Cameraman Never Dies

Chapter 59: Core? I Hardly Know Her!

The whole place went cold, freezing the whole place. The moisture in the air became visible and white, covering the surface with its white beauty. Eleyn stepped forward, the air around her was quite perverse. It was hot and was melting the ice where she stood.

Slowly, the ice-cold atmosphere started to turn into extreme heat. The entirety of the ice started to melt, the air was starting to get distorted and blurry as the water vapor started to disperse.

The place was as hot as inside an oven but nobody felt the heat, rather, it was more of a warm and comforting atmosphere. But the monster Percival was not so lucky, he tried to put out the fire as it burned his green vest.

Flames started to appear around Eleyn, they formed a pair of folded wings and two horns, but they were longer and more twisted than the ones Judge saw on his father's head. Her eyes, her pupils to be exact, were set ablaze.

She propelled towards Percival with the flaming wings giving her a boost, the possessed had no choice but to dodge. But it was still in vain as half of his abdomen was burned to crisp in an instant.

She followed up with a kick without allowing the enemy to recover, but Percival quickly made a wall of darkness to protect himself. But she shattered it, though with some effort. He moved to the side in a flash and tried to cut through her unguarded back, but a hand made of flames stopped his scythe mid-track.

He looked up to see the being that had caught the blade, it was an entity made of fire. It had two glowing red dots in place of its eyes. It looked more or less like a devil as it smiled creepily.

Percival let go of his weapon as he jumped back and summoned more darkness. He opened his mouth to speak, but all that came out was a screech that sounded like multiple voices were wailing loudly.

He produced another scythe, but this one did not have a solid blade. Rushing forward he stricked Eleyn again, the scythe changing shape midway and becoming short. Once his swing passed through in front of her without touching, he changed the shape again, together with direction trying to slice her again. But was blocked.

"It is starting to get more intelligent, the possession is not even halfway complete," Seraphis muttered, the only person near her was Lucifer.

She looked at him again and spoke, "You were frustrated about the regeneration huh?"

Lucifer did not answer, but he gave a very subtle nod. He was not trying to be disrespectful but his ethercraft, the one with the wind, had taken a huge toll on his body. Even moving his tongue seemed too big of a task.

Using the ethercraft for a few more minutes would have made him immobilized. He could recover by drawing in ether from his catalysts, but he needed to recover just a bit for his body to be able to take in the ether.

"You see," She sat near him, "When a being is getting possessed, it is natural to have regeneration, you should look for the core. There would be a core placed... no, designated inside the victim for the possession to take place. It is not external, rather, there should be an organ in which all the ether would be focused upon. You need to completely destroy that."

Lucifer shook his head weakly, which went unnoticed by Seraphis, he had experience from fighting a powerful possessed before, and had won even though it had cost him greatly. He was really familiar with the regeneration and core.

He had cut open the possessed body multiple times already, and there was no core organ anywhere inside the body. He was keen when it came to sensing things related to ether, and he had made a hopeless discovery.

The whole body was like a single core organ. Whenever he cut them there always equal amounts of ether within each and every part of the body he cut. The ether would seep out from them and concentrate somewhere, with all the pieces joining together there.

The first time, joining was messed up and created a monster. The next time, it joined in a proper human shape, which was a sign of the possession getting more complete and the being getting more intelligent.

Seraphis deflected a wave of darkness that was headed toward them, "Damn it Elleyn, can't you finish this up properly?"

"I could have but there seems to be an anomaly." She shouted as she redirected a swing from the scythe.

"What anomaly? And speak more loudly the town cannot hear you."She said, (Translation: Speak quieter, I can hear you. But my pride won't allow me to say it properly.)

"There doesn't seem to be a core in this being!" She wanted to counter, but there is a suitable time and place for that, and this was not one of the options.

"Huh?!" Seraphis was confused, she was not the best when it came to ether. She barely knew other principles apart from her own. "What do you mean by 'No core', You expect me to believe that?"

"It is your choice to believe, but I am speaking the truth." She tore off an entire arm of Percival. Along with the scythe that seemed to be growing in strength.

Judge was getting sick and tired of just standing around, he wanted join in on the fight. If the problem was regeneration— then he could use a little of nihility to completely erase the enemy. He sidestepped to avoid a slash of darkness that was burning.

But, as always, there were problems. First was that he still did not know how to use it properly, and the target was large. Second was that he had exhausted almost half of his ether, and the principle for nihility was rather 'ether consuming', this was despite the fact that it required a huge load of psyche too, a department that he lacked in.

He could still cast it with the psyche he had, but the problem was ether. He had exerted too much will that used up a lot of ether from his reserves, he needed a catalyst. When he was in his clone, controlling ether was what required ether.

The battle was intense, and the place was nothing like a house. His mother started to draw in more ether from her catalyst, not that she was short on ether, but she was going to cast another principle.

She started to chant, psyche would be affected by the state of mind, and she was currently fighting melee, so chanting was a good way to ease up the psyche consumption.

"Oh servant of flame who lay in the nether

your master calls, arise from thine slumber,

Show the path that leads the fire

Claim the ruins that you desire,

Destroy all that which you see

For I do not show mercy."

"Hell's mercy," She said as she extended her right hand to conjure a sword made up of pure flames, two chains came from the handle and twisted on her hand, positioning itself securely.

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