Chapter 2: Kraken's Coast
On Wednesday, both of them had already returned home. There was chaos there, the door was broken, windows without glass, and everything inside was overturned and overturned. What happened there?
Friends were amazed, there was something shiny left on the ironing board for breakfast, Harold looked at it closer. Suddenly, it started speaking something in German, but Charles managed to grab a translator and translate everything. Good day, adventurers! You don't know me yet, but you have to take the train that leaves at 7:30 tonight, it will take you to Berlin, then tomorrow you will board the "11" train, it will take you to your destination - Kraken's Shores! There you have to find the next puzzle fragment and further - The connection was lost.
It is only 10:48 now, we still have time to tidy up the house, eat, rest, dance and go! - Charles suggested. Actually, I would rather read the book "Zarkin's Garden" - Harold refused. And so, the two adventurers spent their day. First, they cleaned up the house, then had lunch, then rested, and later had dinner. It was 7:00 and they had to rush to the "Árbolville" station, named after their county. It was a Spanish name, as their county was heavily influenced by the Spanish.
The station was only 1km away from home, they could easily get there in 15 minutes. Charles and Harold put on their coats and left, because even though it was May, the nights were still very cold. Exactly at 7:16, they arrived at the "Árbolville" station to catch the train.
The train arrived after 14 minutes. It was difficult to call it a train, it was a real, wet, and old locomotive. Harold and Charles, of course, boarded it anyway. The locomotive was almost completely empty. There was only the driver and three and a half passengers, because there was one child there.
The friends sat in the seats labeled "6". The seats were uncomfortable, but still comfortable. Harold fell asleep after 35 minutes, but Charles only fell asleep around midnight.
The next day, they were woken up by a young man who spoke English. The friends understood him. Then they got off and saw that they were now in Berlin! The streets were full of people, horses, and carts, it was a real metropolis. Charles approached the train schedule and found the train "11," which left at 11:59.
Really, so late, it's almost tomorrow - Harold was surprised and angry. Yes, really, so late, well, there's nothing we can do... Do you want to see Berlin in the meantime? - Charles suggested. And so they went on a small adventure in Berlin. First, they went to a cheap restaurant called "Bon Apetit." Charles thought it was quite an unoriginal name.
The restaurant was cold and smelled good. The friends sat at the table and waited for someone to take their order. They waited and waited, then they realized that the restaurant was closed when a gypsy outside yelled at them. He pointed at them and pointed to the sign on the door. Well then - Harold refused - we will manage. Yes, we can manage for three days before I really, really feel like eating and drinking.
Next, the scientists went to Berlin Cathedral, which was also closed. Well, again - Charles sighed. In the end, they both decided to reconcile with ice cream waffles, which Charles had in his bag, and then they sat down on a bench in a park. And so, slowly both fell asleep and slept for two and a half hours.
Both scientists were awakened by the sound of grass being mowed nearby, it was already lunchtime. I want to eat! - Harold begged Charles. I have nothing to give. - Charles refused. But shouldn't we have something to eat? We should, but where? We are in Berlin after all, there should be some shop or market nearby. There is, but it will take about 2000 steps. That's not too bad, let's go! - Harold was ready to go. With my sprained leg it will take a while, but yes, let's go!
After 2000 steps or 21 minutes, they had made their way to the Berlin Central Market. There is a huge selection here - Harold marveled. But expensive, 15 pennies for a fish. - Charles examined the prices. The scientists walked through the market, until they noticed an interesting little house.
It was built at all strange angles, and was painted in all kinds of mystical colors. They decided to go inside. It was quiet inside, too quiet, the quietness soon disappeared when a short figure emerged from the corner.
Dad. - Charles exclaimed. Good day, Harold and Charles. Welcome home, son. It was Charles' father - Ben Bridgeton. You have a dad!? - Harold bulged his eyes. You yourself are about 70 years old, he must be around a hundred! People just don't live that long! Shh, be quiet, otherwise someone will think we're witches and send us to the gallows. - Charles said sternly. Okay, I'll remember that. - Harold quieted down.
Come, sit, eat, drink. - Ben Bridgeton offered, ignoring what the two said. We really should hurry. - Charles said. - But we can also stay a little longer. Then sit down. - The father calmly said. All three sat down and chatted for an hour about life and science.
Everything was peaceful, until a very elegantly dressed gypsy woman walked in. She looked like any other customer at Ben's little shop. Then suddenly, she pulled out a pistol and started shooting. Civilians hid behind the couch.
What's going on here? - Harold asked in a funny voice. Shooting. - Ben said dryly. I'll quickly remove her from the stage. - He said very seriously. Ben quietly dashed along the long sofa, past the overturned cabinets, and after an amazingly quick 7 seconds, the centenarian was already behind the gypsy woman.
Charles' father quickly disarmed the shooter, and then a small scuffle ensued, with hands. Ben vs gypsy woman. - Harold said at that moment. Charles's father skillfully won and the malicious gypsy girl lay on the floor - unconscious, though still breathing.
Well done, father! - Charles praised. Yes, it was colossal! - Herold added. Nonsense. - old Bridgton coldly refused, coming to the others. Herold and Charles slipped out from behind the sofa and sat down. Who was she? Everyone was thinking it, but no one said it. After a while, Charles called doctors from the clinic, who were across the street.
The gypsy girl was taken to the clinic and was never seen again. Charles glanced at the clock. It's already 4:00, we still have to see Berlin, right dad, we have to go. Goodbye, son! - Ben weakly shouted. Goodbye, Ben! - Herold added.
Friends did not spend too much time at the Berlin Central Market. They quickly arrived at Berlin Cathedral, a historic cathedral. The wise men couldn't get in because the doors were closed. They still admired the cathedral from the outside and soon continued their walk. Along the way, they saw various churches and parks. The friends had almost finished their tour, but one more place remained - the most powerful place. The scientists' last stop was the famous Brandenburg Gate.
There weren't as many people at the gates as Herolds had imagined, but that was good! They stayed there longer than planned. They didn't do much else, just strolled around, sat on a bench, and talked.
A young man overheard them and joined the conversation. Do you plan to go to the Kraken Shores? - the young man asked. The scientists were surprised that he spoke their language, and were further surprised that the young man had a golden tooth. Yes... - Herolds nervously replied. Oh, I could help you in your adventure. - the young man continued. - Do you know about Beroth? No, we've never heard of it. - Charles replied. Then the boy whispered and asked. - Did you receive a small device with a crystal that told you about the adventure to the Kraken Shores? Well, yes. - Charles started and Herolds finished for him. Great. - the boy said excitedly. - My name is Mur, I am a brave and heroic kid, and from now on I am your "ship boy"! Ship boy? - Charles wondered. It's a saying. - Mur reassured. Oh. - Charles and Herolds pondered for a long time.
Before they could resume their conversation, there was a kind of explosion nearby. We have to run, I'll explain later. - Mur urged them. They quickly dashed into a nearby alley and squeezed inside. Then they entered the sewer and took a breath.
What was that? - Herolds was in complete shock. Those were... - before Mur finished, Charles asked. - Them? Did you see someone? Yes, there were some dark figures nearby. - Herolds nervously answered. Oh, clear, I just didn't notice them, well, carry on Mur. - Charles politely stated. Thank you, those were the so-called raiders, they wear black clothing with black, yet beautiful armor, they also have all sorts of weapons, swords, bows, pistols, and some magical tricks. - the guy paused for a moment to let his companions consider all of that, and then continued. - And also, all raiders have the letter F on their chests, maybe that's how their leader is known.
The company continued further through the sewer tunnels. After a moderately long time, they reached a station. Charles and Harold sat down and waited, but Mur stood on his feet and looked nervous, ready to alert if the raiders were coming.
Four very interesting hours passed and the company was already preparing to board the locomotive, which would arrive soon. After a few minutes, the locomotive arrived. It was just as damp and gloomy as before. Inside the locomotive, there was only one other passenger - a gypsy-looking lady with fine clothes. She seemed familiar to Charles, but he didn't know, rather couldn't remember where from.
All three sat far from the gypsy lady. Charles and Harold sat together, but Mur sat alone behind them. Soon, all three fell asleep, and woke up only the next morning when they had reached Kraken Shores.
Waking up, they were all surprised to see a full locomotive with passengers. Maybe there were other stops along the way? Either way, it was loud - some were laughing, some were crying, and some were asleep.
Nearby through the window, Kraken Shores could be seen, at least that's what Harold thought. Soon the locomotive stopped with a screech. The conductor hurried over and unlocked the doors for the passengers to get out. The three friends grabbed their belongings and went outside.
Kraken Shores had much cooler weather than Berlin or even Árbolville. The odd company approached an information board and learned unexpected news. It turned out that Kraken Shores is just a small village in northern Poland, next to the Baltic Sea. Nevertheless, the place was beautiful, thanks to a huge rock formation that loomed over the entire village.
There was a small market by the information board, bustling with people, most likely tourists. Seagulls and albatrosses flew around, and the surroundings were quite lively. Come, I have a place I want to show you. - Mur encouraged his friends, and they followed. Along the way, they saw all sorts of sailors, merchants, and townsfolk.
After a while, Mur had brought them to an old observatory. Above the observatory door was a sign - Polar Star. This is the place. - Mur was pleased. Is this an observatory? - Harold asked rhetorically. Why did you bring us here? - Charles, curious, asked. There is someone inside who, I believe, can help us with our special mission. - Mur smiled.
The trio entered the old observatory. They were all surprised to see it full of tables and chairs, where sailors were sitting, and there was a lively atmosphere around. Oihj, oihj, ohjo ha haa! - one sailor laughed. Friends approached the ordering table and rang the bell.
Almost immediately, an old sailor came, hobbling, very old in appearance, with long, gray hair tied in dozens of braids. He had wrinkled skin and two wooden legs. Each of his steps made the air quieter and quieter. No one laughed anymore.
Oi, he he hē, what are you tourists looking for, a beautiful sightseeing spot? Oh ho ho, well you are in the wrong place, you can go out the door before it's too late! - the old and very hobbling sailor threatened. My name is Murrs, and these are my friends, Charles and Harold, have you by any chance seen anything similar to this? - the guy pulled out a magical, talking object from his pocket. The old sailor's face widened in surprise, and he took out the same object from the shelf. Charles also took out the same thing from his bag.
Then, all three of them, as if in agreement, put the objects together. Suddenly, from the epicenter, a small green tornado appeared, and inside was someone, in his opinion, important. Hello, dear heroes... you urgently need to go to Copenhagen island, and there you must count the magic words... - followed by unclear words, and the guest disappeared.
The magical objects fell from each hand. The amazed "heroes" looked around and saw that all the tables and chairs were knocked over and lying on their sides. The entire observatory was empty, everyone had disappeared except for the janitor.
Copenhagen Island, it can be found on the map, we need to go there, NOW! - the old good sailor concluded. No one argued with him. And who are you? - Harold asked. Ehem, I am Captain Pampelpaps, well I used to be a captain, a pirate captain, but now... - the old man stated. So you are a pirate!? - Harold began and Charles finished. Well, I was, but now I have been working as a salesman for 14 years, but I am ready to help you get to Copenhagen island! - Captain Pampelpaps bravely called out.
Wait, Murrs, how did you know that the captain had that object? - Charles asked. The recording said so. Our recording did not say that. - Harold denied. Obviously, each of our recordings is different. - Murrs concluded. I guess so. - Charles and Harold said simultaneously. Alright, come on! - The Captain was already becoming impatient. - We need to get to my ship!
And now the whole gang went to a ship, it wasn't that far at all. The ship was beautifully docked at the docks. At the back of the ship was its name: "Eye of the storm". So there you have it, but first we need a crew... with at least one janitor. - The Captain commanded. But where is that island located anyway? - Murrs didn't understand. The map is on the ship, let's climb up to the deck! - Pampelpaps encouraged. Good thing there was a rope to climb up on. Slowly, everyone climbed up the rope and struggled their way up. The ship's deck was spacious and partially clean. There were some barrels and crates around with food.
Let's go there. - Captain pointed to the door on the other side of the ship. The doors opened with a loud creak, and in front of them was a spacious chart room. There were all kinds of maps on the walls. There were ancient maps (from the year 200) and also new maps from this century. In the center of the room, there was a large world map placed on a big table.
Here it is. - Captain Pampelpaps exclaimed, pointing to a small map on the floor. The map even had country names indicated, but it was some unknown, possibly long-forgotten language. Dáná? Germania? Polés? Balté sea? - Charles read the country names to himself. The X point is Copenhagen Island. - Pampelpaps pointed to the X point on the map. I will go collect the janitor from the observatory, meanwhile, you find a brave sailor. - captain commanded and went to get the janitor.
Charles and Harold stepped off the ship and went into the streets to find a sailor. They didn't have to look for long, as every other passerby was a sailor. The two friends brought the nice sailor back to the ship. While they did that, Murs examined the ship more thoroughly. After a few hours, the team was ready: captain Pampelpaps, the janitor - Johnson, the ship's boy - Murs, the sock - Harold Rimnijs, the wise one - Charles Bridgeton, and one more sailor.
The journey started with a great start! The wind blew well, the skies were clear, and there was enough food and drink for 30 days. The first day passed peacefully, Charles spent time looking at the vast sea while Harold stood at the helm. No one really steered the ship, only the fast wind and the people's desire to reach the island. The janitor cleaned the deck, the captain was somewhere lost, and that one sailor patrolled the ship's deck calmly.
The second day passed cheerfully and quickly. It rained all day, so everyone gathered in the captain's cabin, and there they played chess all day. I haven't introduced myself yet. - that sailor said. - My name is Alexander Rimnij and I- Rimnij? That's one of my last names, then you are my relative? - Harold interrupted the sailor. It doesn't seem so, but maybe still, some distant, very distant relative. Well then, nice to see you, relative!
The third day was sunny and hot, also the last day of the journey. The old ship was already close to Copenhagen Island. Here is your destination, Copenhagen Island! - captain started. - I have been here many times, there is nothing special here, just a forest and a beach.
The ship docked at an abandoned dock, and everyone carefully descended the stairs to the shore, except for the observer who stayed on guard on the ship. The rest went further into the island. Indeed, there is really nothing here. - Murs said disappointedly. Everyone walked around and saw nothing special. Only Harold noticed something small and shiny in the beach sands. He decided to pick it up...
Suddenly, a loud roar echoed, frightening the nearby flock of birds. Then, right before their eyes, the sea opened up, revealing ancient and mighty, turquoise stairs descending downwards. The stairs led to an ancient temple, from which something similar to a beacon shot out of the tower. All of this had been underwater, but now it had been uncovered. The fantastic event was further complemented by the setting sun - this was truly an epic sight.
"Wow!" - everyone exclaimed or at least thought so. "What is that?" - Pampelpaps pretended he had never seen anything like it in his life. "I just picked up this piece of gold and then all of this happened!" - Herolds explained. It's all connected, but okay, let's go to that damned temple once! - Charles was almost dying of curiosity. Hopefully, we will find the next magical speaking device there. - Murs thought and said, but no one really answered.
Pampelpaps went ahead, Charles and Murs followed, and behind them were Herolds and Alexander. Alexander was unusually quiet today, he didn't talk much. There was a waterfall on both sides of the steps. It flowed from the shore to the temple, and one could touch it. When everyone had descended down the mighty steps, Pampelpaps turned to the temple and began to think of a way to get inside.
"The door is closed." - the captain, without even touching the door, concluded. "Oh, door, dear door, please open!" - Murs recited, but nothing happened. - It was worth a try. Above the large, ancient stone doors, something was written in an unknown language. On one side of the door was a drawing of a Kraken, and on the other side, the same image, just mirrored.
"Aha, one of these puzzles." - Charles chuckled. - "We need to find the missing part of the other drawing." Everyone immediately scattered to find the missing piece of the puzzle. After about 2 minutes, Herolds brought the fragment and inserted it into the frame. "Hopefully it will work." - Herolds prayed silently.
A magical sound rang out, and the doors swung open. The team entered inside. The doors closed behind them, of course. As they walked deeper into the temple, they could feel the composed and humid air of the temple. The path was illuminated with figures that also acted as lights. There were foxes, pyramids, and many other figurines. Everyone stopped abruptly at a figure that somewhat resembled a Kraken, they studied it carefully, and then continued on the path. The path widened and widened until it opened up...