Cultivating in a magical world with the most powerful system

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: No Way, Dude!

In a void of endless darkness and a cold that could freeze your enthusiasm for life, Lin Zhi's willpower drooped like a soggy noodle—drenched in seawater and utterly helpless.

Then, out of the blue (literally), a light blue beam smacked his eyebrows. Lin Zhi shot upright as if he'd just escaped a hilariously terrible nightmare, gulping in fresh air like it was a long-lost friend.

His mind started doing a wild dance—random, unfamiliar memories popping up like surprise ads. But before he could even hit the mental "pause" button, a football-sized fireball barreled into view like it was auditioning for a role in a blockbuster disaster movie. Lin Zhi, too stunned to remember the art of dodging, simply gawked as the fiery orb plowed toward him.

Just as it seemed destined to deliver a face full of crispy regret, the fireball took an unexpected detour. It whooshed past his ears and exploded on the ground nearby, leaving behind a crater and a patch of burnt weeds that clearly said, "I'm not your average sparkler!"

Finally snapping into action, Lin Zhi scrambled to his feet and began scanning his bizarre new neighborhood. He found himself perched on a modest little hill—nothing like the dramatic peaks of epic legends. All around him sprawled an open grassland, offering a view wider than his imagination on a caffeine high.

The scenery was oddly minimalist, featuring no towering trees—except for one lopsided sapling that looked as if it had been drawn by a sleep-deprived artist. This tree, resembling a capital "H" missing its middle stroke, had Lin Zhi staring at it like it was an avant-garde masterpiece out of place in a pastoral postcard.

Peering down from his perch, Lin Zhi's eyes landed on a vast plain. Dominating the landscape was an enormous red villa, encircled by white stone walls roughly the size of a football field. Even from a distance, its grandeur practically screamed "luxury!" Meanwhile, a scattering of more ordinary houses, seemingly assembled from bargain-bin blueprints, sat humbly in contrast.

A narrow river slithered across the plain, bordered by meticulously planted crops that looked as though they'd been arranged by a perfectionist. With evening fast approaching, the sun squeezed itself between distant mountains, drenching the scene in a golden glow that could give any Instagram filter a run for its money.

Just as Lin Zhi was busy admiring the view like a distracted tourist, he noticed a little girl glaring at him from less than ten meters away, as if sizing him up for a roast. She looked to be about seven or eight years old, with dazzling blonde hair pulled into perky ponytails that could outshine any doll's. With ruby eyes, delicate features, and aristocratic clothes that whispered "I'm too fancy for you," she resembled a living porcelain doll—eerily familiar yet utterly alien.

Suddenly, a jumble of memories bubbled up in Lin Zhi's head. To his shock, he realized these weren't his memories at all—he'd just hopped into someone else's body! According to the previous owner's mental post-it notes, he wasn't on Earth anymore but on the exotic (and equally perplexing) Iraka Continent. All he could remember before this body swap was a cacophony of roars and darkness—a far cry from his current reality.

Taking a deep, resigned breath, Lin Zhi faced his new reality—and the little girl who, by the way, was now his designated "sister." The former owner of this body was named Pro Andro, and the pint-sized interrogator before him went by Alili Telemos. Their eyes locked in a silent showdown so dramatic that even the wind seemed to pause in admiration.

Let's rewind a bit: Pro Andro had been entrusted to the care of friends (namely, the parents of Alili) when he was just six years old. Two years later, he'd lived a whirlwind life—right up until the moment Lin Zhi decided to crash the party.

Shaking off his confusing thoughts, Lin Zhi glanced back at Alili, who still looked as delicate as fine china. Naturally, Alili wasn't too fond of being stared at. With a slight wrinkle of her brows, she raised her right hand and began mumbling in a tone that was equal parts adorable and exasperated—a bit like a precocious middle-schooler trying to sound serious. Lin Zhi couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity.

But then things got even stranger: as Alili's monologue sped up, Lin Zhi noticed ethereal lines weaving in the air above her palm—forming a magic circle straight out of a cheesy fantasy epic. A vibrant red circle, a dramatic beam of fire, and, wouldn't you know it, another fireball emerged and zoomed right at him. This time, Lin Zhi was not about to be a sitting duck. He side-stepped with a clumsy grace, though he still felt the fiery heat graze his face and caught the unmistakable whiff of burnt hair. A quick finger-poke later, he discovered a handful of black ash mixed in his locks.

As if on cue, his original memories rushed back like a plot twist on a bad sitcom. Apparently, Iraka Continent was a magical madhouse where people absorbed raw magic like it was free candy—transforming them into bona fide magicians. And little Alili? Born with a natural knack for magic, she had already become an elementary magic apprentice by the tender age of seven—a veritable prodigy wrapped in a pint-sized package.

Realizing he was now squatting under someone else's roof, Lin Zhi knew better than to rile up this mini sorceress if he wanted to enjoy a decent meal. Still, his manly pride couldn't help but shoot him a glare that said, "Really, Pro?" in silent rebuke.

Alili, not missing a beat, returned his awkward look with a dose of childlike indignation. In her mind, it was like, "If you can dodge fireballs now, why didn't you bother dodging the first time? Getting singed is no joke!" Lin Zhi thought to himself, "Seriously? You know it's dangerous yet decided to lob a fireball at me? Women really are the ultimate paradox."

Determined to make a hasty retreat before things got any more absurd, Lin Zhi attempted to turn on his heel. Unfortunately, dizziness set in like an overenthusiastic carnival ride, and down he went in a heap.

Noticing his attempted escape—and subsequent collapse—Alili's annoyance melted into alarm. In a flash, she rushed over, scooping him up as if he were a fragile action figure about to topple over. Gently, she laid him on the grass, propping his head on her knees as she gazed at him with a complicated expression that screamed, "What in the magical world just happened here?"

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