Consequences Of Love

Chapter 1: A Fateful Encounter

Chapter 1

It all began the night Smith met Ava. She appeared with a stunning smile as she walked into Smith's room. Smith's brother (Antonio) is having his friends over. He invited his best friend Mateo. Mateo had his sister (Ava) coming with him. The house was already filled with boys and girls of different kinds. 

Smith's from Italy, specifically Venice, the City of canals, gondolas, and Saint Mark's Square. Smith is a young teenager at the age of twenty-two years old. He lived with his uncle but recently moved in with his brother. He's the fourth child in a family of six. He's got four sisters and one brother. But they're away from home now, just him and his brother Antonio. Though it's not been too long ago, Smith was heartbroken with his ex-girlfriend. He was already moving on. 

There goes Ava as she walked into Smith's room, 

Ava: sorry, am I in the right room? 

Smith: yeah (He drawls), but I'm not sure who? 

Ava: I'm Ava, Mateo's sister. Your brother, Antonio, said I could keep my things in your room.

Smith: Oh Ava Hi, nice to meet you, yeah sure you can keep your things right here. 

 Ava kept her luggage and left. The party had just begun. Everyone's got their girls and boyfriends to be with, but Ava was just new in town. Smith had a girl with him (Lilian ), a friend of his brother. He had just met her, but she was fun to be with, and she was with him. She was beautiful too and was already trying to capture Smith's feelings. Smith noticed Ava was a little bit too shy, and she was all alone by herself. Smith went to go say Hi to her so she wouldn't feel bad. 

Smith: Do you know you can make friends around here? Don't be too shy sitting here alone, go say hi to people around you. 

Ava: I'm good, I just love sitting by myself at the moment. Besides, I'm not shy, I just don't want to say hi to people around me. And thanks for checking out. 

The party keeps going. Antonio's upstairs with his girl, Ruby, Same as Mateo. Smith was downstairs with Lillian and Ava was sitting right there too. Smith was a good kisser. He kisses Lillian even while Ava was sitting next to them. The evening was pretty good, and the party was awesome. The party was over, everyone was gone, but Ava and her brother were spending the night at Smith's, same as Lilian. When Ava felt asleep, Smith told her she could go sleep in her room. She said she couldn't sleep there alone, and then Smith told her Lillian would join her soon. After some while, Lilian went. Smith slept on the couch there in the sitting room. 

Ava was wondering who Lilian was to Smith. From what she saw, she thought they were dating or perhaps they both just loved each other. The next morning, everyone was awake. They made breakfast. After that, Lillian left.

Mateo was about to leave. He had work to do. He asked if Smith could come assist him with it for somedays. Mateo is an engineer. He was into electrical engineering. Smith had ideas about Mateo's line of work. He's strong and hardworking, and that's why Mateo loves to work with him. Smith agreed to go help him out. Smith followed as they left. 

Mateo, like I said, is Antonio's best friend. They both met at an event they attended. They understood each other as friends. That's what made their relationship stronger. At first, Smith had no feelings for Ava, neither did she feel anything for him. They both admired how beautiful and handsome they both turned out. Smith was handsome, no doubt, he's got a nice statue, dark skin, and he was talking. He's got seductive eyes, and a beautiful smile that could capture one's soul. Ava, on the other hand, was beautiful, had beautiful and stunning eyes, perfect lips, good-ass-looking and everything. But as days goes on, everything changed. Smith has been with Mateo for two days now. He spent most of the time with Mateo at work, but when he came back, he got to talk a lot with Ava. They get to know each other better every day, what they both love or like. It was another day for work. Mateo and Smith both left. Mateo had noticed the day of the party that Smith was with Lilian. Mateo once met Lilian. So he wanted to know if they were both in a relationship. 

Mateo: Hey mate, you remember that girl you were with the night of that party? 

Smith: yeah, Lilian. 

Mateo: have you guys met before? 

Smith: no, that was our first. My brother introduced her to me, said they both met at a party. 

Mateo: yeah, I was there the night he met her. I met her too.

Smith: yeah? Tell me how it happened! 

Mateo: I was late, your brother had already left. He got there first, the party had already begun. I missed some fun parts of it, but then when I got there, everyone was half drunk. Then I saw your brother walking towards me. He said," Hey man, you're late, everyone has taken all the girls here already, but you'll be lucky if you can have that one. She was there alone the whole night. I turned, it was her, the way she looked, got my heart beating pretty fast, then I walked up to her and said hey, are you good? Can I join you? And then she goes, yeah you can join, I sat down, soon enough a guy walk up to her and said, let's go babe, and then she left. I sat like a fool, didn't know when to leave the seat, but I finally did. Later on, I found out the guy wasn't her real boyfriend, but one of the guys she knows. Trust me, she knows a lot of guys. 

Smith: Damn, that was bad, so you're saying you liked her? 

Mateo: yeah, I did, but I found out she's dealing with a lot of guys, so I walked. What I'm trying to say is, if you are looking for a serious relationship, she's not the girl for you, she'll play you? Have you slept with her yet? 

Smith: That sucks man. Who needs a serious relationship in this era? And yeah, I've had sex with her, damn she was good. And thanks man, I'll try to remember that. 

Mateo: so you saying you are just flirting with those girls you are not in love with, get what you want and then boom, everybody walk? 

Smith: That's what I'm saying bro. 

Mateo: Damn that's Dope. I guess that's what I should be doing. 

They continued with their work as they both laughed out. After everything, they both had a rough day at work. When they got home, Ava had dinner prepared for them both to eat. Ava was a good cook, and that's one of the reasons her brother Mateo wanted her to come live with him. After they had both freshened up, they both ate and drank. Chat for a little while, then they all slept. Mateo's contact that Smith was helping him with was almost done. Smith had been with them for days now, he wanted to go home for sometimes, he told Mateo he would be leaving the next day after they had returned from work. 

The next day when they returned, Mateo said he was going to meet someone, so he didn't go home with Smith. Smith went so he could take his things and go home, back to his brother. When he got home, Ava had already made dinner as usual, but he said he wouldn't have time to eat. Ava didn't like the fact that he was leaving. 

Ava: why can't you stay with us for a little while longer? 

Smith: I think I've been here long enough, Ava, I need to go see my brother. He needs me too. 

Ava: but he never called asking you to come home! 

Smith: That doesn't mean that he doesn't miss me, he does, and he needs me, he just wouldn't say it. 

Ava: you don't know that. 

Smith: Trust me, I do. 

Ava: but at least eat something before you leave. You can't just leave like that. Besides, you've been working the whole day without eating anything. And you don't know for sure whether there will be some food left in the house for you to eat when you get there. 

Smith: That's true, my brother doesn't cook at home. 

Ava: maybe you can take this one along with you so you can both eat together with him. There's more in the pot. I'll package it for you. Don't worry. 

Smith: Thank you, that's very sweet of you. 

Ava rushed in to fetch him the food, then she came out when she was done. She was running so he wouldn't leave, then she tripped and fell. Smith rushed to pick her up. 

Smith: hey easy, are you okay? Are you hurt? 

Ava: I'm good, I just tripped, that's all. 

Smith picked her up as their eyes sparkled in perfect harmony. They were captured in a moment. They stared at each other for a while. He moved back as he cleared his throat with a deliberate cough. 'Sorry' he said. She handed him the food.

Ava: Here, you can have it. 

Smith: Once again, thanks so much. 

He took the food and left.Minutes later Mateo called him to confirm if he was still there or if he was gone. He told him he was gone. Smith got home an hour later. 

Antonio: Hello brother, I thought you weren't coming home no more? 

Smith: is that your other way of telling me you miss me? 

Antonio: I didn't miss you, I just missed the way you cook. Speaking of food, what's that in your hand? What have you got there? 

Smith: Smith, it's a food Ava gave me, but I'm not sharing it with you. 

Antonio: then you should've finished it there, but then you brought it home. 

Smith: meaning what? 

Antonio: it means, I have a share in it. 

They both laughed. Smith took out the food and dished it on a plate as they both enjoyed it. 

Antonio: Hmm, this is delicious. 

Smith: I know right!

Antonio: Trust me boy, you're good, but you won't make one as delicious as this. 

Smith: coming from a man who doesn't make coffee. 

Antonio: believe me, you just found a wife, and for the record, I know how to make coffee. 

Smith: no you don't, and for the record, I'm not getting married to anyone because of her cooking skills. I'm not the one who needs a woman with good cooking skills, as you do. 

Antonio: I've already got one. 

Smith: who? 

Antonio: what do you mean who? You've tasted her food! 

Smith: Ruby?

Antonio: Yea, Ruby, of course, who else?

Smith: Okay, easy man. 

They both laughed again. Smith and his brother Antonio loved each other so much, they always did. They look so much alike that it'll be hard to identify who is who if you don't really know them that much. They talk a lot together, make fun of each other, and they understand each other so well. Antonio is the eldest, Smith is the youngest. They love putting on matching outfits, they share whatever they have. Everyone admires them and the love they both share. 

It's been three days since Smith came back home. He hasn't heard from Ava, and neither does she. One night Smith got a call from Mateo again asking if he could come help him out at work again. 

Mateo: hey bro, how are you doing? Sorry I couldn't check up on you lately, I've been busy

Smith: I understand, don't worry about it. 

Mateo: I've got a contract. I would love you to come help me out again. It'll take two weeks. I've talked to your brother. I was wondering if you could join us tomorrow. 

Smith: Okay, I'll be there tomorrow.

You heard that, (two weeks) a lot is about to happen in two weeks. The two weeks would be fun and more to remember, filled with moments and memories from Smith's life.

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