Chapter 5: Ruins of Thistle Castle
After a moment, they were both at the main building, where they also found Ron, who was waiting impatiently. Finally, you're here! - he said, relieved. Yes, we were looking for you. - Charles explained. I didn't think you would arrive so quickly, so I decided to wait, and that's why I only came here today. - Ron justified. Us too. - Harold murmured.
Look at this building! - Charles turned to the building. Yes, it's truly impressive, hard to believe that this place was built 500 years ago! - John Copings confirmed. So long ago? - Harold wondered. Ron nodded in agreement, as if confirming that it wasn't a lie. Charles took a low start at the door, preparing to go inside.
He placed his dirty hand on the ancient doorknob, but Harold held him back. - Stop! Did you forget about the voice that said not to open any doors? Right. - Charles only now remembered the prophecy and removed his hand from the doorknob. How will we get inside? - Ron pondered. Surely we can go around and find another entrance, maybe through the city gates? - Harold suggested, and everyone slowly walked to one side, then to the other.
There was a crack in one part of the wall, big enough to squeeze through. They each went to the other side one by one. On the other side of the wall was an old, overgrown garden. An extraordinary view of the main castle building unfolded. In the middle of the French-style park was a collapsed fountain, from which water was flowing. Wow. - Ron admired the garden. It seems that this garden hasn't been well-kept for a long time. - Charles sarcastically noted.
I wonder who owned this castle and how they built it? - Harold pondered. Look, there's the door! - Charles interrupted all thinking. The door was partially open, and from inside flowed a cold, musty air that chilled them to the bone. The three of them entered the cold hall. What are those? - Ron whispered. In the hall, at least eight strange figures were drawn, looking familiar. Raiders! - Harold whispered. Raiders? Ron asked.
Yes, we've already met them once. - Charles interjected. Will they be hostile towards us? - Ron asked. Maybe if we had gone through those first doors, but otherwise probably not. - Harold explained, nodding in agreement. Look, the stairs! - Charles exclaimed. The three of them slowly approached the ancient stairs, and quickly started climbing upwards.
The interior here was different from the rest of the castle, as it was more homely. After a moment, the stairs turned right, and then right again, and they were already on the second floor. The first floor is neutralized, although some stairs remain. - Harold whispered firmly. Shh! - Charles hushed him. - Someone is approaching! Without joking around, they hid behind some nearby crates. A raider passed by, but he didn't notice them. Phew. - Ron breathed out.
I wonder what those raiders are even doing here? - Harold pondered. Most likely, they are guarding the next piece of the puzzle. - Charles deduced. They emerged from their hiding spot and stood in the center of a wide corridor. The entire length of the hallway was covered in a deep purple carpet, with golden edges. Suddenly, the sun shone through, revealing floating specks of dust.
There were several doors on either side of the corridor, each in a different color. The colors were faded. I suggest we check all the rooms. - Ron suggested. Brilliant idea. - Charles agreed. Let's see who can explore the most rooms first! - Harold exclaimed, and immediately rushed towards the closest door. Charles, after a moment's thought, headed towards another set of doors, while Ron went towards a different set of doors.
The room inspection went quickly, as almost every room was half empty, with nothing hidden inside, or at least nothing that could be hidden. In a puzzled voice, Ron called out to his companions. Harold and Charles hurried over immediately.
Ron had come across a cluttered room. In it were several maps, cabinets, boxes, and stacks of old books, haphazardly piled on a bookshelf. The lighting came from a hanging candle lamp. Wow. - Harold admired the room. Meanwhile, Charles read the titles of the books. - Thistle Chronicles, Unholy Bible, Scandinavian Atlas, and... what's this? - Charles found a book written in an incomprehensible language.
Maybe it's the language that the locals speak. - Harold, climbing onto the bookshelf, suggested. It could be... it looks like the book is about exploring space and celestial bodies... fascinating! - Charles marveled at the ancient book in his hands. He continued to flip through it, scanning each page with his eyes. Until he reached a page where a message was tucked in. It had nothing to do with the book. It turned out, on the piece of paper was a map of Europe, with small markings on Berlin, Krakena Shores, and Copenhagen... precisely the places where Harold and Charles had been.
Strange. - was the only thing Charles could get out of his mouth. What? - Ron approached. This, if I'm not mistaken, is a map showing where we have been, maybe that means there is someone, rather the one who watches us, and plans to lead us further. - Charles voiced his hypothesis. Well thought out, but... - a voice from behind the door suddenly started speaking, and the trio turned towards it.
Leaning against the door was a noble and dignified figure, a humanoid goblin with purple skin. He wore a shiny, violet suit on his back. He wore an elegant, violet hat on his head. On his feet, he wore quirky shoes, usually worn by clowns. In one hand, he held a sleek prince's sword, and in the other, there was emptiness - there was no hand. The lord is amazed that you have come this far, but unfortunately, I will have to pass on a word to you. - the gracious figure said.
He stopped leaning against the wall, and now stood at full height. The goblin raised his rusty sword higher. Then, he tensed up, it was already clear what would happen next, and so it did. The purple goblin leaped towards Ron, Charles, and Harold. Charles felt a cold sweat running down his back. They had walked right into a trap, and now they were trapped, weaponless, facing a skilled warrior. Out of nowhere, Ron pulled out a sword just as dangerous as the attacker's. The goblin, charging towards Ron, began to clash swords with him.
They blocked each other's attacks, and neither could gain the upper hand. While they struggled, Charles and Harold were already looking for a way out. A window! Since they couldn't open it, they smashed it, sending glass shards flying in all directions.
The friends stepped out of the window onto an outdoor terrace, which led further - to the main tower of the castle. They heard a scream of pain behind them. Ron had severed the goblin's empty hand, and darkness oozed out of it. Terrified, Ron jumped back.
Charles and Harold stepped back into the room to help their friend, but it was a bad idea. Darkness slowly crept through the room, until it was completely engulfed in darkness! Now there was nowhere to run. The friends watched in fear as the purple goblin grinned at them. It's all over now. - the villain grinned maliciously.
Could we please learn your name? Oh, where are my manners, I am called Dark Prince Adam. - the evil one surprisingly answered the question. While Adam continued to boast about how powerful he is, Ron seized the opportunity. Ron rushed towards the Dark Prince at full speed. Adam only reacted when the sword pierced his evil heart. The friends watched as darkness entered him, and then Adam turned into dust.
That was crazy! - Ron dryly stated. I wonder what he wanted to tell us, anyway, let's go! I think I found where the source is. - Charles encouraged Ron to climb out the window. They all entered the large tower, leading to an outdoor terrace on the second floor. In the center of the narrow tower was a spiral staircase leading upwards. Without wasting a moment, the friends began to climb. Some steps were worn out, so they had to be careful not to slip back down. I feel dizzy. - Harold concluded when they had reached the top.
Now is not the time for that. - Charles was digging it up. - Because we are currently searching... we found what we were looking for! Charles' eyes had caught the magical talking object, called the fone. There it was, right on the tower's ledge, in the middle of the room. The lunch sun's light gently shone on the crystal.
There it is. - Charles triumphed. They all approached, and Charles quickly grabbed it in his hands, not hesitating to press the crystal button. You know what happens next. The image of a whirlwind spoke. - Welcome travelers, I have no idea how you have come this far, but I am proud of you. I guess you want to know where to go next, so listen carefully... You will have to meet the famous sailor - Gilion Cortez, you will find him in the North Harbour, but do not worry about the way back, I will get you there faster... Next, when he takes you to the main port of the Netherlands - Saint Krelia, you will have to find the ancient road that will take you further - to Luxembourg, where you have become famous for your battle with the Kraken, and then... wait for my instructions...
They all thought it over. After a moment, the fone began to shine brightly, and energy shot out of it, lifting the friends and flying them out of the building. The light carried them miles high, all the way to space! They flew incredibly fast, over mountains, lakes, rivers, and stars... After a while, they crashed back into the atmosphere, with a gentle force that prevented them from burning up. The speed of the impact slowly began to decrease, until all three could calmly stand on their feet.
That... was... COLOSSAL! - Herold exclaimed joyfully. Yes... how... we... we're back in the North Harbour, incredible! - Charles was speechless with surprise. Well, I guess that's it then... - Ron looked at his new friends. Yes, we will have to find that person now. It's pretty late, maybe it's better to spend the night at my place, and in the morning, you can chase after that sailor. - Ron, whose real name was John Copings, suggested. Charles and Herold nodded in agreement.