Cavorting with Death

Chapter 9: Chapter 8 Part 2


Dinner was a relatively uneventful affair apart from Dumbledore and the small revelation that his friend was the wife of Nicholas Flamel. After giving a quick rundown of the situation to Andromeda who was also naturally surprised, plates were cleared away and drinks were poured as couples had slowly begun entering the dance floor, eager to show off their moves.

Harry hummed along to a tune that the small band was playing as he watched a few couples swaying to the music. He could help but recollect of his time when he himself was in a similar situation with his bushy haired friend until a sigh left his mouth.

He still hadn't gotten round to sending off a response to Hermione's letter and it beginning to bug him.

It was bugging him because he had all the time in the world to write up a response and he didn't. It was like he was purposely avoiding the whole ordeal.

Perhaps I'm being petty. Not like she sent anything to me last summer… He rubbed his eyes; I'll send my reply once I get home. Yeah… that's what I'll do.

"Thinking of someone special?" Andromeda asked knowingly, her heels clicked as she walked up to the taller man.

"You." Harry replied seamlessly, putting the matter of Hermione in the back of his mind.

"I hope you are sweetie because you owe me a dance." Andromeda smirked, offering her hand to Harry who rolled his eyes good naturedly before bowing over the limb.

"Would you do me the honour of sharing a dance with me, my Lady?"

Andromeda beamed, "I would be delighted, my Lord." She replied, dropping a curtesy.

Harry escorted Andromeda to the ballroom floor, flawlessly joining all the other active dancers as they moved with the melody. As guests saw the duo begin to dance, it wasn't long before the floor was filled with many more couples, all dancing along to the music.

"How am I doing?" Harry whispered, a tinge of nervousness in his voice, narrowly missing an elderly couple who looked as if they had a goal of bumping into as many people as they could see.

"Perfectly, my dear. See, what did I tell you. If you put your mind in to something-"

"Anything's possible, yeah yeah." Harry muttered, twirling around a giggling Andromeda.

The older woman looked as if she was having the best night of her life and Harry wanted to ensure it stayed that way. He had vowed he would protect that smile and that's what he'd do.

Unbeknownst to the two, three blondes watched the dancing couple from the side-lines, all three with different emotions and thoughts bubbling up inside of them.

Lucius Malfoy watched with growing irritation at the fact that the Potter brat was right in front of him and yet, he couldn't do anything especially when his Master forbade him from acting out…

"Let the fools have their night of naivety, Lucius. Allow them to think that their evening will have any significance to them overcoming me and our goals." Voldemort said nonchalantly, perusing a tome in the large library of the Malfoys.

"And what of the boy, my Lord? Sources have told me that Potter will be there."

Voldemort paused, closing the book and placing it down on a table. Crimson eyes turned to regard the blonde dispassionately.

"And nothing, my slippery friend. Harry I am sure, is required to attend due to his new found title…" The Dark Lord said, sneering down at his follower who had the decency to look ashamed. "Nevertheless, after the little stunt dear Harry pulled in Diagon Alley with Evan's wife, I am most curious about this sudden development of his and how far he will go… Yes… You will do nothing, Lucius. With the old fool being there which I know he will be, I highly doubt you will be able to do anything at all…"

The Malfoy Lord grimaced as Evan Rosier stood sullenly with Crabbe and Jugson. The fool was pouting like a child ever since his demand to skin Potter for what he had done to his wife, was denied by the Dark Lord, though Lucius couldn't blame Evan.

He hated the arrogant half-blood with a passion, scowling murderously when the brat had the nerve to smirk at him from across the hall.

He'd kill him. For the Dark Lord and for the suffering Potter befell on his family, Lucius swore he'd end his pitiful existence himself.

"Excuse me." Lucius mumbled out, stomping towards the restroom, leaving behind his wife Narcissa who shot her pathetic husband a sneer before her gaze snapped back to her.

Narcissa watched with an impassive face the way Potter effortlessly twirled around her sister and she couldn't help the conflicting feelings arising within her.

Seeing Andromeda resurfaced memories long forgotten and hidden deep away of Narcissa's childhood days. The days where it was just Cissy, Bella and Andi. The days when everything was perfect.

Andromeda's matureness was why Bellatrix and Narcissa admired her so much. Her unwavering confidence and assurance coupled with a powerful sense of poise and elegance… her eldest sister was the perfect model Black. The perfect daughter a pureblood would be proud to have.

The person Narcissa aspired to be.

That was until it all fell apart.

Betrayed by the very same sister who they admired, drove Bella to the Dark Lord whilst Narcissa was left behind to pick up the pieces of Andromeda's betrayal.

Narcissa sighed as she enforced her Occlumency, driving away the unhappy memories.

Her sister looked stunning.

Andromeda had aged like fine Elven wine and she looked… happy. Truly happy.

She couldn't help the bitter feelings that manifested within her.

Here Narcissa was, miserable, hurt and frightened not only for herself, but for her only son whilst her estranged older sister, cavorted about as if she didn't even have a care in the world.

Andromeda was banished from the family. Stripped off her titles and could no longer call herself a Black. A name so prominent that it was known throughout the world as the one who sat at the pinnacle of all the other Coloured Houses. She was a Blood Traitor who ran away with a mudblood, renouncing her heritage and yet, she looked… content.

The blonde's eyes shifted to the young man that held her, an equally joyous expression on his handsome face.

It seemed it was because of Potter.

Everything… seemed to be because of Potter.

The source of her husband's hate, the source of Bella's unnatural obsession and the source of Andi's happiness…

What's so special about Potter?

For Lucius, the boy had humiliated him, placed doubt on his reputation and his standing with the Dark Lord. Three perfectly reasonable reasons to hate someone Narcissa supposed.

For Bella… Well… Bella was Bella, the blonde thought with an inward grimace.

She was almost positive that Bellatrix's unhealthy infatuation with the Boy-Who-Lived would implode. When that was, she didn't know but she hoped it would be soon.

It would be better for everyone lest the Dark Lord finds out…

But what was the connection between Andromeda and Potter?

Narcissa pondered her conundrum thoughtfully before an insane idea wormed into her mind as her eyes widened in disbelief.

S-Surely t-they can't be…


The horrified blonde watched the duo closely and she did not like the things she was seeing as the crazy idea began taking root in her brain.

Morgana forbid if Bella finds out…

Narcissa shook her head vigorously from side to side as if denying it herself would ensure it wasn't true.

I really need some wine…

On the other side of the room, also watching the dance floor stood the final blonde.

Her electric blue eyes tracked his every move. From every sway of his jet-black hair to every partition of his feet.

Harry Potter had changed. Drastically.

He was taller. Much taller and he had definitely filled out a lot more. The robes he wore actually fit him as compared to the rags she had seen him wear at school.

The dark red and black robes looked immaculate paired with his house's crest displayed proudly on his breast. Potter looked the part that the Daily Prophet painted him out to be and more.

It was almost as if he was an entirely different person but she knew that wasn't true.

She had been up close and personal with him after all…

Stupid bloody brain, Daphne berated.

She could feel her cheeks warming remembering again the feel of his calloused hand on her waist. The thinness of her dress making it feel as though he was holding her naked skin… The warmness of his breath on her neck and his utterly intoxicating scent…


Ever since her father had given her the stupid task of befriending Potter, that single night her and him shared on that snowy evening, kept replaying in her mind like a magical photograph. Seeing him again in the flesh certainly didn't help especially with how much he'd changed and for the better.

It was a moment of weakness… A moment that should've never happened!

Even Daphne knew that was a weak argument but thinking about that night and how he looked, she couldn't help but compare that Potter to this Potter.

The Potter in front of her looked assertive and commanding. It was like he was embracing his new found title not only by name but through his actions too.

Though it was his emerald orbs that she couldn't help her gaze from compulsorily wandering to every time.

Daphne finally understood. No matter how much she wanted to deny it and yet she knew now why the female population went crazy over them. No longer hindered by his glasses, his emerald eyes looked positively alluring. In all actuality, they always have done, but now they seemed to emit a soft glow which she found utterly enchanting though when Daphne looked closer, she noticed something that made her pause.

He's tense.

Killing curse eyes disregarded nothing, scanning everything and everyone around him. It was as if he was waiting for an attack. An attack Daphne was positive would never come.

She had only heard rumours of what Potter had gone through throughout the years. She was not oblivious like the rest of her peers. During her time in Hogwarts, things were going on in the background that couldn't be explained and the common person who was always involved was Potter. Even the most recent example which revealed the return of the once believed dead Dark Lord had Potter at the centre of the entire situation.

Daphne wasn't sure what had exactly happened causing the Dark Lord to reveal himself but somehow, Potter was involved and now the people had begun calling him the Chosen One.

A title which can only mean one thing given the context…

The pretty, older woman in his arms looked very familiar also. Daphne was sure she had seen a picture of her or something recently but couldn't quite put her finger on where.

I wonder what kind of relationship they have… She thought, dismissing the feeling of irritation festering as she watched Potter smiling down at the older woman.

Daphne's mind once again returned to Potter and how she could approach him. She just needed one single opportunity, one single chance but the how was a different question altogether.

It was when she was contemplating ideas in her mind that her breath caught in her throat as the man in question locked his eyes with hers.

A connection formed as if time had trickled to an abrupt stop as green and blue stared at one another.

A moment of realisation seemed to hit him as Daphne saw his eyes widen slightly before he blinked and once again, his focus went to the older woman in his arms.

Daphne felt herself release a breath she didn't know she was holding. She could feel her heart pounding as if it was going to burst from within.

What is wrong with me? Why am I acting like this?

She was normally cool, detached and completely comfortable with her feelings and yet, what she was feeling today was unlike anything she had ever experienced before.

It was as if she was hit with a cheering charm or-r… she had drunk a… l-lust potion…

Daphne felt her face heating up as the weird feeling in her stomach propagated as obscene images of her and Potter materialised in her mind.

Next time I read those wretched erotic novels of Tracey's, I'll burn them into cinders-

She most definitely was not in love withPotter! That was simply impossible!

The blonde determined her mind was addled due to the stress of the task her father had given her. That was the only logical reason that made sense unless she really did unknowingly drink a lust potion but in that case, she would've jumped someone's bones by now!

She sighed as she felt a headache rearing its ugly head.

Looking around, she sought her date and saw that he was still occupied, thankfully, although, his earlier group seemed to have grown. Joining him were some of his male classmates from his year and that coupled with the earlier gaggle of girls, made up the new group of young adults that Daphne would be staying far, far away from.

She had no interest in speaking to any one of them let alone make idle conversation and offer false platitudes.

Astoria and Draco, she had noticed, had taken a seat at a table that had clear viewing area of the ballroom floor. Draco as usual, was spouting some nonsense whilst glowering at the dance floor most likely about Potter.

Surrounding them were of course Troll One and Troll Two; nicknames which Daphne had dubbed for Crabbe and Goyle. Completing the foursome was Parkinson and Bulstrode.

In Pansy's case, if looks could kill, Astoria would be dead many times over.

The girl looked as if she had sucked an extremely sour lemon, her pug-face reddening as she stared daggers at Astoria who was smirking back at the older girl arrogantly. Pansy's ticket to the wealthy life of being wife to little Draco was all but stolen away by Astoria after all. Despite their differences, Daphne could honestly understand her plight.

Bulstrode on the other hand looked as if Merlin himself had reincarnated in the form of food as she messily dived into the large assortment of confectionaries that was in front of her like that orange Weasel did for every meal at Hogwarts. It was sickening.

Honestly, no wonder the girl looks the way she looks… Daphne huffed internally. To think Millicent had the gall to lie and gossip that Daphne had used permanent cosmetic charms to alter her looks when the bigger girl eats whatever floats in front of her nose.

Daphne sighed again. It seemed she was doing that a lot this evening.

I need some air…

Along with their transfiguration of the Atrium, the Ministry workers with the help of the Magical Maintenance Department, had also transfigured a small, sectioned off area into a magnificent garden.

It couldn't be compared to the majesty that was at her home but it was still beautiful nonetheless and most importantly, peaceful.

Rejecting at least three guys, all of different ages who had asked her for a dance, Daphne eventually made it to the garden. Nodding towards the Auros standing by at its entrance, the blonde began walking through the artificial pathway.

A gentle breeze swayed the leaves of trees and coated the exposed parts of her dress providing a pleasant shiver to roll down her spine. Small faeries flew around far too quickly and the temperate sloshing of water could be heard making the entire atmosphere of the garden faultlessly tranquil.

Looking over some shrubbery, she noticed a lone bench off to the side that overlooked a small pond. The magical moonlight lit up the water and its surroundings, allowing her to see little fishes swimming around aimlessly within. The view was made as if it was out of a storybook she had once read when she was young which is probably what they were going for. In her humble opinion, coming from a family who specialised in Herbology, they had done a pretty excellent job.

Ignoring the shameless stares of the males and the bitter filled ones of their partners, Daphne strode to the bench and gracefully sat down.

Inhaling the cool air, she used her Occlumency to gain a firmer control of her emotions, eventually managing to calm herself down by practicing a few breathing exercises she had read about.

The blonde was way out of her comfort zone. The mission she was given was too much for someone as closed off as her.

Potter was no ordinary person. Arguably one of the most famous people in magical society, a person who she's barely had any interaction with and she was to somehow befriend him.

She needed a new plan.

Once Daphne had thought about it, her original plan of somehow getting him to ask her for a dance and going from there was really out of the question entirely.

She was betrothed and the news of her betrothal was public. An unmarried man dancing with a woman who was already spoken for would make people talk especially because Potter was in the equation.

Her father would not be pleased if that came about. It would destroy the relationship between the Warringtons and his carefully crafted plan of using his own daughter as a tool to secure the safety of his family would be at risk if the Malfoys caught on ergo, the Dark Lord...

She bit her bottom lip in contemplation. She honestly did not know what to do.

Perhaps Daphne should just give up, explain to her father that such a task was too great and just accept the repercussions whatever they may be.

It seriously felt as though her father was punishing her. For what and why, she still didn't know.

Haven't I suffered enough…?


The voice startled her.

She stood up rapidly, spinning around on her feet. Instantly her wand was in her hand pointing at the assailant and it was then, Daphne's eyes widened almost comically.

"You're crying…" He said.

"Potter…" Daphne whispered, disregarding the way he frowned as he looked down at her.

"Why are you crying?" Harry asked, taking a step in her direction but stopped when she took one back.

"Why are you here…?" Daphne whispered.

Harry cracked a small smirk.

"Me first."

"Ladies first." She corrected automatically,

His smirk turned into a wide smile. "Point."

She blinked, finally noticing wetness on her cheeks as she hastily swiped away at her face.

She had never felt so humiliated in her life.

"Stop…" Daphne paused as she felt a hand larger than her own, close around hers, halting them from finishing their task of removing the evidence of her tears. His hand was still calloused and rough and… she didn't know what else she was expecting. The feel of his limb fit his image to a T. She gazed up at him with wide, blue eyes as Harry stood in front of her as his earlier frown had returned. "You'll ruin your make-up…"

She was at a loss for words and as she continued lightly gaping up at him when Harry looked down and realised what he was doing.

"S-Sorry." He retracted, placing distance between them, taking away the warmth of his hand with him.

"S'Okay…" Daphne whispered, the odd emotions she began associating with Harry Potter returning full blast.

"Are you okay, Greengrass?"

The taller boy's question sobered her up as she realised how she had been acting.

"F-Fine. Fine."

Harry nodded. He gave her an uncertain smile whilst rubbing the back of his neck.

"I didn't mean to startle you… Earlier, I mean."

"You didn't." Daphne replied instantly, cringing internally at how apathetic she sounded.

He once again nodded, the glow from his eyes dimming ever so slightly.

"I-I should go… It was nice seeing you, Greengrass." Harry said softly.


"Y-You've gotten taller…"

Harry stilled. Turned around, he looked curiously at Daphne who had conveniently, turned her head towards the pond.

"And fatter." Daphne added.

He snorted. "Fatter?"

She coughed, masking her embarrassment.

"You know what I mean…"

"Growth spurt."

"It's barely been a month since the school term ended."

Harry hummed. "Keeping tabs on me, Greengrass…?"

Daphne turned back to look at the taller boy and offered him a smirk. For some reason, as she spoke to him, she could feel her confidence returning.

His eyes widened minutely. Harry couldn't deny that the smile made his heart race.

From watching her from afar at school, Daphne never exuded any emotions and so, seeing her show even the slightest expression at something he said, pushed his mind into overdrive.

Harry's mischievous side reared its playful head. He didn't know why but for some bizarre reason, the young Lord wanted to see what else he could get out from the mysterious blonde.

Running a hand through his hair, he began walking towards Daphne whose expression became neutral as he came closer. She watched him with a small tilt of her head as he eventually stood before her.

Daphne raised her head to look up at Harry.

There seemed to be a perpetual tension between the two that had reached its crescendo in such a short time. It was a feeling neither one could put into words but both had been unknowingly feeling it ever since that night almost two years ago.

Harry could hear his pulse beating in his ears the longer he looked at her as his adrenaline slowly kicked in. The sight of Daphne's lidded eyes brought the feeling of something flying around in his stomach.

Must be a dragon… the teen concluded; feeling as though the size of a dragon was comparable to odd feeling festering in his abdomen.

"I'm not the only one who's grown…" Harry began softly, "You were beautiful before but in this green dress… you look practically sinful, Greengrass."

Daphne's eyes widened in disbelief at his forwardness.

The young Lord grinned roguishly, walking past the slightly gaping blonde as he took a seat on the bench.

There was no compelling reason coming forward in Harry's mind at why he had just said that. For him, it just felt the most natural thing to do which confused him greatly.

He was no stranger when it came to complimenting a girl.

Tonks had seen it fit to educate him how to do so in his first year when she would practically kidnap him periodically, to teach him all about the fairer sex.

He was ultimately grateful for it. Though he was still a little introverted due to how he was raised, having Tonks make him play catch up definitely helped him bring his confidence out.

As Tonks set the foundation for his education, then came along Sirius, who flipped Harry's world on girls on its head. It was safe to say that Harry probably knew drastically more about his own Godfather's escapades than he needed to…

It wasn't all bad though. Sirius' help and Tonks' correct ways in communicating with women certainly helped in the department of wooing Hermione despite how the current climate between he and the frustrating bushy-haired girl was.

"You have some nerve…" Daphne eventually bit out. Her pink cheeks contrasting brilliantly to her pale face.

"Adverse to compliments now, Greengrass?"

"On the contrary," She began, pushing a strand of her golden hair behind her ear, surreptitiously observing at how the green-eyed wizard watched the action. "I just didn't expect you to compliment women other than Granger…"

Harry gave her a strained smile that Daphne picked up on and pushed to the back of her mind, "No harm in expressing how I feel, Greengrass."

"It's called being in control, Potter. You should try it sometime."

"And people usually say thank you and offer a compliment back, Greengrass."

Daphne huffed before bashfully looking away, the action promoting a smile to appear on Harry's face as he watched her pale cheeks darken even more.

"T-Thank you, P-Potter. You-You l-look-"

"-You don't have to force yourself, you know-" Harry chuckled, giving the blushing blonde a teasing smile as he turned back to the pond. He really did enjoy making her blush.

"-Handsome!" Daphne blurted out causing Harry to snap his head back at her.

The blonde was looking anywhere but in the young Lord's direction as the man in question sat there gaping at her. He honestly didn't think she'd say something in return and so her response caught him off guard.

Blinking a few times, Harry also joined Daphne in looking anywhere but in her direction.

"T-Thanks…" He mumbled out, watching from the corner of his eye as the Slytherin nodded.

An uncomfortable silence descended upon the two. The artificial wind picked up slightly taking with it the sounds of conversation and light music from the hall.

"P-Perhaps i-it's time for me to go…" Daphne mumbled, casting her eyes around her, noticing that the amount of couples had increased therefore increasing the chance she could be spotted alone with Potter.

"Leaving me already, Greengrass? Can't say I'm not hurt…" His teasing voice spoke behind her.

"It was easier before considering the lack of people, Potter, but if anyone were to see the two of us together, trust me, it wouldn't be good for either of us." Daphne said with an odd voice.

Though she had said it was a straight face, there was a touch of an emotion Harry couldn't place within her words.

"Look around you, Greengrass."

She frowned at him before looking around their vicinity. Though the couples had increased, strangely none were looking at them even though they were well in sight..

"Privacy charm…" She whispered.

He nodded, "Put it up once I saw you. Surprised you didn't notice."

"I was preoccupied…"

"I saw," He chuckled when she narrowed her eyes, "So… does that ease your conscious?"

Daphne had to make a choice now. Does she take the risk of being seen with Potter or does she embrace her Slytherin nature for self-preservation and find a different way to earn his trust?

Harry watched after a moment, as the blonde turned on her feet and began taking measured steps in his direction and his smile grew.

When he had said she looked sinful, he wasn't lying. The dark green gown flowed down her tall figure like a cascading waterfall. Every fold and every seam was carefully made to accentuate her more than generous curves and Merlin was Daphne blessed in that department.

On her feet were black heels adding length to her already impressive height which was emphasised by the long slit running up her toned leg, ending at her mid-thigh. There was no doubt about it, Daphne Greengrass was a vision of beauty only comparable to someone like Fleur Delacour and even then, the younger girl would come out on top.

Fleur was almost unnaturally ethereal much of course was due to her Veela heritage but here was a woman who had no such advantage and that's what made it more unbelievable.

For Harry, there was no doubt that Daphne was the most beautiful woman he had ever lay eyes on.

"Well, scoot up then." Daphne said, her voice high, her cheeks pink. Harry had realised she had noticed him checking her out which made his own embarrassment for getting caught, skyrocket.

The young Lord cleared his throat, foolishly thinking he had managed to hide his blushing cheeks, he slid himself across the bench until he felt his side hitting the end almost immediately. Frowning, he looked down and the sight confused him.

That's strange. I could've sworn this bench was longer than this…


"Please Potter, take your sweet time."

"That's the thing, there's uh, no more space…"

"I can barely fit in there!" Daphne exclaimed, pointing to the gap between Harry and the end of the bench.

"S'Okay, I-I'll just stand. Here, you take the se-"

Harry was cut off when he felt a warm body push against him and his eyes widened comically.

Daphne decided to take matters in to her own hands, squeezing in between the handle of the bench and him.

I should've been a bloody Gryffindor…! Daphne exclaimed in her mind.

The bench was small which made every curve of the blonde's that much more prominent as he struggled to calm his racing heart and his rising libido.


"This is uncomfortable." Daphne supplied helpfully. The blonde was having her own troubles. With the way she could feel his thigh, his entire arm and not to mention his addicting scent, it was driving her positively insane.

"You think...?" Harry replied with a strained voice. His shoulders were rolled forwards as he had to press his arms together to avoid leaning into the dangerously soft blonde.

Daphne turned to look at the taller boy; her smirk returning in full force when she saw Harry squirming about. Her blush had extended to her neck as a scandalous idea came into her mind that would ease the uncomfortable situation but it would definitely not be good for her heart.

Clearing her throat slightly, she leaned forwards and grasped Harry's hand, slightly enjoying how he stiffened at the contact.

His hand was warm. Daphne could feel every vein, every rough patch of skin and she couldn't help the shiver running down her back at her brazenness. The feeling excited her as she could feel heat building in her abdomen.

The blonde's voice was soft, her breath hot in his ear as her intoxicating scent invaded his senses. "This should help…"

She took his hand from his lap and pulled it around and over their heads. As Harry's arm passed both of their faces, the duo's eyes locked with one another.

Electric blue eyes regarded emerald green with an indiscernible emotion whilst Harry took every single one of Daphne's facial features and burned it into his mind.

Her expression was mischievous, her eyes crinkled as a small smirk which conveyed everything and more, was displayed on her unreal face. This was Daphne Greengrass unguarded and he couldn't help the traitorous feelings from erupting from deep within his chest as he gazed down at her.

Daphne pulled Harry's arm until it was around her shoulders allowing her to burrow into his side. Quickly though, she lost balance and to brace herself, instinctively placing her hand on Harry's thigh which she swiftly removed as her hand was pretty close to his groin.

"S-Sorry." She squeaked; her voice filled with mortification at what she had done.

"S'Okay." The strain in his voiced deepened at the action before he let out a long sigh, settling comfortably into his new position.

"Better?" She asked amusedly after a moment.


Daphne hummed.

An easy silence settled around the two as they both gazed across the pond.



She rolled her eyes. "You're a Lord now."




Daphne huffed as she pinched his hand which was over her shoulder.

"Merlin woman!" Harry hissed.

"Stop being so stiff then!"

"I can't help it! I-I don't know what to say… Not like we've spoken to one another much in the past…"

"We haven't," Daphne agreed, "But that's why people start speaking to one another. To-To get to know the other…" At least I think so...

"Fine, fine. What do you want to know?"

"How? How are you a Lord?"

Harry looked down at her and saw genuine intrigue shining back at him. It was quite adorable.

"I had become emancipated through the Goblet of Fire back in our Fourth Year," He began, running a hand through his hair, "Long story short, a lot of things happened between then and two weeks ago. It was worth it though, in the end. Accepting the Lordship was probably the most important decision I'd ever likely make."

Daphne hummed as she nodded along, leaning her head on his chest.

"May I?" Noticing the ring on his hand. The same hand that was conveniently wrapped around her.

Harry shrugged, stiffening ever so slightly when he felt her hand take his.

"It's beautiful." Daphne whispered in awe, tracing her finger around the maroon-coloured ring.

"Thanks…" Harry said distractedly. "I-I see you've got a few yourself." He pointed out after removing his eyes from their clasped hands.

"None of them are special like yours. For me, my fingers feel naked if I don't have something on them." The blonde replied, not removing her hand from his.

"You're not going to ask?" Harry asked after a pause.

Daphne looking up at him curiously. "Ask what?"


"Why would I? If you were going to tell me, you would have. Your secrets are your own, Potter."

Harry blinked as he stared intently at Daphne for a moment.

They really are different from one another…


Daphne continued staring up at him, their faces mere inches from the other due to how close they were sitting as she felt him fiddling around with the rings on her fingers unknowingly.


"My name."

"I know your name, idiot." She rolled her eyes.

"Call me Harry." He said softly as she blinked owlishly at him.

"Harry," She said just as soft, testing the name on her tongue. "I thought your name was Hadrian?"

Harry scrunched his nose but gaped when he heard her tinkling laugh.

"I didn't know you could laugh, Greengrass."

This time she scrunched her nose at him causing him to smile.

"Never had a reason to before… Harry." She replied in the same odd voice as before until she leaned her head back against his chest and looked out into the pond. He watched her for a second or so longer till he realised she wasn't going to elaborate so he as well, turned to look back at the pond.

The two watched amusedly as two faeries wrestled in the air, the moonlight reflecting off their wings as they used two large leaves as weapons to strike the other. The air was wonderfully still. The only sounds that could be heard was the soft trilling of birds and mutterings of conversations around them.

"Thank you, Greengrass."

The girl in question turned to raise an eyebrow at him perplexedly.

"For not asking."

Daphne stared at Harry for a second or so before she smiled, her pearly white teeth teased him behind her full lips. Her eyes softened as she regarded him and in that single frame, Harry had never seen her look so perfect.

"You never answered my first question, Greengrass."

"You didn't answer mine, Hadrian." She smirked. It was obvious to Harry she was deflecting and he let her.

"What was your question again?"

She grumbled, flicking his thigh in annoyance, "Why did you follow me, Potter?"

Harry titled his head slightly, an amused smile appearing on his face.

"Why were you staring at me?"

Daphne blinked a couple times before she huffed.

"We're not going to get anywhere if you keep answering my questions with questions." She said with a measured voice, hiding her shame at being caught.

"Oh, I agree. It's why you should answer my questions first."

"And why is that?"

"Mine are better."

"For you."

"True." He smiled down at her when Daphne raised a well-manicured eyebrow at him. Deciding to throw the quaffle into her hands, he continued staring at her until she eventually gave in.

"I wasn't the only one…"

"No… you weren't. You, however, just couldn't keep your eyes off me for more than five seconds." He whispered teasingly in her ear, enjoying the way she squirmed.

She slapped him on the knee. "Don't get a big head Potter. You're not all that."

Harry chuckled, his roguish smile appearing on his face.

"You were different," Daphne began after a pause, "Everything about you changed in a blink of an eye. I wanted to know why…" She said before looking up at him. Her electric blue eyes looked intently at his green. "Why you changed so much from that night when we danced…" She whispered.

Harry's eyes widened. "I-I didn't know you remembered… let alone knew it was me…"

"I don't just dance with any random boy, Potter." She mock scowled.

"I-I-I didn't mea-"

"-I know what you meant, silly." Daphne looked back out to the pond, leaning her head back on to his chest as she closed her eyes, "You looked lonely and I-I, I wasn't feeling the best. Marriage of convenience." She shrugged and Harry didn't press. Just as she didn't push him earlier, he wouldn't do the same to her.

"I had to. Change, I mean." Daphne looked up questioningly at him, her head still resting against his chest. Running his fingers through his hair, the teen exhaled, "If I hadn't, it wouldn't have been long before everyone I cared about, is taken from me. I had to change because before they're taken away, I'll take away the ones who wish to do them harm first." Harry finished, his eyes glowing ominously as Daphne suppressed a shiver when she gazed up at him.

"It's a good change."

"Didn't like how I was before, Greengrass?" Harry questioned her suggestively.

"No. Your fashion sense was awful." She replied deadpanned as he laughed.

"I had a good reason." He tried.

"There's no excuse, Potter." Daphne shook her head, her earrings and strands of hair moving along with the motion.

"And now…?" The black-haired teen whispered.

"Now… you're not half bad, Harry."

The tension between the two was thick as stone. Neither relenting as they continued staring at each other.

Hearing clicks of shoes, Harry leaned over to see what the commotion was about when he noticed groups of couples begin to make their way inside.

"We should probably go." Harry said, looking down at his muggle watch and realising it was just before midnight. "Fudge's probably about to do another ten-minute speech to close of the evening. We should probably make it back before people start asking questions…"

"Joy." Daphne mumbled, her face hidden from Harry's view.

Harry watched her stand up, her figure never ceasing to amaze him but that was not what he was focusing on. The warmth of her body disappeared along with her and he couldn't deny that he missed it dearly. He watched her smooth out her gown, turning his head when she brushed over her considerable assets and before long, she was ready.

He lightly coughed to gain her attention as she turned to him with a smile not quite reaching her eyes and raised eyebrow.


"Aren't you going to help me up then?"

"I'm a delicate maiden, Lord Potter." Daphne said haughtily. "Men usually help me up."

"Well, I'm a Lord. You're obligated to help me." Harry replied equally as haughtily, wiggling his outstretched hand to the smaller girl.

Daphne rolled her eyes at his childishness before a playful idea manifested in her mind.

"Alright then."

She daintily grabbed onto Harry's hand, instantly relishing in its warmth before she yanked him up, giggling when she heard him yelp in shock as she watched him shoot out of his seat but the laughter soon faded into alarm when she realised he was barrelling right towards her and wasn't stopping.

Daphne could only close her eyes tightly and wait for the inevitable pain. That was until she felt a his warm body press into her from the front as strong, long arms wound around her frame holding onto her tightly.

"That's some strength!" Harry exclaimed, unknowingly tightening his hands around her waist. "You okay?"

It was only when he asked that Harry realised their position. He felt his collar tighten around his throat as blood rushed to his ears. Almost immediately floundering about like a fish out of water, he made to move away, hastily offering an apology but was stopped in his place as small, delicate hands clutched tightly onto the back of his robes.


"Mm…?" Daphne replied, her muffled voice tickling him as she had her face tucked under his chin.

"Y-You okay?"


"I-I don't want to rush you, but we should definitely get a move on-" Harry said softly, his breath gently swaying the strands of her hair.


The blonde lifted her head from Harry's neck and leaned slightly back, placing her hand on his chest. "My name is Daphne."

Harry had a look of surprise cross his face as he looked down at the blue-eyed girl.

Before long, a playful smile fell on his lips. "I know your name, idiot-"

"-Say it." Daphne interrupted.

There was that same emotion he couldn't make out, dancing in her eyes again as she looked raptly up at him, gripping the front of his robes firmly.

Harry watched her closely, not entirely sure what he was looking for as he tightened his hold on her, ignoring to the best of his ability, the wonderful feeling of her large breasts straining against his chest. He only prayed she couldn't feel his own appendage rising up for duty…

"Daphne." Harry whispered, his emerald, green eyes glinting in the darkness of the garden. He felt as if all the sound around him had come to a halt whilst he waited with bated breath for her response and Merlin, was it worth every second.

It was perfect.

There was no other word to describe it.

Her electric blue eyes lit up and the smile he received was blinding as if he could feel the emotions radiating out of her. It was the same smile he remembered her having when they danced at the end of the Yule Ball.

Daphne outstretched her hands, snaking the one on his chest slowly up his body until she locked them both behind Harry's head as the green-eyed wizard's heart began beating wildly at what he guessed she was about to do.

She leaned up, the same damn smile playing on her face until she placed a small, lingering kiss on his cheek. It felt as if an eternity had passed until Daphne leaned down, her face mere inches from his as she savoured the gobsmacked expression on his face.

"Goodbye Harry."

Her voice was unbelievably quiet, her own blushing cheeks dismantling any notion that her unbelievable action didn't affect her. She rubbed her thumb against his cheek, wiping away the evidence of her lipstick before she stepped back gently from his arms.

Harry felt his arms drop to his side once the blonde stepped away but just when she turned to leave, Daphne raised her own hand, outstretching it in his direction. Her electric blue eyes sparkled when she raised an eyebrow in his direction.

With still flushed cheeks, Harry somewhat regained his rationality until he smiled at the grinning blonde. Bending over the limb, he pressed his lips over her hand whilst at the same time, admiring her beautifully painted nails.

Straightening up, he responded in the same tone as she did, gazing down at her wondrously.

"Goodbye Daphne."

Offering one more serene smile, the blonde turned around and began gracefully walking towards the doors that led back to the hall.

Her long heels clicked at a steady rhythm as Harry's eyes inadvertently went to her swaying hips, watching hypnotically as her round cheeks bounced from left to right.

Hogwarts robes should be arrested because hiding that has to be criminal…

Harry watched Daphne reach the doors until he saw her turn around and smirk knowingly before she glided out, leaving him behind in the now empty garden.

Releasing a breath, he sat down roughly back on the bench and placed his hands on his head, contemplating exactly what just happened until he sighed.

Standing up with wobbly knees, he pulled out his wand before waving it in his general vicinity to dismantle the privacy charm.


Gazing back at the bench, his eyebrows shot up as he stared back and forth between his wand and the bench, cursing himself for his lack of awareness.

Expansion charms exist for a reason… He thought but after everything that had happened, he was more alarmed that he really couldn't care less for not thinking of it earlier.

Harry let out a loud groan as he threaded his fingers through his hair.

"I'm so unbelievably and unequivocally fucked…"


"-I'm guessing this leave of absence of yours is going to be longer then, Andromeda?"

"Forgive me, Leanne." Andromeda began apologetically, "With Hadrian and everything going on…"

Leanne Fawley patted Andromeda's hand understandingly.

"Think nothing of it, dear. From what you told me, the boy could use someone like you in his corner. Take as much time off as you need, Andromeda. Morgana, knows how much you've worked over the years and I am honestly surprised you haven't requested for leave much sooner."

"Thank you, Leanne." The younger woman replied gratefully.

"Ah and this handsome man must be him then…" Leanne said approvingly as Harry appeared with a slice of treacle tart in his hand.

"Hey. Sorry for leaving you for so long." He began, kissing Andromeda's cheek in greeting.

"Hadrian." Andromeda greeted warmly, threading her arm in his. "What have I told you about eating that too much."

"Oh, lay off him a little, Andromeda. Let him enjoy his treats." Leanne said with a chuckle as Andromeda huffed. "Yes… now that I look at you, there is no doubt about it, you certainly do look like her. Especially in the cheeks." The older woman finished, looking intently at Harry who looked blankly in return.

"Forgive me ma'am, I don't think we've met." Harry said respectfully.

"Oh, how silly of me. Hadrian, this is Lady Leanne Fawley, wife of the late Lord Rodrick Fawley. She is the Head Medi-Witch at St Mungo's. Leanne may I present, Lord Hadrian Potter, Lord of the Noble and Ancient House of Potter."

"My Lord," The older woman said with a small curtsy, holding out her hand.

"My Lady," Harry dutifully answered, brushing his lips over her knuckles as Leanne nodded satisfactorily.

"We used to be colleagues. Dorea and me."

"You knew grandma?" Harry asked with a smile.

She nodded a wistful smile appearing on her elderly features. "We were batchmates when we were studying Healing. What a gentle soul Dorea was. I miss our weekly talks dearly." Leanne said with a soft voice.

It was a few moments later before Leanne left, leaving Andromeda and Harry alone. Fudge relayed one last speech, closing off the evening and it wasn't long until guests slowly began trickling out towards the exits and into the Floo's.

"Andi, I'd preferably like to leave before Fudge attempts to speak to me." Harry pressed, watching from the corner of his eye as the Minister kept eyeing him as if he was a rare flower looking to being plucked.

"Yes… we should probably leave before that happens." Andromeda chuckled.

Harry offered his arm to the smaller woman who threaded it with hers and the duo began making their way towards the exit before Harry felt his arm yanked hard.

Without thinking of the consequences, his wand was out in a flash, pressing hard against a man's throat as Harry's emerald eyes glowed.

"Rosier…" Harry whispered, struggling to contain his growing anger at the Death Eater scum who had the nerve to grab him.

"Potter." Evan Rosier spat with vitriol as Harry's wand dug into his skin.

"Remove your hand, Rosier or I will remove it myself."

"H-How dare you harm my wife, y-you half-blood fucking cunt! I'll kill you, you bastard… I'LL KILL YOU!" Evan screamed loudly even with Harry's wand pressed hard into his neck. Judging from his breath, it was clear the man was drinking.

Harry's eyes went cold. He noticed around him a small crowd forming of the last remaining guests and could hear them muttering between themselves as they watched the scene unfold.

The teen's patience was running thin.

"Do not play this game Rosier," He whispered dangerously, his wand digging further in to his neck causing the man to cry out in pain, "No matter if we're in public or not, I will not hesitate to rip the flesh from your bones. Now I won't ask you again… Remove. Your. Hand."

"What's going on over here?!" A rough voice yelled over the crowd. "Make way, make way… I said move ya fools! Potter!" Moody said hobbling over, "Lower your wand lad."

Harry reluctantly did, his eyes burning with fury as he gazed at the drunk who still hadn't let go off his arm.

"Unhand him Rosier." Moody growled, roughly pulling Evan by his arm effectively removing it from Harry. "Idiot man! I'll have ya charged for assaulting a minor!"

"Oh, I am sure that is not needed, Auror Moody." Lucius' slimy voice interrupted; a disarming smile plastered on his smarmy face.

Behind him stood Narcissa and Draco with Astoria on the latter's arm. "Potter is no longer a minor after all and besides, a little misunderstanding does not warrant in legal actions being taken. It has been such a wonderful night; we surely cannot end it on such an incident. Potter I am sure, agrees with my sentiments…" Lucius shook his head disappointingly, inwardly smirking at hearing sounds of agreement from the surrounding crowd.

Harry felt Andromeda squeeze his arm in warning and knew he was at an impasse.

"A… simple misunderstanding indeed, Auror Moody." Harry said monotonously as Lucius smirked.

Turning, Harry smiled comfortingly at Andromeda, "Shall we?"

The older witch nodded before placing her hand in his and allowed Harry to lead her out.

As they walked past the Malfoys, Andromeda saw from the corner of her eye, Lucius' son open his mouth with a scowl on his face but just before he could say something, a pale hand gripped the boy's shoulder tightly.

Andromeda stopped in her step as her grey eyes locked onto identical grey eyes as sister and sister stood in front of each other for the first time in decades.

"Cissy…" The elder sister said with a neutral voice as she regarded the blonde with an indifferent expression.

"A-Andi…" Narcissa attempted to emulate her sister but failed to hold her expression of indifference in her presence.

Andromeda stared at Narcissa for a moment longer before she carried on walking, ignoring the feeling of her sister's eyes on her back.

"Oh right!" Harry paused as he turned around, his voice echoing around the large hall as he looked directly at the Malfoy patriarch. "Do say hello to Tom for me, Lucius. The old man seemed to be a bit under the weather the last time we met…" Harry chuckled darkly, enjoying the look of resentment displayed on the blonde's face.

The duo continued walking towards the exit when Harry felt someone staring at him intently. Looking across the hall, his eyes connected with familiar electric blue orbs. Although this wasn't the pair he was familiar with, their resemblance was uncanny.

The man who could only be Daphne's father, leered at him, raising a small glass in his direction before turning his attention to the man Harry had recognised from when he entered the gala. It was the same silver bearded man who had pushed his magic onto him the similar way Dumbledore had done. Harry had already concluded that the man was dangerous and he was definitely one he would look out for in the future but his connection with Daphne's father was unexpected.

So… they know each other huh… interesting.

Squaring his shoulders, Harry led Andromeda out of the venue and towards the fireplace, the double doors opening for them as they walked away.


Daphne never swore but she couldn't deny that she was fucked.

Her father had warned her and made it expressly clear. Do not fall in love with Harry Potter. Do not fall in love with the one she was to fool but if the feelings that were coursing through her body as she watched him show his dominance over the foolish man who had grabbed him was love, then she was truly and utterly fucked.

Love was a myth.

Falling in love at first sight was even more absurd but today, she honestly couldn't help but doubt the mantra she had lived by for so many years was all a lie.

She didn't know what it was about Harry but she was falling for him and falling quite hard at that.

Daphne Greengrass was falling in love with Harry Potter and she didn't know what to do.


His emotionless voice interrupted her thoughts as Daphne forced herself to remain calm.

"We have become… acquainted, father."

Matthias said nothing to acknowledge what he heard until he turned around away from her.

"You are no longer needed. Go back to the Manor. The family will return later."

Daphne's voice became detached at the news, staring longingly at the double doors where Harry had left as the sound of her father's shoes became fainter and fainter.

"Yes father…"


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