Chapter 15: Chapter 15: The Need to Become Strong
Veldrin woke up early, his body still aching from his last foray into the dungeon. Although his wounds had healed, the exhaustion from that fight still weighed heavily on his muscles. He stared at the ceiling for a moment, replaying what had happened in his mind. He'd leveled up. His stats had skyrocketed. But he didn't feel stronger.
That thought gnawed at him inside. He'd been on the brink of death too many times on his last expedition, and even though he'd managed to recover, the feeling of vulnerability remained. If he faced something like that dragon again, or worse, would he really be able to survive?
Even more haunted by what had happened in his fight with Ais, she was still Level 1, yet she'd managed to land a blow that could have cost him the fight. If it hadn't been for the fact that she was also at her limit, he would lost.
He gritted his teeth as he recalled the scene. Leveling up meant nothing if he could still be defeated in one hit by someone technically weaker.
He sat up in bed and sighed, resting his elbows on his knees.
"Why do you seem so depressed so early in the morning?"
Xander's voice brought him out of his thoughts.
Veldrin looked up and saw his god leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed. Lili peeked her head around him, curious.
"It's nothing. I was just… thinking." Xander smirked.
"Let me guess. Are you wondering if you're really strong?" Veldrin frowned.
"How did you know?"
"Because all adventurers leveling up for the first time feel the same way," he said, shrugging. "Especially stubborn ones like you."
Lili, who had entered the room, crossed her arms.
"Lili understands how Veldrin feels, but… shouldn't he be resting? Xander said it wasn't a good idea to go to the Dungeon yet."
"And I stand by that," Xander nodded. "You're still not used to your new stats. If you get into a serious fight right now, you could end up dead before you know it."
Veldrin clenched his fists.
"I know. But… staying here and doing nothing won't make me stronger either."
Xander looked at him for a moment, then sighed.
"I can't stop you if you really want to do something. But if you're going to look for trouble, at least do it intelligently."
Veldrin raised an eyebrow.
"And what do you suggest?"
Xander smiled.
"There are more ways to become strong than just going down the dungeon." Veldrin looked at him suspiciously.
"Sounds like you already have something in mind."
Xander snapped his fingers.
"Of course. But that's up to you. Do you want to get stronger or just feel like you're getting stronger?"
Veldrin didn't respond immediately. But in his mind, the answer was clear.
Veldrin closed his eyes for a moment and exhaled.
"I want to be stronger. I really do."
Xander smiled.
"Then stop complaining and pay attention. There are more ways to improve than just going to the dungeon and hunting monsters." Veldrin frowned.
"And what do you suggest?"
Xander turned and started walking.
"Follow me."
Veldrin exchanged a glance with Lili, who just shrugged before following them.
The morning sun illuminated the streets of Orario as Xander led the way. Veldrin had no idea where they were going, but the calmness in his expression told him this wasn't improvised.
After a few minutes, they reached a clearing on the outskirts of town. Ryuu Lion was waiting for them there, leaning against a tree, her arms crossed.
Veldrin blinked.
The elf nodded.
"Alise asked me to help you."
Veldrin looked at Xander in disbelief.
Xander smiled.
"I asked her to find someone who could train you. And well, here we are."
Veldrin sighed, running a hand through his hair.
Ryuu unsheathed a wooden sword and got into position.
"Let's begin."
Veldrin clicked his tongue, but braced himself. He knew this wouldn't be easy.
The training began unceremoniously. Without warnings. Without explanations.
Veldrin barely had time to blink before his glaive flew from his hands, hitting the ground meters away.
The impact shook him. He'd barely had time to react, and he was already disarmed.
Ryuu didn't say anything. She didn't make any unnecessary gestures. She simply took a few steps back and indicated that he should pick up his weapon.
The second round was even worse.
Veldrin tried to attack first, using his longer reach to keep her at bay, but her blade sliced through the air without touching anything.
Before he could react, Ryuu was already behind him.
A blow to the back. His vision shook.
Before he could stabilize himself, another blow to the legs.
He lost his balance. The ground hit him hard.
The pain was immediate.
He got up. He tried again. And fell again.
So the day went by. Over and over and over again.
There were no long breaks. There were no rests.
Every attempt ended the same: with his face on the ground and Ryuu in the same place, waiting.
By the time the sun began to set, his entire body was in pain.
Ryuu watched him silently.
She didn't say "good job." She didn't congratulate him.
She just gave a small nod, indicating that training was over.
Veldrin didn't even have the strength to respond.
He staggered back, every muscle in his body burning, with only one question on his mind:
"How the hell am I going to survive this?"
The second day was no better.
Veldrin had barely slept. Every muscle protested at the movement, but he couldn't afford to stop.
When he arrived at the clearing, Ryuu was already waiting for him.
Before he could even say hello, she was already on the move.
His glaive barely blocked the first blow.
The impact ran through his arms, but he kept his balance.
"If you stay still, you die."
The comment was short and dry, as if it were a simple truth.
Veldrin forced himself to move.
He backed away. He changed direction. He tried to dodge.
But it wasn't fast enough.
Ryuu disappeared from his sight.
It appeared to his left, his right, behind him. Its attacks came from all sides.
No matter how hard he tried, his feet couldn't keep up.
Every time he stopped, he was beaten.
Every time he tried to defend himself, his glaive was easily brushed aside.
By the end of the day, his breathing was a mess.
The pain in his muscles was unbearable, but he knew he couldn't allow himself to stop.
Because today had been worse than yesterday.
If it didn't improve, tomorrow would be worse than today.
The next day, training began as usual. Ryuu didn't give him time to prepare; as soon as Veldrin held his glaive, she was already on him.
The first blow was a downward slash. Veldrin barely managed to get his weapon in the way, but the difference in strength was evident. His feet slipped on the grass, and his arm protested the pressure. Ryuu didn't stop. A quick twist and the blade of her wooden sword grazed his side. A light impact, but enough to destabilize him.
Veldrin gritted his teeth and tried to strike back. Her attack was direct, unadorned. Ryuu deflected it easily. A kick to the stomach sent him stumbling, and before he could regain his balance, the wooden sword connected with his neck.
Xander whistled from the side. "That was fast."
Veldrin exhaled in frustration. He had no idea how many times he'd fallen in the past few days, but he was tired of seeing the ground so close up. He stood up without saying anything and stood up again.
Ryuu didn't speak either. She just attacked again.
The pace was relentless. Every time Veldrin tried to respond, she was already at another angle, out of reach, hitting him where he couldn't defend. It wasn't just her speed. It was her precision, her economy of movement. She didn't make unnecessary attacks, didn't stay still any longer than necessary.
Veldrin was focused on Ryuu's movements. This time, he didn't try to block directly. Instead, he dodged the blow by the narrowest of margins and countered with a side slash.
Ryuu's sword moved in an instant, blocking his path. But Veldrin didn't stop his attack. He twisted his wrist to change the trajectory, causing his glaive to slide through the defense and threaten his side.
Ryuu jumped back. Her first step back in the entire fight.
But his joy didn't last long when Ryuu resumed the offensive, and Veldrin was cornered again. But this time it lasted longer.
It was not an instant defeat.
It wasn't a clean hit.
It had made Ryuu move more than usual, even if it was only for a second.
And that was something.
Alise crossed her arms as she watched the fight. Veldrin was improving, that was undeniable. His stance was steadier, his reaction time more precise. But he still had a long way to go.
Lili was trembling. Her arms were burning, her muscles screaming for rest. But she didn't stop.
Xander, sitting quietly on his back with one leg crossed over the other, read a small book as if he were in the comfort of an armchair.
"Thirty-eight…" Lili murmured between gasps.
"Come on, Lili, is that all you got?" Xander asked without looking up from his reading.
Lili gritted her teeth. "Lili can still… do more!"
"That's the spirit."
From the training grounds, Alise and Ryuu noticed the scene. Alise smiled amusedly.
"Really, Xan? Is that your way of training her?"
Xander looked up from his book and shrugged. "The extra weight helps with endurance."
Ryuu watched silently, but didn't comment. Instead, he returned his focus to his fight with Veldrin.
Lili continued to push her body to its limits. Her arms shook violently, her breathing was uncontrolled, but her determination didn't waver.
"Fifty!" he shouted with his last effort, before collapsing to the ground.
Xander stood up and stretched. "Not bad for a start."
Lili gasped, her face pressed against the floor. She felt exhausted, but satisfied.
The request had been simple… and a little desperate.
A couple of days ago, Lili had watched Veldrin train with Ryuu. Every hit, every dodge, every fall, and every get-up. There was something about the way Veldrin kept going, despite the daily defeats, that made an uncomfortable thought settle in her mind.
He was moving forward. She wasn't.
That thought bothered her all night, until she couldn't stand it anymore.
Early in the morning, before the sun had fully illuminated Orario, Lili went to look for Xander.
She found him at headquarters, in the small room where he usually read. Xander was leisurely flipping through a book, a steaming cup of tea beside him.
Lili stood in front of him and took a breath. "Lili wants to train too!"
Xander barely looked up from his book. "Oh."
"Lili wants to become strong!" she insisted, clenching her fists. "Veldrin is doing it, and Lili can't be left behind!"
Xander stared at her silently for a few seconds, then put his book aside and crossed his arms.
"Are you sure?"
Lili nodded quickly. "Yes!"
He smiled a little. "Fine. But I warn you, I won't be nice."
"Lili doesn't need kindness." She lifted her chin with determination. "Lili needs strength." Xander leaned in a little, his smile looking… dangerous.
"Then don't complain later." And so his training began.
"Lili… Lili can do more!" she said with a tired smile.
Xander smiled. "I like that attitude."
But before she could get up, Lili felt something on her back.
"Good, now try squats," Xander said, sitting back down on top of her.
Lili paled.
"Well, at least it's not falling right away," Alise commented without taking her eyes off the fight.
"Yeah," Xander replied with a small smile. "At least he doesn't look like a rookie holding his gun for the first time anymore."
Alise let out a soft laugh. "Is that what you think, Xan? Because I'd say it still looks clumsy."
"Clumsy, but with potential," he corrected. "Look at how he's trying to adapt. Three days ago, he was just taking hits. Now at least he's managing to get Ryuu to move a little more."
Alise nodded. "It's not bad, although he still relies too much on his speed. He doesn't read his opponent's movements well. He's used to being faster than the things he fights."
"It's normal," Xander shrugged. "Veldrin has only fought monsters so far. He has no experience against someone with a brain."
"Then Lion is the best choice," Alise said confidently. "If he survives this training, he'll definitely level up with some fighting instinct."
Xander glanced at her. "Survive?"
Alise smirked. "Well, it's Lion. If he's not careful, she'll drop him more times than we can count."
They both turned their eyes back to the fight.
Veldrin, frowning, attempted a surprise attack. A cleaner, more controlled move. Ryuu, however, read it easily, blocking it and returning the blow with a quick counterattack.
Xander clicked his tongue. "She acted too hastily."
"But he's trying," Alise noted. "And that's progress."
The fourth day of training began like the previous ones: with pain.
Veldrin had grown accustomed to the feeling of being thrown to the ground, of taking blows he couldn't quite block, of losing his balance at the worst possible moment. But despite all that, he was getting better.
Ryuu pushed him back with a series of quick attacks. Her wooden sword moved with precision, seeking out the open spots in Veldrin's stance. This time, however, he was lasting longer.
He blocked a blow from the left, then dodged another from the right. He tried to counterattack, but Ryuu deflected his glaive with a fluid motion, forcing him back.
"Your posture is still unstable," she noted calmly.
Veldrin gritted his teeth and tried to adjust his balance. His breathing was heavy, but he could still keep going. He shot forward with a quick sweep, seeking to force Ryuu to move. She dodged him easily, but this time he didn't completely lose his rhythm.
There was progress. Small, but real.
From a distance, Xander and Alise watched.
"It lasts longer every day," Alise commented, arms crossed.
"Yeah, but he keeps losing," Xander replied.
She smiled. "Well, Lion isn't easy."
"I know," he said with a slight smile. "That's why she's perfect for this job." Meanwhile, a little further away, Lili was on the ground. Again.
She was breathing heavily, her arms shaking. Xander, sitting on her back, watched calmly.
"How many do you have?" he asked.
Lili frowned.
"Lili… Lili doesn't remember?"
"So we start again," he said simply.
Lili gritted her teeth and stood up again. Her arms ached. Her back burned. But she wasn't going to give up.
When she came back down, Xander smiled.
"Not bad, little raccoon."
Xander glanced at Alise as they continued to watch Veldrin's training.
"Hey, isn't it a problem that you're spending so much time here?" he asked. "I mean, you and Ryuu keep coming here every day. Don't you have things to do at your own headquarters?" Alise gave a short laugh.
"Worried about us, Xan?" She said in an amused tone. "Relax, I'll take care of that. It's not like I'm neglecting my responsibilities."
Xander raised an eyebrow.
"That sounds exactly like something someone who is neglecting their responsibilities would say." Alise put a hand to her chest, feigning indignation.
"How cruel. And I came to see how your little elf is getting better."
Xander snorted in amusement.
"You're more likely to come and watch Ryuu keep beating him up."
Alise smiled.
"Well, that's entertaining too."
Veldrin Lightstorm
Level 2
Strength: G209 → F398 Endurance: H187 → E407 Dexterity: G225 → F336 Agility: G288 → E477 Magic: G256 → G299
Xander reviewed the changes on Veldrin's status table and whistled in approval.
"Not bad at all for just four days."
The increase in his stats was evident. Each training session with Ryuu had pushed him beyond his limits, and that was reflected in his progress. Although he was still far from reaching a level that would allow him to face truly dangerous threats, his growth was undeniable.
He leaned against the wall, crossing his arms as he waited for the elf to wake up.
"If he keeps this up, maybe I won't regret letting him do this."
Veldrin shifted in his bed and slowly opened his eyes. As soon as he saw Xander holding the tablet, he knew what it meant.
"Am I better?" he asked, his voice still a little raspy from sleep.
Xander threw the blade at him.
"Check it yourself."
Veldrin caught it, his eyes quickly scanning the numbers. He was silent for a few seconds, absorbing the change.
Xander watched as Veldrin checked his condition with a serious expression.
"Aren't you excited?" he asked in a relaxed tone. "You've gotten stronger in just a few days." Veldrin put the blade aside and stood up, beginning to do some stretches.
"It's good progress… but I still don't feel like it's enough."
Xander rolled his eyes.
"Here we go again."
Veldrin looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
Xander leaned against the wall and crossed his arms.
"Look, I understand that you want to get stronger, but if every time you improve you end up with a face like a funeral, then what the hell are you training for?"
Veldrin clicked his tongue and finished his warm-up.
"I know, I know… but still, I can't help but feel like this isn't enough." Xander shrugged.
"Well then keep training with Ryuu and see how far you can go."
Veldrin nodded and left the room to get ready. A while later, when he was ready, Xander followed him to the training yard.
Just in time, Alise and Ryuu arrived through the main entrance.
"Good morning~" Alise greeted in her characteristic cheerful tone.
"They're early," Xander commented.
"Obviously, we have to keep watching how Xan gets his boy trained." Alise crossed her arms and smiled with amusement.
Veldrin snorted.
"I'm not his boy."
"Sure, sure."
Xander ignored the joke and looked at Ryuu.
"Ready to keep beating him up?"
Ryuu simply nodded. He wasn't a man of many words, but his calm expression indicated he had no problem continuing the training.
Veldrin took his fighting stance as Ryuu drew her wooden sword.
Alise walked over to Xander and elbowed him in the side.
"By the way, are you sure we're not taking advantage of your hospitality?"
Xander raised an eyebrow.
"Because you said so?" Alise shrugged.
"We've been here every day since this started. I don't want them to say we're invading your headquarters."
Xander gave a light laugh.
"As long as you don't empty my pantry, you can stay as long as you want."
Alise laughed too.
"Well, if you insist."
Meanwhile, in the center of the courtyard, Veldrin charged at Ryuu and the training began once more.
That morning, Lili decided to take a break from training. After four days of intense physical exertion and exercises that had left her on the verge of collapse, her body was crying out for a break. Xander, though strict in his training, wasn't insensitive, so she readily agreed.
Meanwhile, in the courtyard, Veldrin and Ryuu were locked in another fight. Each day, Veldrin held out longer, but he still couldn't defeat her. The sounds of metallic clashes and the scything of wind cut by the blows filled the air.
Xander, however, had his attention elsewhere. Sitting at the patio table next to Alise, he stared at the pile of letters in front of him with a mixture of surprise and resignation.
"Gods… this is ridiculous."
Alise raised an eyebrow in amusement. "You complain too much, Xan. It's not every day people want to write to you."
Xander picked up one of the letters and opened it. "Not that it bothers me, but I didn't expect this. There are a lot."
"So, what do they say?" Alise asked, taking one of the letters and breaking the wax seal without asking permission.
Xander glanced at the fight as he answered. "They're from people who read Warcraft: Scourge of Lordaeron."
Alise put her glass down on the table, surprised. "Oh, so fast?"
Xander sighed. "Apparently. Even though the book is long, people devoured it."
As he read some of the letters, he couldn't help but smile slightly. There were all sorts of comments: some praising the story, others mentioning how shocking Arthas's fall was, and a few even calling for a sequel.
"It seems the book has caused a stir," Alise commented, leaning on the table with a satisfied smile. "So what are you planning to do?"
Xander was silent for a few seconds before answering. "Keep writing."
Alise laughed. "I thought so. But for now… you have a lot to read."
Xander looked at the mountain of letters and sighed again.
Alise looked at the pile of letters with a playful smile. "Well, Xan, if you need help with that, I can lend a hand. I wouldn't mind reading a few."
Xander looked up from the letter in his hands and raised an eyebrow at her. "Really? I didn't think you'd be interested in this."
Alise shrugged. "It's not that I'm dying to read letters from strangers, but I'm curious how much of a stir your story caused. Besides, it gets you done faster."
Xander handed him a handful of cards with a half-smile. "Well, if you insist… I appreciate it."
Alise took the letters and began to open them without delicacy, flipping through them while she calmly sipped from her cup. "Let's see… 'I can't believe what happened to Arthas, it left me in shock. I never imagined a hero could fall like that.'"
Xander nodded with a nostalgic smile. "That's the idea. The tragedy of a hero who takes the wrong path."
"I like it," Alise admitted. "Although I'm surprised so many people read it so quickly."
As they conversed, the sound of clashing weapons continued in the background. Veldrin, panting and covered in sweat, tried to maintain his posture while Ryuu, with his usual calm, didn't give him a second's respite.
"You keep letting your guard down when you attack," Ryuu pointed out, dodging with ease and launching a counterattack that Veldrin barely blocked in time.
"I know!" Veldrin growled, straining his arms to keep from giving way under the impact.
Xander watched the fight out of the corner of his eye and smiled slightly. "It seems to be lasting longer at least."
Alise looked at him for a moment, then returned her attention to the letter she was reading. "Yes… But he still has a long way to go."
The training and letter reading continued in parallel. On one hand, Xander and Alise reviewed reader comments, some enthusiastic, some critical, and a few asking for answers about certain characters. On the other, Veldrin continued to face Ryuu with unwavering determination, growing stronger each day, a little more resilient each day.
As she read another letter, Alise leaned an elbow on the table and looked at Xander with a crooked smile. "I have to admit, I didn't expect you to be such a popular writer, Xan. Since when have you been hiding this talent?"
Xander shrugged, still scanning his own stack of cards. "It's been a while, but I haven't had the chance to post it until now."
Alise let out a low whistle. "So the God of Heroes is also a tragedy narrator. Interesting combination."
Xander looked at her sideways in amusement. "Well, if you ever want me to tell a story about a strong-willed redheaded heroine, I can consider it."
Alise gently punched him in the arm with the letter she was holding. "Make sure she takes center stage and kicks ass."
Xander raised his hands in surrender. "Of course, I wouldn't expect anything less."
As they spoke, the sound of Veldrin and Ryuu fighting continued to echo in the courtyard. The wood of the practice swords clashed again and again, sometimes with an even rhythm, other times with a sharp impact.
a dry sound indicating someone had been hit cleanly. Alise looked back at the fight, resting her chin on her hand as she watched with a thoughtful expression.
Veldrin attempted a quick spin to dodge a blow from Ryuu, but was still too slow and received a kick to the stomach that sent him rolling on the ground.
Alise clicked her tongue. "How far do you think he'll be from being on her level?"
Xander narrowed his eyes, watching Veldrin's posture as he tried to stand. "Maybe a few more weeks. But he doesn't have to match her, he just has to get strong enough."
Alise nodded, still watching the fight. Veldrin stood up, breathing heavily, but still focused. He attacked again, more precisely than before, forcing Ryuu to move a little more in defense. It was slow progress, but it was there.
"Okay, after this, we should get something to drink. You're not going to make me work for free."
Xander smiled, still watching the fight. "Since when does reading letters count as work?" "Since I'm doing this for you," Alise replied with a mocking look.
Xander laughed and shook his head. "Okay, okay, I'll buy you something later."
"I like it that way."
The wind blew lightly, rustling the papers on the table. Xander looked down and picked up one of the letters he hadn't yet opened. The handwriting was neat, with elegant strokes that indicated the writer had good control of the pen. He opened it curiously, while Alise picked up another and read it silently.
Neither of them spoke for a while. Only the sound of endurance training, the rustling of paper, and Veldrin's occasional sigh filled the air. It was strange… but somehow, it felt natural.
The sound of wood clashing and feet scraping against the ground continued to fill the courtyard. Veldrin was breathing heavily, but his movements were no longer as desperate as they had been in the early days. He had learned Ryuu's combat rhythm, though he was still far from matching her.
Xander, staring at the cards in his hand, looked up when he heard a change in the intensity of the confrontation. Alise also looked up from the paper she was focused on, watching with interest.
Veldrin moved swiftly, spinning his wooden glaive in a sideways attack that Ryuu dodged with a flick of her head. However, just as she leaned in to counterattack, Veldrin altered his stance at the last instant, unexpectedly bringing the edge of his weapon forward.
The result was a small but noticeable cut on Ryuu's cheek.
The blow was neither deep nor dangerous, but the silence that followed made it clear that it had been significant.
Ryuu paused for a moment, bringing a hand to the slight scratch on her face. She looked at her fingers, barely stained with red, and then turned her attention to Veldrin. She said nothing, but her gaze softened slightly, as if she were inwardly acknowledging that he had improved enough to at least catch up with her… for a moment.
Veldrin also stood still, feeling his own heavy breathing mix with the adrenaline of the moment. It hadn't been luck. He'd managed to land a real hit.
Alise let out a whistle, breaking the tension. "Wow, Xan, did you see that? At this rate, Lion is going to have to take this more seriously."
Xander smirked, watching Veldrin closely. "Yeah… he's making progress."
Ryuu wordlessly lowered his hand from his face and resumed his fighting stance. He didn't give Veldrin a chance to relax or savor his small victory.
Without warning, it moved with overwhelming speed.
Veldrin barely raised his weapon before receiving a sharp blow to the side, followed by a blow that knocked him off balance. Ryuu gave him no respite, and in a few more swings, she knocked him backward to the ground, disarming him in the process.
The sound of wood hitting the ground echoed in the courtyard.
Xander and Alise watched as Ryuu remained silent, looking down at him with a neutral expression.
Finally, she spoke in a calm voice: "You're doing well."
Veldrin, still on the ground, panting and his body aching, smiled slightly.
The sound of knocking echoed in the courtyard, but it wasn't the same as in the early days. Before, each crash of wood had been accompanied by the impact of a body falling to the ground, by gasps of exhaustion, and by the sound of Veldrin getting up again and again, helpless to resist. Now, the dynamic had changed.
Veldrin was no longer just an apprentice struggling to stay on his feet. Now it could actually be called a fight.
Ryuu moved forward with speed, his wooden sword slicing through the air with surgical precision. Veldrin spun around, dodging the first blow and deflecting the second with his glaive. In the past, each of those attacks would have disarmed him or forced him back, but now he could stand his ground.
Xander watched with his arms crossed, sitting on a bench in the courtyard next to Alise. His eyes followed Veldrin's every movement, noting the changes in his posture.
"He's starting to understand how to fight Lion," Alise commented, with a barely perceptible smile.
Xander nodded. "Yes. It's not just reaction and resistance anymore, it's anticipating their moves now."
In the center of the training ground, Ryuu maintained his neutral expression as he pressured Veldrin with a combination of rapid attacks. His sword swung in a downward arc, searching for his side.
But Veldrin, instead of blocking directly as he had before, shifted his grip and let the glaive absorb some of the impact before spinning with the force of the blow, slipping out of Ryuu's reach. It was a fluid, natural response.
It was the first time that something like this had been seen in their training.
From the sidelines, Lili, a towel draped over her shoulders after her own workout, watched the fight intently. She'd gone from watching Veldrin get knocked down repeatedly to watching him stay on his feet against Ryuu for increasingly longer periods.
Xander noticed her expression and smiled. "Impressive, huh?"
Lili crossed her arms. "Lili thinks she still has a way to go, but… she's better than before."
Alise gave a short laugh. "Wow, that's tough. Can't you at least give her some credit?"
Lili just puffed out her cheeks and looked away, without responding.
On the field, the intensity of the fight increased. Veldrin launched a counterattack, sweeping his glaive in a wide arc. Ryuu blocked it effortlessly, but instead of simply deflecting the blow, Veldrin changed direction, attacking from an unexpected angle.
For a moment, Ryuu had to take a step back.
Xander raised an eyebrow.
Alise smiled wider.
And Ryuu… well, although her expression didn't change, there was a slight glimmer in her eyes.
But the moment was short-lived.
Barely a heartbeat later, Ryuu reacted with lightning speed. Her wooden sword struck Veldrin's glaive with a sharp impact, knocking him back. He then moved forward with a flurry of attacks that immediately put him on the defensive.
Veldrin tried to hold on, but after a few seconds, a well-placed blow staggered him, and another forced him to drop his weapon. Before he could react, Ryuu spun on one foot and kicked him in the legs, knocking him back mercilessly.
The elf landed on his back with a thud.
Silence reigned for a moment, before Alise laughed. "Well, that lasted longer than expected."
Xander smiled too. "Yeah… but he can't win yet."
Veldrin, still on the ground, took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment. Then, slowly, he got back to his feet.
He had failed to defeat Ryuu.
But for the first time in a week of training, he had managed to push her back.
It was a step forward.
Veldrin lay on the ground, his chest rising and falling with each heavy breath. His body ached in every fiber, but it wasn't unbearable pain. It was the feeling of an effort well made. His mind still reviewed the last few exchanges with Ryuu, looking for mistakes, missed opportunities, anything he could improve.
Ryuu, as always, showed no signs of fatigue. He put away his sword and simply tossed a small towel to Veldrin before turning to Alise and Xander, who were still watching.
Alise sighed, arms crossed. "Xan, this will be the last day we can come. Things in our familia are… complicated."
Xander nodded, not seeming surprised. "I figured as much. They've already done a lot anyway."
Alise looked at him for a moment, then smiled with amusement. "Thanking us so quickly isn't very like you."
Xander smiled back. "It's not my fault you're not used to hearing me say nice things."
Alise laughed. "You're right about that."
Ryuu, on the other hand, simply bowed his head slightly. "It was a good workout."
Veldrin, still on the ground, gave a weak thumbs-up in response.
Xander looked at both of them. "I don't know how busy you both are, but if you ever need anything, just let me know."
Alise waved a hand dismissively. "Yes, yes. But if it's money, I'll remind you that you're the famous writer now."
Xander smiled. "You're right. Maybe I should start charging them for their stay."
"Try it, and I'll make sure Veldrin trains twice as hard."
Veldrin groaned from the floor. "No… please…"
Laughter echoed in the courtyard as the sun began to dip below the horizon.
Alise stretched with a sigh before turning to Xander with a mischievous smile. "By the way, Xan, don't think I forgot."
Xander raised an eyebrow. "Forgot what?"
"The outing you owe me."
Xander blinked for a moment before remembering their earlier conversation. He clicked his tongue in mock annoyance. "Oh, right. I thought you'd forgotten."
Alise smiled even wider. "Don't even think about it. You owe me a good night out, so start thinking about where to take me."
Xander sighed exaggeratedly. "Great, now I have to find a place where we won't end up destroying something."
"I'll leave it to you. See you, Xan." Alise punched him lightly on the arm before turning to Ryuu.
"Come on, Lion."
Ryuu nodded slightly, giving one last glance to Veldrin, who was still trying to catch his breath on the ground. Then, the two of them headed for the exit without further goodbyes.
Xander watched them leave, shaking his head with a small smile. "An outing, huh…" he muttered to himself, shoving his hands in his pockets as he looked at Veldrin, who still hadn't stood up.
"Veldrin, move or I'll leave you here until tomorrow."
The elf only let out a groan in response.
Xander looked over and saw Lili off to the side, sitting cross-legged with her arms resting on her knees. Her crossbow was resting beside her, a sign that she'd finished her marksmanship training a while ago.
"How did it go?" Xander asked, walking over to her.
Lili puffed out her cheeks and looked away. "Lili's improved… a little."
Xander sat down next to her and raised an eyebrow. "Just a little?"
Lili frowned and responded indignantly. "Lili hit more arrows than yesterday! But she still misses when she shoots fast."
Xander smiled and ruffled her hair, earning a grunt from the prum. "That's getting better. How long did it take you to stop falling over when we were doing resistance exercises?"
Lili clicked her tongue and pulled her head away from his hand. "Too much…"
"Exactly. Same with aim. If you've already hit more, then it's just a matter of time before you get the accuracy you want."
Lili looked down, thoughtful. Then, with a sigh, she nodded. "Lili understands…"
Xander stretched and looked at Veldrin, who was still lying on the ground. "Well, at least you can move around after training. Veldrin still looks like a used rag."
Lili giggled and looked at the elf with a small smile. "Maybe Lili should learn to dodge like that too."
Xander glanced at her. "If you keep training, you won't need to dodge as much."
Lili nodded determinedly. "Lili will do it!"
Xander smiled, leaning back against the ground as he looked up at the sky. "I hope so."
The sun was already setting, tinting the sky in shades of orange and red. Xander was reviewing some notes when a knock on the door made him look up.
He walked to the entrance with a relaxed pace and, when she opened it, he found Loki, who had a radiant smile on her face.
"Xander, I have good news!" She exclaimed excitedly.
Xander raised an eyebrow. "Did you win a bet?"
Loki laughed. "No, though that would be a good day! Ais has leveled up to level 2!"
Xander blinked. "That fast?"
"Of course! My Ais-tan is a combat genius, she mastered the Dungeon like a prodigy." Loki puffed out her chest with pride. "Now she's on another level, what do you think?"
Xander smiled slightly. "I expected nothing less from her."
Loki looked at him with a mischievous expression. "That means she's already left your elf behind, right?"
Xander leaned an arm against the doorframe and looked at her calmly. "Veldrin also went up to level 2."
Loki blinked before laughing. "Ohhh! So it's a close contest, huh? But tell me, do you really think your boy can take on Ais?"
Xander shrugged. "I don't know. But I wouldn't underestimate Veldrin either. Don't forget that Veldrin beat your Ais."
Loki tilted her head, still smiling. "I guess we'll see in the future. But anyway, are you coming to the celebration? We're going to have a big party."
"Who pays?" Xander asked without much emotion.
"Obviously you! The great writer of Orario needs to show his generosity!"
Xander shook his head. "I'll pass."
Loki looked mock-disappointed. "Tsk, tsk, Xander, that's not very heroic of you."
Xander rolled his eyes. "If you invited fewer people, maybe I'd think about it."
Loki laughed and, instead of leaving, looked past Xander, noticing Veldrin on the ground, still recovering from his training. "Hey, is your elf dead, or did you just leave him like that?"
Veldrin growled from the ground. "Just give me one more minute…"
Loki clicked her tongue. "Hah, he looks worse than Hermes after losing a bet." Then she looked at Xander. "What about you? Shouldn't you be working on your book? Or are you just giving orders from the comfort of your seat?"
Xander sighed. "Lili keeps me busy."
Loki looked at the little prum, who was yawning as she stretched. "This little one? What kind of training is that?"
Xander smiled. "An effective one."
Loki crossed her arms. "Hmm, I don't know if I believe you."
"Then stay and watch," Xander said calmly.
Loki stared at him for a second before smiling. "You convinced me. Do you have anything to drink?"
Xander sighed. "Only if you promise not to drink it all."
Loki laughed. "I don't promise anything."
And with that, instead of leaving, Loki walked into the headquarters as if she were in her own home.
Xander poured a couple of drinks and settled into a living room chair while Loki flopped comfortably into another, stretching her legs as if she were right at home.
"So… how does it feel to have a Level 2 in your familia?" Loki asked with a smile, turning the cup in her hand.
Xander took a sip of his drink before answering. "I don't know, you tell me. You have a lot."
Loki laughed. "True, but it's still an important moment. Not everyone climbs that fast. Though I'm surprised your elf managed to do it with such limited resources."
Xander leaned his elbow on the arm of the chair and looked at Loki calmly. "Resources? It's not like I haven't trained like crazy."
Loki narrowed her eyes with a mocking smile. "Ais trained hard too, but she also has a whole familia behind her. Veldrin practically did it alone. I guess that says something about him."
Xander smiled slightly. "Yes, he is increible."
Loki took a sip of her drink and looked at him curiously. "So, what's next for him?"
Xander was silent for a moment before answering. "Keep training."
Loki raised an eyebrow. "No exploring deeper floors? Or fighting stronger enemies?"
Xander shook his head. "Not yet."
Loki watched him for a moment before laughing. "Hah, how careful. He reminds me a bit of Finn when he plans expeditions. But tell me, what will you do?"
Xander smiled. "Keep writing, I guess."
Loki clicked her tongue. "Bah, how boring. You should go out more, do more fun things. At least come to Ais's celebration."
Xander took another sip of his drink. "I told you my answer."
Loki sighed exaggeratedly. "You're impossible."
Xander shrugged. "I wouldn't be surprised if one day you decide to interfere with my familia just to spite me."
Loki burst out laughing. "Hah, can you imagine? Don't tempt me, I might do it."
The two continued talking, with Loki trying to get Xander to his way of seeing things, while he remained firm in his relaxed attitude.
Loki swirled her glass with a relaxed expression, but her eyes remained fixed on Xander with curiosity.
"By the way, since we're talking about leveling up… how did your elf do? What stats was he in before the promotion?"
Xander calmly placed his glass on the table. "Do you want to know what their stats rank?"
Loki raised an eyebrow and smiled in amusement. "Come on, don't make me beg. Just tell me."
Xander held her gaze for a moment before answering. "He went all out at S999." Silence fell over the room. Loki didn't react immediately, merely blinking a few times.
Loki thumped her glass onto the table and looked at him in disbelief.
"What did you say?"
Xander settled back in his seat, unfazed by the goddess's reaction. "Just like you heard. Veldrin's stats went up to S999."
Loki narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms. "Xander, don't fuck with me. Are you telling me that crazy elf got the absolute best in every category?"
Xander nodded. "That's right."
Loki leaned her elbow on the armrest of the chair and covered her mouth with a thoughtful hand. "Damn... and here I am, all excited because Ais barely got an A in a statistic..."
Xander smiled slightly. "Well, it's because she hasn't found a great challenge yet. Veldrin did."
Loki blew out a breath and then looked at him with an expression of genuine interest. "You're not going to tell me exactly what he did, are you?"
Xander smirked. "What do you think?"
Loki laughed. "Hah, I knew you'd say that. But still… that's crazy. Going all out on S… neither Finn, nor Gareth, nor even Ottar managed anything like that. What the hell did he do to force his growth so much?"
Xander just raised his glass with an enigmatic smile.
Loki looked at him with equal parts amusement and frustration. "You're a bastard, Xander."
Xander shrugged. "And yet you keep coming back."
Loki smiled back. "Because it amuses me to see what the hell you're up to."
She leaned back in the chair, processing the information. "If Veldrin keeps this up... he's going to be a hot topic in the future."
Xander didn't respond. He just sipped from his glass, letting the words hang in the air.
Loki sighed and stretched out in her seat. "So, aside from the miraculous elf… what about you? Are you still writing, or have you run out of ideas?"
Xander smiled with a touch of pride. "The book continues to sell quite well. And I'm already thinking about what's next."
Loki raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And how much have the readers said?"
Xander pointed at the stack of cards on the table. "I've gotten quite a few reviews. Some say it's the best story they've ever read, others say it left them speechless… and some have criticisms, of course."
Loki picked up one of the letters and looked through it without much interest. "Pfft, typical. But at least you seem to be doing well."
Xander nodded. "I can't complain."
Loki put down the letter and looked at him with a mischievous smile. "Though with all that money coming in, I'm surprised you haven't bought yourself something extravagant."
Xander laughed. "What did you expect? A statue of myself at the entrance to the headquarters?"
Loki laughed. "That would be fucking awesome! You should do it."
Xander shook his head. "I'd rather spend the money on something more useful."
Loki gave him a sly look. "Let me guess… something to do with a certain glaive-wielding elf?"
Xander smiled, neither confirming nor denying anything.
Loki clicked his tongue. "You have a plan, don't you?"
Xander raised his glass again. "Always."
Loki sighed and stood up, stretching his arms above his head. "Well, it was fun, but I should go before Riveria kills me for disappearing for so long."
Xander stood up too. "As always, it's a pleasure to see you."
Loki smiled, and instead of just patting him on the shoulder like usual, she walked over and wrapped him in a firm hug. It wasn't a quick or casual gesture. She stayed there, arms wrapped tightly around him, for a few seconds longer than necessary.
Xander raised an eyebrow, surprised at first, but ended up reciprocating the hug calmly.
"See you, Xander." Loki's voice sounded calmer when she finally pulled away, though a faint smile still played on her lips.
With that, the goddess retreated, leaving Xander alone in the room, staring at the cards on the table and pondering what was coming.
Xander stared at the door for a moment after Loki left. Then he exhaled softly and ran a hand through his hair.
"…I'm starting to get used to this," he muttered, without specifying what exactly, before returning his attention to the table full of cards.
Xander had barely taken a step toward the table when he felt someone staring at him. He turned his head to find Lili watching him from the doorway, her arms crossed and her expression hard to read.
"What?" Xander asked, raising an eyebrow.
Lili tilted her head. "Nothing… just that Master Xander seems to be enjoying the company of other deities a lot lately."
Xander rolled his eyes and let out a dry laugh. "Don't start."
Lili smiled mischievously, but said nothing more, simply walking to the table and picking up one of the cards.
"Will you keep reading these?"
Xander sighed. "Yeah, there's still a lot to go over."
Lili nodded, but as she flipped through the letter, her eyes were still assessing Xander, as if she were drawing her own conclusions.
Xander stretched in his seat, feeling the weight of the day on his shoulders. Loki was gone, Lili had finally stopped looking at him with that questioning expression, and now it was time to deal with what really mattered.
"Veldrin," he called, leaning back in his chair. "Come on, let's update you."
Veldrin, still recovering from his last training session with Ryuu, grunted as he stood up. "I can't feel my legs, but sure, why not?"
Xander let out a short laugh. "Be thankful you still have them."
Veldrin took off his shirt and slumped into the chair across from Xander, resting his arms on his knees as the god drew his dagger and stabbed his finger with an automatic gesture.
The blood spread over the elf's back and, little by little, letters began to take shape.
Veldrin Lightstorm
Level 2
Strength:F398 → D545
Endurance:E407 → D581
Dexterity:F336 → E492
Agility:E477 → C509
Magic:G299 → F344
Xander whistled, impressed. "You're still fast."
Veldrin turned his head, curious. "How fast?"
Xander dropped the stat sheet onto the table. "Pretty much. You're already surpassing what you could have accomplished exploring the dungeon alone, let alone it's only been a week."
Veldrin took the blade and examined it closely, but didn't say anything immediately. Finally, he exhaled and stepped back. "It's still not enough." Xander raised an eyebrow. "What for, exactly?"
Veldrin clenched his jaw. "For whatever comes."
Xander didn't push him. Instead, he dropped the paper on the table and stood up. "Good. Now it's Lili's turn."
Xander turned to Lili, who had been waiting silently at the side of the room. "Your turn, little raccoon."
Lili puffed out her cheeks, clearly annoyed by the nickname, but didn't protest. She climbed onto the chair opposite Xander and removed her cloak, turning her back on him.
"Lili feels like she's improved quite a bit," she commented as Xander repeated the process of cutting his finger and letting the blood flow over the prum's back.
"Let's see if it's true."
The letters began to form, revealing the results of his training.
Liliruca Arde
Level 1
Strength:H187 → G294
Endurance:G229 → F377
Dexterity:G203 → F363
Agility:H155 → G233
Magic:H169 → G219
Xander smiled at the numbers. "Not bad. Not bad at all."
Lili turned around expectantly, and when Xander handed her the sheet, her ears twitched slightly. "Lili's really improved a lot!"
Xander leaned on the table with an amused expression. "I told you. You keep complaining, but you're getting stronger every day."
Lili held the paper tightly, as if it were a treasure. "Lili… Lili wants to keep training."
Xander nodded. "And you will. But you also need to rest."
Lili pouted, but didn't argue. She carefully put the sheet of paper back in her bag and got down from her chair. Xander leaned back in his seat, exhaling wearily. "Okay, that's it for today."
Veldrin, who had been watching the scene from the sidelines, slowly stood up. "Tomorrow is another day."
Xander smirked. "Another day of beatings."
Veldrin snorted, and Lili simply laughed as she gathered her things. Outside, the moon illuminated the Xander familia headquarters, marking the end of another day of progress.