Thank goodness, He's gone. Joss said letting out a breath of fresh air. What's with bloodlan why does he look so pail it's almost, like he's dead, dying are something. Kenif asked with a confused face. That's because he is, well the more correct term would be undead because he's a vampire. Simon said with a weary face. Then Joss placed her hand on Simon's shoulder. Chair up Simon, you will find a better job. I'm sure kenif can help you with that. She looked over at kenif with a smile. Kenif was about to say something, but was interrupted by the six Royal advisors of The kingdom They spoke in unison. Greetings General kenif, Master simon and Lady Joss we are here to inform you of the kings passing, and to read his last decree. Advisor five then step forward holding a scroll she opened it and started reading. I the King, Kaimany E-Mete,here by Appoint Simon Good-heart and Kenifon Wolfect as the new king and the Deputy king of Grasslands. I asked that you, rule over my people in my place. I trust the two of you for this task. Simon and kenif were both stunned, in to silence for a few seconds. Then Simon spoke. I'm not worthy to, be bestowed with such an honor.The hell your not, you are going to do it and that is final. joss said then she turned to face kenif. Don't think you are getting out of this either, you have a responsibility to these people. Besides this is the King's final wish for the two of you to rule. So i trust that the two of you agree then. Advisor one asked. Simon and kenif looked at each other for a second's then responded in unison. Yes we shall. (Time skip) Five days later, the coronation of the monarchs for the Kingdom of grasslands had began. The high priest and priestess, stood before Simon and kenif who were both kneeling. Simon good-heart and Kenifon Wolfect do swear to protect the lives of your people and do you swear to govern over them. Do you swear to be fear, just and kind as long as you are kings. Kenif and Simon spoke in unison. We do, and By this we so swear. By the power vested in me , i here by crown Simon good-hearte king and kenifon wolfect deputy king. Arise and take your place.(Time skip)Three days after that, six people wearing Red robes came to grasslands and requested an audience with the kings. So Kenif and Simon desided to meet them in the meeting hall. Greetings to the monarchs of grasslands. We are, members of The Vampiric high order, we were sent here by Master bloodlan. My name is jenton, and i am the leader of this group. Hey Simon! What the hell is The Vampirick high order? Kenif whisperd over to simon.They are the elite task force, from the military of magic. If bloodlan has sent them here. It must mean dragon eye, is more dangerous than we originally thought.simon said with a face of astonishment. (SIDENOTE: What simon said is correct. In the military of magic,The vampiric high order, are the most powerful second only to bloodlan the high enforcer. If an enforcer fails to capture there target. Then the vampiric high order is sent out. Because they never fail, and if you are wondering yes they are all vampires.)

Yeah yeah! Let's just skip the formalitys already, do you know why we are here Simon. One of the red robe men said his name was Draton. Hey!draton shut it. Jenton shouted. No! We are here to pick up your slack. Damnit Draton, one told you to shut up one will not repeat one self again .jenton said his face turning dark. Fu*k you jenton! You are not the boss of me. Now as I was saying Simon, sence we have to pick up your slack. You must provide us with food. Let's say,six humans a day and we call it even.draton said with a snear. Simon was dumfounded,so Kenif walked over to draton steered directly into his eyes and spoke firmly. Under no circumstances will that be happening,and if you dear to bring harmful actions to my people. I will make one's death swift. Do we understand each other. Kenif said then he flashed, disappearing out of sight then he reappear next to simon. Hmph! That's some fancy foot work you got there,However it's only good for running away. Now i expect to see, our meal. Draton said bearing is fangs at kenif. That's Enough Draton! I have warned you twice already, and you refuse to Fu*king listen. Now you must face the consequences for your actions. I'm going to give you, one last chance admit you were wrong and apologize. Jenton said. Draton started laughing. There is nothing you can do to me. However if you get in my way i will kill you . Very well then you have gone rogue, to the prison of shadows with you .jenton said then he pointed his finger at draton. A Hole opened in the ground, and a shadowy figure jumped out and grabbed draton, pulling him in to the hole. After the shadowy figure and draton, fell back in to the hole it disappeared without a Trace. Jenton then turned to face, simon and kenif. He bowed to them. I truly apologize for him. The only reason we are here, was to asked for your permission to search for dragon eye on your land. We have already gotten permission from the Elf's and trolls, to search there forest. Kenton said. I see, well if that is all you needed then we grant you full permission. However none of you are to harm any of the people you come across. Am i understood. Simon said his eyes flash with lightning. Yes, and with that we shall take our leave. Jenton said then he and his team disappeared in a flash.

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