Crossroads of Fate (Naruto x HunterxHunter crossover) (Sakura centric)

Chapter 5: Against the Chairmen

The 42 remaining applicants for the Hunter's Exam; after enduring one day with two vigorous exam phases (and nearly failing the second) were taken aboard the airship of the Hunter Association. In a large room, surrounded by glass windows, a wooden floor, and nothing else inanimate occupying space. Netero stood in front of the applicants along with the odd figure that looked like a bean.

"Allow me to introduce myself to the forty-two remaining applicants. I am Netero, Chairman of this year's Hunter's Exam Selection Committee."

"I am his secretary Beans."

Sakura bit her tongue hard to avoid giggling when she heard that the bean-shaped figure's name was Beans.

"Originally, I planned to make my appearance during the exams final phase; but seeing as I'm already here…."

The room was stiffly quiet, despite being occupied by so many people. Netero was enjoying the tension; saying he was going to remain present for the rest of the exam; after that Beans spoke, explaining their travel plans.

"We are scheduled to arrive at our destination tomorrow at 8 am." Beans said smiling, he didn't appear the least bit intimidated by all of the applicants. "You'll find dinner waiting in the dining hall. You are also welcome to get some rest. In other words, you are free to do as you wish until you're contacted."

Sakura let out a breath; finally, they were able to take a break before their next phase. It wasn't as if she couldn't take the stress, she had been under far worse pressures in her experience as a ninja-except for being trapped in another world, that was a new ordeal. She began making a list of everything she wanted to do before the night was over since she didn't know when she was going to get the chance again.

Killua cheered, grinning at Gon and Sakura, "Alright, let's go explore the airship!"

"Yeah!" Gon said immediately, he asked Leorio and Kurapika if they were going to join, but the older teens refused, saying they were too tired from the day's events.

"Guess it's just the three of us." Gon said

Sakura shook her head. "You two can go on; but I want to get something to eat, take a shower, and sleep."

Sakura felt one of her wrists in a tight grip and realized that it was Killua. He had started pulling her towards the exit, with Gon trailing beside him. "We're going to get food too; come on."

Despite protesting to being dragged around; Sakura didn't resist (with her strength she could). Although after going in and out of almost every room she wished she had. Killua wanted to see the control room, but Sakura had to drag both Gon and Killua out when they went in despite the 'Do Not Enter sign on the door. Then they took a walk to the bottom of the aircraft where they found nothing but the landing gear and cargo boxes. Thankfully their trip wasn't a complete waste as Sakura also found the bathroom with showers but unfortunately wasn't able to use it.


"Now where are we going?" Sakura asked, being pulled now by both Killua and Gon.

'Why am I letting them drag me around again?' Sakura wondered, she could've easily escaped their grips but at the same time, she found it entertaining. Seeing everything on the airship; though when she mentioned that they were supposed to get something to eat….

"Seriously we're going to steal food from the kitchen?" Sakura whispered leaning against the wall, peering through a door that lead into the kitchen. People were hurrying about, with trays in hand to be taken to the examiners and applicants. Several chefs were at the cooking stations, their hands in constant motion amongst the ingredients and cooking utensils, the smell of smoke, spices, and meat-filled their noses as Gon, Killua and Sakura all peered over the entrance to the kitchen.

"This is so juvenile."

"You said you wanted to eat." Killua pointed out in a whisper

"In the dining hall like we were instructed," Sakura muttered back, shaking her head.

The three stopped bickering when someone walked past the door from the kitchen. When they were sure it was safe, the three peered back inside.

"The good foods went by now," Killua pointed out,

"That's why I wanted to earlier, but you insisted on checking out the cockpit." Sakura seethed, narrowing her eyes.

"Whatever, we'll just sneak in, grab something and be out."

"I don't want to get in trouble," Gon added nervously, glancing back and forth between the forks in the hallway.

"Fine, I'll just go by myself," Killua said. He didn't give Sakura or Gon the opportunity to talk him out of it, because he was already halfway in the kitchen, ducking down so that no one would notice him. His training as an assassin came to light with his silent steps, and agile movements kept in the kitchen staff's blind spots. Though he had a rather cheeky expression.

Sakura hit her forehead, "Dammit Killua, get back here!" she couldn't scream at him like she wanted or they would all be caught.

Killua was crouched down on the floor, he turned around, grinning, and stuck his tongue out at Sakura before turning back and continuing to make his way through the kitchen.

Footsteps were coming around the station Killua was hiding behind; Sakura and Gon quickly moved out of eyesight in the doorway and Killua hid in the bottom of the station table, he saw two pairs of legs stop in front of him.

One of the servers spoke, "Don't forget, those go up to the examiners."

"Yeah I know, those gourmet hunters can sure pack it in."

"There are two more orders, wait they'll be done soon. So you can just make one trip."

Killua's ears seemed to perk at the mention of the Gourmet Hunters and picked up the pace, he heard a thud right above him and grinned. When the two figures were out of sight, he peaked his head out of the station area; looking back and forth. He saw Gon and Sakura peering from the entrance still.

He drew out his hand and coaxed forward repeatedly, telling them to come in.

Gon spoke, "I think he wants us to come to him."

"No way," Sakura whispered, "If we all go in there we're bound to get-

Gon had stopped listening and was already creeping into the kitchen, crawling on his hands and knees until he got to Killua who pulled him into the station. They then peered out to look at the pinkette, gesturing for her to come to them.

"No," Sakura said shaking her head. She pointed to them sharply with her index finger, then to her head before rotating her wrist, and mouthing on repeat, 'You two are crazy.'

However, they didn't let up; Gon was smiling while he waved his hand around and Killua just kept gesturing with his hand for her to come in.

Sakura sighed softly, 'Dammit, peer pressure.'

She crouched down to the ground, glancing left and right to make sure no one was looking before she darted over to the two boys. In a crouched run, she ducked down when she reached Gon and Killua. Crawling into the space they occupied, which proved to be a bit hard since it was now three of them. The three had their legs tucked up and were tightly fitted together.

"Well, this is comfortable," Sakura growled, shifting her shoulder that bumped with Killua's. "Why'd you call us here?"

Without a word, Killua peaked back out before he extended his arm up to the top of the table, feeling around for one of the dishes, when he felt one of the plates he grabbed it, uncovering the lid as he brought it down. The smell of mouthwatering meat filled the space; most likely because there was roasted meat.

"This is supposed to go to the examiners," Killua said, "I think they're going to be short what do you think?"

"I think you're out of your mind;" Sakura replied, "Right Gon?"

However Gon was already drooling at the sight of the food, it had been a couple of hours since they had last eaten their Second Phase.

"Here," Killua awkwardly handed Gon the meat, holding the bone. Blowing the steam off, Gon took a bite. Killua then offered one to Sakura. The pinkette frowned but took it nonetheless. After a bite, her eyes shone in surprise. It was extremely delicious like she was convinced Menchi might approve of it-no wonder.

'Well, they did make us fight giant pigs and throw ourselves over a cliff. Then there was that damn sushi challenge,' Sakura attempted to justify; although her mind was mostly occupied on savoring the food.

"See, I told you." Killua gloated.

Sakura narrowed her eyes but didn't reply. Gon just muttered something as he kept chewing as if his anxiety of getting caught vanished.

'Thank god this will never leave the book,' Sakura thought taking another big bite of meat.

Killua took a bite as well out of his own, before pointing up "I bet they've got something just as good on the other plates."

Sakura's mouth was too full to protest when Killua went to grab another plate, grinning all the while. He was about to open the second dish when their senses went off, alerting them.

Swallowing, the pinkette prepared to say something when footsteps drew near, she shushed the boys. They fell silent, a pair of legs clad in black pants appeared in front of them.

"Wait, we're missing two trays over here!"

The three teens' eyes darted between one another; keeping still as another pair of shoes appeared in front of the station.

"But I know I put them right here."

After a bit of shuffling from on top, ahead appeared in the small opening that the three had crammed themselves in. A man with a round face, wearing a chef's jacket and hat stared at them with a scowl.

"Hey," Killua waved, appearing very casual in contrast to the situation. "The meats a little dry."

"Okay, next time you put yourself in a situation like that Killua, I'm gonna just walk away," Sakura stated, biting the last piece of meat from the bone.

"A situation like what?" he asked,

"Where I know you're going to put me in some sort of dilemma."

He didn't seem like he would mind that.

After getting a thorough scolding, Sakura, Gon, and Killua took their leave from the kitchen; with the food they had already bitten into. Sakura had no words when she was thrown out of the kitchen with the boys.

"At least we got to eat," Gon said, attempting to lighten the atmosphere. If Killua and Sakura kept glaring at one another, sparks were going to become visible.

"Yeah, relax a little. Boy, I sure hope I'm not this stiff when I'm your age,"

"You make me sound like I'm some old lady,"

"Exactly," Killua wagged his finger, "You should be more considerate of the impression you give,"

Sakura felt the vein on her forehead throb, drawing a few breaths she glanced to the side. Starring at the long line of windows that reflected her image; there were patches of dirt smeared on her clothes, her hair was still standing from the updrafts in the mountain, her skin had darkened with dust and grime-she needed to take a shower.

'Just one day here and I look like this,' Sakura sighed. How was she going to look when this exam was over?

"What's wrong?" Gon asked, looking up at her with genuine curiosity.

"Nothing," Sakura shook her head. It wasn't like her current appearance was something she should complain about, especially when she survived the day's events; others got off a lot worse.

Stepping to the window, Killua pressed his face against the glass "Whoa! Come look at this!"

Gon and Sakura moved closer to the window, pressing their faces up against the glass; darkness down below with multiple trails of light scattered carelessly but beautiful nonetheless. Like stars had fallen from the sky and decorated themselves on the ground deliberately. it was a new sight for Sakura who didn't live in a world with the buildings that tried to touch the sky, made of glass and light.

"It's like the ground is covered in jewels!" exclaimed Gon, his mouth agape but smiling.

"Yeah…" Sakura smiled, it was a view to marvel at.

"Hey, I was wondering Killua…." Gon trailed


"Where are your mom and dad?"

"They're alive."

"What do they do?"

"They're assassins," Killua responded, his tone calm as if he was making small talk.

For a second, Sakura's eyes averted to Killua's form before turning back to the window. He had said he was an assassin; Sakura didn't have much reason to doubt him. Sure he was only twelve, but she was only twelve when she started training as a ninja so who could say it wasn't possible?

Gon turned his head away from the window to Killua, "Both of them?" he didn't sound surprised, or as if he didn't believe it; it was that usual curious tone.

Killua started laughing, "That's your first reaction?"

Sakura sat down on one of the many benches that were lined by the windows for people to sit and looked out at the view; she was next to Gon and Killua.

"Why so surprised?" she asked, leaning on her hand "You told me you were an assassin and I believed you. So why wouldn't Gon?"

"You are telling the truth after all right?" Gon added,

Killua leaned against the windowsill, resting his head on his arm as he spoke. "You guys are both so weird, usually people only like me because they can't tell whether I'm being serious or not," he looked back to the outside, "I'm from a family of assassins. And my family has high hopes for me…" he smiled, a kind that seemed to hold vice.

Sakura snickered, covering her mouth, "You must've really disappointed them huh?"

Playing along, Killua nodded straightening up, "Well yeah. When I told them I wanted to plan my own future they all snapped! My mother had tears streaming down her face when she told me I had the potential to be a top assassin." Gon let out a strained laugh as Killua continued "Horrible parents right? Naturally, their kid would go bad,"

Sakura wasn't entirely sure if straying off the path of assassination was considered 'bad' but when it was a family business, expectations were probably different.

"We ended up fighting," Killua said, smiling now "So I slashed my mother in the face, my brother in the side, and ran away from home. I'm sure they're out for blood now. But if they find me, I'll send them packing."

Killua's audience of two laughed at his casual behavior on the unusual topic.

"When I become a Hunter, I'll start capturing my family. I'm sure they're worth some hefty bounties."

Waving her hand, Sakura said, "Maybe we could help you out; I'm completely broke right now."


Gon, turned to the pinkette, "Neh, Sakura what about you? Where are your parents?"

Stiffening; Sakura felt her heartbeat increase a little. Both of the boys were looking at her now; their eyes focused; waiting for a response. "Well, they're not dead or anything."

"What do they do then?" asked Killua.

Sakura leaned back, staring up at the ceiling; giving it a bit of thought before she decided to respond with what she thought to be the truth. "Nothing very exciting. They're both actually completely normal."

The term normal was used very loosely, given that would define them in her world where majority of her peer's parents were ninja's; normal behavior-wise was another thing.

"Well kinda normal," Sakura corrected, frowning "My dad's got the worst sense of humor and my mom is always nagging me about stuff like chores, putting my shoes away, folding my laundry…"

"Oh…." Gon said, "Aunt Mito does that with me too, she doesn't like it when I forget to clean my room, or when I stay out too late in the forest without telling her. She always says she'll keep me locked out if I'm ever late again,'

Killua threw his head back, chuckling "That's nothing; my mom's so dotting. She always asks for me whenever I came home from missions and it's just so annoying!"

Gon, Killua, and Sakura continued their conversation; unaware of Netero peering around the corner and catching sight of the trio. They were too engulfed in their conversation, he caught snippets of it and realized it mostly had to do with their parents; comparing and somewhat in competition to see which guardian was more troubling. Netero suddenly glared and in that instant, their conversation ended, their heads turned to the corner, only to find no trace of a presence they thought they felt.

"Did you guys…?" Sakura didn't finish when she heard a soft clicking noise against the floors.

"Something wrong?"

Their heads turned in the opposite direction, to see Netero walking over to the three. Gon greeted him first and then pointed to the corner, asking if he had seen anyone there; to which Netero shook his head. Sakura and Killua on the other hand were a little more aware; however, they weren't able to comprehend exactly how Netero was able to move that quickly.

'For an old man, he's pretty light on his feet,' she thought.

"You're fast-for an old man," Killua said knowingly.

"That little trick? I barely moved." Netero said; not denying that he was the one watching the group of three.

"If by barely moved, you mean practically teleported across the room, then sure," Sakura muttered offhandedly; she sensed some animosity and realized it was coming from Killua himself who was glaring at Netero.

'What do you want?" he asked the old man. "You don't have anything to do until the last phase right?"

"No need to be so unkind," Netero said, maintaining his demeanor "I was bored and looking for some companions. I meant to ask you three, any thoughts on your first attempt at the Hunter's exam?"

Gon answered right away, smiling back at Netero "Yeah; it's fun! And there haven't been any of the written exams I've been dreading."

Netero then looked at Sakura for a response.

"Interesting….is the word I'd use." Sakura trailed carefully.

"I'm disappointed." Killua stated, frowning deeper "I expected the exam to be far more difficult. I assume the next phase will be better?"

"Well now….I wouldn't know about that" he replied coyly.

Looking at the boy now, it was surprising to see how quickly he was able to change his persona; from grinning troublemaker, to cold and hostile; what's more, this was in front of the chairman of the Hunter Committee. Either she was oblivious or Killua was a very talented actor. Made her curious about whether or not one was the real Killua; or both.

Seeming to only get further agitated with the conversation, Killua turned around signaling for Sakura and Gon to follow him. However, Netero told them to wait.

"Would you care to play a game with me?" he asked.

"A game?" asked Gon

"If you win, I'll let you become Hunter's." Netero chimed.

Sakura's footsteps paused, she glanced around her at Netero. "Are you even allowed to do something like that?"

"You'll find out if you play. How about it?"

"I'll play!" Gon exclaimed.

"Yeah, me too," Killua said, although he didn't sound as thrilled.

Becoming a Hunter; honestly wasn't something Sakura was interested in, but for the chairmen to make such bold promises did intrigue her. She wondered what kind of ability these hunters had in comparison to shinobi? Sakura couldn't properly gouge Netero's real strength just by looking at him, but she was already aware that he was far from ordinary. There was a sensation, similar and yet not so much like chakra that it got her curious.

"Alright, what's the game?"

An empty room with lightly padded walls and wooden floors was the playing field for the game Netero decided would be a version of tag with a ball. Free of his overcoat, in an ordinary top now, barefoot, Netero bounced the ball in front of the three.

"If you can take this ball before the airship reaches its destination, you win." A small clock on the wall indicated the time close to eleven, which would give them about nine hours.

This game sounded too much like the bells test, Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke had to do against Kakashi, and the first time they had that test, they technically didn't achieve their objective. If Kakashi didn't already have other motives for this test, they would've failed.

"You're free to attack me however you like, I won't touch you."

"It's that easy?" Gon asked.

Sakura scoffed, "Gon, things aren't always as simple as that. Not with the stakes."

"Then I'll go first," Killua said, with an unchanging face. But once he began circling Netero, his agitation shone through his eyes. Aware that the old man wasn't taking him as a challenge and he was determined to make him regret it.

Circling like a shark, his image became like ripples in the water before solidifying as he passed them, walking around Netero, who watched quietly impressed by the assassination technique displayed. Gon and Sakura were just as surprised.

'This is like the replacement jutsu.' But it was clear that Killua couldn't use chakra, so this was just a physical ability in a sense that made it all the more impressive.

And then he went in to strike. But Netero proved that despite his age, he was as if not even more agile than a child assassin. Every time Killua seemed close to the goal, he was out-maneuvered. And Killua, who was filled with confidence, was becoming increasingly agitated as his ego was deflated.

'He keeps darting around.' Killua glared as Netero balanced the ball on his head, without any sign of a guard. That's when the white-haired boy spun on his foot, pushing himself to glide across the floor, kicking out his leg to hit Netero hard on his shin.

"Killua!" Sakura couldn't help calling out in disbelief at the literal low-blow. But then the boy was jumping back, holding his leg in pain while Netero appeared unbothered.

Gon saw this as his chance to take over, "Killua tag, tag!"

Hopping back, he tagged Gon in before sitting to get rid of the pain in his leg and tinge of shame on his face. Sakura looked over Killua's leg, to ensure there wasn't any external damage.

"You're fine, just stupid."

Clicking his tongue, Killua glared over at Netero. "That old man's leg was harder than iron I'm telling you he's not normal."

"I could've guessed that, by the way, cheap move." Sakura chuckled as Killua shoved her. She pulled on his cheeks playfully forcing a smile. "I wonder what Gon will do?"

With a quick first step, Gon was off but still, the chairmen were able to see him. Although Gon did surprise him when he went into the air instead of going head-on as Netero assumed. It might have worked if Gon knew to control his strength and hadn't jumped so far into the air that he knocked his head on the ceiling and had to come down to recover, clutching it in pain.

"We already know you can jump high, control your strength!" Killua yelled at him, folding his arms with a pout. "The old man had let his guard down too."

When compared to Killua whose eyes were cold and calculating, Gon appeared as someone who wore his heart on his sleeve, which may have attributed to people's first impression that was seeing nothing more than an ordinary child.

But the chase against Netero was as fruitful as Killua's attempts as the ball continued to bounce around the room, out of his reach. From what Sakura saw, Netero had no intention of actually giving them their hunters license, he was just trying to kill off boredom and used this prize as a lure.

From this, Sakura decided to sit and observe a little longer, letting Killua and Gon swap out to go against Netero and after some time, he suggested they try attacking at once. Again Sakura opted not to actually participate, but she was watching rather closely. Enough for Netero to realize that she was observing his movements like a hawk waiting to take flight.

"You're not going to play?" The old man asked after a few more minutes of toiling with the boys.

Sakura sighed, standing up. "Sure why not, Gon Killua take a break."

Although Netero had suggested they all attack together, Gon and Killua wanted to see how Sakura was going to approach this challenge. While the boys were trying to catch the ball, she saw that Netero had barely used his right hand. That gave her a clearer idea of his skill level and it was beyond the boys right now.

"Let's go then."

Sakura didn't need more of an invitation like when you tested the temperature of the water, you start with one foot. She wasn't going particularly fast, but she was attempting to discern the old man's movements and patterns when she took off.

Only a leap was needed to reach him, and Sakura was immediately going for the ball. Netero manuvered out of her way. He spun on his heels to keep her at bay, but she was still closer than he would've anticipated.

'She outmatches these boys.' It didn't take the pro hunter long to realize this fact as he darted around the room with her in close pursuit. Sakura wasn't showing the same signs of frustration and fatigue as Gon and Killua. She was patiently observing.

They had barely exceeded half the time limit so she likely felt no need to rush this if she didn't see it as a lure.

'He moves well for an old man.' Then again so did the third Hokage.

Netero was skidding around the area, and Sakura was almost constantly parallel to him. She made a few grabs at the ball and he quickly countered, but it was by inches that Netero was having closer calls with her.

To Gon and Killua, Netero and Sakura were beginning to look like blurs you saw when you were in a moving car.

"That's amazing isn't it?" Gon gasped in awe.

Killua was stunned and unwilling to admit that it was frustrating watching Sakura dash around easily against Netero. Gon might not have realized it, but Netero was using all of his limbs at great capacity to keep her from attaining the ball. Something he didn't have to do even with the two of them working together.

And then the final straw snapped. Netero had taken the ball out of Sakura's reach again by throwing it into the air and that's when she finally decided to move.

Chakra pumped to her legs and in a moment she was out of all their sights, appearing right behind Netero and the ball.


Netero leaned down to give his legs enough momentum to kick the ball out of her reach, by a hair but Sakura swung her body, and that created enough wind force to send the ball further out of Netero's range. And with a bit of a low move in her opinion. Sakura stepped on Netero's back as he was suspended mid-air to grab the ball.

'I have it!' Just as Sakura's fingers touched at the rubber as she flew through the air. A figure rushed past and grabbed the ball just as she was about to wrap her hand around it.

Netero sighed, a drop of sweat forming on his brow. "That was close."

Sakura landed, glancing behind to see a smoking footprint pasted on the wooden floor. 'He must've used a considerable amount of power.'

It was somewhat satisfying to know this fact. Since Netero had been quietly boastful of his abilities in comparison to the youngsters. Sakura wasn't the one bothered by this though.

Gon clapped. "That was amazing, so fast!"

Killua bit his lip, his eyes had slit-like an infuriated cat. He got up and went for the exit. "I'm done."

"Killua, where are you going? We still have time." Gon said. He was excited to start again after watching that exchange.

"What's the point? We can chase the old man around all year and we still wouldn't be able to get the ball. He barely used his right hand and left leg against us."

Netero balance the ball in his hand. "Oh you figured it out, I thought I'd fooled you."

"You really know how to piss me off." Killua hissed with an empty smile. "Let's go Gon."

So he wasn't inviting Sakura to leave with them it seemed, he was quite angry and not only at Netero. Gon however did not follow, insisting that he wanted to play longer.

"It's useless! You won't be able to take the ball from him!"

Gon just held his jovial smile, "I don't care about the ball. I want to make Netero-san use his right hand before the time runs up just like Sakura."

Killua seemed surprised, but he relented and left without a word to Sakura.

He was replaying the events in his head, furthering his frustration and turning his mood bitter. Killua's footsteps were heavy and he paid no attention in the direction he took. The hunter exam was supposed to cure his boredom, not fuel his anger. He was experiencing something different outside of his home aside from assassination missions. He met someone his age, and he may have been comparing quite a bit. Gon wasn't anything like him, and to Killua that was interesting.

Then there was Sakura, she was older than him but when they spoke, it wasn't as if he was a little kid. She was sometimes just as immature as him.

'And stronger.' A voice whispered in his mind. That realization made his stomach churn. He just didn't know why.

Two applicants passed Killua as he delved into his thoughts, the silver-haired boy knocking into them without a word. But they were not so willing to ignore as Killua kept his back turned.

"Hey kid, you bump into us then ignore us?"

When he continued to do so, they ran after Killua, unknowingly towards their demise as his nails sharpened within his pockets. A sinister smile stretched across Killua's face. Finally, something to release that frustration and bloodlust build.

They didn't reach him. When Killua looked behind, he found the two applicants on the ground, very much alive, but unconscious, with Sakura standing over them, her arms held at an angle indicating her previous actions.

"What are you doing, Sakura?" Killua asked with a tightly edged voice.

"Think I couldn't sense the bloodlust before you left?" Sakura was stepping towards him unnervingly slow, but she had no hesitation in her strides. Before he realized it, she was in front of him and with a strength he somehow couldn't' resist, she dragged him away.

The shower had been turned on high, but there was no steam because the only water running through was cold. Killua was made aware of that when Sakura shoved him under and held him in place. He didn't have the strength to compete with Sakura's but the water hitting his bare torso and sinking into his shorts didn't make for the most comfortable experience. That's when he started to thrash like a wild cat.

"What are you doing!?" Killua spluttered, shaking his head.

"You need to cool off." Sakura told him, "Were you really about to kill those guys?"

"Yeah, so what?" Killua shot back, struggling in Sakura's arms.

"I know that you're an assassin Killua, but that doesn't mean you should feel free to give in to every urge to kill."

"That's exactly what it means!" Killua argued back.

"Assassins are professional killers; it's a job, not a hobby. You told Gon and me that you were finished with being an assassin. So what's the point in killing those two?"

"Because they annoyed me!"

"Well as long as I'm here, you're not going to kill people who don't deserve it."

Sakura winced as she felt a sharp pain, her skin breaking. Sakura saw that Killua's hands had changed, there were visible veins as if he was straining himself and his fingernails had become pointed tips, like claws.

"Killua…." Sakura's voice grew soft and the boy grew still when he saw the wounds he had inflicted on the pinkette. He quickly withdrew his nails and his hand returned to the way it was before.

The only noise heard was the spray of water from the shower, while Sakura and Killua remained, still, taking shallow breaths.

"Let go."

Finally, Sakura moved forward, wrapping her arms around the boy's shoulders. The cold water sprayed over her body, wetting her hair and clothes. And her warmth seeped into him. Killua didn't understand this at all. He didn't like hugs. These endearments had only come from his family, especially his mother, and overtime was nothing but smothering. This, however, felt different.

Warmth and relieving instead of suffocating. Although he didn't have it in him to return the gesture.

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