Bunker 12

Chapter 3: - Adieu

I don't understand what she's talking about. No choice? Were they forced to join the Foundation? No, that just doesn't make sense. That's ridiculous.

"Look here dude, I don't know you, and you don't know me. Sorry to break it to you, but I don't care about you. Most of us don't need nor want to talk with you. So please, I'm asking you politely, leave us alone. We don't owe you anything."

Just like that, they started to walk away from me. Other than the crazy guy who spat on the ground and that smiley girl who was waving at me, they were all looking forward, turning their backs towards me. It seems they hate me. Now I'm just standing here alone, clueless. I came here for answers but I didn't find anything. What am I supposed to do now? No, that's not really the issue here. What do I want to do? What am I looking for? Learn about my parents right? But why? Let's say I learn what happened during that incident, or well, the incident Doc claims happened. Then what? Avenge them? Hell no. I already established that I don't have the interest or the strength to do that. Am I just supposed to start a new life? Why would I want that? 

I have no purpose. And it seems there's nothing to do here. Why would I stay in this cursed world? This is all fucked up. This feeling of having no reason to live makes me sick. Guess I'll just go back to my room. It will be better to think about it there, instead of sticking out like a sore thumb in this crowd.


I'm just lying on my bed, stretching my arm in the air. I've been looking at it for quite some time actually; I don't even know for how long at this point. I'm trying to find who's the owner of that arm. Who is he? Also, there's that damn bracelet. I had time earlier to notice that none of these recruits had it. Why though? If I remember correctly, Doc said something about a health tracker or something. Don't know what that really means, but why don't they have a bracelet too? It's clear that the bracelet is more than just something to check our status. There's more to it. That old man is obviously lying, well, more like hiding the truth. 

A lot of things are still a mystery to me. If I chose to keep on living, would every day be like that? Just wandering around, trying to understand what's going on. Sounds horrible. My life will be about walking, sleeping and eati… Wait. I haven't eaten or drank anything yet. Why haven't I noticed that until now? Wait, why is my body not hungry or thirsty? Was I on some sort of diet back then? I guess I should drink some water right? I'll just drink out of the sink, seems like it's my only option. Didn't feel refreshed or satisfied. My body was right. It didn't need water. Weird. Well, shit. Here I am again, staring at the guy in the mirror. He looks terrible. So cold, emotionless, empty. What a feeling, to look at somebody that is supposed to be you but isn't you. No need to stare at him any longer. 

For now, I'll just try to find a way to eat something. Even though it seems I don't need anything, the day will surely come when I'll be hungry. If I remember correctly, I didn't really see any place where foods were displayed. Hmm. The only actual place where I might get help is the Blacksmith's place. Maybe I should head back there. But will they want to see me there? 

I don't want to go out there again. Walking in the shadows, wide open for an assault, really messes me up. … I say I don't want to go there, but what can I do other than that? I'm talking like I have options. If they turn me back, I'll go check on Doc. But, I don't trust him. I don't know much about the Blacksmith either, but I somehow feel more comfortable talking with him. I'll go give it a try, hope it won't be for nothing.


"Hey there kiddo, come on in!"

He didn't have any doubt in his mind, he just welcomed me with open arms.

"So kid, what is it that ya want with me?"

"Well, I just started to think about where I was supposed to get food from."

"Hahaha! And ya came all the way here for that? Wasn't there anyone inside to tell ya that? Such a funny kid! Ya know what kiddo? Imma get ya something to fill that belly of yours!" "No that's fine, you don't have to. Just tell me where I can fin-"

"Oooii!! Sweetheart! Go bring me the box! Imma get somethin' from that good ol bastard!"

The girls were playing on the ground in the back of a room. The older sister stood up and stared at me with a vicious look, before talking to her father.

"But dad, we don't have enough left for every-"

"Ahhh! Don't worry sweetie, ya ol' fart is not hungry anyway!"

"... Even though you spent the whole day working?..."

"Come on! Don't give me that! I might be gettin' old, but I'm still at the top of my game! You see, them babies don't get tired that easily!"

He was flexing his muscles towards the younger girl and making her laugh. They both have the same big dumb smile on their face.

" … As you wish, dad..."


"So, tell me! How is it, boy? Pretty good hun?"

"Y- Yeah…"

The young man was stoic. Not only did he not feel the benefit of having ingested nutriments, he did not have the joy to taste anything; that is the fate of those residing Outside. Through acts of offerings, such as selling away your child to the Foundation, one shall be offered a loot crate. Containing different props and goods, they all contain the minimum food and water to keep one alive. Moreover, Outsiders with a good compliant record track may ask for specific goods. Interestingly enough, neither food nor water was the most requested item; they could not compete with the crushing popularity of alcohol. 

What was fed to the young man was the only food available on the other side of the walls: food pills. Deprived of any taste, those capsules were merely used to deliver and transmit the necessary nutrients to feed the human metabolism. Still unsatisfied by his experience, the young man noticed the older sister taking the box, which was contrasting with the dirty and messy environment, and leaving towards the kitchen. She muffled something under her breath as she did so.

"Your welcome, asshole"

Completely and utterly uninterested in the guest, she was all the more irritated by his lack of sensitivity. Of humanity.

"Oh. Yeah. Thanks."

"Don't sweat it, kid, it's not every day we are visited by some folks like ya, ya know?"

Too kind-hearted, the man could not perceive the tension and awkwardness in his home.

"So kiddo ya didn't go put that nose of yours in those nasty things today, didn't ya?"

"Ehh.. no. No, I didn't."

"That's some good news! I don't know what I would've done if ya said so! And again, I'm really sorry that I even brought it up. But anyway, I'm sure ya get a lot of things ya wanna discuss, don't ya kid?"

Truth was only going to bring problems, he lied and proceeded to jump on the opportunity to change the subject.

"Why are you living out here? Why are you not inside with everyone?"

The blacksmith's eyes drifted away and his face saddened, before answering with a big grin.

"They don't have stuff in that cranky place to even come close to what I got on my porch! Ya won't see any better equipment than what ya see out there my boy, ya lucky to even be able to look at it!"

Nobody bought that.

"Are there other people living outside the Lab?"

"Ya blind my boy? Ya got some eye problem, my lad? Didn't you see them houses all over the place?"

"Hmm… yes. But there wasn't that many. And I just thought they were empty. But then, are you feeling safe here? Isn't there… Hollows all over the place attacking people?"

He did the same expression as before; he's easy to read. Life scarred him. He and his daughters. But he was not going to let that beat him.

"I'm pretty sure by now that ya got some issues with them eyes of yours! Didn't you notice those big guys? Ain't no fuckers gonna mess with them!"

He was flexing his biceps, yet again.

"But, isn't it the Foundation's responsibility to get rid of them?"

The young man sunk into his chair. It was too late. The father's eyes were striking him with resentment. He is not putting on a facade on that one. He's mad.

"Ya have no need to talk about them. I thought we were over it by now. There's no need mention that."

He's really mad.

"Well, anyway kiddo, I kinda have some stuff to do, so. Imma ask ya to leave."


He was petrified. Until now, his young altered mind never noticed the shelters scattered around. However, he did see them. He just instinctively refused to believe it. The idea of a living society existing in this sterile and deteriorated cave was unfathomable. He didn't want to acknowledge the fact that so many people were living in danger out there. His brain didn't want to process such terrible information: denial. Now, he can see them. Too clearly. The more perceptive he got, the worse the situation was. There are also tunnels coursing around, slithering away, deep in the darkness. He could only assume, sadly, that there were more houses, more homes, more families, more kids. He came to this tragic conclusion by watching the people now walking, existing, living, around him. 

At the forefront of this shock: injustice. There was nothing even close to the people he met inside. Dressed with what they could, clean with what they could, fed with what they could; it was not much. Having seen more than enough, he fled back inside.


I'm shaking. Not because of all those people looking at me with hatred-filled pupils. I'm used to it by now, it's like that pretty much everywhere. No, I'm scared of a potential attack, a lurking threat. The idea of something terrible happening and being a witness, unable to stop it, terrifies me. And here they are. Walking around. Sleeping there. That's… That's just… There's no way I could do that.

I headed back to what appeared to be a major crosspoint. I'm heading towards where all the Insiders were coming from. I really need to know where they live now. I'm right in front of the big door at the end of the corridor. How do I open it though? The door from my room just slides open as I stand in front of it, but this door is not moving. I'm trying to push it, slide it, but nothing is happening. Maybe it's broken? I'm hearing footsteps behind me. Somebody noticed me and is coming my way. It's a big man. He got a black suit on, some glasses with dark lenses and something stuck in his right ear. He spoke up to me with a deep low voice.

"Sir, I'll have to demand of you to step away from that door. This is a restricted area."

"Restricted? A whole lot of people were walking out of here so, why can't I walk in?"

The menacing man extended his arm, his palm toward me, indicating me to stop moving. As he did so, he slightly turned his head and brought up his other hand to the gear in his ear. He gently pressed his index on it. Not long after, he said to himself Understood, Boss! What was all that? All that just to talk to himself? 

"Sir, the situation has changed. You will need to follow me."


"You gotta be fucking kidding me?!"

That's the first thing the drunkard from before said as soon as he saw me. The suited man made me follow him all the way here. I'm back at the Coliseum. It seems all the recruits are here too. We're all displayed randomly, waiting for something I think. The guy with the flask is there with all his crew, closest to the entrance, right in front of me.

"Ooohh! Hiii~ It's you again! The ballsy creep!"

How can she say this with such a gentle smile on her face? She was frantically waving at me, eyes closed, her wooden thing jumping around in her back, trying its best not to fall off. The blond girl dropped her arms and shoulders before producing a noisy sigh.

"Well shit, here we go agai-"

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

It was automatic. It's like his body is drawn towards me. This time, he could only walk a few steps before the big man who brought me here stood between us.

"Hey, little guy, you might want to stay where you are!"

His deep voice is telling us that we don't want to make him repeat himself; I somehow want to listen to him right away. Obviously, it didn't work on the long-haired brawler.

"Tsk! You got so scared you brought your meathead with you, hun?"

"Meathead you say? Want a little taste of it, punk?"

"You bet!"

The buff man was provoking him. Strange. With me, he's all formal and somewhat polite. But with that guy, he couldn't care less. He's completely looking down on him. Both of them were now dangling their fists around, shoulders up, both waiting for an opening. I was watching the scene right from behind. Everybody further around turned in our direction to look at what was happening. This is about to get messy.


As soon as the fighters began to turn in circles, a crowd arose. All the recruits were drawn to the action, all rooting for their brethren. Solidarity was palpable. However, a hand groped a guy's shoulder and pulled it back to propel itself forward. It was then that another man in a black suit jumped into the fray, advancing towards the incoming bout. He had the same attire as his colleague, but he was slender and taller. His muscles, however, were present; their forms were greatly defined by the tight fabric.

"Hey! That's enough! Get a hold of yourself! Show some professionalism!"

"Stay out of it! That little jerk was about t-"

As he was slightly turning back to respond to his companion, he unconsciously lowered his fists ever slightly, dropping his guard down and taking his eyes off his target. It was the opening the drunk soldier was waiting for. He immediately threw a solid hook right at the tip of the agent's chin. A loud and hollow sound echoed in the stadium. The big man's head barely moved and wobbled a bit before snapping back in its original posture, staring at the assailant.

In a quick instant, the tall agent grabbed his colleague, prohibiting him from responding to the assault. Meanwhile one of the recruit's friends had to do the same. Taller and larger, he had no issue lifting the aggressive rookie. They were now both held and refrained from fighting again. However, the spectators wanted more.


"Fuck him up!"

It was an unbelievable sight. The same people that were walking around with dark and silent expressions, it was their first time showing off something else than a heavy and unpleasant mood. It was their first taste of something that had a long way coming: rebellion. The festival didn't last long when a voice came from the entrance of the coliseum.

"Hahaha! Always full of energy, those youngsters!"

All the Rookies stopped their ruckus and formed lines. They all took position in their military formation, all looking slightly up at the roof. Only the newcomer didn't know what to do.

"Well, why is it not fun anymore?"

The two suited men were in the same position as the Rookies, just off the side.

"Soldiers. Yes, Soldiers. You are not Rookies anymore, and I won't treat you as such. You have been training under our ranks for a long time now. It has been tough for all of you, I get it. But don't get it twisted, young folks. The hard times are lying ahead. Since the beginning of your training, you haven't been able to get out of the Foundation's ground. So, you now have the chance to do whatever your heart desires, kids. Visit your family perhaps. Because as of tomorrow morning, things will get serious. Communicating with your families will be nearly impossible. Either you won't have the time for it or you'll be dead. That's the harsh reality, Soldiers. And I get it. We all have our differences. You don't like me and that's all there is to it. But don't forget this. Somebody has to do the job. Somebody has to protect those citizens. Somebody has to eradicate those Hollows. Somebody simply has to. And this somebody is you. Now I won't waste more of your day off, Soldiers, you're dismissed! Break Formation!"


Everyone was already leaving the place. Not as a group. They were all alone. They were in their head, forgetting about the world around them. They were all heading to the back of the Coliseum, mindlessly walking. However, one had nowhere to go. One Doc had under his grasp.

"Hey, son!"


"You know, usually, non-members of the Foundation aren't allowed to participate in our actions."

"Well, I was brought her-"

"Hahaha! No worries young man, I know all that! I wanted you here. I was saying that to show you how privileged and special you are!"


"Yes son, you are quite peculiar, you just don't realize it yet. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you eager to know how we deal with those nasty creatures?"


"Good. Curiosity is a strong asset to a young soul like yours. I'm pretty sure you figured out that the training they've been doing isn't enough to put a scratch on the Hollows. Stamina training, close combat training, weapon-wielding basics. It doesn't matter. It takes a tremendous amount of power to hold your ground in front of those monsters. Come back here tomorrow, you'll find the answer to your question."

"Ok. But what about me? You said I was special, what does that mean?"

The old man grinned. He then reached into a pocket inside his jacket and pulled out something he immediately threw at the young confused man.

"A badge?"

"Yes, you're a Soldier now!"


"Usually, there's a whole screening system and a long process. So let's just say you aced them!"

"But wha-"

"Something you'll learn about me, I hate to repeat myself. Tomorrow. Come here. That's it, Soldier. You're dismissed!"


He already passed the entrance when I was able to come back to my senses. I'm looking down at the badge lying in my hands and I don't completely understand what it means. I'm a Soldier now? Wait! Isn't that supposed to mean that I'll have to fight? I refuse. There's no way I'm getting close to those things ever again. Even with that thick glass between us, I felt unsafe. The size of that thing, the strength under those monstrous muscles, that- ... 

Wait. That Hollow. It was… inside? Shit. It just came to my mind! How did I just forget about that fact? Wha-, what if it broke free and is let loose in the Lab? What is Doc thinking? Is he really that confident in his installations? Will that glass really be able to refrain that monster? And here I thought I was safe inside. Maybe there's more of them? Maybe they'll all break out? Maybe they'll start killing everybody in their sleep? Maybe the-... Maybes. Always making scenarios, always thinking about the worst outcomes. 

Relax. I don't have time to think about what might happen. I just need to concentrate on what I'm doing now. So, what was I doing? What was I doing before coming her- Oh right. I was exploring the Lab. That door back there was locked. The other I saw is most likely locked too. But, I did get a new lead. Those soldiers went through that door over there. I'll go check it out. But… what if there are more Hollows there? No, I won't take a chance. I'll just head back to my room after all.


It was pretty dark, as always. The mood was heavy, as always. But there was more movement than usual, it was more lively. Outside the walls of the Lab lives the Outsiders. They try to live their best in poorly built shelters, or at least survive. There's a lot of them actually. This underground cave is huge. Some high and solid pillars of rock are supporting the ceiling. 

There are a lot of tunnels, parting ways in every direction. Not a lot knows what lies ahead of them. Well, not a lot came back to tell anyone about it. All kinds of people are walking around. Kids running in circles, naively enjoying their lives, adults smoking and drinking alcohol trying to forget about theirs. The unusual commotion is caused by the flood of fresh uniforms. The Soldiers are wandering around, looking for their families they haven't seen in four years.


A young woman with dark skin is standing in front of a door. She gently and carefully puts a ukulele on the ground before silently entering the house. She walks in, trying to be as quiet as possible, fearing to get heard by some unwanted ears. She walks by the living room, immediately obliged to pinch her nose to avoid inhaling another draft of that horrible smell. A white man is sleeping in a chair, an empty beer in hand, unconsciously holding it above the ground. He's drooling on his well-worn white tank top. 

The girl continues her errand to the bedroom. Here, the smell directly stings her in her eyes. She enters the room and immediately starts to clean it up: picking up empty bottles, making the bed and washing some stains around with a piece of fabric she snatched on her way there. She mechanically turns around and starts a somehow similar process in the dinning room. As she does, she sees in her memory a woman with a similar skin tone as her doing the same, a big smile on her face, humming a melody. 

After throwing away the improvised towel, she heads back to the living room. She stands behind the chair, smiling at the crown of hair on the man's head. After a while, she bows down, posing a kiss on his bald scalp, before proceeding to leave the place. She left no trace of her presence, aside from the clear results of her visit.


A brown-haired girl knocks on a door, resulting in a concerned voice coming from inside the shelter.

"Who's this?"

"It's me, Mom…"

After saying those words, a loud stampede of footsteps rushed at the door. The door opened in a flash, revealing a teary middle-aged woman, a tan resembling hers, and her new husband.


She was asking that as an interrogation, but she didn't even wait for some sort of response before jumping in the young woman's arms.

"Oh, I'm so happy you're safe, honey! I was so scared!"

Both of them then burst into a flood of tears.

"I missed you so much, mom!"

"Your mother missed you a lot, too."

Spoke the man, standing behind them. 

Time passed; they moved inside. After hugging and comforting each other for hours, the young lady was now ready to leave, a wooden box tucked between her arms.

"Your father would be proud of you. I'm sure he is."

Awkwardly said the man to the young soldier he hasn't met before.

"Hmm, yeah. Thanks. I need to go… I'm sorry…"

"... When will you come back home?"

Sobbed her mother.


The young girl with the key necklace didn't want to answer this, nor did she know the answer. None of them knew if she would even come back at all. The older woman was standing still in the door frame. Tears were dropping on the porch, blood too. She was furiously trying to hold in a painful scream by piercing her forearm's skin with her nails. The man came behind her to hold her and embrace her.


A strong man was energetically sparring on a robotic AI-powered ragdoll inside the Foundation's Training Ground. Jabs, hooks, high kicks. His techniques were on point, and his muscles were swollen. One hit after another, he was quickly warming up, letting out some steam. Immediately when his fist landed on the ragdoll's jaw, the man saw a picture of a little kid getting punched at the same place, before losing balance and collapsing on the ground.

"Hahaha, such a weak ass!"

A kid, bigger than the one on the ground, was spitting insults at his fallen victim.

"Now get up trash, I'm not done playing!"

The bullied child was crawling towards his bully. He used everything to stand up on his weak knees. He faced the other kid, closed his eyes, and smiled.

"Hun? Are you making fun of me, bastard?"

The bully lifted his leg to his hip, before stretching it and landing a heavy kick in the other kid's chest. Simultaneously, the soldier on the Training Ground rested his hand on his bare chest. I need to get stronger…


"This is it…"

She was eyeing the badge resting in her fragile hands. She gently put it on the top of her folded uniform, lying on her bed. The room had two sets of stacked beds and one alone, hers. She turned around and walked up to the mirror above the sink. 

In her underwear, she was staring at her reflection with disgust. She was analyzing herself from top to bottom. Shining long blond hair. Hypnotic blue eyes. Thin and pointy nose. Delicate lips. Generous curves. Flat abdomen. Wide hips. That's all she could see in the mirror, but that was enough to anger her. She drastically marched away from that horrible sight to sit at the end of her bed. She was aggressively scratching her wrist. 

She didn't see those marks in the mirror because she didn't want to, but her wrists, thighs, ankles and arms were covered with scars and cuts.

"I hate this body…"


In an isolated part, some guy was standing in front of a cheap man-made grave. Only a rock and a bump in the dirt stood as proof that a body was buried there. No one was around, nothing to be seen either. Faintly lightened up by an almost dead lamp on the cave's wall, the guy was drinking out of a flask, recalling a certain scene.

"Hey… get down there big bro, it's not funny anymore…"

The scene shows the face of a kid. Uncontrollable flows of tears were streaming down his cheeks, sliding down this broken child's face. A pair of shoes were high up in front of him. They were dangling side to side, dancing above a fallen chair, celebrating in front of a sickened boy.


He let out a faint noise before taking a big gulp. His long hair was sleeping on his shoulders, his bangs covering his eyes, leaving his face completely dark, hiding away any evidence of tears forming in his eyes.

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