Class of Bravery

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Enter: Kasume and Ryujin

"Wow..." The auburn haired girl murmurs, taking in the sight in front of her with her wide amber eyes. "I never thought I would be able to do it! I actually... I actually made it to... Osaka private High School!"

"Don't get carried away, Kasume..." A boy says, coming up to stand next to her. He's tall, with the same hair as Kasume but styled differently, with his bangs hanging over his right eye. "I'm still here as well... you're not the only one who passed the exams." He smirks. "Hey!" Kasume hits him. "Shut up. I know that! I'm still excited." She looks back at the building. "I just cant believe we MADE it, here, in one piece..." Students walk into the large gate ahead of her. "I'm just glad we made it together, Ryujin. You and me, two indentical twins. Oh, the pranks we could pull-" Ryujin grabs her shoulders, reprimanding his twin. "I know you wanted this... but just know, once we do this... there may not be anything after this. What if there's a second exam, or something?"

Kasume chuckles, looking into her twins amber eyes. "You're so dramatic. We'll be fine. There's no reason to worry about anything. Being younger than you by 3 minutes does not suddenly mean that I can't take care of myself!" Kasume sighs before walking through the gate. "See Ryujin? We're fine. you exaggerate way too mu-" She takes a breath and abruptly falls silent. She passes out suddenly.

"K-Kasume!" Ryujin grabs her, checking her pulse. "She's fine... but what-" He never finished that sentence. He takes a breath before immediately covering his mouth with his shirt. "Ack- what is this?" He stutters, pulling his sister close. "Gas? But why?" Students drop like flies around him, some screaming, others staying calm and attempting to run into the building. "Help, I need to get help!" He murmurs to himself as he pulls out his phone. No service. "What? A centimeter outside the gate, the service was fine!" He's shocked. 2 girls behind him are miraculously awake, barely fazed. One panics, sipping her caffeine in between sentences.

"M-Megumi!" She panics, clinging to her friend. Her shoulder length blue/black hair match her green eyes: Terrified and full of energy. Her friend, the one called Megumi, has gray hair falling down her back. She wears sweatpants instead of the girls uniform skirt. Are her eyes... different colors? One is brown and one is blue? That's interesting. She stays calm, her heavy eyes scanning the area.

"Calm down, coffee girl." Megumi says tiredly. "Stay calm and dont breathe." The caffeine girl gulps down more coffee, her eye twitching. "I cant Megumi! And I have a name! Its Tsubaki!" She shrieks. "What do we do? What do we do?!?!?!" She shakes Megumi, panicking. "WHAT DO WE DO?!?!?!" She twitches more rapidly. "I CANT DO THIS-" She shrieks. Megumi takes all of this gracefully, not saying a single word. She looks at Tsubaki with a chilling, dead, tired stare. Tsubaki freezes.

Ryujin stares at the duo, enthralled by the hilarious sight. "This has to be the weirdest dynamic I've ever seen..." He murmurs. There are only 7 students, including him, that are conscious. The 2 girls, a browned haired boy in expensive clothes, a dark skinned boy with his head down, a white haired boy with bangs covering both eyes, a boy with spiky jet black hair in sunglasses, and of course himself. Wait, Kasume's eyes are fluttering. And the horrid gas smell is gone. Ryujin uncovers his mouth. "Kasume! Are you okay?" He sits her up.

Just then, a voice comes over PA. A woman's voice. She laughs before announcing. "Well done, my little growing flowers. Well, some of you are weeds." The voice chuckles. The doors open. "Well, dont just stand there, flowers! Come in, come in!"

Ryujin takes a deep breath as Kasume follows him. The other 300 kids slowly wake up, and walk in one by one. 'It couldn't have been that easy...' Ryujin murmurs. He closes his eyes, praying he'll be alive once he walks in to the most dangerous building ever known to man.

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