Bright, Brighter yet utterly Dark

Chapter 1: 001:Dr Blood .

With the kids fed and adults well watered I was finishing my cheese burger..

Two fluffy buns holding a mixture of swine and bovine meat with garlick pounder and pepper with solt and a side of potatoes baked in heats of 180 for 30 to 40 minutes...then coverd by scrambled eggs and bacon bits...left for 15 more minutes to cook thurrowly....

Basic cheese and that's about it...

The burger was tasty...

I clapped as the leftovers were sent to the composter....

Well redy for the next songs?...

Chara rose her hand...

Yes child...

Can we watch some short videos instead?...

I can work with that ...let's start with the new rage around the multiverse ..

Parody stronger then you...staring player vs the final actual boss...

Let's see ..

Said sans...


The video song started...

As enterd sans form...with a he started singing...

Then enterd frisk/Chara...switching between the two forms...

Then the many deaths and sans singing his verses...

I smiled...

Bobing my head to the song...

The kids toriel papyrus and Alphis were upset...unding angry sans annoyed...

At the end of it...I said...

And that's a alternate universe related to yours...this world isn't the classic...aka you guys...

Why wold you should us this...

Becouse that timeline and universe was erased by the player...

Theyr eyes went wide...

What is your goal in telling us this...

Asked Alphis....

One person equals to about two pedabites of Datta in the largest web of information

One pedobite is much... thing of the amount of roughly one gigga..

Waht dose that have to do with the discussion....

On that sole giga that world existed....

And let's take humans for example there are 7 billion of them on a avrege Earth...yes...

Roughly...that checks out...

Each human has about 3 pedabite worth of universes....


And from those many universes....90 percent are destroyed by a player...or by a universe cleanser specialized lifeforms made for killing...universes...and all have theyr own forms...the ones of witch I'm awere of is the sans base world destroyers...

Gulp...waht do mean by that bucko...

I showed them the error sand , destroyer ink sans ...and the many more...

These are the base of your world,s universe-ologies well your universe was're mine now..

Waht do you mean by that chump....

Something had connected your world to my dimension ...making a permanent coridor that can't be severd...

How do you know this...

I opened my coat reveling a tshirt...and around my waist a chain was now present...a white and red buckle chain...

This are the monster souls ....and this one is frisks...with the smudging of other colores are the other souls...I'm bound....and I'm forced to dragged your now redefined as Au is mine...I can do what I want by the fact of ...infusing my dimension a part of it through your's being stedely assimilated into myself.


So I can protect it with greater ease...a rule or two will guys feel it alwredy...

They saw themselves....then noted ...they were different....

Why am I ...

More real?...

Simple you're coming to be designed like evrithing in my domain....and your powers are going to grow...with time...

I cheeks cracking further...

Yes you're all like me...real..


The light went off...

They woke in theyr beds...

I now alone in my reaction room...

That was fun...but what's this about a quest...

And a chain...I can decide of binding on myself....

I left arriving at the core...I took my seat I set the chain and saw through it...

A world...of a difrent resolution...and

Who is she...I asked to myself...

Hellow...she answers....

Do you hear me...

Yes who are you...if not my imagination or the curse I'm burden with?...

My name is Dr.Blood..

I am Elanor...

What are you Elanor...

Human....mutant?...I think...

Well dear Elanore I'm a ghost ...and a Monster...

She shiverd...can you explain that doesn't bound good news to me...

I was human...once...I stumbled in a experiment was sent to a world of ghosts...humans aren't designed for that...I died ..I was woken due to others ...

I was inhuman...I see don't...I presume...

You presume correct Doctor...

Call me Brother B..

Brother B...I have alwredy a brother...he,s nearby...

Waht are those things you're killing?...

Techrot theyr my enemies....why are you distracting me...

Your world is but a literal chain link from being connected to my own...I'm Tring to find if your world is suitable for me to add to my got a phone dial direct to me...

Great...the big ones are coming...

Shit...can you help...if I help with your link....

A contract simple ...I want you to be my guide to your world...

Fine...I can help you with that...

Ok let's start this...I'll send over one of my hands...grab it and then infuse your energy through it...

She saw it a hand with a triangular hole into it...

She held it things and she fell on her knee...

I had gotten the energy and it bound...the chain locked on my my lower hip...a nyx emblem on my chest...

From the hand more split off...a total of six...and the eight had a eight pointed shape...

Gulp...she saw me...but a shadow...I moved to the infested my hand,s claws...ripped them to fragments...

Rapidly running to grab sharp bits and using them to impale the rest...

My shape was losing the shadows and I was fully lab coat finished forming the gatherd...six of them...

My hands gatherd...I inspected the chain...

Huh ..the ling is stable ...commencing taking authority over the loop...


Asked the volt guy...

Yes....this world is preset in a six are the anchor points...once you will be revived at the start...

What in the name of...

No god they didn't come here they don't deserve to be named...

Jaja...who are you to...

The new assign admin of your time may call me Dr.Blood or Brother blood... got two more factions...scaldra ..and ...huh...infested...

Techrot...corrected volt kid...

Yea yea...

We're ...ow were close to the end of the loop were going to meet at the start of it...


They woke ...awere of knowledge...of things they came I teleported to them...

Ok...we're were we...

Waht did you do...asked Quincy...

Reset the loop?...

How are we in any kind of loop!...

Simple you are.. that's why I had gotten a chain I'm you're literal last hope...I'm going to extend this isolated envierment in a planetary event ..

Ok ...were was that...yes...

I pulled the chain off...

As it's bound to me I have administrator authority....come and grab it...

They hesitantly did...

I smiled...and then they rememberd...I consolidated theyr memories....

They were shaking...

You went through so much you're practically famaly and myne now...

How...can we keep doing this...asked trinity....

This has no meaning...

I had my hand,s slap them to wake em up...

They grabbed them.... that you're not crying anymore...

Let's start with the basics...

I want you guys to take these things...

I pulled a set of incinerators and suits..

I'm interested the techrot...any and all traces of it...

It's no use they will..

Not adapt theyr but fungus it doesn't adapt...


No disusing with the administration do your new it in squads of two...

Uh ...

Who are you to...


They vanished...

Remember I'm not yours you're all mine...and better get used to it...

They were upset....

They still heard me as I continued to explain...

After you purge this place of the temporarily suppressed mushrooms you will come with got two days...burn it has a allergie to flames...

They did it...scaldrs did as well...

They were using a toxin...

Scaldrs is helping avoid them and target the bigger creatures...

They did....and they answered back....

By the end of the first day I had supposed them with food and a safe spot to rest...

They were given food and refreshments....

Equipment....and then.

They done it...they were told so...and they were brought out...of the place...

They met me in the dining room...

They were worming up..

So let me get this...asked Quincy...

You're now in control of our world...


Due to her asking for your dose that work...

You remember the one that made you in what you are now...


Yes him...he was cut off from your dimension due to complications....I am not a expert but your hole earth became a dimension of itself...then it started looping around you guys ..then I was contacted by a other being and given a choice...

Calim or destroy ...bowth wold give me benefits...

That's pragmatic...

Yes I could have used the resorsed that your world holds meaning the techrot as well...or stitch the world back up and settle it under my dimension,s rules...this gave me something the other method would have not...


Us is it us right...

Something on those lines...

Well have you found any strange coins...

They all pulled one...

How did you know...

Quinci pass me entrati...

His eyes widened...

Waht do you mean...

This isn't entrati...

I had grabbed it alwredy....

They saw me hold it...

Uhu...yup it's him...what do you guys have...

Arthur showed lotus...

Elanore the stalker...

Aoi showed Hunhow...

Amir showed me red veil

Quincy had Entrati

And Letticia has Erra...

My eye went wide...

Leticia can I please have erra?...

The coin...who is erra?...

He is a sentient Celestial starfish offspring he is as by his species a sentient of a far place...

Why do you want him...

He has one ability that can and will be bothersome if the coins start to bind and parasitize you....

They dropped them hands got them...

I was he'd each of them...stalker was shaking...


If you find more bring em to me I can store them safely...

I grabbed Lotus...

As for how theyr work...

My had with a triangle tightened on the lotus coin and Transformed...

Two disk's expanding reveling a woman...

Were am I...were are my children...are you my do feel like them...

Greetings Lotus or better called Natah and Margules....

Yes I may be called those names who are blood...that is my name...

I greet you Blood brother..

I smiled...

Before anything ask yourself who will lead the three of you...

Lotus as always but Nata may take the charge if it's needed....

Fine then....hex...I saw how you're not used to your new forms...I have a ability that can help with your estetic sense...

Ow great the boss has a fashion sense....said Aoi...

I smiled and two disk's formed on top and bellow me...they collapses and my form was transformed....

Before then stood a 25 ish European guy...long hair wearing the same lab coat and shoes....the six hands still flowting...they moved to wrap around the sholder and hand...

How do I look...

I asked now in my human form...

So cool!....can you show us how you did it...

Asked Amir...blitzing around me...

This is called Going Spectral it allows me to turn into my human form to disguise myself in human's a bother if they try to constantly go after you this is what needed to happen...

May I know how I have this vessel?...

Yes ..I used one of my hands as a temporary vesal for you then I used the morphing circles to construct your body on the memory of the coin...


You there to this dimension ...

Curious...she then exhaled and petrified ..

Now she figured how to go back good for her...

I smiled ..

So this can help us turn humans ...again...'s just a aesthetic will have all your power ..but it comes with a disadvantage...

Whatever it can't be worse than this ..we heard Elanor whine..

I'll need to hold onto you...

Great that should be easy....

Let me demonstrate ...Amir come here please ..

Shure ....

I used my four hand and fazed it and grabbed Amir,s was beating..he shivered....the hand held his hearth...

This....uh...this feels's like ...

Death clutching your heart...

Yup that is..

You can get used to it...

Now with a direct link.. .

They saw two morphing rigs collapse on him...

He was now in a sweater and pants...with sandals...

Focus Amir or do you want to look like a show gone wrong...

What...he asked...

Clothes are optional...

He blushed...right I'll concentrate...

He did...we got twice until he got a nice summer outfit...

I like this...the pants were the problem...

He inspected himself...

Guys it works...and...

He took a speedy run around...

I have all my powers....and...what's this...he asked...

That's the bond...


Yes it allows me to share with you for short periods of time my abilities and I can as well borrow I pulled on the superspeed...I arrived behind him...he felt it...

That's so I'm using my power...but not ..extend your hand....

I said ..focus and think of a seccond hand...

He focused and a white gloved hand formed...

You can for up to two more hands...


That's at witch point in our Patron and contractor we are more you use and in exchange I use your powers more it can be done ...

So you're going to bind all of we can use the transformation ability?...

Yes Lettica...that's the plan...

How do we know you won't harm us...asked Quincy....

Simple you're all mine ....I can kill you at any's really simple...I came to him and reached my hand being intangible moved and grasped his heart...

I can go invisible and just rip out all your hearts at any time I wish to...but I don't I'm doing all this to ease you all into your new faits ..

He wasn't pleased...then he noted I was off but the coldness in his chest persisted...

Think fast or give us a show...

I smiled as the disks collapsed on each other...he was in basic clothes...

Good job ..who's next...

I looked at the remaining four...

Arthur came forward...I had the connection and he shivered...he then went through the shift he was now wearing his military outfit...

Next was Letty she was as well in a military uniform....a medic uniform....

I turned to the other two...I set them up and they transformed at the same time...

Elanor now having piercings...and Aoi was wearing face paint and a color-full military suit...

I knew it wold look nice...

She said...with a smile...

I have my trinket back...

Ok then I'll show you your new uniforms for when I'm at work with me...

They saw the morphing rings then they a unified colore skim of black red and white...with silver accents and sterile white energy colore pallet...they all were wearing full frame forms with the helmeth modified to have maw's they can Speack and all...

Why these forms?...the doctor asked...

Simple I want nobody to believe humans are this strong....

Why...asked Arthur....

Simple I don't want them to overestimate any human...they can overestimate any of us in this forms as we do t look human...a vaguely humanoid form yes...but not human...humans are supposed to be week fragile and easy to push subsequence the top power house's of being,s take a human form to disguise themselves....

And you want us during duty to not be we can be overestimated and fought to the best of our ability....

Right..and you won't identify yourself with the enemy no matter how much they're in those forms myne you do as I say and I will do my utmost to keep you safe...

That's the deal...if you return to the other form I won't be so heavy handed on control but nighter on the consequences you get by being in your human form...if it isn't deadly... be nice and we don't suffer from our stupidity....and do as you say while in uniform....

Yes. have four mandatory patrol hours each...I would hope you take it seriously....

I'll give you the patrol map and shift,s...

I pulled out six maps...

So a 24 hour rotation ....

Yes for four hours I want you guys well rested before those patrols...

And you can keep in contact if you need help...

We're to boss?...asked Amir...

You're rooms...

I showed them the space I call home...

A large ordered gathering of uncountable amounts of ...shapes...try saw more and more angled cuboids ...they folowed me to my room ...a single dot....

I was curious how to enter...

How do we enter?...they asked...more like the rest were waiting ...

You don't...this is a singularity the only way to go in is to be alwredy in by the time it's made....

Then how is it your room?...

It was made around me...this impenetrable unmovable singularity can't and will never be enterd ever me is in there...the me that it's here with you this me is the happenstance that didn't happen to be in own space .... nothing else can exist there...

Gulp ..

Then....why did you show it to us...

Simple to make all awere of it ..and that it's also a paradoxical entety it can't be enterd becouse no one knows of it ..but you guys...and that won't be shared with others...this next to it is my seccond room anyone that can move without friction or age can enter with ease while there anyone can enter the rest of the rooms...they hold to the infinitum...

Gulp ..waht if someone is malecious...

They can try ..and they will find themselves in a random room ....the place you will be patrolling isn't it's impossible to patrol all the rooms are equivalently un-navigabile...

Follow me...

They did...a couple minutes to the side they saw a here is the place we are going to start the patrolling route...

Come in...I opend and hopped in....going through....

Gulp...well let's go guys...

Said Amir...

He jumped through...

One the other side they saw a bed of flowers...

This is the start of the patrolling route ..

We started to walk...

We must make this jurny in about two hours ..

How long does it take to go through this

A kid can walk it on foot in 7 hours....

Theyr eyes went wide...a kid...

Yes...this is the understand none of the monsters here are to be killed ...they will stack if provoked or spooked it's in theyr protect themselves if you see a talking flower avoid it it's strong and hostile...

We started our walk ...passed by the forgets and we took a candy each ..

Passed napbsterblook and had both donuts....

We arrived to toriels place...she was suprised...


She was questioning herself...

Yes we're the blood guard were taking stock of the residents and setting the patrol route... we know each other?...

Yes I am the cousing of the old royal scientis I'm Wingdings Blood...

Wingdings...Gaster...she remembers...

Yes mam...were going to pass then...

Sure be careful....

The team nodded ...and we left the ruins...arriving through Snowdin we met sans papyrus and the residents...he,s eyes went wide...

It wasn't a dream...

Nope sir Judge...

Papyrus was talking with Amir...they were talking ...

Ok we're going to continue our patrol then...

I'll hang out with you guys...said Sans...

Better keep up...

Will do...

We continued....arriving to the water falls and passing by Undying and arriving at Alphis....passing through hotland and then the royal citi...were we met Asgore...

This is the barrier long did it take?..

A hour and fourty minutes...

Said Quincy...

Well then rest here for ten and then we return...

Would you want some tea ?..

Asked Azgore....

Maybe next time blood guard will be patrolling your underground from now on...

Who are you...

The new owner of your world...

You're our land owner?...

Yes and be happy I want to keep it I could have cleaned it and made it into material

for my other projects...but well let's do the immposibles....


They heard me then the barrier shattered....


They saw my hands move and snatch the six souls...

Welcome back kids...

I said as the hands transformed revealing six inhuman human kids...all skeletal...

And with a palm mark on their bodies...

Black with shapes of different numbers...

As more hands emerged from my back...

The next in the's like π but with each digit I calculate more hands are at my beck and call...a constant struggle since if the number is wrong my hands come unstable....the chain that represents my hands is on my back it looks like a tattoo...more hands I extract smaller the chain grows...

Hehe...I can do this the easy way or the hard way....

The easy way is the trial and error while the hard way is calculus...sigh...

I learn to love any of the two...or bowth...I can forcefully summon Dubble of my hands but their energy expenditure grows exponentially....

I huffed I have calculated the up to digit 50 by's getting even more complex....well...where was I yes...the kids...

Kids...your souls will be drained so you may keep these new forms...your choice onto who gains them..those are the Hex six they are the blood guard I asked them to protect the underground I would be please if you chose them....

They talked between each other and each of them chose the one with the closest essence....

They hugged them and they were tierd...

Amir gained purple perseverance

Letty gained green kindness

Arthur got cyan patience

Elenor for blue loyalty

Quincy got yellow justice

Aoi got orange bravery

Three more hands glowed behind me...

Azgore bewildered Azriel Chara and Frisk transform...I got their souls when they came to the reaction...

They were around me...

I made Chara a phantom frisk is less determined as I claimed it...and Azriel now he is a phantom plant monster....

He went to cheer his he calmed I'm their big brother...

I smiled...

You can visit them to Tories new place...the kids are going to return with Tories new expanded home...

Sans decided to move there with papyrus....

Helped with the spiders and I settled the passage to the hotland...and liberated the ruins from those who wanted to leave...

I looked and smiled....the new house is big...modern smooth and with a sole pit in a room...

Why the's is a fall in a pillow pile with side caves filled themselves with pillows...all patted and comfortable...

I rested in the pit's netting...why did I add a net...

Simple to make it comfortable the pillows under are for safety...

As I sat on there... papyrus came...

Hellow how's your...did a spider dig a hole and stick you to the web?...

Asked papyrus....

Nah this is my bed... perfectly comfortable for me..

He blinked....can I take a spot...

Yes but I'm not saving you if you fall in the pillow hole...

The great papyrus won't fall..

He said as he hopped in with his back...passing through the nett...he blinked...and...yelled as he fell and with a pflop he fell on the very fluffy and large pillows under ...

I'm fine...he screamed...

I figured that...he had a large health pool...

Did you take any dammage at all?...

Nope it's safe...

Check it for the kids of papyrus...

Shure thing brother blood...

He did...check everything...

The nine kids did pass by seeing me on my net...

I wold wave my hand and such...

Sans passed by ...

Have you seen my brother...

Sans I've fallen through the net in this pillow haven can you help your brother out ...

Uh....did he...just...

Yes...he went feet through the net...

He..he ..ok.. that's funny...

Pillow haven?...

Yes my place to hide and relax...come..

I said as I fazed through the net...falling...he jumped next to me...using his magic to slow our fall

.we landed on a big pillow...

It's really nice... everything is plush and fluffy....


So papyrus what's the verdict ...

100% safe for the kids...

Eve the light sources?...

Papyrus thew one with great force at sans and he was sent fling in a plush wall...

No damages happened....

Yes...I'm shure...sans teleported over and he was going the glowing pillow...

Can I keep this...

He asked...

Yes but you will have to feed it souls from time to time...



Have it under a light source so it can's not alive...



I made a jump and flew to the top with the two..

They were set outside...

Elanore came to visit...


Yes Elanor...

Can we talk?...

Shure...come and take a seat...the web is comfortable...

She slowly claimed it she felt the plush net ...took a spot to my side...

What's the problem...

I'm scared....

Of're one of the hex you're stronger then any being here except me..or sans...

She looked worried....I'm scared to fall in love again...

That's a valid concern....

You don't get it...I'm last love....I still love him even if he is dead for a long time...and my feelings...are growing for you.... like the bone daddy?...


Sorry Tring to lighten the mood...I haven't thinked of having being admire ...liked or even loved after what happend to me...I'm but a monster...

But you're kind...attentive and save evrithing...

I don't save evrithing....I do the best I can and that's day all will turn to dust...and die untill then I'm not waisting my eternity by being useless...I'm going to are you....

Want to talk of him?... may help...

A hour after...

We were now officially boyfriend and girlfriend...she was resting next to me we are sleeping...hugging each other...cuddles ..

We were woken when Arthur came to do his patrolling...

Wake up sleepy heads time to eat!...

He shouted stuttering us both I accidentally made us fall...his eyes went wide...

As Elanor held me I slowed us down and landed on the big pillow...

Sorry when I sturtle I get intangible and anyone near me...

Hehe... that's a good defence mechanism....

She said with a smile...

We're are we...

My cave of solitude ...pillow fort...bed?..

Cool...mind if I come here ...

Any time but call me when you want out...and expect sans to come here...

The bone head?...


The short one...

Not the kids...

They dont know of this yet....

Arthur jumped down....

You're fine...

He was happely suprised....

I thought I lost you to for a moment there...he was emotionally charged now...

Don't worry Arthur I won't be leaving....

They saw four of my hands emerged...then fuse into a floating ram skull...with sharp teeth.....

Beeh! chirped...

Touching it it's size grew ..

Hop on were taking the Ram lift...

We were up...


Yes Dr...

None of you can escape me...never...not even in death...

He shiverd Elanor was curious what I was doing then she got it...

Waht he wants to Shure you of Arthur is that were here together...he won't let us be taken by anyone...


His eyes widened...

He figured out after what Elanor corrected statements may sound like irrefutable law...but they were not fully understood....he smiled he was similar to him....but more chatty...

He left....and then I modified Ram...

As I have ADHD ..I need to keep a greater amount of awereness to never accidentally forget of you...

What is ADHD...

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

And what dose that have to do with giving me this...

Obgect know of it yes?...

Yes when the baby forgets what isn't before theyr eyes....

Is that a effect of the ADHD?...

Yes...I suffer from that...

As I didn't observe a thing for long enough it's placed in a box and thrown in the storage...the back of my mind...that's why...

This little guys will help with that... I have obgect permanence I subsequently don't feel absence of others ...the first time I met someone and from the point I don't meet him or her or's as no time had passed between those two times..that's all...

She was worried but hugged me...

I won't forget to remind you...

I don't want to forget of you any time plese understand if I seem off ..I'm nothing but patient...

She was worries...but understand it's not a dangerous condition...

To be fair all long lived beings have this trait...for the simple fact to not go insane as I don't have the ability to manage my time becomes irrelevant... I'd hate not sending this time we have... together....

Worst then if we didn't...she continued....we feel it the bond...

I made a seccond hand and sent it to join the longer a grip but a enclosed shell around her hart...

I'll sent it to the rest this new hold I recently had gained enough to do it witout weekending my offensive and defensive ability....

She felt it...then the rest of the the kids souls rest on the hand and not being held...they have no powers except frisk Chara and Azriel...

I gave them abilities so they may keep safe this place...

Some monsters made theyr way out...the underground was becoming a bit more vacant the humans outside didn't get hostile...

Time started to cross by...I wasn't are we untill Elanor came...

She saw me work on the large heat to magic ,magic to electric power generator...

It was changed...larger...stronger....more efficient and safe for the planet...

I had alwredy brought the representation of this world under my whole fold...a soul shaped cube holding it safe...with a many pointed well resembling a heart...

I emerged from it bringing a cable ....on the way I met star sans,s...they were exploring the shape complex that is my dimension....

I continued with the cable and arriving at the mashine I plugged the cable...done with that...I hid the cable and just in time ink sans was behind me...

I grabbed the output device and rose to my hight...holding the rod...

Halt there stranger we are the ...

Star Sans,s and you came here to investigate the missing universe?.... know us ..

My face cracked like doctor wingdings gaster...

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