Different world of Naruto's sexual life

Chapter 38: Chapter 30 Part 3

They would answer, but at that point, they were close to falling asleep, or just weren't paying attention in the first place.

It was now, that such a time has come. Ino was waiting for this day, a day where Naruto would have little or no energy to do anything. Reason being is that it would be easier for her to do what she needs to with the least amount of resistance. The day came unexpectedly. The previous night, somehow Sakura convinced Naruto to let her and Tenten sleep over at the Nara's. When he asked why, Sakura had said a while ago that they had made a bet and she won, Shikamaru being forced to have her over for a sleepover. Sakura wanted to get to know him better and thought a sleepover was the best way to do that.

Now Sakura knew master was going to come to the wrong conclusion so she quickly rectified that, saying Shikamaru is their friend and he wouldn't do anything. That was why Tenten was coming along, as a witness, in case something does happen. Naruto just stared at her weird for a few minutes but he relaxed and smiled, patting the girl on the head, saying that it'll be alright, and for Sakura, that was him giving her his permission. Sakura bowed and thanked him for trusting her.

"Just don't betray my trust Saku..." He said, before walking off.

But the next day, Ino soon realized that the chance she had been waiting for come. The instant she got a chance, she said that she was going to go out for an errand, which was true actually so it didn't set off Naruto's lie detector, and quickly set off toward the I/T division to round up the squad and made her way back home, picking up some of Naruto's favorite candy on the way home as a gift to Naruto as not to arise suspicion from the blonde master if he sees her come back empty handed. So she came home and found Naruto sitting on his favorite chair, a book in his hands, but Ino could see he was extremely board. A small smirk graced her lips as the opportunity popped up to let her sing to him to make him fall asleep. With that, there'll be no resistance and she'll be free to do what she needs to do.

"I got a gift for you master." She said as she walked up to him, bending down and placing the bars of candy on his lap. "The girls back yet?"

Naruto let out a dreary sigh. "No. I hope she has a detailed report ready."

"You're too paranoid master...trust her. Sakura slept over at my house before and that was when she was yours and my parents were gone. How about some candy? I got your favorite." She singsonged as she unwrapped one of the chocolate bars and lifted it up to his nose. She didn't expect Naruto to take the candy, he was too bored. She just wanted him a little annoyed with her so when she starts singing, he won't put up that much of a resistance. It worked as Naruto moved her hand away. "Aww come on..." Ino chuckled, straddling the boy's lap, gently moving the book from in between them.

"Ino...stop. I'm not in the mood." Naruto half wined half moaned, but the girl only advanced further, leaning forward, and taking both face cheeks in her hands while she moved her face closer to his and didn't stop until her mouth was an inch from his ear.

"Are you so bored that you can't push me off?" She whispered. "Maybe you just want to go back to bed? Mmm?"

"I hate feeling like this." Naruto answered. "I always have so much energy."

Ino chuckled as she adjusted her position. "I know master...I know. Here...let me help you out."

Ino removed her hands from Naruto's cheek and gently closed his eyes with her fingers. She began to sing a lullaby to him, one her mother used to sing to her to help her fall asleep. Maybe it was a secret bloodline, the women of the Yamanaka's have the ability to cause men and women to fall asleep with their singing. Every single time she sings, Naruto ALWAYS falls asleep, no matter what he's doing. Hell, he even fell asleep standing up and ended up crashing to the ground.

Ino's actually proud of that fact, having the ability to cause him to fall asleep on cue. It never works on a fully awake Sakura or Tenten though. If they were tired and the mood was right, she can cause them to fall asleep. There was something about her voice that did it but Ino didn't really care.

It was something only she can offer to Naruto and no one else.

As she sung, Naruto's eyes started drooping, his body started relaxing and by the time she got to the end, Naruto was fast and deep asleep. Ino moved back, a small smile on her face. Naruto wouldn't wake up for several hours after she sung but that was more then enough time to go in and see if things were alright. She got off the chair and picked him up, heaving him over her shoulder as she quickly made her way up to their bedroom. She could sense the ANBU enter the house and follow her upstairs. They were containment. If Ino finds out that Kyuubi had taken over once again, then they would be ready and willing to contain him.

Ino reached the bedroom and set him down in the center of the bed and took position above him and took several deep breaths to prepare herself. When she was ready, she made a series of handseals and her soul traveled from her body to Naruto's.


From the instant Ino collected herself, she knew something was different.

She could feel anger coursing the air, like blood pulsing through a vein, although it wasn't very much, like a soft breezing traveling through the air. She was a little confused by that. Since that party, Naruto hasn't been angry recently. Could it be that Naruto was still angry about that, despite his apology to Sakura? It didn't seem like he was that angry and given a week or so, his anger will be completely gone...that is, if he doesn't get mad before that time.

Unlike the last time she was in here, Naruto was calm and collected so the design resembled a household hallway. Smooth walls, warm colors, decorated doors to the memories, and smooth columns. But now, since Naruto's emotions rampaging about, the mind resembled a sewer, with gates leading into the memories. She was currently knee deep in sludge but Ino didn't really pay attention to that. This was a first for her. She had never been in Naruto's mind when he was angry. Too risky for her but she really didn't expect this. But that's not to say she doesn't know him and his mind. She had plenty of experience dealing with him and right now, she knows that Kyuubi hasn't had a presence in this part of his mind in a long time, so she trudged on, exploring her master's mind and judging the condition of each section. Ino was actually able to stimulate a mind to imitate one of Naruto's previous state of mind so she could have knowledge and practice dealing with that kind of mind.

There's a reason why she's doing this now. After the incident at the party, she fully expected to be punished with the rest of her sisters. All of the slaves are accountable for one's actions, so when the only thing Naruto did was send them to their rooms and ignore them for a while, she got suspicious. What if this was Kyuubi's way of throwing suspicion off of him? If he didn't do anything to have someone suspect him, then all he have to do is wait and prepare.

Ino suddenly stopped, an evil aura suddenly washing over her. She looked around but couldn't find anything producing that aura but she could follow it. Still knee deep in the sludge, she walked on, following that aura, but strangely, it was taking her to a place she hasn't been before. No...that was wrong, she has been here before but it changed. It seemed more...solid, more...fortified. Ino suddenly stopped as she almost tripped on something. She looked down and she could see the floor as it was above the waterline. `I don't know what's going on here but I have that sinking feeling I'm going to see something that I won't like.'

Stepping up, she wiped her feet off with a disgusted expression on her face. She remembered the times when she had to work down in the sewer system and she hated every second of it. Thankfully Naruto didn't put her down there for a long time but he always took delight in reminding her that they could always use her help. After that, she continued, albeit cautiously, into this new passageway. As she continued walking, her dread increased as her paranoia started to grow.

However, her fear was justified as she turned a corner and froze as she came across what looked to be a heavily fortified jail cell. At first, she thought she came across Kyuubi's cage but she soon realized that it was too small to be his cage. In fact, it was a regular sized cell, with thick bars, chains, and who knows what else, but as she paid closer attention, she realized that the cell was occupied, but what shocked her was who the occupant was.

It was Naruto.

Or rather, an inverted form of him. It was all there, the hair style, his height, but not his clothes. Instead of the jacket and pants, all he wore was a robe, like you would wear casually around the house after getting out of the shower. `What is he and why am I feeling so much coming from him? And that door...if that's not one of the most fortified door I've ever seen, then I don't know what is.' At first, Ino thought to pass it by and she would, if not for the being inside the cell. She took a step back and took several moments to prepare herself. This was new territory and she needed to be on the top of her game. After she was sure she was as ready as she would ever be, she turned the corner and walked toward the cell. "Why hello there."

She mentally chuckled as the thing inside the cell jerked at the sudden introduction, falling to the floor in surprise, quickly getting up, facing the unexpected visitor. He stared in shock for a few seconds before his mouth finally moved. "I-Ino? What the hell are you doing here? HOW are you here?"

"I don't really know myself as I never seen you before or this cell. Care to explain about that?"

The thing in the cell paused for a moment, staring at the girl as she crossed her arms, waiting for answers. She had a good point. Out of all the times Ino goes into his mind, why had she never come across him? He never left as that accursed gate is keeping him in there. Finally, he shrugged. "How should I know? All my life, I've been stuck in here. The only one keeping me company is that fox down the hall. God I want to be free again...to taste the..."

"Wait wait wait..." Ino interrupted. "Again? When was the first time?"

"How the fuck should I know how long ago was it?!" He shouted. "I got no sense of time in here, none of my senses are connected to Naruto in any way! Which that blasted fox takes delight in reminding me. I can't feel anything! When I tortured Sakura...that was the only taste of flesh I EVER felt!"

The instant that being finished that last sentence, Ino sucked in her breath. "You...tortured Sakura? THAT was you?"

The inverted form of Naruto sat down on his little bunk and sighed. "Yeah, what of it?"

Ino didn't answer right away. If what he said was true, then all of their assumptions were wrong and she needed to confirm it. "On your first day of freedom, what was the first thing you did to her?"

The being scoffed. "What do you think I did? She tried to run. Almost made it out actually but I dragged her back kicking and screaming. I made sure she understood what the cost of disobedience meant."


The thing shifted his eyes toward her and narrowed his eyes. "Meaning I would kill you next time she tried to run, but I wouldn't kill you outright. No...I would torture you first in front of her, doing all the things I enjoy doing to her and I would end it cutting you open while you were still alive and make her eat your heart. Which brings me to my original question...how are you here?"

"Answer this first...just how do you know of his life outside of these walls?"

"You're asking if I know you're his pet? Yes, I do...but only for a few months." When Ino tilted her head to the side in confusion, he explained. "I get these...updates every few months. Everything that happened since the last one fills my head. Now I answered your question, now answer mine."

Ino sighed. This Naruto was defiantly similar to her Naruto. They were both stubborn. She could see it in his yellow eyes. "To be honest, I don't know. I'm certain that I've been here before and I never saw you before."

"And you would be right. I've seen you pass by here whenever you go into his mind. If you're looking for the furball, he's down the hall, take a right and take a left. You can't miss it." Ino looked down the hallway in question and she could definitely feel something coming from that direction. "Mind if I ask you something?" Ino looked back and nodded. "How often does Sakura talk about me?"

Ino lifted her eyebrow at that. When he asked that, a small smirk graced his lips before disappearing. That look right then...that was the person she saw when she visited Sakura's memories of the hell weeks and she scoffed. "And here I thought that you were misunderstood. Yes, she does remember you. Yes, she does think of you everyday. She wishes everyday that you never existed. You know she actually thought you were the Kyuubi?"

This time he scoffed. "That spineless bastard? Him? Don't make me laugh. I can do things he can never do out of some misguided sense of ethics or morals. Same with that bastard Naruto too. Because of him, I'm locked in here day in and day out, doomed to only feel the rush I get when the memories come to me! I want to be free! I want to do the things anybody can do like breath in the fresh air!" The Naruto look-alike was ranting now, slowly advancing toward the gate. "I want to feel the flesh..." He nearly whispered. "The warmth of a female, the smell of a bitch in heat. You...the bondage slut you are, have no idea what it's like being stuck in here with only a taste of freedom, lingering on your tongue, torturing you with the desire to experience it again."

"Actually, I do know the feeling."

Ino didn't even flinch when this thing screamed and charged the gate, but the instant he collided with the gate, he screamed in pain and his body shot back and collided with the wall. "Don't you dare lie to me bitch!" He panted, wincing in pain. "You weren't born in this cage, you weren't excited when the first breath of free air graced your lungs and when you realized the ownership of such a beautiful girl, and you didn't want to take advantage of that fact for as long as you are able. That's why I tortured her, to savor the taste of being free. Like a master must do when he acquires a new toy, he must force her to accept his authority. You should know this."

Ino crossed her arms. "I do know this and I didn't lie. You remember Junko don't you? The little voice in her head?"

"Yeah, I remember her."

"She and I are such good friends. I go into Sakura's mind to visit her and we know a lot about each other, including about her time before master. What she described to me is similar to what you told me. I actually felt her emotions so I know exactly what you're talking about." Ino started walking away, leaving behind this being as she walked toward the hallway previously mentioned. "Tell me..." Ino stopped and looked at the being in the cage. "What do you call yourself?"

He grunted as he stood up, limping toward the bed and laying down on it. "Call me Kaosu."

"Chaos? Suits you as you certainly caused enough of that for my sister." Ino walked away, leaving Kaosu to himself.


Ino followed the new path, following the aura of dread. It wasn't evil as she expected but rather dread. She had no idea why she was looking for Kyuubi. Naruto never wanted to speak to him so why should she? But there was that curiosity in her. What is the Kyuubi really like? She already met the person who really tortured Sakura so why not take it one step further and meet the being that is responsible for her being a slave in the first place? As she got closer and closer, the feeling of dread got bigger and bigger and when she turned a corner, she froze, her breath catching in her throat.

A massive cage greeted her eyes but she could sense the security and power behind the cage, but what shocked her was the size of the snoring occupant. He was massive, even with him laying down. She could see the top of his head and his closed eyes, the red fur gracing his body and the nine tails twitching behind him.

Suddenly, she didn't feel very good about this plan.

Maybe she would come back later. The information she gained from this walk alone was extremely valuable and it redeemed Kyuubi but provided another set of problems. Before, they assumed a lot of things about Naruto's mentality and now they have to rethink everything. `Yeah, I bet Sakura would like to hear what I learned. She always resented Kyuubi for torturing her and once she learns about this...she'll shift her focus.' Slowly, she moved a foot behind her, walking backwards, out of view of the cage.

"Where do you think you're going?" A deep voice boomed out, causing Ino to stop mid-turn and cause her to gulp in fear. "You come all this way and back out now?" Ino turned around and stared at the beast as he lifted himself up and looked at her and chuckled. "You were trained to swallow your fear, not let it take over you."

The mocking tone of his voice caused Ino to snarl and swerve around. "What would you know about my training?!" She shouted. "How the fuck would you know what I've been trained in?!"

Kyuubi chuckled again, laying back down but adjusting his position so he was looking at her. "Because unlike the restrictions the so-called `Kaosu' has placed on him, I have full access to what Naruto sees, hears, tastes, and most of all...feels. I know how Naruto kidnapped his newest pet, I know when you go into Naruto's mind, and I know why Sakura as such loyalty for him, but most of all, I know exactly what all of you would do for him if he asked. Since the imprinting, I know so much more, and best of all, I now have company."

"YOU'RE NOT THAT GOOD OF A TALKING BUDDY BASTARD!" Kaosu shouted from down the hall.

The red-fur fox chuckled. "See what I mean? I have so much fun teasing him."


Ino shook her head, trying to get her thoughts in some kind of order. The last minute just jumbled her thoughts. "What is he? We always thought you were the one who tortured her to death."

"I can understand why." Kyuubi said, his tails settling down. "But what I'm confused about is how you are here? All the times you've been in here, you never found this place."

"Why now?" Ino finished. Kyuubi nodded and she sighed. "I don't know myself. Maybe it's because he's still feeling angry about what happened at the party and it opened up new passageways. I know for certain I passed by the area where Kaosu is multiple times but I never seen him. Speaking of which, you haven't answered my question. What is he?"

"Simply put, he's a combination of both of us. The downside of it is that he has absolutely no moral or ethical values whatsoever. What he did to Sakura was only a taste of what he is capable of.Despite what he told you and how he acted, sadism is what he is and given the chance, he will kill for his pleasure. You might stand a better chance as you belong to Naruto."

"I doubt it..." Ino said, sighing. "With the way my body is, I might not survive. Hell, I got less time in the dungeon then Sakura have despite my late arrival."

The fox chuckled. "You jealous of the girl?"

Ino thought for a few seconds but she sighed again, shaking her head. "No, I understand why he shies away from me when he wants to go deep. I know that he knows that I can easily die if he goes too far, not like Sakura though." Ino froze, her mind in deep thought as she realized something. "Why am I telling you all this? You probably know this already."

"Maybe you like me." Kyuubi joked, causing Ino to roll her eyes. "So what now? You report back to Naruto you made contact with me and him?"

"I don't know. By all rights, I should but maybe he doesn't want to know about you. He even told us that he didn't want to talk to you, although I'm sure he'd want to know about Kaosu."

"Tell you what..." Ino looked up when Kyuubi spoke. "I'll give you something else to give to him. When you walk out of this room, take a left and follow the passageway until you reach a dead end. Take a right and keep walking until you reach another dead end. On your left, you'll see another passageway but this one is aged. Follow that all the way to the end and open the very first door at the end."

"You're sending me back to his memories? Why?"

"Call it my gift to him." Saying nothing else, Kyuubi settled down for another nap.

Ino turned and faced the exit with doubt but if he was sending her into a trap, she has a decent chance of getting out of it considering what she is capable in here. Decided, she started walking and followed Kyuubi's directions. She wasn't sure where she was going but she did know that she was going deeper and deeper into his memories, memories that have been forgotten or repressed. What could be here that Kyuubi thinks Naruto would want to know? It took a while but Ino finally reached the end of the last passageway. Kyuubi was right, this passageway was ancient. The odor, the style of the passageway. When Ino reached the very last door at the end, she took a couple of moments to observe it. Like the rest of the passage, it was ancient. To be honest, it wasn't any different then the rest of the doors in here. Finally, she sighed and grasped the doorknob. She wasn't going to get anywhere standing here. She twisted the knob and let the memories wash over her.


The first thing she felt was warmth, warmth all around her as well as a hard squeezing sensation. Her eyes were shut tight so she couldn't see anything, but she didn't need to see with her eyes to know something's going on. She was being pushed, or rather squeezed forward by something. The only sound she could hear was a squishing sound as she traveled. As she traveled, she began to hear someone screaming, a female by the sounds of it. It got louder and louder as she got further and further. She couldn't open her eyes as Ino was limited to only what the person done at that time.

However, she just realized that she wasn't breathing.

The instant she realized that and given her conditions, she soon realized that she was a baby that was being born. She was passing through the vaginal passageway and soon she would take her first breath of air. Of course, it made her wonder why Kyuubi would send her here, to the moment of Naruto's birth. What could possibly be here that Naruto would be interested in? Suddenly, she stopped and her/his head hit something. She must be right there, just ready to pop out of...the...mother.

`The mother? Of course! Naruto has no idea who his mother is! If he managed to look at her, I'll be able to see her.' Ino thought, realizing exactly why he sent her here. She got excited as Naruto's body got forced out of the birth canal. She felt Naruto take his very first breath and start crying. `Come on Naruto-sama...open your eyes. Let me see who your mom is.' Sure enough, Naruto began to flutter open his eyes and she was able to see. Within Naruto's mind, Ino's eyes widened when Naruto finally opened his eyes and his first sight was his mother. She was beautiful, despite going through birth. Her red hair was messy and her face was consorted in pain, but it seemed to be lessoning.

"It's a boy Kushina. A beautiful, healthy, baby boy."

`Kushina? That's her name? Doesn't ring a bell. So how did he get Uzumaki as a last name?' Ino thought, watching as Naruto kept his eyes on his mother.

Finally, she opened her eyes and Naruto cried in delight as she held out her hands. Naruto was immediately placed in her hands and Kushina cradled the boy, her face beaming with happiness. "My son...I'm so happy to see you, but I am so sorry what is about to happen to you. I hope that you will forgive us in time."

"What will you name him?"

Kushina smiled. "He'll have my last name, Uzumaki, to protect him while we are gone and he shall be called Naruto. I'm...going...to m...miss h..." Suddenly Ino heard a long beep and Naruto cried, as if he knew what that meant.

"She's crashing! I need some help here!" Naruto was taken out of Kushina's hands and set down somewhere, but due to the sudden movement, Naruto took his eyes away from her and start shaking and rolling and crying. Ino couldn't really tell what was going on but she had some idea. Kushina was dying and the nurses were trying to help her.

`Huh, so that's why he never had a mother. She died in childbirth so where's the dad? Where the fuck is he? Well, master was born on October 10, the same day Kyuubi came, but still, this is his child.' Questions were being answered now as this single memory answered a lot of their questions.

Ino's train of thought was suddenly interrupted by somebody picking the child up. "It's alright little one. Your godfather is here."

`His godfather? He doesn't have a godfather...and why does that voice sound so familiar?' Ino didn't blink as Naruto was moved. She didn't want to miss a single moment of this. If Naruto truly had a godfather, then he had a lot to explain being absent for all these years if he was still alive. However, the person she saw was not who she expected in over a million years.

A bruised and bloody Jiraiya met her sight, a soft smile on his face. `Time to go Naruto...I'm sorry I won't be around to fulfill my duties as godfather.'

`JIRAIYA? HE'S MASTER'S GODFATHER? That's not possible. He would've said something.' Due to the immense shock of what she just learned, Ino lost her concentration over her jutsu and ended up flying out of the memory, the door slamming shut, and she flew back the way she came, past the Kyuubi's cage, past Kaosu's cage, and back into the sewers, before flying back into her mind. She slammed back into her mind and the force knocked her off the boy and onto the floor. She shot up to her feet, panting in exhaustion and shock, as the ANBU surrounded them, prepared for anything. "Is everything alright?" One of them asked.

She didn't respond at first, still trying to get her thoughts together, but the shock of this new revolution was still in her mind. "Ye-yeah, I'm fine. Kaosu is still in his cage."

"Who?" The ANBU looked at each other. "Who is Kaosu?"

"I...I'm...not sure, but for right now, all of you please leave."

One of the ANBU, Takashi, walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Ino? Are you alright? What happened in there?"

"Please leave." Ino repeated. "Master's fine but...what I learned in there completely shattered our theories. You'll have my report first thing in the morning." Takashi nodded and motioned to the rest of the squad and they turned away, walking and leaving the two behind. "By the way, could you guys do me a favor? Could you stop by the Nara's and tell my sisters to meet me at the Sarutobi compound? It's extremely urgent that I talk to them."

"Will do." With that, the ANBU vanished.

Ino sighed and moved her hair back. This was too much. She was a lowly slave and she shouldn't have to deal with this, but it happened and Ino wouldn't change anything about it. In fact, she was glad to have the chance to set the record straight, but right now, she needed to get her thoughts straight before she met up with her sisters. She didn't need to get things messed up just because her adrenaline was pumping. As Ino tried to get herself calmed down and her heart rate down, she tucked Naruto in and fluffed up his pillow. After that, she grabbed a small notepad and a pen and wrote Naruto a little note. Even though Naruto stays asleep after hearing her sing, considering what she learned, it'll be a while before they'll be able to come home and hopefully, Naruto won't question why and if he does, they'll have to find a way to lie to him. Ino took the time to do a few simple chores around the house, giving her some more time to calm herself down and get her act together.


Knock knock knock

In no time at all, the door to the Sarutobi compound opened and there stood the chain-smoking jounin, Sarutobi Asuma, wearing a concern look on his face. He looked down and saw Ino, the girl refusing to look him in the eyes. He knew something was up. If she asked to use one of the most secure rooms in all of Konoha, then she learned something really big regarding Naruto, but if the first people she talked to were her sisters, then it regarded him and their safety. If he recalled correctly, if it didn't directly threaten Konoha, the Hokage was always the second to know.

"Are they here yet?" She asked, her hands holding each other behind her back.

"Yeah...they're here and waiting."

"How about him?"

"Dad's here." Asuma said, blowing out a puff of smoke. "He's really interested in why you want to use his study. We know the only reason one of you would want to go into the one place Naruto can't see you is there's something really big."

"Yeah." Ino chuckled. "Something big. So...can I come in?"

"Yeah." He answered. "They're waiting." Asuma stepped aside to let Ino in. He could tell by her demeanor that whatever she learned, it was big and it was depressing. He let her go. She knew where to go and she knew not to try anything. The current residence of any Hokage is always being watched and at any given time, there were always at least three sets of eyes on the place.


Ino sighed as she stood in front of the door to the study. She could hear her sisters chatting away in there. She had no idea how to break it to them, especially Sakura. How the hell was she supposed to tell the girl someone else tortured her, someone else constantly brought her close to death and brought her back. Tenten...that girl is still naïve...a probie. She hasn't truly passed the trials of this family. She hasn't been tested yet, but once she does, she will truly be part of this family.

`I just hope she doesn't die in the process. I almost died during my trial.' Ino sighed and rubbed the back of her head. She was on a time limit here and, if possible, she wanted them back at Naruto's so he didn't miss them. She knocked on the door and the conversations ceased on the other side. She sighed again and grabbed the knob and pushed it open. When it swung open, there stood both her sisters, frozen in their spots, staring at her, just waiting for her. She stepped in the room and shut the door, the seals in the room activating due to the presence of familiar individuals, and walked toward one of the chairs, opposite of a couch. She sat down and the girls took a seat opposite of her, staying silent, just waiting for her to speak.

They sat in silence for a while. Ino wanted to make sure she was calm enough. Considering the info she had, she wasn't about to fuck this up by saying things in a state that could influence her words. That was part of her training, to be able to detach herself enough so that she can provide accurate intel and give little reason for someone to doubt her. "I really shouldn't have to deal with this shit." She finally said. "I'm just a lowly slave, bottom of the food chain. You Sakura..." Ino motioned to her pink haired sister. "You're the one that should deal with this. You're the head slave, it should be your responsibility." She groaned and buried her head in her hands. "This is too much for me. I just wanted to be a simple slave, but..." Ino sighed and removed the hands from her head. "I wouldn't take this back. I'm the only one who can do this and I gladly accept the responsibility."

"Ino-chan..." Sakura said softly. "What's going on? You sound like you're dying or something."

The girl sighed and leaned back. "You know how I like to go into his mind, to check on him and practice my skills?"

Sakura nodded. "Yeah, why do...oh god...please tell me you didn't. You know you're supposed to have backup when you do that!"

"I did have back-up!" She quickly returned but sighed. "It came unexpected. I've been planning on doing it for a while but wanted to wait for just the right day, the right moment where he provides the least resistance. I had no idea it would come when you had the sleepover. I barely had time to get the squad together. He was lazy today and I put him to sleep."

"Did he know you were doing this?"

Ino shook her head. "No, he didn't, but when he does wake up, he'll realize I poked around in his mind. He always know whenever I do it."

Sakura sighed and leaned back, crossing her arms. "So what happened? You're talking to us so I'm assuming that it wasn't that bad."

At that, Ino scoffed. "Trust me...it was that bad, because there are things I learned that will shatter all of our theories." Ino sighed and looked at the window, the sun shining through. "From the moment I collected myself in his mind, I knew something was different. I could feel his anger, pulsing through him like blood coursing though your veins. At first I thought we did something to him and he hid it from us but I realized that this anger was...old, in a sense and I realized he was still angry about what we did to him."

"Really?" Tenten asked. "After all this time, he's still mad at us?"

"Master is a complicated one." Sakura answered. "He may forgive but he NEVER forgets. He remembers what happens to him and who wrongs him. He remembers everything I've done to him, both pre and post capture and he even uses examples during those times when we get into an argument and especially when I try to convince him about that failsafe. God, he's so stupid sometimes. He knows I can't lie to him and yet he's paranoid enough to believe that I found a way."

"He's right to be paranoid." Ino commented, drawing her sister's attention to her. "Turns out, there is another soul in him besides Kyuubi."

"What do you mean? Are you talking about the failsafe?"

Ino shook her head. "No...he's something very, VERY similar to you and Junko." Sakura fell silent at that, as well as the girl inside her who was paying very close attention to this conversation. "He calls himself Kaosu. I found him in a hidden passageway, contained in a powerful and fortified jail cell. I found feel the strength and will radiating out of the cell as well as evil and the person inside looked like Naruto-sama, but is a completely different being. Turns out, he was born when Kyuubi's mind imprinted itself onto master's and lived in Naruto-sama ever since."

"So what are you saying?" She whispered, her mind figuring out where she was going with this.

Ino sighed and prayed Sakura will be able to handle this. "I'm saying that it wasn't Kyuubi who got out again and tortured you. It was Kaosu."

Sakura fell silent, looking away from Ino as both she and Junko processed this information. All this time, they blamed Kyuubi for nearly killing her. They hated him, loathed him for the tortures they endured because of him. If what Ino said was true, then this anger was misplaced. Kyuubi was innocent after all. Maybe she owned him an apology. However, this new information presents a problem. If Kaosu had the same abilities as Junko, then they were all in danger. If Kaosu got out and somehow found a way to stabilize himself and give him a renewable chakra source, Sakura didn't really want to think about that. "Are you sure?" She whispered. "If he wasn't locked up like he is, can he really do the things me and Junko can do?"

Ino just shrugged. "If you want confirmation, then I don't know. I'm just guessing. However, there is something else that I found interesting. He's not connected to Naruto's senses as Kyuubi is. The only way he knows what is going on is by periodic updates."

"So he didn't know I belong to him now?" Tenten asked, to which Ino nodded.

"Wait...hold up." Sakura interrupted. "You said `as Kyuubi is'. What exactly does that mean?"

"Yeah...that's another thing. I met him."

"You met Kyuubi?" Tenten asked, completely shocked. "THE Kyuubi no kitsune? The one who nearly destroyed this village?"

"Yeah, the very same."

"You...and you're still here?" She asked, saying what Sakura was thinking.

"I'm still shocked that I made it out alive, but I think he never wanted to hurt me. At first, I tried to back out, but he knew I was there. I'll go ahead and admit I was scared but then he made a comment and that got replaced by anger. After that, we had a nice civilized conversation. Shocking I know..." Ino said, seeing their faces. "But it was rather nice. I expected him to have a god complex. Nice to see I was wrong."

"So what's he like?" Sakura asked after a few moments of silence.

"Fluffy." Was her immediate answer. "I mean, don't get me wrong. I know what he's capable of but still...I couldn't help but want to smother myself in that fur." Ino said with a chuckle. "I wonder if master will consider doing something that'll cover himself in soft fur."

Sakura chuckled; she also wanted to see that happen. "Who knows? If you pitch it to him right, he might get inspiration and maybe go to the Inuzuka's for advice."

"How about we all do it?" Tenten suggested. "Coming from all of us, it might have more weight."

"Deal, but not right now. We got too many things on our plate."

"Agreed." Ino finalized. "Anyway, back on topic. When the conversation ended, he pointed me in a direction back to the memory archives. He had said that what I was going to see there is something I can give him on his behalf. Naturally I was suspicious but I was confident in my abilities to handle myself so I followed. It turned out to be a long walk, deep into the archives. The door I ended up in was old. However, I had no idea what was in store for me on the other side."

"Was it bad?" Sakura asked.

Ino just shook her head. "Nope, it was the complete opposite. Turns out, the memory was his very first one. The one of his birth."

Sakura was already in the process of moving her mouth when the sentence registered in her mind. She froze, just about to speak and just stared at the blonde girl in front of him. Tenten also didn't speak, instead opted to just stare at the girl as well. Naturally the girls were a bit confused as to why Kyuubi sent her there.

"I know what you're thinking girls and I have a good answer."

"I really hope you do."

"Let me ask you this. When you're born, who do you come out of?"

"Your mother...of course." Ino stared at the girl, hoping that she wasn't that dumb. Sakura also stared at her sister, wondering why she asked such an obvious question when it hit her. "Oh...my...god...his mother. You saw his mother?" She asked, really shocked and really happy at the same time.

"Bingo!" Ino was smiling too and Tenten was smiling as well. "And what's even better...I know her name. Uzumaki Kushina."

"Uzumaki Kushina huh? Well, now we know where he got his last name. So where is she anyway?" Sakura said with a chuckle, but she fell silent when she laid eyes on Ino's sudden sour mood.

"That's not all I learned however. From what I heard, she died just after giving birth, but that's not the most shocking thing. Naruto-sama has a godfather and he's still alive, but the absolute worst part of it is...we know him."

"We know his godfather? That's impossible. He would've said something."

"Would he? Would Jiraiya really say something after being gone after all these years?"

The silence...was deafening.

"Ino...please tell me you're joking." Sakura asked, her voice starting to crack up. "Please tell me that you're pulling our leg. He can't be his godfather. He just can't."

"I saw him with my own eyes Saku. I was looking into his eyes when he said he was his godfather. He also said that he was sorry he couldn't be here to fulfill his duty."

Sakura's hands fisted themselves, tightening and nearly breaking the skin with her fingernails. "That...that fucking BASTARD! For over a year, he never said ANYTHING?"

"I don't know Sakura...keep in mind that he was born during the Kyuubi attack."

"You're defending him?" Sakura nearly screeched. "He left him alone for eleven YEARS Ino! ELEVEN YEARS! There's absolutely no reason for that."

"I'm not saying I'm defending him. We don't know what happened the years afterward. Lord knows we needed him on top of the spy network he has set up after Kyuubi nearly cut our forces in half."

"Eleven...years." Sakura repeated. "Years...in that time, we rebuilt and we got strong again. Things calmed down. You know, I bet that pervert traveling, gathering `research' for his fucking books!"

"I'm not condoning what he did." Ino defended. "And while it's true that he could have least introduced himself to him, I believe that what he's doing now is making up for all those years. Jiraiya helped him when he really needed it the most. I think that if it wasn't for his guidance, I believe that he would've turned out completely different. Hell, I may even be dead by now when he used the generators on me for those three days. You...well, I don't know about you. You may be missing an arm or something."

Sakura huffed but kept her mouth closed. Believe it or not, Ino had a point. Jiraiya must have had a good reason for being away all this time. She had known him for a long time and found him to be a honorable man but this...this was inexcusable and what's really bad is that Jiraiya had known all along who his parents were but never said one fucking thing. "So what do you plan on doing with this information?"

Before Ino could answer, Tenten interrupted. "Why are you asking her? You're the head slave aren't you? You're the one who should decide."

The girl sighed. "While that should be true, master has given us a unique privilege. The law states that any slave that comes across any information, she has the right to make any decision regarding that information. Meaning, she has the ability to either withhold the information completely, share it with her sisters but withhold it from Naruto-sama and it is the same in reverse, and we can share with master but ask to withhold it from the rest of his slaves."

"Won't he get mad at us?"

"Not really." She answered. "He trusts us to have the judgment on what's good for the family and what's bad. If it's harmful to him, we won't tell him. It's up to us to decide if it's worth telling him." She then turned to Ino. "In fact, I'm rather interested in what she decides...and her reasoning for it."

Ino couldn't help but gulp at the face her sister was making. Even though Sakura trusts her judgment, that doesn't mean she likes it and Sakura makes it a practice making sure she knows EXACTLY how she feels about it and basically makes her life a living hell for a while, but she was confident in her decision and Sakura wasn't going to change her mind. "We don't tell him. As much as I want to, the consequences of that will be devastating. Not only will Naruto learn who his godfather is, all of us know EXACTLY how he will react. He'll be shocked at first, but the rage will take over him and he'll demand answers, but eventually, he won't care about his reasons and instead opt to kill the bastard for leaving him alone for so long. If that happens, Kaosu may get out and this time, he may not go back willingly. I'm sure I don't need to tell you Sakura...what happened last time."

"No...you don't." The girl said, slightly shuddering at the memories, the voice within her agreeing.

"But..." Ino continued. "That doesn't mean I want to leave it alone. I want to know exactly why he was gone for so long and why he neglected to at least introduce himself. I'm sure I don't need to ask if both of you want to come with." Seeing both girls nod, she chuckled. "Thought so."

"So you're not going to tell him anything? Not even about Kaosu?" Tenten asked.

"I didn't say that." Tenten perked up, seeing that mischievous smirk on Ino's face. She knew what that meant. "We won't tell him about Jiraiya, but I do want to tell him about everything else. About Kyuubi, Kaosu, and even his mother, but we can't tell him right now. We know what she looks like and what her name is. We know when she gave birth and how she died. We don't know who the father is. I knocked myself out because I lost control over myself when I learned about Kushina."

"So what are you saying sister?" Sakura asked.

"We research. We scrounge around in the different archives. Even if Naruto's father had a lot of influence, there are bound to be some record of her in the old archives. All we have to do is look and we'll be bound to find something. Remember your families scrolls and how they were lost? It took a while but Naruto-sama was able to find them again. It's the same thing here. I'll have the advantage because of my abilities. I'll be able to tell if someone is keeping something from me."

"I'll be able to look through the medical and administration archives." Sakura stated. "I got the credentials to go through them. You still got your credentials?"

Ino nodded. "Yeah, from when master asked me to find something for him. I'll go through academia records as well as the I/T records. Maybe they got a file on her."

Sakura nodded. "But we'll have to make sure we do this right. It's hard enough to lie to him but we can only do this on our spare time. We can't ask for time off all the time, he'll suspect something."

"I agree."

"Umm..." Both girls turned and faced Tenten, who looked very lost. "I'm all for finding out who his parents are but what can I do? I don't have anything letting me search through anything. I don't have the connections you guys have."

"Not really." Sakura said. "Remember what I said before, about the privileges you get becoming his slave? One of those is trust. If Naruto-sama trusts you and allows you out on your own, then you get respect and trust in return. They know how paranoid he is and if he has any reason to doubt you, they will know and they'll treat you accordingly."

"So they won't ask any questions when you try and get credentials for me?"

"Oh they'll ask questions, just not as much as they would normally ask for someone else. Naruto-sama will be informed when we get your credentials but I don't think he'll make a big deal out of it."

"I heard they jacked up the fee." Ino added. "It'll be expensive."

"Ah, we can afford it. But what I want to know is, when master wakes up, how you will lie to him when he asks you about it?"

"I got that covered Saku-chan." Ino looked up at the clocked and winced. "Damn we spent a long time in here. We should get going. Why don't you take Tenten to the administration building and get the paperwork filled out? I got a report to create and a lot of explaining to do to the Hokage and Ibiki. When it's time to confront Jiraiya, we'll do it together."


The few days after proved to be hard for the girls. It was hard because they had a lot to do without Naruto knowing about it and that, in itself, was hard because he likes to know where his pets are at all times. Sakura was able to get proper credentials for Tenten to let her explore and search old archives. Despite the questions and the absolutely ridiculous fee, she was granted the credentials and Naruto-sama was informed. Thankfully, he really didn't ask that many questions about why. Speaking of Naruto, he was starting to ignore his wives and soon to be wife in favor of training. Something came over him and he has been obsessed with improving himself ever since. They were glad that he was training but sometimes he was pushing himself really hard and ended up passing out in exhaustion, leaving the girls to either carry him back home or intervene before he pushes himself too far.

Of course, just the fact that he was ignoring them means that if they didn't masturbate at least once a day, their bodies start burning up.

But for some strange reason, one day, Naruto didn't do a single thing. It looked like he was fixing to go out to train like he usually does but then he stopped, a confused look on his face. Before Tenten could ask what was going on, he immediately turned around and marched up to his room, slammed his door and locked it and stayed in his room for the rest of the day. Sakura and Ino were already out so Tenten took it upon herself to cancel her plans for the day and stay and keep an eye on Naruto. After a while, she was getting worried so she put her ear to the door and tried to hear in the room. However, not five minutes in, the door suddenly flew open and Tenten found herself falling into Naruto's arms.

"I'm an idiot." He had said after Tenten got back onto her feet. "I'm a fucking idiot." He grabbed her arms and pulled her close so that they were face to face. "Want to know why? I have all these ways to summon you when I need you but I never considered having a way for you to summon me." Tenten could only stammer as Naruto shook her once before letting her go. He then gave her a strange order.

He ordered her to smack him hard in the back of the head.

Tenten was going to refuse but Naruto held up a finger and said he wasn't going to take no for an answer. He turned to his side and pointed to the back of his head. She didn't know what to do. She couldn't hurt him but then she couldn't disobey him, but then she remembered something Sakura once told her. `If master ever asks you to smack him in the back of the head, it's because he realized/remembered/figured out something that he should've done before. He's feeling very stupid at that point and wants someone to knock him straight. So when he asks you, do it...as hard as you can.' Tenten gulped but steeled herself anyway. She cocked her hand back and delivered a hard smack to the back of Naruto's head.

The boy yelped and the girl was worried she did it too hard but when Naruto thanked her, she knew she was alright. Tenten suddenly yelped when Naruto grabbed her and yanked on her arm when Naruto started running to the front door. She had no idea what was going on but Naruto knew something and all she could do was roll with the punches. She eventually found herself being dragged to the I/T division and standing beside the door while Naruto conversed with Ibiki. Thanks to her supped up hearing, she could hear their conversation. Naruto wants to have a seal etched on him, one that all his pets have and let them call him if there is an emergency. Ibiki asks if Naruto is sure and Naruto nods, saying that he should've done this a long time ago.

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