Chapter 4: 3: Unforeseen encounter

The warm radiant morning sun engulfs everything under it's powerful rays, including Maya deep in sleep with a not so pleasant dream. She can vaguely see herself, only the coldness she felt. And the sudden warmth of the hands that held hers.

"M..." The voice said distorted


Then she heard the sound of a truck and woke up instantly. Her breathing increasing, she placed her hand on her chest and calmed down before laying back on the bed exhausted.

"What does it mean, MA?" She thought with her other hand touching her forehead.

"I need to know, am close."

Shortly after she arose from the bed and opened the door to find Yama putting on his long coat. He looked at her with a not so grim like way.

"Your leaving?" She asked.

"Not really. I'm going to link up with another Fabled, gather Intel on what we are dealing with." He said shrugging off any dust on the coat.

"Am coming." She said

"No way. Only reason your not coming is because I don't know whether our meeting point might be an ambush and I prefer doing things alone." He said with one of his snake tattoos moving from his neck to his hand and a sigil appeared.

"Your to stay here until everything blows over." He said.

"You can't keep me here. I need to know what am fighting." She shouted.

"And that's the reason you die. The intel I gave you yesterday is more than enough to send any other breacher shivering yet here you are running into the chaos." He said as a vein pulsed from his head. Maya knew better than to test him. The petrified look he gave her questioned the words she was going to say. He opened the door walked out and closed it. Maya ran and tried to open the door but she couldn't. She looked through the key hole and the door was unlocked but it couldn't open. On the other side Yama's palm was placed on the door and the snake sigil disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.

He walked down and phased out of sight.

Maya left the door and slumped onto a chair as she grabbed the TV remote and turned on the TV. She clicked the remote passing through each channel until she landed herself onto the news channel. A report came in from the announcer.

Breaking News!!

Just in, Geosphere plaza was suddenly attacked by unidentified life forms that wrecked havoc across the plaza. Innocent by standers were forced to flee not knowing the threat or it's origin. As police enforcers arrived on the scene, a huge massacre was left behind with the some of the life forms brutally murdered and decapitated. But one true mystery still lingers amongst our minds, where are these beings from and what do they want from our civilization.

Maya turned off the TV then stood up murmuring to herself.

"I have to go to that plaza. I need to know what kind of enemy we are facing." She went to the door, placed her palm on one end of it and closed her eyes. She could sense the essence concentrated on the door handle showing spiraling snakes connected to the lock of the door. She remembered the other ability she obtained.

"Deformo" she enchanted, as the snakes writhed and dissipated.

She opened her eyes slowly held her breath and turned the handle. The door opened and she quickly ran out and closed before hearing a snake hiss as the door locked again with Yama's essence.

Yama felt the sudden shift of his essence he left locking the door. He stood at the edge of an apartment building on the top floor. Before he could even make a move, a crack appeared before shattering as a lady came out of the ripple. Her hair pale gold, her head brace a symbol of her fable. Her wings angelic yet powerful. Her eyes ocean blue and the dress she wore a blueberry pigment with gold etchings that pulsed with the sun.Yama stood there nonchalantly waiting for his visitor as she walked slowly towards him.

"Nice to see you too Freya. On what do I owe this visit." He said with displeasure under his voice.

"Always charming as ever, Yama." She said with no hint of emotion.

"But I've come on other business. Your report. Is it genuine?" She said her palms clasped together infront of her. She looked like an angel sent by the heavens. For Yama this image didn't suite him.

"Ofcourse it is. Low level Diabolus breached this epicenter compared to the ones on your end so I figured something is off." He said facing the distant city limits away from Freya's gaze.

"What did you find?" She asked.

"The Diabolus that emerged were too low level. When the breach happened, reports from the Early Birds suggest that three figures appeared first before the onslaught. Two B ranks and one A rank.

Freya frowned hearing this. Yama turned his head noticing but unfazed by it.

"Even the fates can't let you see an outcome." He said nonchalantly.

"You know very well this has nothing to do with the fates. Unlike those sisters that spend there time twindling the threads, I get to see the fate of a world. As for this one, you don't want to see what am seeing." She said furiously.

"Ofcourse you all decide the outcome of a world's view and see whether a world is worth saving or not." He said.

A thunder clap cut short their argument as it could be heard only by them. The rest of the civilians didn't hear it. They both stopped their expressions turning grim.

"That's all I need to know. I'll be taking my leave." She said walking away as she lifted her hand and a crack appeared before it shattered.

"By the way, the sisters mentioned a Breacher who's fate cannot be seen will appear here. Have you meet anyone new, a breacher maybe?" She asked.

Yama's thoughts didn't want to think what he thought. He just let out a sigh and spoke.

"None." He said his hands in his pockets.

Freya walked through the portal murmuring to herself.

"As if you could lie any better wretched snake." The portal closed before Yama let out another breathe.

"I hope it ain't you kid." He thought.

Maya on the other hand had arrived at the Geosphere plaza but was completely out of breathe from all the running she had to do to get there.

"How do you come to a world and you don't even have it's currency?" She thought angrily. She saw police tape and lines everywhere as officers guarded the area. She then remembered her ability she used to know whether Yama was a breacher or not.

"Controllare." She said as her vision altered at the scene as she saw distorted figures in huge numbers shouting and fighting against breachers who had arrived on scene all covered in gold smoke.

"Ordior Inspicere." She said as the distortions moved back in time inorder for her to see three lines that trailed off three figures. She let the distortions play again as she tracked where the trails were going.

"It's almost time prepare." One of the figures said before the other two disappeared.

"They shall know why the Diabolus grow with every fear we spread." He said staring at the busy highway side from an alley way. Drivers and civilians unaware of the pending danger that lurks in the shadows.

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