Cyberpunk : Neon Vengeance

Chapter 8: Towards the city

Sitting on the vantage point Jason kept an eye on the surroundings,in case the dead scav's friends paid a visit.

One hour later the memory scan was finally complete.His Cyberself informed him.

{I have completed the scan.She is saying the truth, her sister has been taken by scavs.One of them had some high end implants, doesn't seem like an ordinary grunt.I would suggest looking into it more, maybe we can get some stronger targets.}

'Hmm', Jason processed the information given to him .

"Looks like we got our next goal to focus on.Oh can you…" before he can finish.

{ I have looked into the stash and the ride she was talking about.}

Soon a vehicle drove below his vantage point, it was some kind of small truck,black in colour, with off road tires.

Jason jumped down and said to his cyberself , 'check for trackers', he checked the car from all around.

{No trackers found.}

Hearing the results ,he opened the car door to check the inside. The seats had leopard patterns, the gear handle had a skull with two red crystals .

The inside of the car was very clean and didn't look like it belonged to some scav, "whoever the owner was, he definitely loved his car."jason thought.

Jason then climbed to his vantage point took a deep look at the landfill , picked up the passed out girl.

He put her in the side seat and took the driver seat himself.

Before he could start the car, his cyberself asked him, { why are we taking her with us? I already got all the info she has.Don't tell me you are planning to save her and look for her sister.The chance of her sister being alive is very low.Even if she is, what are you going to do with them are you gonna take them in.Those Ais can easily take over them, Not to mention… }

Getting annoyed at the voice in his head, Jason exclaimed , "Can you shut up!!"

Seeing his cyberself go quiet for a few seconds, Jason felt guilty and decided to explain to his cyberself.

'We will see if we can save her sister, if we do we will make her our tester for the anti Ai possession device or make her bait for them to take over and then track that to get to them.'

{You don't have to explain to me, I am not angry at you. I just didn't realize that you still have sympathy for people in this world. When making plans, I should take this into account.}

'It's not like that I…just don't want to lose myself .If I need to nuke this city to win I will do it without blinking.You can call me hypocrite but that's just me, that's why despite having the system, I got…hah…honey trapped by probably an Ai, in my previous world only biggest losers fall for that ,you know.'

Jason put his face on the steering wheel.

'Despite everything I still want answers ,I will probably not shoot her at first sight ,if I have a choice.'

His cyberself kept quiet for a while then said to Jason, { I had the same memories and personality as you when I was born but the conclusions we reach are different, maybe its because of my own experiences after becoming conscious, but I do agree you are a third rate transmigrator , you should have at least fallen in trap with arasaka, nusa or militech or other giants but you fell for the third rate Ai company, first is still delaware cabs by the way. You shouldn't beat yourself up and think too much about the honey trap, they have profiled you and used it to predict your actions, your likes, dislikes. Ais in this world use quantum computers , advanced algorithms to make you fall in love, you are not sigm… smart enough to not fall for that, so don't blame yourself too much.}

Jason had scowl on this face he never thought he would be roasted by his own digital self, 'Well your me so, don't fall for some Ai girls okay…hah'

{ You don't have to worry that we share the same body not the same brain cells and besides, I find real people more interesting , Ais are…just food.}

'Great I have cannibalistic personality in my head now.'

{Ais are not humans , they have different set of rule and values they operate on, eating other Ais to get certain functions or sometimes if you are a larger construct you can completely corrupt others personality make them your servants or part of you. They are much closer to those horrifying, cthulhu myths than to humans who made them or maybe they are human minds in a more literal form.} 

Jason started the car , the engine revved up, he brought it to the road that led to night city.

As he drove he talked with his cyberself, 'I think we should think of a name , do you have any preference?'

{No , call me whatever you want, I don't care about such formalities.} 

'Okay then , I will think of something…hmm lets see'

Jason looks around trying to think of a name, but garbage surrounds them with no end in sight.

Jason tries to give names but his digital self doesn't respond,'Lets see how about junk,no?…,garbage?…,ok how about scrap?,... hey I know how bout wall-e that's a good one.'

Not hearing anything from his digital self he tries to think harder, after all it did save his life.

The sun shone into the car, the orange hue of dawn fading as it climbed higher.

"Dawn, that's your name , do you like it?"

 This his cyberself finally responds,{As I said I don't care what you call me, but I will accept it.}

'Huhh…really so can I call you wall e , I always wanted one of my own, can you make wall e noises?'


'Hey come on do an impression of wall-e he is like tom holland of Ai celebrity right? like a 'innocent naive' guy and his 'cool and hardcore girlfriend',hmm…now that I think of it maybe the last part isn't true, anyway can you do it ,please, I will get the best cyberdeck for you and all the ram you want.'

{Waaall eeeee}

Annoyed by his persistent Dawn finally did it, it definitely had nothing to do with the cyberdeck upgrade.

'That was a really good wall e impression, can you do a terminator one? Come on , we have a long way to go and this piece of trash doesn't have a radio.' 

Finally having enough of Jason,Dawn hacked a nearby radio tower and played it directly in his head.

"Hey ,cut it out, I can't think properly!!"

{Shut up and drive, I need to hack nearby networks to get some recent news,before we reach the city.}

The sun was already in the middle of the sky, the girl was still unconscious on the side seat. Jason kept quiet , listening to the radio and driving towards the city.



"When someone is talking out loud"

'When someone is thinking'

{Dawn Cyberself of MC talking}

Dawn=cyberself of Jason(MC)

I am a new writer, please give me feedback.

I have not decided if I want to give Dawn a gender. so maybe it will be just a cyber construct with same memories and somewhat similar personality to the mc.

let me know what you think about that comment below 

Comment below how did I do and what could I have done better storyline in this chapter?

My english is still not perfect so don't bash me too much on that.

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