Chapter 2: Hello Diagon Alley
AN: This was a weird chaper to write, I wrote it at like five am which in this fanfic I feel like is the best time to do so, as at least the lack of sleep makes writting insane shit better and more fun for me
As it turns out, finding where to go is pretty easy when you can aim endlessly through the busy streets of London, and through two hours of walking he finally arrived, to a fucking run down pub, it wasn't the best picture for the magical world. To a normal child.
'Just like I imagined' Calum thought to himself 'Now a vampire will come out of there and invite me to his coven, which I shall disagree, I am not one to sell myself too short, but maybe he would offer his love' From Calum's lips a smile began to form 'An eternal servant' he thought to himself, falling in love with the idea.
But like all dreams, it ends with disappointment as no vampire walked out of the pub, almost no one did actually. Maybe it was all a trick. 'Please let it be a trick, let it be a trick' He thought as he entered, only to hear the sounds of a lively pub, and he quickly entered charming mode, grabbing onto Eyeless like someone was trying to snatch him.
Calum walked into who seemed like the owner of the bar, with a charismatic smile. "Hello, I'm Calum" Calum introduced himself but was cut short when the bar keeper smiled at him. "Hello little Calum, I'm Tom and let me guess, your parents are muggles?"
The fact that Calum didn't know what a muggle was and that did not bother him, in fact he didn't actually care. "I have no idea what that means" He confessed, with a happy 'go get them' smile. Tom smiled at him too. "Well it's people who have no magic, do your parents have magic?" Tom asked, and Calum knew Tom knew the answer, but he had to play along, that was the reason plays existed in the first place, following the script!
"Oh no, I thought I was the only one" Tom laughed wholeheartedly and patted him on the shoulder, twice "The amount of times I have heard that" Tom mumbled to himself and Calum just smiled along. "Anyways, the entrance to Diagon's" Tom asked, trying to get Calum excited. "Yes please" The character has long gone, only the true genuine curiosity of the beast that was him. Tom let out a chuckle again and led him to the back doors showing a wall of bricks.
Ok tom you were cool but not like that you know? Calum quietly observed Tom as his mind was already on a different place, his smile turning from curiosity to more dangerous, the soft curves that would end up on cheeks extended to the max, showing every single tooth he had, and then in his more than less ideal state he began to notice the magic.
Oh it was so strong, so intoxicatingly , and gnarly sweet. Almost like cotton candy. It made his nose itch a bit, there were few cases of darker magics on the main street, or so it would seem.
Tom turned around, to show the child which bricks to tap, only to see him, grinning like a fucking wolf, smelling something, whatever he was doing, like he was smelling blood, it looked like he was a hunter, and he was just prey. It didn't help at all that his companion was looking at him looking so scared. So Tom quickly said goodbye and bided his time back to the pub, hopefully when nothing else crazy happened.
As Tom left, unfortunately, he was craving to see if magical meat tasted that much different, he left behind a world to explore, the world of the magical, racist, transphobic and most certainly a facade of a democracy of Britain.
Calum's eyes scanned everything and everyone, just because this was magic, it was quite exhilarating, he knew magic but not like this, and certainly not in the form of a community as this one, flawed as it may be.
His first steps weren't cautionary, he wasn't really one to plan was he? He followed the script, and the script was definitely telling him to at least cause some heavy chaos today, he walked into the alley and the differences between what he had seen of muggle london and diagon alley, were shocking, not the attire or the having things floating behind your back to not carry them, the ways they walk, some were regal and structured, every step seem was a formal introduction between the ground and the feet. Others were more laid back, but still there was some air of manners that was not simply seen by just walking around the parts of town that he walked through. Well it wasn't that hard but that wasn't all.
The hand posture, he wondered to himself, digging in deeper heading towards the bank, admiring each wizard and witch with the same awe. Their hands, at least those who were older than fifteen, were always close to a pocket, maybe they all got knives or something, or guns, yeah definitely guns, it reminded him the way every cop walked, their hand always reaching for the gun, reaching for the interaction to attack.
He walked through and began to observe the stores too, noting the changes in culture in that part. It was too flashy, everything on your face, everything enchanted, he liked it, it was simply bizarre, a broom shop for example, had one little golden ball flying around the viewing glass, and two much bigger red balls trying to catch up to it, but failing.
It was all too interesting, it was all too, exploitable and that, in that single moment when he felt greed, he got to a bank and had to resist the urge to moan, oh how he loved these things.
With a quick step in his walk, his toes making more contact with the ground than the soles, he entered the blood thirsty goblin bank. He paid no mind to the silly words that the bank said, what could it possibly be, a discount? Like they did this kind of thing in banks.
Oh but they were so great, they created the worst in people, greed, coldness, denial, and most importantly grief and pain. Dreams crushed, legacies destroyed and the familiar pain that life sucked was a dish that Calum wanted to see everyone enjoy.
Calum, got out of his little trance, when he heard a wail, a simple yet so mournful wail full of emotion, despair, and disguised over it was the somehow hearable sound of a sharp smile, and that did it for him, that coldness that simple yet utter greed. His eyes watered for a bit, before the edges started turning red, and he let out a puff, green smoke coming out.
Oh greed high, he missed this. Walking now quite funny and not intending to hide it, he struded to the nearest goblin teller. "Human" was the apprehensive tone he got while he got there. "Has anyone tried to hit on you simply because you are small" Calum asked whole heartedly, he probably wouldn't have asked that first if he was sober, first he would have asked how much money they get, oh that's a good question.
The goblin blinked, simply blinked for a second stunned, but he was a goblin god dammit not some punny elf that would take an insult.
"You dare-"
"Ups that might have come out as a low blow, wait is that what you call it when you suck someone off?"
Once again the goblin blinked and tried to regain his bearings and when he was about to retaliate Calum had something else to say.
"No, that would just make you have low self esteem, although judging by how you do not take care of that hairline, is there no potion or cream to create more hair? I mean I understand if you at least had some big thing to compensate for, but everything is like mini sized isn't it?"
The goblin blinked once again, just blinked, oh he was going to murder the child some day, he swore upon it.
"So I got like serious cash, can I trade it or not."
"Six pounds for a galleon" The goblin said overcharging Calum.
"Can I get two hundred?" Calum quickly gathered the cash that Eyeless was carrying and dropped it right into the teller's hands.
The goblin scoffed at him, did the goblin think he was too poor, well he kind of was, but no goblin should be judging.
After getting his money turned into gold coins he went to do some shopping.
Which went without a hitch, he didn't really bother picking any other book or item in his shopping, not wanting to spend any more money than necessary
He got quite the hate stares but what could he do, being this beautiful might be the worst to happen to him after learning there is no spell to alter thoughts on someone, which was seriously messed up, what do you mean there was no use of this in cases of war, damn this wizarding people and their weird practices.
Talking about weird practices, there was just one little hitch on his plan, a huge one maybe like the size of a mountain, getting a wand.
He stands there waiting at the door of the establishment to gather enough courage to do it, to get a wand, but. Those things are so ugly and stupid, who would wanna learn to channel your natural energy generated inside of your body, into a fucking unnatural piece of wood. He hated the idea of it. If he was really old like a couple thousands year old and he really needed a walking stick for his magic to take a calm walk he would get one, but right now his magic was beginning to peak, everyday being better than the last, ever changing in nature too. Why would he constrict it to a wand. But alas he had to.
Calum gathered happy thoughts, he could see his mindscape and wasn't it peaceful.
It looked like an abstract painting of a raging ocean of flames mixed in with a couple of creatures that any wizard would rather not see ever, whale like creatures with more than half their body being composed of a jaw, thousand upon thousand of tooth, all incredibly sharp like his own.
A couple of people began to fall from the sky as the eaters(what he called the creatures) well, destroy them with its teeth. Breaking bone flesh cloth and armor like wind picking up leaves only to spit it out, they were vegetarians of course, the eaters had rebeled not too long ago and had given up on eating imaginary meat, but it still made a smile on his face, and a calming sensation waved through him.
Getting the wand, which was as tedious as trying to teach Eyeless anything, Meant that he could finally stop shopping and hoard his galleons like he was a goblin, wait that's kind of offensive, he wasn't as short or wrinkly as one of them, which now leaves a whole three hours before the alley store closes so the time for mischief started
What could he do, what could he do. Calum lead Eyeless right into a deserted part of the alley and drum his fingers against the side of Eyeless' arm, once or twice intentionally dragging his nails which caused bleeding, which regenerated quickly.
Calum tried to think outside the box for once and not do something as evil, he tried to feel for the cores, trying to get the picture of who would be the tastiest to mess with, when right in front of him was the perfect opportunity, a core which was tightly bound and vibrated aggressively while repulsing the dark ambience magic it came across it, was this like a healer or a cop. Calum scanned the crowd with eyes like a hawk looking for this person when his eyes landed on a forty two year old, mmhh she reeked of guilt and superiority, her eyes had a glint of blood which sprayed across it, a cop, perfect target.
Calum bit his right index finger a draw a rune on a stone that was on the street. Then quickly hid it. He whispered something no one could really understand and then the witches eyes lit up. She quickly turned to her right side, her eyes panicked almost like she had heard a scream from a little kid, which she did, she just was the only one to hear it, she drew her wand and began to point it at a kid who couldn't be older than thirteen, and just shot a 'confrigo' at the kid, followed by a 'bombarada' and surprisingly the witch went out of her way to cast dark magic and shot a blood evaporating curse at him. Only the first two hit, which did little to no damage to the kid, but did much more to stores. Spells began to fly to constrict the witch, but she was acting crazy throwing curses, light and dark alike to every person who dared to protect the boy but in the end she was knock out by a stupify.
"Is it enough chaos Eyeless?" The servant only looked at Calum without emotion his right eye which would have twitched did not this time, he was closer to breaking completely it seem, and that brought such joy to Calum he began to cry "Oh you are so right Eyeless you deserve much more how would you like my favorite for the end" Calum's voice was eager and full of excitement.
Eyeless stared at Calum "You are right it is getting kind of boring, how about I honor you" Eyeless stared at Calum in the exact same way. He stared back nodding along, casually saying yeah, after a couple seconds passed and after a few minutes he finally said. "It was a captivating speech Eyeless" Eyeless stared at Calum, who had tears on his eyes "Oh yes I shall hurry along and make this one more random, so, so, so, sorry majority of diagon alley for not getting this privilege" Calum voice sounded a little sad, the speech was really good ok?
Calum tapped his own right eye twice and then drew a rune over it.
Quickly after that some people who were at the alley, who were quite shaken up if you asked them began to feel like something was popping behind their eyes and soon spiders started crawling out of their eyeballs.
Some were quick with counter curses, other were fleeing in terror, others simply crawled at their own eyes in a desperate attempt .
And in all this disarray it was too extreme it was causing his magic to be more than elated, he wanted to continue, but he liked playing long, careful chaos caused massive distrust, which was much better than simple children's fun.
AN:So yeah fun chapter wasn't it I have a couple of questions I would like for you to answer.
First off, why you looking so good today?(in a voice pleadong for powerstones)
Second of all, what subject would you think he will excel at?
And most importantly who do you think will be the first target for Calum to try to flirt with?
I'm curious for your answers.