Chapter 2: Prologue

Sometimes we look at stars and wonder, what if there was something out there we didn't know about. Some hidden force making sure we see what we want, hear what we have to hear, live how we are supposed to live and die when we are supposed to die. For a young girl, fate bent according to her actions.

In the busy city side of London, Maya had nothing to do with the world while listening to music inside a packed bus. The gentle sways and stops were a bit much but she told herself she had to endure most of it till the next stop. Her life so far was wasn't dramatic as one would've hoped but atleast she lived. To her atleast that's what these words meant. As the bus slowed down as the inertia slightly swayed her, she handed her fare and out she went out experiencing what might have been the most horrendous ride of her life.

"Never doing that again." She said, picking her phone from the pocket in her skirt. Her uniform was not as entalling as the girl who wore it. A black blazer on top of a white shirt with a blue cravat and pale blue skirt. Her ear buds fimrly placed in her ear, she tapped her phone screen playing a song to drown the stress she felt. Today wasn't one of those days she felt like talking to anyone. Normally she'd be walking with her friends but nothing could keep her mind off from what forced her to say those words to him.

"Your annoying, why can't you just leave me alone. I have a life too and so should you. Stop being tied to something that died Harry." The words still rang in her head. The music wasn't helping, in frustration she just put the volume on max and turned to the crossing.

Harry was basically behind her, in a way he felt he was stalking her but to him he needed an answer. Maya's behavior towards him changed over the course of 2 years as they grew distant despite being good friends. To him it just didn't sit right with him. With his pale brown hair ruffling down his hazel eyes, he tried catching up to her before she reached the crossing.


Harry turned around to hear the source of the noise until he saw an out of control speeding trailer crash down heading towards Maya who wasn't paying attention. People around just started screaming while those on the crossing just ran without batting an eye for Maya. Harry gritted his teeth and pushed through the terrified masses before making it to the crossing and pushing Maya away. Maya turned as her body slowly fell looking at who could possibly push her off balance before realizing the speeding truck coming towards her. His expression gave it away.

"Harry?" She said before the truck came crashing down on them both and everything went blank.

Her vision was blurred, every ounce of her body hurt like hell as she lay on the tarmac, she could hear someone call for the ambulance. She tried to look for Harry she never saw him. The screaming, the shouting clouded her thoughts, the pain unbearable she passed out. She awoke again this time the sounds of beeping and the medic besides her asking her to breathe. They were in an ambulance. She could barely see who it was, the beeping slowly faded as she drowned again into the darkness. Awoken again she could hear wheels screeching just below her. She almost felt she was reliving that same moment until the doctor looked her.

"Hang on, your gonna be fine." He said as they rushed through to the ICU wing.

"What about the boy?" One of the nurses asked. "The girl suffered more injuries, get another doctor for the lad." He said checking her vitals. He checked her pulse it was weak and fading. He rushed besides her turning the BPM monitor before he looked shocked.

"She's having internal bleeding and losing alot of blood, one of her arteries ruptured and I think she has a burst pancreas she might not live for the next few minutes." He said talking to one of the nurses. Maya couldn't hear anything nor see at all. She turned her head to the left and Harry lay there. She knew how he looked even when blurred. But once her vision cleared she thought she'd die. He was badly injured, a small streak of blood poured from his forehead covering a part of his eye in red. He's uniform battered and bruised. It wasn't until the blur came back only this time it was painful. She couldn't breathe, she tried raising her hand reaching out to him but she felt her strength seeping away. A warm hand caught her cold ones. She vaguely heard through his staggered breath, he called for her.



She lightly smiled before the doctor's and the beeping seemed distant, her vision clouded in darkness as the voices slowly started fading away into nothing else. All became still at the moment Maya died.

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