D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1742 At ‘The Mall’

--- Kat ---

Kat looked up, and up, and up. They'd teleported into the mall and been dropped at a big plaza in the centre of the building suspended over a layer of glass that meant you can look up or down as much as you wanted. Kat's gaze had turned upwards and never left it. A seemingly endless line of shops that just kept going. Even with Kat's extremely good eyes she couldn't see the end. That included using demonic energy to make the attempt.

"It's a loop," said Lily from beside Kat.

"What?" asked Kat confused.

"It's a loop. It's not actually endless. It's… somewhere between fifteen and twenty floors and then it loops back around to the bottom because of enchantments. Well, I think we're in the middle so it's more like there's ten floors above us and ten floors bellow but that's just a guess at the numbers. Sort of hard to tell from a distance where things line up with my eyes," explained Lily.

"Yup, at as cool as that is you guys need to move out of the way," said Sue as she started to pull her two friends away from the sight. The suspended courtyard was quite large with a bunch of benches and a few planter boxes scattered around so that you could linger if you wanted to just enjoy the view but Kat and Lily had remained routed in the teleportation area which was kinda rude.

Kat and Lily hadn't even stood in place for a minute but there was already a few other groups that had taken the teleporter and left. Sure it was designed in such a way you were unlikely to get hurt or cause issues from loitering but the more casual mall goers would get annoyed. Sue did pick one of the nearby benches just in case so that the girls could have a chance to look around though.

When they were pushed into seats Kat was still amazed by the place. The loop gave the illusion that the place went on forever, with a number of crosswalks that dotted the mall, and even a few suspended shops. *I wonder who decides who gets those… and who would want them?*

[We can always check it out. I'm sure Sue will be willing to take us if we ask, and we probably should ask. Though maybe not right away.]

"Well while they're distracted with that, where do you want to go?" asked Sue.

"I… I thought you were picking?" asked Kamiko.

"Well sure and I'm happy to throw out suggestions and if Kat and Lily were less distracted maybe I would just pick something after everything we went through just before… but with just the two of us we can figure something out. I was wondering if you were interested in actual shopping, trying on clothes, or maybe like going to one of the nail salons? They're not Lust standard but they are a lot cheaper," said Sue.

"Um… I'm not sure how much money Kat has… and I don't mind trying on clothes I guess but my sister would be a bit annoyed if I just went out and bought my own without consulting her… so I guess we go to one of those runway places?"

" 'One of those runway places' she says. Kamiko have you never been to one?" asked Sue a little shocked.

"Um… no. My sister Aslena makes most of my clothes… most of the clothes for everyone in the family and she has done for a while. She's always wanted to be a designer and now that she is well… she makes sure we're wearing what she calls 'good stuff'. So… um… I used to showing off a bit on runways even if I don't like it but as for the runway places? No I don't know about them," explained Kamiko.

"Eh probably for the best," said Sue with a shrug. "I've got enough money now that I'm not against paying for an hour or two of time for us all but they've always been a rip-off,"

"Wait why? I mean… I never went myself but I heard they were quite fun… not that it's my thing but still…" mumbled Kamiko.

*What do you think would happen if you fell? And are you allowed to jump or fly to the other levels? We haven't really seen anyway try but it's not like we've been here long. *

[How should I know? Well, about the flying thing. The falling part? You'd just keep falling I think… or well that's how the space is set up. I'm not sure if they have other enchantments around to keep people from injuring themselves but that seems like a safe assumption…]

"Ah that's the trick. The price for trying on outfits for a full hour with friends is practically nothing. It costs more to get a good lunch for one person… but that's not really how they make their money. The trick is that they make all of their clothes extra flimsy, especially the fiddly ones that are hard to put on. They then charge an arm and a leg when you break something off or get a small tear in the outfit.

"The amount of times I've seen someone trying to squeeze into something too small for them and their ass rips the back out is shockingly high and always hilarious… but it's still a scummy thing for them to do. When anyone asks why they just respond that 'they're just so pieces to try on you're not meant to wear them too long' or 'we're just trying to keep costs down for everyone' but it's a load of shit. Constantly having the clothes get taken on and off is probably worse for them. Though…"

Sue paused to glance at Kat and Lily who were still lost in their own world. "I do know for a fact they wash them. One of my quote, unquote friends worked at one of these places for a while and washing everything is a huge hassle even with the cleaning enchantments. Apparently you still lose a bunch of outfits and your pay gets docked if you break too many. Though… can't say I really feel bad for her. She did have a habit of trying on clothes she liked while at work.

"Oh, which is the other way they make money. While the clothes on display are all super flimsy copies the stores do have contacts that sell the real deal. For a sizeable markup of course. So it all just makes the store money and with horns like mine? It's always a bit of a gamble. Kat will probably need to be careful as well… but you and Lily might be fine?"
Your adventure continues at My Virtual Library Empire

"Why would they DO that?" asked Kamiko. "That just seems… so scummy…"

Sue shrugs, "I guess because a lot of the other scams are too well known or illegal? I don't know do I look like an economist? Though… it was quite funny whenever we went. Mostly because we'd dare each other to try fitting into things that are too small and risk suffering the cost,"

Kamiko glanced at Sue's chest for a split second and blushed at the sight. "Um… er… how did you avoid that issue with your… like… everything?"

Sue burst into laughter, drawing the attention of Kat and Lily but she quickly waved the two off. "Oh Kamiko that's funny. I'm a lust demon, my parents are both lust demons, and we've always been 'proper' lust demons at that. I bloomed early and I'm perfectly aware of my figure. I never had the issue with wanting to be thinner, or have smaller shoulders or a smaller ass or whatever it was my classmates had.

"I'm smoking hot and I've always known that… but it comes with significant challenges. There were plenty of normal clothes that I can't fit into. I've known what to look for when shopping for nearly a decade at this point. Sure plenty of people tried to get one up on me and offer things that were too small and practically daring me to try it on but well," Sue shrugged, "I've always need the Succubus proportioned outfits and that's not a surprise. Oh, and yes those places normally do stock a bunch of stuff for different bodies. If a lamia walked in and had nothing to wear they'd be annoyed…

"Though golems are sort of shit-outta luck. It can all definitely fit but they're all but guaranteed to break the clothes. And I guess my horns do mean I need to be careful but well… you know the people I used to hang out with I had to learn how to put those flimsy pieces of shit on by myself pretty quickly,"

"Well you seem really excited about them so if you know the best one in the mall I'm happy to go there first!" said Kamiko with a smile.

Sue reached forward and pulled the smaller girl into a big hug that, of course, pressed Kamiko's face into her tits. "Oh that's great! I'm sure you'll all look great and I'm excited to see what new stuff they have in stock! They rotate the selection pretty regularly… because of the breakages mostly,"

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