Chapter 3: Prologue: Hanging With Gods, Page 3
Hespera's blush deepened, but she quickly masked it with a smirk as she waved at the shimmering menu in front of her. "Alright, let's get down to business. Drama King wants me to take this seriously, and who am I to disappoint?"
Rebirth groaned softly in the background, muttering under his breath. Chaos leaned forward eagerly, munching on popcorn, while Death settled in with the air of someone about to enjoy a particularly entertaining theater performance.
"Okay, so I've got 101,500 karma points," Hespera started, scrolling through the options. "Let's see. Let's start with the world first. Any suggestions? I want a world with magic and tech. Preferably one based on an anime or a show."
"Magic, huh. Chaos, since you're the one with note and pen, then you're responsible for recording the suggestions," Death said, taking the lead. "As for suggestions... how about Legacies? It's got magic and modern technology your familiar with. Race? I think Tribrid works best for you."
"Hmm. Legacies? It's good, but I'm not too sure..."
"Oh, oh! How about Fairy Tail, Black Clover, or One Piece?"
Hespera mulled it over, her head bobbing side to side. "Better... but I need more freedom to-"
"Kill people?" Rebirth finished for her, not hiding the sneer on his handsome face. It disappeared slightly, when all he got was a chuckle from her.
Death, ignoring God of Reincarnation's attempt to annoy the cutie, suggested, "if that's the case, how about High school DxD."
All three looked at her with approval.
"That's actually a good one. For her first world, anyway," commented Rebirth.
"Hahaha~ That sounds great. All that chaos in that world. Yum~
"..." Hespera was too busy admiring how sexy Death's mind was to actually talk. She just nodded dazed.
Chaos recorded High School DxD. "Now onto race and appearances~ I vote for Chaos dragon!"
Chaos was literally bouncing in their seat while raising their hand. 'Like an overly enthusiastic student who knows the answer to a hard question. So cute,' Hespera mused.
"If it must be a race with significant strength, I suggest a phoenix," Rebirth begrudgingly commented, not at all entertained by Chaos's dramatics. "They are truly the most majestic creatures in all the universes." Hespera sensed bias from that statement. 'Bet he's a Phoenix himself.'
"Huh?! You're only saying that cuz your the progenitor of Phoenixes. If she becomes a Phoenix, then you'll have rule over her! Bad, fire birdy! No trying to manipulate my new daughter!" Chaos pouted while giving Rebirth a chastising look.
'Called it. Bad birdy, indeed,' mused Hespera, a twinkle of sadistic amusement entered her eyes. She didn't like men trying manipulate her in any form or way. 'I will have to punish him somehow.'
Hespera suddenly got distracted by a certain death goddess sensually crossing her legs and arms. The movements highlighted how long and shapely her legs were and how endowed she was in the chest area. Drool!
"Hmm. I recommend Reaper angel, then. Not because it would fit you or anything, but just the fact it would create a link between us so that I could visit you."
Hespera almost picked the reaper angel race just for the link alone. Almost. She just barely stopped herself from jumping out of her seat and screaming, "that one, that one." She needed to choose wisely on this.
Remembering Death's previous suggestion for race, she got an idea. "How about a tribrid of all three?"
All three gods stopped and stared at the little psycho mortal in thought.
"Tribrid, huh? A creature of chaos, death, and rebirth would tip the balance, but not enough to upset Order, I don't think. She has gotten rather mellow as of late. Hmm. I'll have to think on this." Rebirth started to mumble to himself as he walked away to his desk.
"While Phoenix-boy figures out how not to upset his mentally unstable girlfriend, I think tribrid sounds amazing! I wonder what kind of Phoenix fire you'll get? Oh, I bet purple! No wait, pink." Chaos found this tribrid race to be the best choice. 'All that chaos a race like that could bring just by existing.' Just the thought of the endless possibilities brought shivers down their body. 'I can't wait~'
Deep into their own fantasies, Chaos didn't catch Death's explanation to Hespera about the three individual races and what potential powers and traits they would bring if combined into one race.
"It would definitely be a potent existence, that's for sure. Chaos dragons haven't existed for over a millennia. Not since Order deemed them too destructive to the balance and had Oblivion erase their existence entirely." Death said as she sipped her cup of black coffee. Ah, bitter just how she liked it.
After taking a leftover cookie from earlier from the plate, she continued, "Not that it mattered much, there creation was just Chaos being bored and decided to experiment on the local dragons. It was quite the surprise when that lovable idiot accidentally created a whole new race. It's too bad they couldn't control their powers, they were so cute when they were babies."
"Why couldn't they control their powers?" Hespera couldn't fathom how dragons, creatures known in all legends and mythologies to be powerful and intelligent, could possibly lose control that badly.
Death couldn't hold her chuckle at seeing the cute puzzled look on Hespera's face. "The chaos energy inside them eventually overruled their sanity, leaving them with nothing but beastly instincts. They obliviated over 200 worlds in their rampage before Order sicked Oblivion on them. Chaos wasn't too pleased and spent 2 centuries pulling pranks on them in retaliation for "ruining a good meal"".
Hespera chuckled, "that sounds like something Chaos would do. But what about Phoenixes and Reaper angels? Anything good to know about them?" Honestly, she didn't particularly care, she just wanted to hear Death's husky voice.
"Phoenixes are essentially Rebirth's Blessed. He had given a flock of birds his essense back in the day for reasons I don't care about, and they turned into what you know as Phoenixes. There are all different types and colors of Phoenixes, so no one Phoenix is ever truly the same. Like Rebirth, but to a diluted affect, they can use life and soul energy. Unlike your mortal stories and legends, phoenixes are not associated with death. But the soul itself."
Picking up the last cookie off the discarded plate, she examined it before shrugging and taking a bite. 'Order's homemade snickerdoodles are still delicious even when cold.'
"Reaper angels are pretty much what you expect. Angels that reap souls of the living. There's not much to say about them other than they are classified outside the angel hierarchy. Although in some cases they are marked as Princes or Thrones. In High School DxD, I think the only Reaper angels there are Azrael and Samael. Although I here they prefer the term, "Angels of Death"." She snorted while shaking her head.
Just then a loud bang came from where the god of reincarnation was. Looking over, they saw the god holding an empty dessert box with a note attached. Hespera smiled at the face Rebirth was making. It was like he was enraged but at the same time trying to hold back tears. It was absolutely riveting to watch!
Slowly, he sat the box and letter down onto the desk and looked up, his eyes landing straight on the now empty plate.
"My cookies..."
Rebirth stared at the large plate that had cookie crumbs. He was really looking forward to treating himself to the cookies Order made especially for him. He deserved it, damn it! Dealing with these crazy people for, only the Primordial of Time knows how long, he earned himself a break to snack on a sweet treat in peace. But nooo, they just had to take that away from him too.
By now his rage was winning over his feeling of loss.
All three of them watched as the god of reincarnation started shaking, his bronze skin started to turn a shade of red. Veins started to pop, they even had the pleasure of seeing that vein on his forehead appear. Hello old friend. His ears started steaming. He finally exploded.
He jumped over his desk straight at the laughing Primordial.
☸️ * 🐦🔥 * ☠️
Some time later, after Death calmed down Rebirth and stopped him from trying to strangle Chaos, the four of them relaxed, discussing what family to put Hespera in. They skipped the appearance portion since Hespera didn't want to change her appearance all that much. The only thing she did change were her eyes and hair color. Her eyes would be heterochromatic green and purple with slitted pupils. Her hair would change from her current pale blonde to a more a silvery ash color with violet, indigo, and greenish-blue at the ends. Her beauty was already top tier as a lowly human, when she becomes a tribrid, her looks will only be enhanced by her new race.
"Ophis~" Chaos suggested.
Hespera looked at the Primordial of Chaos who was...'Oh? Are they actually knitting a sweater. How quaint~'
She found it amusing that after all the stress they caused the god of reincarnation, they can return to something so mundane. 'Hehe, poor Rebirth.'
"Ophis is the dragon god that liked appearing as a loli gothic girl, right?" Death nodded in contemplation. "Yeah, I can see it. With Hespera's passive racial ability [Nihility], Ophis will definitely take her in. They want silence after all."
One of the passive traits that came with being a Chaos dragon/Phoenix/Reaper angel tribrid, was Nihility. This aura-based skill allowed the user to simultaneously suppress their presence and exert an overwhelming sense of inevitability, affecting all beings within its range. Nihility passively warps the perceptions and instincts of those nearby, making them subconsciously ignore or submit to the bearer based on their intent.
It was like Stealth and Domination had a baby and created this. Haha~
Nihility disrupts the natural order and nullifies both physical and metaphysical forces around the bearer.
In addition it grants them dominion over Nothingness, allowing them to erase, nullify, and silence all that falls within their aura.
This passive aura is always active but can be suppressed at will, though doing so causes immense strain on the bearer.
Essentially it was a skill Ophis would love to be around.
"Now that we have the parent and essentially the home since Ophis is, well... Ophis."
"Like your one to talk," mumbled Rebirth. After his anger settled, all his energy was drained. Mostly due to Death's energy drain ability. 'Stupid Primordials and their stupid overpowered abilities.' As you can tell, he has been moping in the corner since then, wrapped in one of Order's gifted blankets.
Chaos, for once, decided to ignore the moping god, and continued. It's not like they could really disagree with him anyway.
"Now all we need to do is pick the skills and magic outside of the racial passive skills that comes with being this ridiculous tribrid type for you. This tribrid race already has death, chaos, life, and fire magic along with their individual racial skills, so you're already starting off pretty well. Anything you want to add? Here's the list of racial skills so you can cross off anything you don't need to buy." Chaos handed over the notes they have been taking to their new daughter.
Hespera took it and was slightly surprised how long the list was already. "Let's see..."
Tribrid Racial AbilitiesPassive Abilities1. Nihility
Aura erases the concept of presence itself, making you undetectable by conventional and supernatural means. Enhances your dominating presence. You passively negate all sound and distort reality, making even the laws of existence unreliable in their proximity.
2. Apex
No natural weaknesses, your body constantly adapts, and you surpass all lesser beings in strength, speed, intelligence, and perception.
3. One-With-Mana
Infinite magical reserves, instinctively control all forms of magic, and can manipulate reality at will. Spellcasting is effortless, with no incantations or gestures required.
4. One-With-The-Elements
You wield absolute elemental authority. Fire, water, wind, earth, lightning, light, darkness, and void—none are beyond your command. You can summon and control natural disasters, reshape the battlefield, and create entirely new elements.
5. Paradoxical Immortality
You exists in a constant state of both annihilation and renewal. If your body is destroyed, you reconstruct yourself from the void. Death cannot claim you, as you are reborn infinitely stronger with every demise. Even divine powers struggle to permanently erase you.
6. Existence Erasure
Your attacks do not merely harm—they erase. Anything you choose to destroy does not merely die or break, but is wiped from existence, leaving no trace of its past presence. Even memories and records of the erased target begin to fade.
7. Omnilingual Cognition
You exists beyond the constraints of mortal understanding, allowing you to comprehend, speak, read, and write any and all languages—whether spoken, written, telepathic, divine, demonic, or even lost tongues from forgotten civilizations.
Active Abilities1. Oblivion Ascension
You can temporarily discard all limitations, assuming your true form as a being that transcends the laws of existence. In this state, time, space, causality, and mortality cease to hold meaning, and all reality bends to your will.
2. Chaos Singularity
A supermassive void of chaotic energy erupts, consuming everything in its path. Matter, energy, and even concepts are dragged into the singularity, erased forever.
3. Eternal Pyre
An unstoppable inferno erupts, burning away weakness and limitation. The flames do not just incinerate, they rewrite existence, forcibly evolving you and erasing all opposition.
4. Death's Decree
A command that forces the universe to acknowledge the death of a target. Once spoken, no force—be it divine, demonic, or eldritch—can prevent their demise.
5. Void Manifestation
You can merge fully with the void, becoming untouchable and intangible while retaining the ability to interact with the world. You can phase through all attacks, exist beyond space-time, and can traverse dimensions at will.
6. Paradox Genesis (Locked Temporarily)
With a single thought, you can alter reality, reshaping the past, present, and future. You can rewrite your own history, undo your opponent's very existence, or create new possibilities that should not be possible.
7. Ethereal Transcendence (Locked Temporarily)
You are not bound by the constraints of a single world, dimension, or universe. Existing beyond the fabric of reality itself, you can freely traverse planes of existence, alternate timelines, and cosmic realms at will.