Chapter 3: Chapter Three: Desperate #1
"Argh!!!" He looked down to see that he had kicked a stone. He shrugged it off, because the pain in his heart was more than the one in his leg. The past one month had been filled with countless disappointments in his search for a job, and sometimes he really did feel he was cursed. He had no choice than to accept the offer of his father-in-law. He took a sharp right and continued to think.
He was surprised that the Lance family treated him with so much disdain and hate, especially since he had grown up in their home. They greatly resented him marrying their daughter. At one point he wanted to break up with Sarah, but he had stayed, partly because of his love for her and partly because he thought she deserved better, and she did. The Lance family only saw her as a pawn to negotiate with in their with to bring in investors to aid their dying business, and most of Sarah's suitors only saw her as a prize to be won, a commodity to be purchased, and a trophy wife who would make them look good at events.
Peter Lance claimed that he would do anything to save his business, even if it meant selling his daughter to the highest bidder. Ironically, it was his fault the business was failing. He had a gambling addiction, as well as an unhealthy craving for a flashy lifestyle, one characterized by spending company funds on women and flashy cars. These two vices had punctured holes in the finances of the company and drive the company close and closer to bankruptcy. A few friends had warned him, but he had refused.
He had earned himself his first slap from Mr Lance when he questioned the sense in buying a very expensive new car when he had a fleet of cars at home, most of which he had only driven twice. The company had certainly been on its way to extinction for a few years, but a quadruplet of factors like unfavorable government policies, a changing market structure, the rise of new competitors and the exit of investors and skilled workers who had foreseen the impending doom of the company had ultimately hastened the decline of the company.
Sadly, the company was beyond salvaging despite the best efforts of hired economic experts, and only a major yet foolish investment into a company well on its way to extinction could save it. John had concluded that no one would be foolish enough to invest so much money into a doomed company, however as it turned out, a lot of male investors would do anything for a beautiful blonde.
The mounting pressure on Mr Lance, coupled with the never ending barrage of suitors for Sarah was the source of the hate he had received from the family. Peter Lance had married off his first two daughters to 'business partners', but even then the financial hole could not be plugged.
None of them however, were as pretty, shapely or well-mannered as Sarah, and Peter Lance was sure she would fetch him a mammoth investment. His hopes were dashed when Sarah walked up to him one day and informed him of her decision to marry John. Peter Lance was so angry that he nearly convulsed, and he had sent them both out of the mansion.
He had hoped Sarah was only joking, and that he could get her to leave John with a series of pleas and incentives. When that failed, he decided to make him leave his daughter instead. Peter Lance offered him money, a senior role in his company, an all expense paid trip to anywhere in the world he wanted, but he had refused, saying that all he wanted was his daughter. Mr Lance grew increasingly desperate as his company neared bankruptcy and resorted to threats, but John remained firm.
He and his wife had tried everything save murder, to get him to leave their daughter, but he was steadfast in his love.
Eventually, he had married Sarah in a church with only the pastor and the two of them present, yet the Lance family kept up the pressure. Evelyn Lance, Sarah's mother was more vicious than her husband. She had once sent thugs to beat him up, and was the one who poured water on him during his last visit to the Lance mansion to plead for a job.
On another occasion, she had let loose the bloodthirsty dogs at him, but they were used to him already and they loved him. Evelyn Lance broke into a fit when she saw the dogs wagging their tails and licking his legs instead of biting him. It was she, not her husband that he was afraid of. She was the very devil in hell he was scared to go and meet, but he had no choice.
As he approached the Lance mansion, he let out a sigh and muttered prayers. He pressed the buzzer and was surprised to see the security guard welcome him with a smile. He knew it, it was a trap! He began to take suspicious glances around, but he saw no sign of the dogs. Perhaps Mrs Lance had gotten new dogs who didn't know him and had cunningly invited him to be mutilated by the dogs. Unconsciously, he mentally began to assess his chances of scaling his fence. Between his speed and the rush of adrenaline that was certain to emanate from his body if the dogs were let loose, he was certain he would scale the fence.
He looked up and saw Peter Lance smiling at him from the balcony. He pinched himself to be sure he was not dreaming. Perhaps he had already been killed by the new dogs and was already dreaming of the afterlife.
"Ah John! My son! Come inside, I have been waiting for you. It's been a long time, you should visit more. After all, you grew up here."
John opened his mouth wide in unbelief. If he had known what awaited him inside the house, he would have fainted. As he stepped inside the house, a wave of nostalgia hit him. He took in the air of the house he had grew up in, and he really wished he had come under better circumstances.