Chapter 5: Secrets
Chapter 5
With fear, Ava walked slowly to the door. She couldn't say a word. Smith thought of going to Mateo's room, so he wouldn't be so mad when he found out he had come. Finally, as Ava got to the door, the banging on the door kept increasing. With a tone of fear, she said.
Ava: who's there?
She couldn't believe what happened next.
Man1: it's me, I came to collect clothes for laundry. Sorry I'm late, I lost track of time.
Ava was relieved, but at the same time she was so upset. It's always a bad timing for the laundry guy.
Ava: how can you be coming so late at night? Don't you think I was already asleep?
Man1: I'm sorry, I can come back tomorrow if you want.
Ava: yeah you better.
The laundry guy had left. She went back inside. They both couldn't stop laughing, they almost had a heart attack. They both laughed, so hard. Now it's time they continued from where they stopped. They gave it some time for conversation, but then a minute of silence, and then it ended with a kiss and everything. After the unforgettable night. Even with all the sweet dreams they both would be having, they never forgot to set the alarm, so Smith could leave very early in the morning before Mateo arrived. They had the whole night together, but still they wished it never ended. But they can't have both. It was already five o'clock in the morning, Smith woke up so he could prepare to leave. Ava didn't want him to go, she still needed some morning touches and kisses and more. So he gave him his best one last round before he left. You can imagine how they both felt. Smith had gone as ever, dropped him halfway and said goodbye. She kissed him again.
So truly, they both had a great plan. No one gets hurt or caught. They were both happy, finally they found a way to love each other, a way to spend time with each other without getting caught. They were so happy about it. They couldn't stop smiling. As days passed by, their love for each other kept increasing, they loved each other even more and more, despite the distance between them. I guess that's what love means. They wouldn't stop texting each other, they made time you call, though Ava is always the one to call first, because if Smith does, he might put her in trouble. But I've got a thousand questions for myself, for I do not know who to ask. Do they really love themselves? How long can they keep it a secret? Perhaps they've got planes. They both would've kept it a secret for a long time, but you know when young teenagers loves themselves, they just can't hide it. I guess it happens to even the grownups too. Now sometimes Smith couldn't wait until Mateo was not in the house, he would go see Ava. He visited them a lot. They've managed to keep it a secret for months, and it's still counting. Mateo wasn't worried about seeing Smith coming around even when he didn't invite him. After all, he asked him to help keep an eye on Ava, so I guess he couldn't do that from a mile away, he needed to be there sometimes. So I guess his coming around uninvited was part of the deal. Antonio, on the other hand, knew what was going on, but he wasn't sure, and at the same time he didn't actually care, and he had no time lately to check on things like that. So Smith and Ava kept doing their things. They did their best to keep the secret for a long time. Smith had been visiting every week for months now. I wish he had slowed down, but how can he? He's just an innocent young lover. They would both sit together, eat together, gist together and do almost all the things together when Smith is around. They were always just so around themselves. They were getting closer and closer more and more that even a blind man could see what was going on. But then one night as Smith went to visit Ava as usual, he called twice so he could tell her he was on his way, but she was on another call. He just went anyways, after all she knew he was coming. When he got there, he heard Ava's voice talking to someone on the phone. The way she was talking sounded more as if it was Smith she was talking to, but Smith was right there, so who was she on the phone with? I mean the call, the voice, everything was so very intense. But that didn't really bother Smith, but then, in the end, he heard her say" I love you." Smith couldn't wait no more. He rushed to open the door. When he got in, she was already done with the call, so he asked her,
Smith: who were you on the phone with?
Ava: no one.
Smith: it didn't sound like no one, I heard you, I heard it when you told him you loved him.
Ava: I told you it's no one, that's my brother.
Smith: You said it's no one, and now you're saying it's your brother? I mean, how many brothers have you got? Because I know how you're on the phone with Mateo.
Ava: that's not Mateo, that's my second brother.
Smith: You never told me you'd got two brothers!
Ava: yeah, I know, we just didn't talk about families.
Smith left it there and then. He's the kind of man who doesn't harp on matters. Just then, they hugged each other and then kissed. Smith brought her food, (he made it). They both ate it together with a smile on their faces. After that, Smith went back home. He didn't want to spend the night there. So he left, some days later. Smith had this strange number texting him. He was convinced he didn't know who that was. He responded, and the lady explained who she was, Smith knew who she was, (his school crush). They just kept texting. This was Evelyn. Evelyn was Smith's schoolmate. She was gorgeous, and she was in love with Smith back then, and I guess she still is, but Smith turned her down because he wanted to be focused on school back then, and now she wants a rematch, but Smith seems to be taken already. She wouldn't stop texting even when Smith told her he was in a relationship or even when he would leave her messages unread. One night when Smith went to visit Ava, she took his phone from him, she went to his D-M, and she saw his messages with Evelyn. She also saw that Smith didn't really have time for Evelyn. Neither did he respond to most of her text, but she was still mad at him. She didn't believe he had nothing to do with her. She kept asking how she got his contact. She started crying. Smith had no choice than to pet her, and he also told her he had nothing to do with Evelyn. He comforted her and made sure she was okay. Finally the show was over and now Smith could go home. She didn't want him to leave, but he had to. At this point their bond together was really strong, they trusted each other I would say. They made time for each other even at a tough moment. It's was a kind of love every kids out there would want. But it they both had their ups and downs. They're already so comfortable with everything, maybe, perhaps nothing would break them. Until day. Smith found out about the call the other day, he found out who she was really on the phone with. As usual on a cold evening when Mateo has already left for night work. Smith thought he'd surprise her. He made some food so they'll both share when he gets there, on his way he got them some juice and everything, when he got there, he boomed into Ava while she was on another call again, this time he could hear them loudly, as he gently opens the door to go inside, Ava didn't really noticed it, Smith stood there for almost 3 minutes while she was so dedicated to the phone and the call. Suddenly she saw him, she was shocked. She didn't know what to say.. Smith said to her.
Smith: why would you lie to me? You told me it's your brother,I didn't know you were also dating your brother, I'm sure your mom's very proud of you.
Ava's eyes was immediately filled with tears with a low tone, she said,
Ava: don't talk to me like that.
Smith: who sorry, what am I thinking, my girlfriend is on the phone for half an hour now, and I'm standing right in front of her but she couldn't notice because she was so into it, she's telling another guy that she loves him, and I should be careful how I'm talking to you?
Ava: I can explain.
Smith: explain what? Tell me Ava, explain what? You lied to me, you look me in the eye telling me it was your brother, you swore, but it was a lie, the other day you accused me of having something to do with a girl I haven't even seen for years now, a girl I don't even know her way about, a girl I don't even love, I guess it's true what they say, (a thousand questions why comes from the victims)
Ava: please don't go, let me explain, I didn't cheat on you Smith.
Smith: save it Ava, save it, I don't want to hear it, I think it's over. I guess we both weren't meant for each other.
Smith left without even looking back even when Ava was crying trying to stop him. He felt so bath that he wouldn't believe his eyes, he thought maybe it was a dream, but it's wasn't, he wasted all the food he took time to prepare. Things weren't so funny for both of them, Ava couldn't stop crying, Smith couldn't believe what she did. It's was another rough week for both of them I guess, it's already been two days, without them talking to each other. Ava's been calling, but Smith wouldn't pick up. Antonio noticed again Smith not being himself again at home, but he didn't know why. Ava couldn't stop thinking about about him, she wouldn't stop blaming herself for lying to her and she would do anything to change that, she promised if she had one more chance that she would tell him the truth no matter what it will cost her. But those chances don't just come on their on, she had to create them. It been three days, she had no choice than to go see him. He called, but he wouldn't respond, then she texted him to tell him she was on his way to come see him. When Smith saw the text he, rushed to get to her before she'll get to his place, because he didn't want his brother to see her. Luckily for him, he met her on his way. He walked to her, then he said,
Smith: you know it's a bad idea you coming to see me?
Ava: (slowly she said)I know, but it seemed to me like I had no choice, I mean you've been avoiding my calls.
Smith: yeah, so you can have more time to talk to mister whoever you were talking to.
Ava:I wish you'd give me time to explain.
Smith: I thought that's why we are here?
Ava: okay, then let me explain, I never wanted to lie to you, I wanted to tell you, but I didn't know how you'd take it, I wanted to tell you, I just didn't know how. Like I said before, he's a no body, I met him while I was with my parents, they wanted me to marry him, I didn't love him and I don't want marry him, I told my brother about him then he asked me to come so he would stay away from me, but my parents thinks they like him so much that they really want me to marry him, and I don't how to tell them that I don't love him, so I kept talking to him so they wouldn't found out I don't want to marry him. I'm only still talking to him so everything would be fine with me and my family, but now all I care about is you. I mean what's the essence of living if I can't be with you.i want you to know that I'm so sorry, and I guess I'm ready now to make things right, I'm ready to so the thing I would've done a long time ago.
She took out her phone and called the guys she was on the phone with and told him he needed to forget about her and move on, she told him he's in love with someone else.