Chapter : cosmology part 3
Creation - 11th-Dimensional Concept
The 11th-Dimensional Concept is a Beyond-Existent, but also Conceptually-Existent concept. It states how all of existence, reality, spacetime, and creation itself are all inside one person, place, thing, or idea. And then that person, place, thing, or idea and everything around it inside something else, creating an infinite recursion. This concept is contained within an orb held by a celestial being. The being stands in a realm consisting of the beauty of space. The infinite concept... 11th-Dimensional Concept.
Creation - All Weaving Web
Above the entire cosmological hierarchy of the Land of Creation (besides the Omni-Evergreen and ...) this is a web at the peak of all cardinals and infinities as it is the thing holding the entire Land of Creation together. If the web is destroyed then the Land of Creation would be just... out there, unstructured in anyway. Only truly transcendent beings like the Ones Beyond and He who plays God could get past it. The web of containment, the... All Weaving Web.
Creation - Cosmological Hierarchy
The Land of Creation has it's own cosmological hierarchy and this page is for the entirety of it. And when I mean cosmological hierarchy I mean the realms and dimensions in the Land of Creation. So things like the States of Existence will not be included but it is technically apart of the cosmology. And if you want to see the articles click on the text or go to the cosmology category. The supreme... Cosmological Hierarchy.
The Structures
Oblivion - A structure that used to be apart of the Base Reality
The Material Realm - Lowest structure in Oblivion
The Dormant - Lowest sub-structure in The Material Realm
The Seven Deadly Sins - Above The Dormant
Pride - Lowest reality in The Seven Deadly Sins
Greed - Above Pride
Lust - Above Greed
Envy - Above Lust
Gluttony - Above Envy
Wrath - Above Gluttony
Sloth - Above Gluttony/Highest reality in The Seven Deadly Sins
Quintessential Supremacy - Above The Seven Deadly Sins
The Calculations - Above The Material Realm
Esoteric - Above The Calculations
Incantations - Above Esoteric
The Shadow Realm - Above Incantations
Penumbra - Lowest sub-structure in The Shadow Realm
The Astral World - Above Penumbra (All worlds are at the same level)
Mi Pragmatiko
Twilight - Above The Astral World
Awakening - Above The Shadow Realm/Highest Structure in Oblivion
Base Reality - A structure
Nothing - Lowest structure in the entire Base Reality
The Sanctuary - Above Nothing
Transcended Cosmic Sky - Lowest structure in The Sanctuary
Layers of Existence - Above/Around the Transcended Cosmic Sky
Realms - Above/Around the Layers of Existence
Sub-Verses - Apart of the Realms
As Above, So Below - Contains/Is above everything before it
Creation and Destruction - Creation: Top of The Sanctuary, Destruction: Bottom of The Sanctuary
The Hierarchy - Around The Sanctuary while technically being below it
Celestial Points of All - Non-physical Structure on top of everything before it like paper on top of paper
Narrative Stack - Non-physical structure at the level of the Celestial Points of All
The Fractal's - Above everything below it
Realms Beyond - Above everything below it
All Weaving Web - Above everything below it and holds it together while structuring it
The Great Beyond - Above everything below it
Omni-Evergreen - Above/On top of everything below it
Epitomes - Above Omni-Evergreen/Highest Structure in the Base Reality
Legends Domain - A structure
Mortality - Lowest structure with infinite layers
Immortality - Above Mortality
Samsara - Next to the other structures in Immortality
Tree of Life - Next to the other structures in Immortality
Realm of Omnipotence - Next to the other structures in Immortality
9 Cycles of Hell - Next to the other structures in Immortality
Absolute Heaven - Next to the other structures in Immortality
The Duality - Above Immortality
Divinity - Above Divinity
Royalty - Inside ... and above Divinity
Creation - and - Destruction
At the top of The Sanctuary is a boundless realm called Creation, it contains all things that are, could, should, would, isn't is, was, will be, and just basically all of creation and is where the Demiurge resides. Destruction is the same thing as Creation but replace creation with Destruction. These two realms are essential to The Sanctuary as they are for ones that live, and for ones that parish... Creation and Destruction.
The Ensemble is a realm of stories that transcend fiction. These stories exist in abstract, metaphysical, and platonic glass shards that are intangible. There are uncountable infinite of these stories that one can control to their liking. But, I did say they are intangible, so to control them like the author you would need to have a spiritual link with them through meditation in that realm and controlling your senses to them, then you can control them to your will. These shards can come in any size and can contain any story. For example, a story about a lost boy in the woods who gets mauled by a wolf, and a story about the true nature of infinity. Remember when I said these shards are stories transcend fiction? Well, since they can transcend fiction they are technically realms themselves that you can travel into or bring into reality. The unlimited plots... The Ensemble.
Here's a little poem about it made with ChatGPT because I don't know how to do poetry lol:
"A realm of stories, beyond fiction's hold, Where glass-like shards shine, ethereal and bold. Abstract and metaphysical, they drift through the air, Intangible fragments of truths that are rare. Infinite in number, their essence untamed, Each one a story, waiting to be claimed. But to shape their flow, like an author might do, You must form a bond—let them speak to you. Through meditation, your senses align, A spiritual link creates the design. Only then can you guide their will, Bending the shards to your purpose and skill. These shards hold tales of every kind, From a lost boy in woods to the infinite mind. Each is a realm, a world to explore, Where stories transcend and become something more. You can step inside or pull them near, Bring them to life, make their meaning clear. Unlimited plots, unbound and free, This is The Ensemble—a vast eternity."
Creation - Extra possibilities
An infinitely sized realm where everything you do, every choice you make, every thought you have thought of, it has beyond transcended infinite possibilities and those possibilities are presented to you all in one. People theorize that if you can find a way to control this realm then you could see all possibilities in your life time and choose one. This theory has not been proven as of yet. The realm where, no matter what, there will always be... Extra possibilities
Creation - Interdimensional/Outer-Dimensional Cubical Space
There is an interdimensional realm called the cubical space. It is a transcended infinitely sized realm containing transcended infinite cosmic cubes, every cube exists in a different dimension from 0D - T-ID (Transcended Infinite Dimensional, yes that exists), even -1D cubes are in there. These if you make contact with these cubes you will be sucked inside them into a sub-realm containing anything and everything, it's just inside that dimension. If you are able to move beyond the cubes you reach the Outer-Dimensional Cubical Space, this space contains transcended infinite cubes beyond all dimensionality, even T-ID. This would mean that the Interdimensional Cubical Space is a realm, inside a realm (Outer-Dimensional Cubical Space). The cubic realm of dimensionality and beyond... Interdimensional Cubical Space.
Creation - Letters, Numbers, and ALL
This realm is a realm where all letters, numbers, words, and forms of speech take an abstract physical form. All of these are in sets to an from words, numbers, letters, and forms of speech in a hierarchal like structure. Each sets size depends on how many of these things are there and I mean even ones beyond ones we know or can know. The lowest set if the set of letters, then above that is the words set, then above that is the forms of speech set, then above that is the numbers set, then at the top of all this is one that I haven't talked about which is the mathematical symbol set. This set contains all mathematical symbols in an abstract physical form like the others from the = symbol to the ∑ symbol, to the ∞ symbol, to the Ω symbol, and you get the point now, even symbols that are, again, beyond our knowledge. This realm contains just sets of... Letters, Numbers, and ALL.
Creation - Mirror Room
The Mirror Room is a realm in The Sanctuary that when you step into it it shows you all reflections of yourself and who you are as a person in a metaphysical, but non tangible state. This realm can be used to point out your flaws. The realm can be climbed by the invisible stair case that you must find and step on one of the steps to reveal it. This stair case is uncountably infinite as it will show you all reflections, but at some point it will run out of reflections and move into versions of yourself adding another layer of uncountable infinity giving the realm in total the cardinality/size of aleph, wooden, or arguably even mahlo cardinal. The possibilities of reflections... The Mirror Room.
Creation - Narrative
The Narrative is kind of cosmological framework for all that has multiple parts to it. The ones on top and governors of the Narrative are the Central Beings. The Narrative is all about the Narrative about all things but replace it with things that actually exist, and there are four components to the Narrative. Plot is either reality, spacetime, existence and being, something similar to these things, or all of the above, it could also be applied to beings that have existence or being. Characters are living beings or the living being itself. Structure is the foundation and how the Plot even works in the first place. Story is the ultimate, unity of all the previous components. The Narrative stretches throughout the entirety of The Sanctuary and beyond endlessly the... Narrative.
Narra-Physics is all about how the Narrative even works such as how act, the plot, all of it.
Narra-Dimensional is different dimensions on in a narrative sense having different dimensions. For example, 0D is something with no Plot, Characters, Structure. And now you just add a dimension and more components you think would be there like 4D being Timeline, where it's the placement of where anything and everything happens, you can keep adding dimensions up to transcended infinity and even beyond. You cannot include Story in these though as Story is for the Narratith-Dimension (ND for short) which is Story, containing all the components of the previous dimensions combined making above all Narra-Dimensonal dimensions.
Narra-Power is where you have power over the Narrative. With this you can manipulate all parts of the Narrative not just the components.
Narra-Being is where you are in a state of being pertaining to one of the components of the Narrative.
Narra-Existence is where you exist in one of the Narratives components.
Close your eyes, and imagine an image, a human and an entity. The entity is extremely tall, standing over the man and watching him, reflecting on him, acknowledging him, being aware of him. And that entity is the human, they are one in the same. That's what Meta-Narrative is, it is basically the Narrative reflecting on itself, being aware of itself.
Narrative Stack
The Narrative Stack is a sub-cosmological framework of the Narrative. Think of it as the components stacked on top of each other infinitely. when a being is on one stack they can alter and change the stack below it. Being beyond the stacks means being beyond the components and even the Narrative itself.
Layer 1: True Heaven
True Heaven is the realm of angels and spirits, it is eternal peace and tranquility and you will feel all no negativity ever.
Layer 2: The God Realm
The God Realm is where, well, gods exist including Helios, and La Luna.
DIVINITY is a layer where the highest divine beings exist and reign supreme. The ruler of this layer and the entirety of Nazareth as a hole
Never Ending - Creation - and Chaos
There is a realm in The Sanctuary that is inside a Transcended Infinite cloud. It is a Tegmark Type IV Multiverse where each universe is creative but chaotic and varies in size from the smallest partials to the largest cardinals and these universes have no definable structure with things 0 = 1 Axiom being true is a natural occurrence. There are many mythological beings like the Jānkā, a dragon that is the embodiment of creativity and imagination itself. It changes forms constantly and can manipulate it's power however it wants so it can be weaker than a newborn baby or stronger than aleph infinity. The universes in this realm change positions, sizes, and shapes constantly, they could become 2D then 5D then -1D. This realm would give you a seizure due to its nature. The lands of ruckus... Never Ending Creation and Chaos.
Creation - Nothing
When I say this realm is complete nothingness, I mean it. This realm is nothing to a boundless, unimaginable, and incomprehensible extent. It defies all things and beings as it is literally nothing, what rules or affect can you apply to it? It is the lowest structure in the cosmological hierarchy of the Land of Creation... Nothing.
Creation - Oblivion
The Oblivion is a reality outside of the base realities of the cosmological hierarchy (e.g., Realms Beyond, The Sanctuary, even Nothing). The Oblivion is an umbral reality with it's own structures called the Tree of Stupor. This reality is unreachable to, most of, the ones of the base reality. It is completely shielded of the base reality.
These are the structures by the way:
The Material Realm - Lowest Structure
The Material Realm is a physical realm with it's own sub-structures and is like a sub-reality of the Oblivion. The Material Realm is the reality seen as "True Hell" due to it's dark nature, along with it's contents of pain and suffering.
The Dormant - Lowest sub-structure
The Dormant is a realm of chaos and disarray where all contradictory's, abstractions, and paradoxes rain supreme, breaking the minds of mortals and even immortals alike. It also entails all horrors and fears in physical form. Cosmic horror rains supreme in this realm. The realm is absolute infinite and is truly endless. The Dormant is the deepest depths of The Material realm and the entirety of the Oblivion. It can never truly be filled due the the abstractions, contradictions, and paradoxes leading to more abstractions, contradictions, and paradoxes.
The Seven Deadly Sins - Infinitely beyond, and higher and dominant over The Dormant
The Seven Deadly Sins is a reality containing the Seven Deadly Sins inside different sets of realities pertaining to each sin. These realities make you commit the sin against your will in all ways, shapes and forms. The realities go in order like this: Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, and finally, Sloth.
Quintessential Supremacy - Transcends the lower sub-structures in all ways, shapes, and forms/Highest sub-structure
The Quintessential Supremacy is a realm transcending all infinities and cardinals in how large it is. It is the embodiment of dreams, daydreams, and imagination itself. It also contains all things spoken, all of these in it's most perfect form. It also contains the supremacy of all things and beings. "What is "supremacy" in this context," you ask? Well, "supremacy" refers to the supreme glorification of someone or something (aka, meat riding in it's supreme and absolute form). Think of how people hype up a rapper to be the best hip hop artist there is, or overestimate a character to be the strongest character in fiction. Due to the nature of this structure, it's like the embodiment of supremacy.
The Calculations - Above and transcends The Material Realm
The Calculations is the essence of mathematics, philosophy, science, and logic. It contains all logical structures from V = Ultimate L Conjecture to the philosophy of stoicism to the science of biological life forms. It is the size of all infinities and cardinals.
Esoteric - Above The Calculations
Esoteric is a realm full of conspiracy theories. How large it is is incalculable as it is ever expanding. Esoteric consists of theories that seem psychotic and insane. These theories are indescribable and have you just laughing it off at first but when you think about it you get obsessed and even start believing them but at the cost of them breaking your mind. If such theories are true or not is up to interpretation.
Incantations - Above Esoteric
Incantations contain all of magic. Magic is power but more complex. There are infinite types of magic in this realm. This realm is infinite+ in how large it is. You'd be able to use this magic to your will but you have to learn it. You can take this magic and use outside of this realm, once you have enough magic experience though.
The Shadow Realm - Above Incantations
The Shadow Realm is a dark umbral realm having it's own sub-structures. It is darkness incarnate. But it is also cosmic. The Shadow Realm, without the sub-structures, is just a void where you can see nothing, absolutely nothing. Not even the dark smoke in the air that will slowly suffocate you while you're floating in the void.
Penumbra - Lowest sub-structure
The Penumbra is the realm of platonic and non-physical building blocks of reality with the lowest blocks being the smallest and most insignificant things in reality, to the highest and essential things of reality, even reality itself.
The Astral World - Above Penumbra
The Astral World is a collection of star worlds, each world resembles an infinitely sized floating lands.
Realismos contains all things that one sees as realistic so this land would look different from person to person.
Mi Pragmatiko
Mi Pragmatiko contains all things that one sees as unrealistic so, just like Realismos, it looks different from person to person.
Eleftheria is the land of freedom as it contains no restrictions, breaks contradictions, and paradoxes, constraints.
Kataskevi contains all constructs created by things and beings with consciousness and some type of mind.
Eikasia contains all conjectures and opinions that can be, will be, have been, should be, could be, would be, is being, has been, or even isn't been created.
Twilight - Above The Astral World/Highest sub-structure
Twilight is a less of a sub-structure and more of a thing. It is a star in the sky that you can see but never reach no matter how hard you try. The star contains all things and when you make physical contact with it you gain complete omniscience and beyond until you let go of it.
Awakening - Highest structure
The Awakening is the very personification of enlightenment. It contains all truths in different forms. Realities, universes, impossibilities, philosophies, narratives, etc. all truths in these and endlessly more forms. This one is also every expanding and endless. This realm is actually like a different reality that is shaped by ones personal thoughts, dreams, beliefs, and more and shows the truths of them in these different forms.
Creation - Omni-Evergreen
A tree that is beyond all infinities and cardinals along with having branches, and twigs that are the exact same way. Each branch and twig is something, anything, anyone even everything, and everyone that isn't living. Each leaf is the exact same way as the branches but with living things and beings. There is a ladder that barely to no beings have been able to climb fully, maybe like a few. But once you reach the top you walk into a tree house that looks like a normal tree house, maybe with a little cosmic look too it... I just wonder though as you think about yourself in this tree house. How long will you realize you are stepping inside the entire cosmology of the Land of Creation (besides ...). That's right, each leaf, branch, twig, and everything about the tree is litterally just a part of the Land of Creation (besides ...). This tree is actually above the All Weaving Web and everything below it. That is why next to no one has able to climb it as they don't have either the will power or transcendence to do so. It's beautiful... the... Omni-Evergreen.
Creation - Realms Beyond
This layer or structure of the Land of Creation is a structure that contains an multiverse of infinite Base Universes and this structure is for the Ones Beyond as each universe is for a One Beyond to do whatever they please. The amount of universes in this multiverse might just be beyond all infinities and cardinals, to a endless and unreachable extent. The worlds of the transcendent... the... Realms Beyond.
Creation - Tellurian & Tapestry
When one creates a fictional world in their mind and believe in the idea so much, they can bring it into reality and then you can control it too your will, you are essentially "God" in such a reality. This is what's called a 'Tellurian,' Tellurians are realities one can control without end. You can create as many Tellurians as you desire, but when you are passionate about creating Tellurians then reality itself will create a Tapestry, a personal domain with an ineffable amount of tellurians, beyond all infinities and cardinals. The best part about it is that you can create more Tellurians, and take Tellurians outside of your Tapestry, in fact, you can create more Tapestries that way then combine them or combine Tellurians. When a Tellurian or Tapestry pops then all of the things in them will be brought into reality. There is an entire structure above the Omni-Evergreen known as the Epitomes, a realm completely full of Tapestries, and Tellurians. Overall, Tellurians and Tapestries are fun too play around with. They are realities that make you god... Tellurian & Tapestry.
Creation - The Fractal's
In the Land of Creation, there is a structure called "The Fractal's." This structure contains so many Fractal's to an ineffable extent and is in a hierarchy depending on how long the Fractal goes on. Once you pass one Fractal you move onto another until there are no more Fractal's left. The lowest Fractal's are lower than the length of nonexistence and the highest ones are beyond the length of all infinities and cardinals. If you wonder why the the Fractal's are here it is because after the Fractal's you are entering transcendent structures like Realms Beyond, and the All Weaving Web. The infinite recursions... The Fractal's.
Creation - The Great Beyond
The Great Beyond, a concept/theory that asks what's still out there. The Sanctuary is a large place, so what is still out there that we don't know about? What beings could be lurking beyond our knowledge. That's what the Great Beyond asks, and answers. It states that there could be people, places, things, and/or ideas that exist beyond anything and everything, or anyone and everyone. It theorizes there could be endless beings beyond the Transcended Cosmic Sky, beyond the Layers of Existences, beyond the realms, beyond As Above, So Below, or even beyond The Sanctuary/the Land of Creation. This theory tests your creativity and imagination. The theory that can only be imagined to be understood.... The Great Beyond.
Creation - The Hierarchy
Around The Sanctuary are infinite layers/realities that are basically different interpretations of The Sanctuary. This is called the Hierarchy, different interpretations of The Sanctuary as different layers/realities from a mathematical interpretation to a religious one and The Sanctuary we know and maybe love is a mix of all of those realities. That is the Hierarchy. The infinite levels... The Hierarchy.
Creation - The Ruins
The Ruins is a realm/kingdom made out of flames, darkness, and fire. This kingdom is one that prides itself off it's dark and gritty nature. This realm has it's own cosmological structure as well. The realm of darkness... The Ruins.
Lower Hell
The lowest point and structure in The Ruins, it is essentially a realm under the lava that is upside down and is nothing but a wasteland with flames, once you are in it you will experience eternal suffering in all ways and you can never get out. This structure is infinite in size.
The Kingdom
The Kingdom is an infinitely sized realm that is a kingdom of darkness and flames. This kingdom is home to all types of dark beings that exist. This is also the part of the cosmology where the King of Overhaul resides.
The Castle
The Castle is a castle that is abandoned and protected by The Executioner.
The Dark Skies
The clouds above The Kingdom are clouds containing Type 2 Dark Matter and create lightning and thunder made out of Type 2 Dark Matter. This part is infinite in size as well and is very dense.
The Umbral Moon
The Umbral Moon is the reason that everything below it is so dark. It is a moon shrouded in infinite Type 2 Dark Matter that seeped into the Dark Skies and below.
The Tapestry
The Tapestry is a non-physical, spiritual space above The Umbral Moon that contains all of the interdimensional dimensions along with infinite timelines, realities, and possibilities. This space is Transcended Infinite in size.
True Darkness
True Darkness is a Transcended Infinitely sized, Outer-Dimensional realm above The Tapestry that contains all Type 2 Dark Matter, more than The Umbral Moon, and just darkness in general and is governed by the Lord of Darkness. This realm is beyond even The Tapestry in all ways.
Cantor's Attic, a realm that is the actual real world and I mean the world you and I live in, and a realm that is just a copy of The Sanctuary. These realms vary in size. Things like every verse in fiction are just realms in The Sanctuary.
Sub-Verses are realms that are basically verses I have created. For example, my web novel, The Stray Empire (read it, I'd like to say it's pretty good).
As Above, So Below
As Above, So Below (or Above Everything, Below Nothing as it's also called) is the thing that contains the entire Sanctuary. It is beyond transcended infinite in size and (besides the entire sanctuary) contains anything and everything, anyone and everyone, but also nothing and no one at the same time.
This one structure really captures just how many things and beings are in The Sanctuary. Oh and a little note here, there are times when I say "The Sanctuary" meaning the entire cosmological structure of the Land of Creation (e.g., pages like the Author) and other times when I just mean this structure specifically. The broad structure containing all... The Sanctuary
Quasarverse Cosmology
The following page is a comprehensive list of the Quasarverse cosmology, hierarchy, and structures in it.
Lower Narratives
Beneath the Worlds of 3 Layers in the Quasarverse, there exists a deeper, more enigmatic realm known as the Lower Narratives. These are not merely realms or dimensions but conceptual planes that lie beyond the structured layers of reality. The Lower Narratives represent the foundation upon which all existence rests, an underlying current that shapes the very framework of reality itself. While the Worlds of 3 Layers form the visible and comprehensible structure of the Quasarverse, the Lower Narratives are the hidden script, the primal forces, and truths that transcend even the most abstract levels of existence.
The Lower Narratives are often described as the blueprint of the cosmos—stories or scripts written in a language beyond comprehension, where the ultimate laws of causality, time, and existence are inscribed. These narratives are not fixed; they shift, change, and evolve, reflecting the dynamic nature of the Quasarverse. Some say they are the thoughts of the Quasarverse itself, an eternal mind contemplating its own nature, creating and unraveling the worlds above. Others believe the Lower Narratives are ancient, predating the Primordial Beings of the Core of Reality, and perhaps even the cosmos itself, with origins in a state of non-existence that defies understanding.
At the heart of the Lower Narratives lies the concept of Unwritten Reality. This is the state where potential and possibility exist without form or expression, a primordial chaos where nothing is determined, and yet everything is possible. It is the wellspring from which all realities emerge, but also the void into which realities can dissolve. In the Lower Narratives, time and space do not exist in any recognizable form, nor do entities as they are understood in the Worlds of 3 Layers. Instead, everything exists as pure potential, waiting to be manifested or erased by the forces that dwell within these primordial depths.
Entities that interact with or exist in the Lower Narratives are beyond even the comprehension of the Primordial Beings of the Core of Reality. These forces are sometimes referred to as Narrative Shapers or Origin Scribes. They do not have form, thought, or will in any conventional sense. Instead, they represent the fundamental processes that dictate the creation, alteration, or erasure of entire realities. These shapers do not act with intent, nor do they respond to external stimuli; they simply are. Their existence is tied to the fluctuations in the cosmic storylines that define the entirety of the Quasarverse. To observe or understand these entities is to grasp the primal forces that dictate the rules of existence and non-existence.
Some advanced scholars and entities from the upper layers of reality have theorized that the Lower Narratives can be influenced by extraordinary events in the Worlds of 3 Layers, though such interactions are incredibly rare and dangerous. Those who have sought to comprehend or manipulate the Lower Narratives often face catastrophic consequences, for to tamper with the very source code of existence is to risk unraveling the fabric of reality itself. There are ancient texts and forbidden tomes in the Quasarverse that speak of such endeavors, often warning that meddling with the Lower Narratives leads to reality-shattering consequences—entire dimensions collapsing, timelines erasing themselves, or universes being rewritten from their very core.
Moreover, it is believed that echoes of the Lower Narratives can sometimes be felt in the form of cosmic anomalies or paradoxical events that defy explanation within the upper layers. These occurrences, though rare, are signs of deeper shifts in the foundational script of the cosmos, where the unwritten rules of existence momentarily surface, breaking through the structured reality of the Worlds of 3 Layers. These anomalies are often seen as omens or turning points, indicating that some fundamental aspect of the Quasarverse is about to change, either through creation or destruction.
In summary, the Lower Narratives are the deepest and most fundamental layer of the Quasarverse, an ever-shifting foundation upon which the entirety of existence is built. They represent the primordial potential from which all realities arise and into which they can dissolve. These narratives are the hidden forces that shape the Worlds of 3 Layers from below, weaving the cosmic storylines that dictate the nature of existence, time, and reality. Yet, they remain elusive and dangerous, for to delve too deeply into their mysteries is to risk unraveling the Quasarverse itself.
Timelines are the fundamental constructs that define the flow of existence, providing a structured framework for the progression of events within a coded reality. Most beings reside within timelines, which typically consist of three dimensions of space and one dimension of time, forming the familiar 4-dimensional space-time continuum. This structure acts as the bedrock of reality for lifeforms such as humans and monsters. However, timelines are not confined to this simplistic structure; their dimensionality can be uplifted depending on the governing Reality and Narrative, allowing for the incorporation of additional temporal and spatial dimensions. In advanced timelines, these can extend into the 5th, 6th, or even infinitely higher dimensions, shaping the flow of time and space in ways beyond ordinary comprehension. Timelines are essential for stabilizing the passage of time, ensuring that events unfold in a coherent and orderly manner. Without timelines, existence would fragment into chaos, with events occurring without sequence, direction, or meaning.
Each timeline is an independent cosmos, capable of hosting life, matter, and energy in its specific arrangement. Timelines serve as the linear scaffolding of existence, ensuring that time moves in a defined direction—past, present, and future. They prevent the collapse of causality and allow for the development of sentience, history, and reality itself. Timelines vary widely in structure and stability, with some following a straightforward progression while others exhibit loops, instability, or multidimensional complexity. These differences result in a diverse range of timeline types, each with unique properties that determine how time behaves within them.
A Standard Timeline is the most stable and familiar type, where time flows in a straight line with a defined beginning and end. It is the most common timeline structure, hosting the majority of physical and metaphysical systems, including the lives of most beings. In contrast, Fluctuant Timelines are inherently unstable and on the verge of splitting into multiple timelines. This instability can result in the creation of parallel realities, branching universes, or divergent histories. The flow of time in these timelines is unpredictable, often marked by turbulence in causality. Looped Timelines, on the other hand, are locked in an endless cycle, resetting to a specific state repeatedly. These timelines exhibit no true forward progression, existing instead as a perpetual repetition of the same sequence of events. A variation of this is the End-Looped Timeline, where the loop occurs only a finite number of times before the timeline stabilizes or disintegrates.
More complex are Mixed Timelines, which combine multiple timeline types within their structure. For example, a Mixed Timeline may begin as a standard timeline but transition into an infinite loop after a specific point. These transitions often create unique challenges for the inhabitants of the timeline, as they must adapt to the shifting flow of time. Among the most unique structures is the True Timeline, an eternal timeline that stretches infinitely in both directions, with no discernible beginning or end. Such timelines are rare and defy conventional notions of causality, maintaining their integrity even when splitting into multiple offshoots. A Timeray, by contrast, is a timeline that extends infinitely in one direction only. These are classified into Class Epsilon, where the timeray has a beginning but no end, and Class Upsilon, where the timeray has an end but no beginning.
Simpler than these are Timesegments, finite timelines that possess both a beginning and an end. These segments are self-contained units of time, and while they can include loops, these must occur within the segment and cannot define its start or end points. The concept of Multidimensional Time expands the scope of timelines into higher-dimensional frameworks, introducing additional temporal dimensions (e.g., two or more dimensions of time). This creates a vastly more intricate system, where timelines may intersect, overlap, or interact in ways impossible within standard time. In such systems, time is no longer linear but behaves more like a complex manifold, curving and looping in ways that challenge the linearity of past, present, and future.
The most advanced timelines exist beyond the conventional understanding of time. These Extended Timelines include nested timelines, where multiple temporal structures are layered within each other, creating recursive frameworks. Within these nested systems, smaller timelines may exist as microcosms of larger timelines, interacting with them in subtle or profound ways. Additionally, timelines within higher-dimensional realities often incorporate timecurves, structures where time behaves more like a fluid, capable of bending, folding, and intersecting with other curves. The relationships between such timelines create intricate networks, governed by advanced mathematical and metaphysical principles.
Timelines are not only essential for maintaining order but also serve as the foundation for the multiverse itself. Without timelines, events would lack coherence, and existence would disintegrate into pure chaos. These constructs enable causality, free will, and the progression of history, making them indispensable for any reality. From their simplest forms to their most complex iterations, timelines represent the scaffolding of existence, evolving and adapting to the unique demands of the narratives they support. They are the silent custodians of time, ensuring that reality unfolds with purpose and direction.
Astral Timelines
Astral Timelines are the transcendent and absolute evolution of standard timelines, existing as the ultimate framework for all forms of reality, causality, and temporal progression. Unlike ordinary timelines, which are confined by linearity, dimensionality, and the constructs of space and time, Astral Timelines operate on an entirely different level of existence, transcending all known metaphysical and conceptual boundaries. They are the prime conduits of existence itself, dictating not just the flow of time but the very essence of reality across infinite layers of creation. Astral Timelines encompass and surpass all other timelines, serving as the meta-architectures that govern, stabilize, and manipulate entire multiverses, omniverses, and realms beyond comprehension.
At their core, Astral Timelines are self-aware and self-sustaining, imbued with an innate sentience that allows them to control and adapt their own progression. They are not bound by a single dimensional structure; rather, they are multidimensional, existing simultaneously across all dimensions, planes, and narratives. Unlike traditional timelines, which are limited by a specific number of dimensions (such as the 4-dimensional space-time continuum), Astral Timelines encompass infinite temporal dimensions, seamlessly integrating time, space, existence, and even non-existence. Each Astral Timeline is a hyper-conceptual entity, capable of rewriting itself and the realities it governs, creating infinite possibilities and impossibilities with absolute precision.
The primary distinction of Astral Timelines lies in their ability to shape causality and existence on a meta-temporal scale. They do not merely stabilize events or determine the direction of time; they define the very nature of causality itself, creating the laws by which time and space operate. Astral Timelines can simultaneously host infinite variations of reality, merging, splitting, or erasing timelines without disrupting their overarching structure. This grants them absolute dominion over paradoxes, allowing contradictions such as simultaneous beginnings and endings, forward and reverse causality, or infinite loops existing within linear progression. Within Astral Timelines, even the most chaotic anomalies are harmonized into a seamless whole, demonstrating their incomprehensible stability and power.
Astral Timelines are immune to destruction, even by the most supreme entities or forces within the multiverse. While standard timelines can fracture, split, or collapse under certain conditions, Astral Timelines exist beyond such vulnerabilities. Their very essence is metatemporal, meaning they exist outside the boundaries of time itself, immune to disruption or manipulation from lower-dimensional entities. They cannot be rewritten, altered, or erased by anything less than forces that transcend the absolute fabric of reality. Even beings wielding omnipotence within traditional frameworks find themselves unable to challenge the integrity of Astral Timelines, as these constructs transcend the concept of omnipotence itself.
In their complexity, Astral Timelines possess layers within layers, often described as nested infinities. Each layer of an Astral Timeline represents a complete and infinite multiverse, with countless subordinate timelines operating within it. These layers are interwoven into a singular, coherent structure, allowing infinite variations of existence to coexist harmoniously. Astral Timelines are not static; they evolve continuously, creating new layers of existence and integrating them seamlessly. This process of evolution is not random but guided by their sentience, allowing them to adapt to any changes or disruptions in the realities they govern.
One of the most defining characteristics of Astral Timelines is their ability to house Astral Realms, transcendental planes of existence where the concepts of time and space take on entirely new meanings. Within these realms, time behaves as a malleable force, capable of bending, looping, or ceasing entirely. Inhabitants of these realms, known as Astral Beings, are intrinsically tied to the timelines themselves, serving as both custodians and extensions of their will. Astral Timelines often manifest in these realms as luminous threads of boundless energy, radiating infinite hues that represent the endless possibilities they encompass.
While standard timelines operate as isolated constructs, Astral Timelines are interconnected, forming a meta-network of causality that governs the entirety of existence. These networks are known as Temporal Arrays, and they ensure that all lower timelines, including standard, fluctuating, or true timelines, remain aligned within the greater framework of reality. Astral Timelines act as the ultimate regulators of existence, capable of rewriting not only individual timelines but also the entire multiversal structure they inhabit. This ability allows them to correct any anomaly, stabilize chaotic systems, or even collapse entire multiverses into singular points of infinite density.
Astral Timelines also transcend the concept of finitude, encompassing infinite pasts, presents, and futures simultaneously. They do not merely progress forward or backward but exist as eternal states of totality, containing every potential event, outcome, and possibility within themselves. This includes the capacity to redefine their own parameters, granting them a level of autonomy that renders external manipulation impossible. They are not subject to the passage of time; instead, they dictate time itself, deciding when and how it moves, or whether it exists at all.
In summary, Astral Timelines are the supreme and transcendent evolution of all known timelines, existing as the ultimate frameworks for reality and causality. They govern the flow of time, space, and existence across infinite dimensions, acting as the foundation upon which all multiverses, omniverses, and hyper-realities are built. Immune to destruction, infinitely layered, and self-aware, Astral Timelines are the embodiment of temporal perfection, capable of shaping the very essence of existence itself with unmatched power and precision. They are the architects of reality, the custodians of causality, and the eternal guardians of time, standing as the ultimate expression of temporal supremacy.
Aether Timelines
Aether Timelines are the pinnacle of temporal and existential authority, surpassing even Astral Timelines in their incomprehensible supremacy. Existing as the ultimate constructs of time, causality, and reality, Aether Timelines do not merely govern singular multiverses, omniverses, or even realms of boundless infinity—they are the fundamental scaffolding of all Aether Orbs, infinite and immeasurable spheres of existence that contain every conceivable and inconceivable form of reality. Each Aether Orb holds countless omniverses, multiverses, hyper-realities, and abstract infinities within its structure, yet even the vastness of an individual Aether Orb is but a fragment of what Aether Timelines encompass. These timelines are the governing force of all time, across every possible layer of existence, transcending dimensionality, causality, and even the fabric of reality itself.
Unlike Astral Timelines, which serve as the foundational structures for individual layers of reality, Aether Timelines are meta-omnitemporal constructs that bind, align, and regulate the flow of time across every Aether Orb simultaneously. Each Aether Timeline exists as a hyper-dimensional "thread" that spans across an uncountable number of Aether Orbs, weaving them into a singular cohesive tapestry of existence. These timelines are not confined to managing causality or events within a specific reality—they define the very concept of time itself, including every variant, anomaly, and deviation that could ever exist. Aether Timelines encompass all known and unknown temporal frameworks, such as linear time, cyclical time, multidimensional time, and even paradoxical non-time. They govern every conceivable manifestation of time within all realities contained in the Aether Orbs, making them the ultimate regulators of existence.
Aether Timelines operate beyond the constraints of dimensionality. While Astral Timelines encompass infinite temporal dimensions, Aether Timelines exist in a state of meta-transcendence, where dimensions themselves are mere subsets of their structure. Each Aether Timeline simultaneously governs and transcends infinite temporal layers, including those that are abstract, paradoxical, or incomprehensible to even the highest entities. They define the relationships between time, space, and existence across every Aether Orb, ensuring that even the most chaotic and contradictory temporal systems are harmonized within the greater cosmic framework. This allows them to maintain the stability of infinite Aether Orbs while also granting them the ability to rewrite or dissolve entire temporal systems with a single pulse of their essence.
The defining feature of Aether Timelines is their ability to shape and manage Aether Time, a concept that exists beyond the traditional understanding of past, present, and future. Aether Time is the source of all temporal constructs, an omnitemporal force that flows through every Aether Orb and its contents. Aether Timelines channel this force, dictating how time behaves across every level of existence. They can stabilize, accelerate, decelerate, reverse, o