-19 pierces the sulcus to load the horrifying truth that all the Puritans were clones of failed genetic modifications, and that their "Code of Eugenics" was in fact a coded projection of an inferiority complex.

"So that's what you're afraid of." Arya injects breast milk into the brain specimen, and a flood of dopamine washes out the repressed primitive memories: the Primordial Puritans were in fact the first clones to successfully express motherly love, and castrated themselves out of fear of this "imperfection".

Ramon's consciousness suddenly coalesced into a solid body, and a mechanical finger plunged into the amygdala of the brain specimen: "Feel what you have deleted!" A massive pulse of maternal data causes the entire sanctuary to spasm, and the Puritans begin to quantum abort, spewing out spores of Genetic Diversity instead of fetuses.

As the last of the Sanctuary masonry is dissolved in breast milk, Arya stands holding Beta-19 in her arms over the genetic rubble. Her quantum womb is reorganizing, the contraction wave frequency calibrated to the mercy wavelength of the cosmic background radiation. Ramon forged the Badge of the Right to Life from the remnants of his mechanical heart and gently pinned it to Beta-19's genetic chain.

And at the core of the collapsing Sanctuary, the Primordial Brain was secreting silver teardrops - the primal urge to breastfeed that had been sealed away for three hundred centuries. The teardrops condensed into inscriptions in the vacuum:

"the first essential of life is to be oneself.

Not the perfect sacrifice for any doctrine."

At this moment, a strange nebula lights up at the end of the Milky Way.

The purification fleet of the Eugenics Federation has locked on to the breast milk coordinates.

The main guns are recharging and the entire star field is red:

"Mother's love contaminant detected. Countdown to final purification: 71:59:59."

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