Different world of Naruto's sexual life

Chapter 41: Chapter 31 Part 2

Tenten smiled and nodded, turning around and getting onto her knees so Naruto could get onto her back. Ino quickly locked the wheels and moved to the side so she could help him get onto Tenten's back. Naruto grunted as Ino helped him out of the chair and maneuver him onto Tenten's back. With the braces on Naruto, he couldn't hang on as well but his arm was braced in a way that'll let him hang on. It's been a while since Tenten had to carry Naruto so when Naruto put all his weight on Tenten, she noticed a difference. "Damn master...you really need to lay off the ramen." She muttered as Naruto got himself comfortable. Naruto only chuckled as Tenten stood up.

"Looks like you're ready to go." Sakura said, getting back, a smile on her face looking at Naruto getting comfortable.

"You get everything settled?" Ino asked.

"Yeah. We can go."

Adjusting Naruto's position, Tenten and her sisters set out toward their home. For Tenten, she was worried about retribution from the various families that were affected by her slaughter so her eyes kept going back and forth, watching for attackers. Naruto, noticing Tenten's tense body, knew why she was so worried so he wanted to calm her down. With his non-braced hand, he moved his hand around her neck, up her cheeks, gently caressing it. "It's alright my little minx..." He cooed, using his pet nickname for her. "If anyone is going to hurt you, they have to go through me."

"That doesn't really make me feel better you know?"

Naruto chuckled and rested his hand on Tenten's right cheek. "It's alright darling. Tell you what...I'm hungry. Why don't we go get something to eat? I'm in the mood for some meat."

However, before she could respond, someone else answered for her. "Absolutely not."

Naruto and Tenten both looked at Sakura who, in addition to having her arms crossed, had a stern look on her face. "You heard the doctor. We go straight home so he can rest."

"Ah come on mom..." Naruto whined like a little child, hoping that the humor would lighten Sakura up. "You know how bad the hospital food is and I didn't get any breakfast. You don't love me mom." Naruto whimpered and put on a sad face.

Sakura's face softened but just for a moment as she steeled herself. "You know I love you honey but you know as well as I do your taste buds have gotten used to the first class food we get. There's nothing wrong with the hospital food. We'll be home soon."

"But I'm hungry NOW!"

"You can wait until we get home. There's plenty of food at home."

"Sakura, I'm hungry and I want to eat." The instant Naruto called Sakura by her name, the playful banter was over and he was getting serious.

Sakura narrowed her eyes and closed in on him. "Your safety is my concern. Considering your state, I don't want you in any one place at one time. I want you home immediately." Naruto narrowed his eyes as Sakura stopped in front of her and locked her eyes to his. They started a staring contest. Sakura wanted him home and safe. They had good food at home, but Naruto's stomach is something he always listens to and it's difficult to turn his ear away from it.

Tenten, sensing growing hostility and a sense of self-preservation, decided to intervene.

She quickly turned around, forcing Naruto's sight to move away from Sakura. "Now now you two...let's just calm down here." Thankfully, Tenten could sense tempers calming down a bit so she continued. "I got an idea. Why don't we compromise?" She waited for acknowledgment for her master and sister before continuing. Naruto grunted and to Tenten, that was an acknowledgment. She turned toward Sakura, just in time to see her shrug. "Alright, here's what I'm thinking. It's still a ways home so Sakura can go to the market and pick up some finger snacks as quick as possible and pick up some fresh meat from the butcher. How does that sound?" The boy on her back just shrugged and laid his head down. "Good...now how about you Saku?"

"I actually have a problem with that." Naruto's eyes flickered to Sakura. "None of us have any money and the lines are always full at this time."

"I went to the bank earlier and filled up everybody's wallet." Ino added.

Sakura's hand went to her back pocket and withdrew her wallet and indeed found it full of money. However, hers alone would not cover the cost of feeding everybody's appetite. "Pull out your wallets."


"If I'm going to feed all of you, then I need all of your money."

"Alright alright."

Ino quickly withdrew her wallet and tossed it to Sakura who, after checking it, stuffed it in her wallet and withdrew Tenten's wallet and stuffed it in her pocket. "I'll be back as quickly as I can." Ino waved as Sakura turned and started walking. She was actually relieved that she didn't ask where the money came from. Sakura never liked anybody handling her money. However, the instant she finished that thought, Sakura froze with a foot in the air. Very slowly, Sakura turned around with a look in her eyes. "Exactly...whose account did you withdraw this money?"

Ino froze, mentally cursing herself for jinxing her safety. "Umm...yours?" No point in lying. She'll just get it worse later on.

Sakura sucked in her breath for a moment before she let it out. "Next chance I get, I'm checking my bank account. See you later."

Ino let out a sigh of relief when Sakura left. Thankfully she knew she did no wrong so she was in the clear. Shaking her head to snap her out of it, she motioned to Tenten and they got walking again. What Tenten said was true, they had a ways to go before they get home and give Sakura plenty of time to get her stuff. During the trip, no one bothered them. They stayed out of their way and it looked like the civilians were going out of their way to stay away from Tenten. In no time at all, Sakura came back, hands full of bags of food. The instant Sakura was in touching distance of Ino, she relieved her burdens onto Ino with a angry look in her eyes. Ino gulped but quietly took the bags, keeping silent as she dug into the bag for Naruto's snack and went to the side where Naruto's head was.

"Any trouble?" Naruto asked, opening his mouth to let Sakura plop in a dango ball.

"Nah...no one gave me any trouble." She answered, putting a couple of pocky sticks in his mouth. "They mostly stayed away from me actually."

"Well that's good." He mumbled, still chewing on the pocky sticks. "As long as they don't bother us, I don't care. Are we home yet?"

"Almost." Tenten answered.

"In any case, when we get home, you're going straight to bed."

Naruto chuckled as Sakura put some more snacks in Naruto's mouth. "Whatever you say mother."

Sakura smiled and patted her master's head before feeding him some more. Despite the new information she learned, she loved being his mother. It was so fulfilling, taking care of him. It fulfilled a deep need of hers to take care of her master in any and all ways possible. It started as just a passing comment but then the idea grew in both of their minds and they slowly started this roleplay. It helped him. When he gets all emotional about his parents, she knew the cure to it and that was to act like a mother to him, to help him cope with the thought that his mother is gone. However, her thoughts were interrupted when something triggered her senses. "Ino."

"Roger." In a wisp of a breeze, Ino created a cloaked clone and jumped in the trees to check who was following them. However, when she saw who was following them, she was really confused. Disappearing in smoke, she transferred her memories to the real Ino. "It's Shikamaru." She said, causing everybody to look at her. "He's following us."

"You sure he's not out for a walk?"

"No, his eyes are fixed on us."

"I'll take care of him." Sakura decided, slowing down and leaning against a tree, handing the bag of snacks to Ino so she can keep feeding him. While the rest of the family continued on, Sakura stayed behind, waiting for Shikamaru to walk by. He finally passed by a few minutes. "So what can I do for you Shikamaru?"

The boy with the pineapple hair paused, looking at Sakura. He had that curious look on his face that Sakura knew is bad news. "I wanted to talk with Tenten if you don't mind."

"Actually..." Sakura said when he continued walking. "I do mind. This is a really bad time."

"I just want to ask her a couple of questions."

Despite Sakura's objections, Shikamaru continued on but before he could get a few steps in, Sakura grabbed his arm, stopping him in his tracks. "I said you cannot speak to her." Shikamaru winced at the vice-like grip she had on his arm. "She's just been through a terrible ordeal and needs some time to recover."

"That's precisely what I wanted to ask her about."

Shikamaru tugged on his arm but Sakura only strengthened her grip to the point where it was getting painful. "Like I said...she needs to recover and you asking questions about what happened is not going to help any. Maybe after the exams, she'll be better but she needs to be with family right now." Shikamaru tugged on his arm again but this time, Sakura pulled and wrapped her arm around his neck, whispering in his ear. "If I see you near her before she's ready, I'm going to castrate you and make sure you feel it for a very...long...time. Do you understand me?"

"Crystal." Shikamaru grunted, Sakura's arm tight around his neck.

Satisfied with his answer, she let go of Shikamaru and he fell to the ground, the boy coughing at the pressure exerted on his neck. He looked up, only to find the girl gone. He narrowed his eyes. Her reaction only fueled his desire to find out what the truth was in the Uzumaki family. What was really going on between them?


"So...any problems?" Ino asked when Sakura finally caught up to them. She wasn't gone that long but a lot can happen in just a couple of minutes.

"Shika's getting curious. He wanted to talk with Ten about what happened. I told him that he can't, not for a while anyway. Hopefully, he'll stay away for now."

"I still don't see why we can't just tell him. If he hears it from us then it'll go better right?" Tenten asked, the boy she's holding having a light nap.

"We prefer if nobody knows. Less complications and less questions." The pinkette answered, sighing as she scratched her head. "Plus, less judging, but if he wants him to know, he tell him. Right now, I just want everybody to recover."

About half an hour later, they finally arrived home. When they got close, Sakura noticed that the windows were open. When asking why, Ino replied that she thought it'll be good for the house to get some fresh air breezing though the rooms and that she made sure they were also secured.

However, Sakura failed to notice Tenten's momentary face of horror.

As Sakura dug into her pockets for the keys, she asked Tenten to wake Naruto up since he fell into a light nap. While Tenten did that, Sakura unlocked the door and then froze when she felt cold air pass by her. She made a curious sound as she put her hands down. "Huh...that's weird. I thought that it was a nice, warm day today."

"Yeah...why do you ask?" Said Ino, not sure where Sakura was going with this.

"So why does it seem like it's freezing inside?

Naruto, now awake, perked up at the question, really interested in the answer, more so because he felt Tenten tense up.

"Well?" Sakura asked, turning around and crossing her arms, staring at both Ino and Tenten. "Explain...someone." At once, both the girls started speaking, their voices overlapping each other. From what Sakura was able to discern, someone had the idea to turn on the air conditioner and then someone decided to open the windows but the former thought the latter shut the A/C off but she really didn't because the latter thought the former shut it off. Sakura held up a hand and both of them immediately shut up, the boy Tenten's holding smiling as he was enjoying the scene. "So let me get this straight...for the past day and a half, the both of you saw fit to air condition the entire FUCKING VILLAGE?" Sakura's voice raised by several octaves, her anger taking its peak. The girls started talking again, their voices once again overlapping each other to try and save their hides but Sakura once again put up her hand and silenced them. "Do you know how much money you wasted? Do you realize just how fucking HUGE the next bill is going to be? If the A/C is on full blast...god help me when I see that bill. Don't you know that he hates money being wasted? You're going to get punished. Oh you are SO getting punished." Sakura turned toward Naruto and that smile on his face and that proud look in his eyes. "Well, what say you?"

Tenten seemed to remember that she was carrying Naruto and she looked back, a horrified and scared look on her face as well as an equal look on Ino's as well. He stayed silent for a bit, looking at each of them, a completely neutral expression on his face. Ino was definitely scared but she didn't risk reading his mind. She seen his mind when he was at his worst and she always stayed out since then. Finally, Naruto sighed and spoke. "You know what...I don't really care right now. I'm tired, I'm hungry. I want to go to bed and eat. When the bill comes, that's when I'll get angry but for now...bedtime. I'll leave their punishments up to you Saku. Do what you want to them."

"Anything?" Sakura asked, a hopeful tone in her voice.

"Sure...why not? Just make sure they can function tomorrow."

The instant he said that, a full blown maniacal grin appeared on Sakura's lips. She brought her hands up and cracked her knuckles, causing both girls to gulp audibly in fear. "Oh...I'm going to enjoy this. Ino...shut all the windows and turn the air off. After that, get started on master's food. Be quick about it too. When you're finished with that, go downstairs and wait for me." Ino quickly nodded and ran off, leaving the tree behind. "As for you Ten..." Tenten gulped again as Sakura turned toward her. "Put master to bed. After that, help Ino with the food. None of you will get any supper tonight. When you're finished with that, wait with Ino downstairs." Tenten nodded and walked into the house, followed by Sakura after the shut and locked the door. Sakura followed Tenten and her master up the stairs and into his bedroom.

As gently as she could, Tenten deposited Naruto onto the bed and covered him with the sheets. She still sported that terrified look on her face and that smirk on Naruto's face wasn't helping any. When Tenten was finished, she bowed in respected and whispered an apology to him before walking away, keeping her head bowed and out of sight of Naruto's gaze. When she turned around and lifted her head at the door, she came face to face with a frowning Sakura. "Get the fuck out of my sight." Tenten whimpered and quickly scampered away, joining her sister in the kitchen to speed up the process of making Naruto's food. "I swear, those two are as dumb as those porn stars who can't memorize a single line." Sakura said, shaking her head before turning toward Naruto. "Well, I better go make sure they don't burn your food. It'll be ready in a few minutes. Please try and stay awake until then. I don't want to have you fuck up your supper because of your usual violent reactions." Naruto chuckled and waved to Sakura, leaning back onto the wall.

When Sakura got downstairs, she leaned against the kitchen frame, watching her sister bustle about in the kitchen, being as fast as they can trying to make Naruto's supper. Of course, with the girl just minutes away from torturing them watching them, they were extremely nervous and their bodies reflected it and it was a little difficult to work with the food without dropping anything. However, that thought caused them to get even more worried. The punishment seals on their bodies can also be activated by Sakura considering she's the head slave.

That fear was justified, however, as Sakura made a hand seal and immense pain racked through Tenten's body, the pot in her hands, threatening to spill the contents but Tenten was trained enough to keep the organic contents of the pot in the pot. "Hurry up slut..." Sakura's voice spoke to her. "Master's waiting for his food."

"Ye-yes ma-am." The affects still tingling in her body, she managed to set the pot down and take out the contents and put them onto the plate. Once the girls set the bed tray and finalized it, Ino grabbed it and started her trek to Naruto's bedroom, however, Sakura stepped in front of her.

"I'll take the food up for you." Sakura yanked the tray out of Ino's hands, the girl scooting back in fear. "Now...the both of you, go downstairs, enema yourselves, and wait for me." The girls nodded and bowed their heads, walking past Sakura as she kept her eyes on them. She smirked and licked her lips in anticipation of what she was about to do in just a few minutes. Decided that she couldn't wait, she barked, the two girls screaming and bolting from the spot to the dungeons. She walked up the stairs, but stumbled a bit when the food shifted and she reacted to stop that. When Sakura managed to get up to his room, she was thankful to see that Naruto was still awake. "Glad to see you're up."

"Well you know me Sakura...I would stay up for food. What did you get for me?"

Sakura chuckled and approached the bed, setting the tray on it and letting Naruto see what they made for him. Two large steaks, well done, with some BBQ sauce. A couple of bowls of homemade ramen along with a pitcher of water.

It was a light supper.

"Looks delicious." Naruto started with the ramen first. "So...what are you going to do with your sisters?"

"You really want to know right now?" Sakura asked, a smile on her face.

Naruto chuckled and shook his head. "Nah...tell me about it after the fact."

Sakura smirked and nodded, standing up and bowing her head before walking out of the room. When she was out of the room and out of sight, she lifted her head and a full blown, absolutely evil grin was on her face. There was one more thing on Naruto's serving tray that would appeared when she left the room. A pair of nose plugs and he was smart enough to know what that meant.

It was time.

Time for her sisters to face her punishments. She quickly ran into her room and to her closet and went directly to the leather section. Since she knew Naruto was confined to the bedroom, there wouldn't be any risk of him going feral because of the smell. If she was going to punish her sisters, then she was going to feel good doing it and nothing feels good then leather against her skin and high heals on her feet. After getting dressed, she checked herself in the mirror and nodded.

When she got out of her room, she walked down the hallway. When she passed by Naruto's open door, she slowed down a little bit, letting Naruto have a peek of what she had planned after she was done with the punishments. By the time she reached the steps, she was getting horny already. The dildo she put inside her was teasing her with every movement she made. She wasn't going to turn it on, she'll save that for the screams the girls were going to make. She quickly made her way toward the entrance to the basement, her boots having a higher volume thanks to the stone steps and she smirked.

If the door downstairs was open, then they could hear her coming down the stairs and started, if not already, quivering in fear.

However, when she got downstairs, the only door that was open was the one on the right but there was only a tiny crack, but that still meant they could hear her. She slowed down her pace a bit, making it seem more dramatic like in a horror movie with the slow steps of doom. When she got to the door, she put on her best face and slowly opened the door, seeing the two girls huddled against the corner, holding each other to try and comfort one another. "Alright girls..." Sakura announced, cracking her knuckles. "Time to play..."


When Naruto heard the click-clack of boots coming up the stairs, he quickly stuffed the nose plugs into his nose and made sure he couldn't smell anything. When Sakura walked by earlier, he saw her outfit. It's been a while since he had seen Sakura in one of her leather outfits and he became understandably excited. Not lustful excited but regular excited as he wasn't really in the mood for an arousal right now and when she came back, he wasn't going to have his body go through the experience at such a time.

It's been a few hours since Sakura left to punish his pets. In that time, Naruto had finished his light meal. He was full right now and was now ready to sleep but when he saw the nose plugs, he knew she had one last thing she wanted to do with him. His eyes flickered to the edge of the door when the sound of the boots came closer. Suddenly, a black boot appeared and soon the rest of the body followed. Naruto smiled and leaned back as Sakura walked in, her hands behind her back as she smiled. "I'm back." She said, removing the tray off the bed and onto the floor.

"You look satisfied." Naruto commented, seeing that euphoria on Sakura's face. Sakura nodded as she straightened up, but Naruto's eyes roamed over Sakura's leather clad body, thankful that Sakura had the foresight to put the plugs on his tray. Naruto patted the bed and Sakura sat, letting Naruto take her hands and pull her body down so she was laying right next to him. "So...if I know you as well as I think I do, I know you had an extremely fun time being a sadist." In his arms, Sakura smiled and nodded, cuddling up to the boy. "So tell me what you did to them...in great detail."

"Well...let me see..." Sakura started, caressing Naruto's bare chest with her hand. "The girls were deathly afraid and Ino even tried to beg for her life. I, of course, smacked her pretty for that comment and decided to start with her, but before I even got started, Junko started begging me to let her help. Me being in a good mood, I let her out, but the first round was on me and I was in such a sadistic mood." Naruto chuckled and settled down himself. This sounded like an interested tale. "So I decided to start off light. I had Junko get a solid punching bag from storage and lay it on the ground. As I said before, I wanted to start with Ino first so I tied her to the bag and hung it up. Of course, Ino figured out what I planned and started to struggle but was unable to escape as I wrapped my hands and put my punching gloves on. Well, not the gloves but I wrapped my hands. I mostly focused on her body and only threw a couple of punches to her face, broke her nose."

"Did she piss all over herself?"

"Actually she did. After a few punches to the stomach, she lost control of her bowels and pissed everywhere. I'm grateful she didn't have any solids in her as it was better to clean up after. I spent about half an hour on her before I stopped. I went easy on her as this was just a warm-up so she dropped to the ground after I cut the ropes and dragged her away while Junko tied Tenten to the punching bag. I spent the next half hour working Tenten over, getting into the shoes of a mobster, punishing somebody for not paying their rent. It was quite fun as I haven't played like that in a while. I even played with the knife a bit, getting her scared."

"You didn't actually use it did you?"

"Nah...just to scare her." Sakura moaned a bit as she adjusted her position, moving her leg over Naruto's and nuzzling her face into Naruto's neck. "I decided to stick with Ino while Junko dealt with Tenten. I knew Ino would be more fun to me as I know her intimately. During the hours, me and Junko switched a few times. Now for what I did to Ino? I mostly played off of her fears, namely, the cold. I won't bore you with everything I did but I'll name some points. Once I put her on one of the bondage frames that held up upside down. I had previously prepared a gallon of ice cold water, as cold as I could make it. The first thing I did was to fill up her pussy and womb as much as I could, to the point that her belly almost expanded, and I sealed it up."

"How bad was it?"

"How bad?" Sakura asked, chuckling. "From the instant the first drop hit inside her, she was screaming and howling, trying her best to escape. When she was filled up, she was in tears and begging and begging. However, I wasn't done. I got a syringe and filled it up with the cold water and I plunged it all into her ass. Over and over again." Naruto chuckled as he imagined it. He could see it perfectly. "But I wasn't done. I got a bunch of ice cubes, rectangular I might add, and I shoved them in her. Oh man...that girl was just screaming in pain, but you know what...I still wasn't done. To top it off, I charged up the generator and used the small prodding attachments, not the big ones as I wanted her to retain the water in her." Sakura smiled and licked her lips. "She pleaded and pleaded but I still shocked her. It's really fun, hearing her beg like that, only for me to just ignore her and do it anyway."

Naruto chuckled and patted Sakura's head, kissing her forehead as the girl giggled. "Why do you think I love torturing so much? So what did Junko do to Tenten?"

"I'm...not exactly sure. I been focusing on Ino so much, I didn't really pay attention to Junko and the girl isn't really in a talkative mood right now."

"Why not?"

"She's currently sleeping in bliss, occasionally licking her lips like she was dreaming."

"Ah...makes sense. So are the girls able to be able to standing on their own two feet?"

"By tomorrow? Yeah, they should." Sakura sat up, looking a Naruto as she realized something. "Why are you so concerned about tomorrow?"

"I got plans for tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? After what happened?"

Naruto groaned, recognizing Sakura's tone. "Sakura, don't get started with me. I had plans for a while now."

"No Naruto." Sakura got off the bed and stood up, crossing her arms in the process. "You need to rest. Why are you so focused on getting out? The exam is in a couple of days. What is wrong with you? Naruto...what is going on?"

When Naruto noticed that Sakura left out the -sama suffix, he knew she was serious and figured they were continuing their previous conversation. "To be honest, I don't really know."

"You don't know?" Sakura repeated. "You don't KNOW?" Naruto winced as Sakura started shouting. "For the past few weeks, you have been obsessed with training and forcing yourself into complete exhaustion! You are barely able to stagger home. We have to find you and carry your ass here. It's like you're possessed or something, the way you train. It's like you don't even realize the outside world."

"Sakura, I..."

Naruto tried to speak but was interrupted by Sakura. "YOU WENT INTO THE SECULDED TRAINING GROUNDS! The same grounds you forbad us and yourself from going into because it is so secluded from the village. You know why you banned us from the grounds? BECAUSE NOBODY WILL KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU IF SOMETHING HAPPENED! Even though there are patrols in the grounds, that's not a guarantee they'll save you. We always stuck to the training grounds on the outer edge so that THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN! What the FUCK made you decide to go deep?"

Naruto opened his mouth to speak, but he stopped, closing it and sporting a face that told Sakura he didn't have an answer. Sakura scoffed and crossed her arms. "That's what I thought. I don't know what's going on with you, but I hope you realize that it's not just you anymore. You have a life now...you have responsibilities...you have us. You swore to yourself when you got me that you would not do anything to risk your life so you can live a long life with me. Even though you haven't toned down your pranks, well not in the beginning, you made sure that you didn't do anything life threatening. Is it because of the exams, you have some need to prove yourself in front of the village's representatives? You don't need to push yourself so much. You've grown so much in such a short time that you don't need to push yourself so much. Even Jiraiya commented that you were pushing yourself too much." Sakura sighed and rubbed her forehead. "Look, maybe this is just a phase or something but you need to snap out of it. Naruto...look at me. LOOK at me!" Naruto had turned his head away from Sakura so she shouted to get his attention back. "Do you see this?" Sakura motioned toward her body. "You see this body? This is yours. Completely and utterly yours. My mind, my body, my soul, my heart is all yours to do with as you wish. Do you realize how we felt when we realized you almost died? It was such a horrible feeling, completely devastating. Now I was you to imagine our positions were reversed. What if you came to the hospital and was told I was dead? Huh? Because of a senseless and completely unnecessary death? HOW THE HELL WOUD YOU FEEL SEEING MY COLD, MOTIONLESS BODY LIEING ON THAT COLD AUTOSPY TABLE? HOW THE FUCK WOULD YOU FUCKING FEEL KNOWING THAT I WAS DEAD AND YOU DIDN'T DO A FUCKING THING ABOUT IT?" Sakura was raving mad, her fists were clenched and already drew blood.

There were rare times when Sakura and Junko would merge together, their personalities joining together because of rage and in even rare occasions, extreme passion. This was one of those times. Both Junko and Sakura were in complete agreement in their rage at Naruto's stupidity that almost got him killed and because of Kyuubi's influence on her body; her fangs, eyes, and nails changed to a feral-like state, showing Naruto just how fucking serious Sakura was. "You know what..." Sakura said, unclenching her tensed body. "Just to show you I'm serious, I'm going to leave now and none of us will help you tonight. You will be completely on your own."

Sakura twirled around and started walking away, the blonde haired boy eye's widened as he realized that she's abandoning him. "But...Saku..."

The girl twirled around, one of the angriest faces he had ever seen on her occupying it. "ON YOUR OWN!" She stomped away, passing by an open drawer that convientely held Naruto's spying ball and swiped it, reaching the door and turning about. "TRY AND LIVE WITHOUT US AND SEE HOW LONG YOU CAN SURVIVE!"

With that, Sakura slammed the door, leaving an utterly shocked Naruto behind.


Sakura felt the rush of anger in her system as she slammed the door. Horrified and yet so proud at what she just did. Shouting at Naruto and declaring the pets off-limits to him is surely a death sentence but Sakura didn't really care. All she wanted was for Naruto to learn a lesson that he can't be so self-destructive anymore. Despite the blood pounding in her ears, she heard a whimpering sound to her side and she looked to see both of her sisters, still wounded, leaning and sitting against the wall, horrified at what just happened, what she just did.

They heard her loud and clear.

Tucking the scroll in one of the straps in her outfit, she grabbed both of them and started dragging them to her room. She meant what she said. None of them was going to help him for tonight so he could learn a lesson. Sakura wasn't gentle with her sisters as she threw them onto her bed, before shutting and locking the door.

"What...the h-hell is...going on?" Ino asked, wondering what the hell is going on, coughing a little.

Sakura didn't give an immediate answer as she plopped herself down onto her bed, holding the scroll in her hands, her grip on it really tight. Despite their eavesdropping, they weren't exactly sure what happened, their attention mostly focused on their healing injuries, but when Sakura screamed and threw the scroll onto the bed before burying her head in her hands, they knew there was something more to it. "Why am I so violent?" Sakura reached down to her nether regions and pulled out a dildo and threw it away. "WHY THE HELL AM I SO FUCKING POSSESED?" She screamed to the heavens, clenching her hands in anger and once again drawing blood from her elongated nails.

"Saku...what's wrong? What happened in there?"

The pink haired girl panted before relaxing, her hair hiding her face as she dropped it. "I mouthed off more then I should have. That damn girl inside me merged with me and we told him off." Sakura scoffed and turned her head away, showing the girls an expression that she was mad at herself. "I think I did more damage than the attack did. If it wasn't for the fact that I know this reaction is a part of me, I would have myself locked up pending psych eval." Sakura sighed and moved her hair away. "But...to be honest, I realize that everything I said is the truth and everything I wanted to say I said. If he's stupid enough to...you know what, I can't even say it. God, I just wish (sob) he be (sob) more consid-sob-erate of (sob) us..." Sakura burst out crying, burying her head in her hands as the grief once again took her over.

Her sisters came to comfort her, however, as they didn't want her to be sad, but when Ino put her hand on Sakura's arm, the girl jerked and muttered `don't touch me' and the girls stayed away from Sakura while she cried. "What am I going to do?" She wailed, pounding on her thighs. "I have never argued with him as much as I did and for what? To hurt him more emotionally? For the fuck I know, I made him to be just like Sasuke. Cold and withdrawn." The pinkette sighed. "And even if I didn't, the punishments I'm sure I'm going to go through is going to be harsh and nothing I never felt before and that's saying something."

"Now that I don't believe." Ino spoke, drawing Sakura's attention to her. "Naruto-sama knows that you always have his best interest in mind, no matter what happens. I bet tomorrow morning, things will cool off and he'll be back to his usual self in no time at all."

That was a lie and she knew it.

Naruto never forgets what had been said and done to him. When you get right down to it, Sakura did one of the most unforgivable things a slave could do. Resist and deny her master the right to her body. She told him straight and true that she wasn't going to help him and Naruto was certainly going to remember that the next morning. Her sisters could try and plead her case but in the end, it all boils down to Naruto and his decision.

"If I die..." Sakura suddenly said. "Know that I never meant any harm to him. I just wanted what was best for him."

"Sakura, you're not going to die." Tenten spoke. "Imprisoned probably but not death." When Sakura didn't really budge, Tenten went on. "Hey, I know, why don't we check in on him? I bet he's sleeping."

Sakura hesitated for a moment before nodding, grabbing the scroll and unsealing it, revealing the crystal ball. Beside Naruto, Sakura is the only one who can use it. Despite the trust Naruto has in his other pets, Sakura is the only one who Naruto feels can handle the responsibility of having such an ability to spy on her family members.

Of course, that doesn't stop him from being paranoid about it.

Sakura placed her hands on the ball, closing her eyes and pouring her chakra into it, her mind thinking about who she wanted to see and the ball listening to it, its senses expanding to find the person. When it found him, the cloud inside swirled around and cleared. However, when the ball cleared, it revealed a sight that completely destroyed the sister's mood.

Naruto was crying heavily, a pillow crushed against his face as he let out his tears.

Almost immediately after the sight registered in Sakura's mind, she shut off the connection, tears once again gathering up in her eyes. Tenten apologized, knowing it was her fault, but Sakura didn't hear her, she was too indulged in her sadness. Ino took Sakura's hand in hers and gently massaged it. "Why don't we go to bed? Maybe in the morning things will be better. We'll stay with you for tonight."

"Thank you."


Despite the comfort of her sisters, Sakura had a hard time falling asleep. She was too worried about the boy in the next room, but she managed to fall asleep with the aid of her sisters. The next morning, Sakura was the first one up and had to wrestle herself out of the girl's grip. Her stomach was the first one to speak and she held her stomach as she walked out of the room and down the hallway, but when she passed by Naruto's room, she stopped and peeked in. He seemed to be sleeping peacefully but things could change when he wakes up. Deciding to give him some more moments of peace, she passed him by and continued downstairs.

However, when she started walking down the stairs, she noticed her own footsteps and she soon realized that she was still wearing yesterday's leather outfit but she didn't care. She may need that advantage when Naruto wakes up and comes for her.

Reaching the kitchen, she quickly gathered her food to quell her stomach. She wanted to eat quickly so she would be ready in case Naruto suddenly wakes up and goes for her. As she eat, she wondered the paths today might go. On the one hand, Naruto could go the angry route and end up torturing her the whole day and finish it off by sending her off to the prisons for even thinking about trying to deny him her body.

Sakura shuddered at the thought. Ibiki's jails were never a pleasant place to be in and it wasn't because of the fact there wasn't any sunlight in the rooms. His goons made jail life unpleasant, even the ones that know her.

Now on the other hand, Naruto could understand what she was trying to do and give her a peck on the cheek and let her have an entire day in the tentacle room.


Okay, maybe that last part was a bit far-fetched but one could dream could she? At the very least, he could give her a grunt or even a look in her direction that told her he understood. She really hoped that he understood because even though she could take his tortures, she could only enjoy it when he is enjoying it and thus allow her to enjoy it without worrying about dying from an intentional whip strike to the neck. Well, even then when he's whipping her, she's always worried about a slip-up that's going to nick a major artery. There's always some risk when dealing with the whip or anything that can potentially break the skin.

Suddenly, her ears perked up at the sound at footsteps coming down the stairs. From the light sounds, she knew it were her sisters. Naruto's footsteps were heavier so the slaves were able to tell them apart. From the top of her eyes, Sakura saw her sisters take a seat in front of her but she kept on eating, still wanting to finish eating as quick as she could.

"So..." Ino spoke first. "You're going to keep that outfit on?"

"For now."

There was a silence at the table besides the sound of Sakura eating. They weren't sure what to say since it was so close to Naruto waking up and Sakura's fate to be decided by him. Ino knew that Sakura was worried about dying because of how she acted toward him, but what she didn't know is that if Naruto does decide to execute her, they'll fight for her. They won't allow her to die, not after all they been through and all the memories they shared.

Of course, the mere thought of Naruto killing his most favorite and beloved pet was utterly laughable but she, like everybody else, doesn't want to die.

"What am I going to do Ino?" Sakura said. "I did something so horrible to him and I shouldn't have. I was so mean to him, just like in the old days. He didn't deserve that, not at all."

"You did what you thought was right Saku and that's all we could ask for."

"Yeah but...I still shouldn't have done that. Look girls...if I die..."

"You're not going to die." Tenten tried to help but was shot down by a look from Sakura.

"IF I die, I just want you two to know that I never had any intention to harm him. I just wanted to help him." However, before anyone else could speak, there was a loud thud from upstairs causing all the girls to freeze in their tracks. They looked at each other for a second before slowly getting up from their seats and slowly tiptoeing toward the hallway where the stairs were. When they got there, they looked up and saw nothing. They could go up the stairs but quite frankly they were afraid to. "You think he's awake?" Sakura whispered.

"I don't know. One of us should check." Normally there would be an instant volunteer but considering what happened the previous night with him and Sakura, they rather not take the chance of facing Naruto's unholy wrath. They wanted to see him but there was this fear in them that caused them to hesitate. "You know what?" Tenten said, straightening herself up. "We're a bunch of pansies." The girl's sisters stared at the brunette girl as she marched to the stairs. "We've been trained to take his wrath and this is how we act in the face of uncertain death?"

"Easy for you to say." Ino retorted. "You haven't been an inch near death!"

"Well that's a good thing then." Tenten squared up her shoulders and looked up the stairway, but despite her bravery, she was still afraid.

Meanwhile, while the girls were talking amongst themselves, they failed to notice the topic of their conversation crawling on the ceiling like a spider. Naruto felt bold this morning and thought what better way to start a brand new morning then surprising the hell out of his pets. So, getting in position, he put a wicked grin on his face and stopped the flow of chakra to his hands and knees, gravity taking over and letting Naruto plummet to the ground. "BANZAI!" He shouted, his body turning around as he fell so he could land on his feet. He got the reaction he wanted as the girls shrieked in surprise, turning around as Naruto landed. Sakura fell on her butt and scooted back some as did the rest of the girls. "GOOD MORNING UZUMAKI'S!" Naruto shouted, throwing his hands up, and a big smile on his face.

The pets, of course, were a bit shocked at Naruto's sudden actions. They were all expecting him to be moody or depressed or angry, but they never expected him to be so...happy. Sakura quickly stood up and patted herself off as her sisters straightened themselves up, waiting for Naruto's orders.

Right after he finished stretching.

"You know what pets...I feel like having something good for breakfast. Why don't you gals make me something that'll make me feel like I can do anything I want?" The girls quickly nodded and started walking toward the kitchen. Naruto himself stayed where he was though. When Sakura passed him and got a few steps away from him, he spoke. "By the way Sakura..." Sakura froze, knowing she was in trouble. "Why don't you have a seat here and I'll be with you when I'm done?" Sakura stayed planted to the spot even as the girls continued onto the kitchen. She held in her breath as she heard Naruto's footsteps walk toward her, but when Naruto passed her by with nary a word did she start breathing again.

When he disappeared, Sakura took a deep breath and took a seat on a chair, facing another chair, her mind going to the worst.


Unfortunely for Sakura, Naruto didn't stay in the kitchen for breakfast. Not five minutes after Naruto ordered Sakura onto a chair, he came back out holding a big bowl of steaming ramen and plopped down onto a chair directly across from the girl. He didn't speak at first but started eating and stared at Sakura. The girl looked back but with those eyes, she couldn't look at him for long and instead opted to stare at her boots. "Tell me Ino..." Sakura looked up when Naruto started speaking but he wasn't speaking to her but the blonde standing near the entrance to the kitchen. "Have you two eaten yet?"

"No, we haven't." Ino answered.

"Well, go eat something and stay in the kitchen until I call for you and get dressed."

"As you wish my master." Ino and Tenten bowed in respect for him and cloaked themselves as not to disturb Naruto and Sakura, and let poor Sakura handle Naruto alone.

Silence came back into the living room after the girls left and Naruto started eating again. "First of all..." He suddenly spoke. "Take off the outfit."


"The outfit. Take. It. Off." Not wanting to have him repeat himself again, Sakura quickly stood up and started taking her outfit off. It was too bad. She was hoping to use her look to work with her and with him forcing her to take it off, she needed something else working for her. Half-way in the process of taking it off, Naruto spoke again. "In fact, keep the boots on."


"Keep the boots on but take everything else off. There are some clothes on the table over there." Sakura looked where Naruto pointed. It was simple clothes, white t-shirt and shorts, but it was the meaning of it that bothered Sakura. She didn't voice anything though but followed Naruto's orders. After Sakura got dressed, she retook her place and waited once again. When Naruto did finally finish his lunch, he sighed and set the bowl down. "What am I going to do with you Sakura hmm? All these months...you stood by my side, helping me, and now you do something that I never thought you would ever do."


Naruto held up his hand to silence her. "And not to mention that fact that you did it when I almost died. I should've been mad. I was mad but then I was too hurt to be mad."

"Well you see..." Sakura tried to explain but Naruto hushed her again.

"I have to admit. Hearing you, you of all people, talk to me like that. I mean, seriously, all the times we argued, Junko never merged with you, never raised your voice that high. In fact, raising your voice at all was a great surprise. I couldn't even speak, really. So...the question I have been dying to ask ever since you slammed the door on me and left me to wallow in my misery is why. Why would you do this to me? You...who would do anything for me?"

"I..." Now that Sakura finally had a chance to explain, she was at a loss for words. Seriously, she had a whole speech prepared and now that's gone out the window. "To be honest, nothing I could say will excuse me. I treated you horribly I know that but what you did was so reckless so dangerous that I don't even know what to think so yeah, I reacted. Your feelings...I..."

Unfortunately, before Sakura could continue, Naruto roared and lunged at Sakura, his hand closing around her throat and knocking the both of them over the chair and onto the floor. Sakura choked as Naruto tightened his grip on her neck and listened as Naruto spoke in a dark voice. "You have NO idea what I went through after you left. Your words did more then just cut into me. I felt something that I haven't felt in years. When you said to imagine being by myself, I did Sakura and you know what? It was quite vivid what I imagined because you know what? I was alone and it was a feeling I absolutely hated!"

"How did you think I felt?" Sakura croaked out, her hands on Naruto's arm but not resisting it. "My parents died and I was alone for a long time. You don't think I remember that feeling? Ten is the same. She's an orphan...just like you. What she did for you made sure she still had a family to go home to. As for Ino...she hasn't experienced the loneliness that we all have. Would you want her to experience what we all have? Her? The lucky one out of all of us?" That statement form Sakura seemed to have soften Naruto's anger some as he released her neck. "When you get down to it master...we're a family of rejects. All of us have been rejected by something or someone at some point in our lives. Even Ino had her moments. Being crushed with the fact that she couldn't have her crush, it took a toll on her but she recovered as did all of us. We all found our family with each other and I don't want to lose that family and I KNOW you don't either." Naruto backed up some, letting Sakura up. Her words were having quite an impact on him. "What I did to you was to hopefully snap you out of whatever possessed you in the past. Now I'm not saying it was the correct way of doing things but I felt it was the right way." Naruto remained silent as he took in Sakura's words. She was doing well in her attempts to explain herself and Naruto was actually considering letting her off punishment-free.


"So you weren't trying to betray me by leaving me alone?" He asked.

Sakura shook her head, getting her on hands and knees and crawled up to him, getting as close as possible to the boy. "No...I wanted you to realize what you were missing out. I was trying to put you in my shoes. Call me selfish but I felt this was the best way to go. I'm sorry if I hurt you so much but I don't want to lose you because of some stupid reason. All I wanted was for you to stay with us."

"Sakura, I..." Naruto sighed and pushed Sakura off. "I understand that you were trying to help me but what you did to me made me feel like I was alone again and you, out of all of us, know how much I hated that feeling and it really hurts me to say this."

"Master...what are you saying?" Sakura's heart was pumping and her hand slowly moved to her mouth, her body slowly back up.

"I'm saying Sakura...that from now on...you are no longer my slave and will return to your former life as a lonely little pathetic girl."

When Sakura heard those words, those awful words. She couldn't believe it. She really hurt Naruto enough to warrant dismissal. What had happened to her? Did she get so possessed with her ranting that both her and Junko got so angry that she signed her own death warrant?


What was she going to do now? There were so many ramanifications to this that it wasn't even funny. How would she live? How would she make an income? Where would she live? She would have to get a place on the extreme opposite of the village, next to the wall. Naruto wouldn't want to see her, not after what happened. The trust she worked so hard to get from her friends were going to be cut down when they find out what happened. All of her rights would be gone.

She would be just a simple, peasant girl.


A slap on the face and Naruto's shout caused Sakura to realize that what just happened was a sudden and unexpected daydream. Her eyes flickered back and forth as she tried to regain her bearings. "Wha...what's going on?"

"You spaced out when I was trying to say that I think you did a good job. Despite the emotions that I felt due to your words, I understand what you were trying to teach me. You alright Sakura? You look like you seen a ghost or something. Do I need to sic Ino on your mind?"

"No...no, you don't need to do that." Sakura said, shaking her head. "I...I just let my imagination get the better of me."

"You imagined that I let you go didn't you?" He asked after a moment of pause to which Sakura nodded causing Naruto to groan and face palmed. "Sakura, the only reason I would let you go is if you did something worth killing you for, especially to what I consider betrayal. You understand me?"

Sakura nodded. "Yeah, but it doesn't really stop me from worrying you know? So what are we going to do now?"

"Well..." Naruto stood up and took Sakura with him. "I believe that we don't really need to talk about this anymore. I learned my lesson and I think you did as well and won't get so possessed like that again. Now...can you guess what I'm thinking about?"

"I'm not Ino master...the girl refuses to show me how to do that mind thing of hers." Sakura said chuckling, the way Naruto spoke saying that it's all in the past and that it's time to look toward the future.

Naruto chuckled again. "Well I'm thinking that since tomorrow is the exams, we should relax and have a bit of fun. So...TENTEN!" Naruto shouted and not a moment passed before Tenten ran into the room, standing at attention. "You got food in your stomach?" Tenten nodded. "Got any plans for today?" The girl's mouth twitched a bit but she didn't speak. "Well? Speak up girl."

"I...I was hoping to stay in today, con-considering what happened."

"Nonsense!" Naruto took Tenten's arm in his hand. "You're coming out with me today." Tenten's eyes widened as Naruto started dragging her up the stairs.

While Naruto was dragging Tenten up the stairs, Ino quickly rejoined her sister in the living room. Ino wanted to know exactly what was in that daydream of hers but knew better then to ask right now so she'll be content with asking later. "So...that went well." She simply said.

"Extremely." Sakura answered, turning to her friend. "I was expected some sort of physical punishment like a slap on the hand or something like that."

And if by some kind of horrible fate, at that moment, Naruto realized that he forgot something.

"Hey Saku...I forgot something." Sakura didn't even get a chance to turn around before her throat closed up, the seals on her neck activating and choking Sakura for her punishment. Before Ino could blink, Sakura dropped to the floor, choking for air and withered in agony. She looked up the stairway and saw Naruto, face tightened in concentration and hands fixed in the correct seals, staring at Sakura, a evil grin on his face as he seemed clench himself even more. She looked back down to Sakura and her hands clenched around her throat, as if trying to wring invisible hands off of her neck. This was Sakura's physical punishment. Sakura jinxed herself when she wondered why she wasn't hurt and now she was getting hurt.

But Naruto wasn't stopping. Usually he stops after a few seconds but not this time. He was keeping his grip on her neck. Sakura's thrashing was starting to die down and her eyelids started dropping down. "Naruto!" She shouted. "You're going to kill her!"

But he wasn't listening. He kept his eyes fixed on the girl on the ground and her weakening struggles. He was waiting for something. Ino was actually wrong, he couldn't kill her with what he's doing, and the seals prevent that. They were only meant as a punishment method and not an execution method but the extreme limit of what it could do is what he wanted. A few minutes later, Sakura's struggles ceased as she passed out and Naruto smiled, releasing his hold on her and allowing the girl to breathe once again. "That's better. Now..." He turned to Tenten. "Shall we?"

Tenten dumbly nodded and followed Naruto as he went into his bedroom.


Ino sighed as Naruto left, leaving her with an unconscious girl on the floor. She should've known that Naruto would never forget to punish one of his pets. It was one of the few things that he was proud of, keeping them in line. So now with everyone gone, she wasn't sure what to do. Sakura was knocked out and Tenten was scared of going on and Naruto...well, he's Naruto, but that wasn't the major problem for her.

No...her major problem was the news she received via Ibiki a couple days ago concerning her family.

But she kept the news to herself, waiting for the right time to tell them. She wasn't going to tell Naruto that's for sure, at least not until after she told her sisters. She just hoped that she got the chance that she needed.

"HEY, BLONDE SLUT!" Ino snapped out of her musings when Naruto called for her and sighed. There are certain nicknames that told her that he was getting impatient so she best sees what he wanted. She entered the view from the top of the stairs. "Do NOT wake Sakura up. After three hours have passed, then you can wake her up!"

"Yes sir!" Ino took a glance at the clock and saw it was almost 10:30. Two hours? What was he planning?


`Really? You had to say that?' Ino thought with a scoff.


Naruto left, his footsteps going down the hallway and back into his room. It was strange but a second later, Ino heard shouting, arguing as a matter of fact, or rather a one-sided argument as they were loud enough to be heard but not loud enough to be understood. Turning back to her sister, she decided to do her a favor and not leave her looking so pathetic on the floor and quickly dragged her to the couch and put her on it before taking a seat on a chair and waited until Naruto came back down.


When they did come back down and Ino saw the newly dressed Ino, she couldn't help but burst out laughing at the red-faced, spandex-wearing Tenten. In her short time in the family, she never wore spandex on Naruto's orders. Even when she was still on her team, she never wore it. This was her first time and she was embarrassed about it. That must have been what they were arguing about. Her skintight spandex was a mix of black and blue and showed off her body off perfectly and the knee high boots added to the look. I guess Naruto allowed her some modesty as Tenten wore a tight impossibly short skirt that was barely legal and held her weapon scrolls and her pouch wrapped around her right leg, and a backpack on her back. "You finally told her to wear it?" Ino finally said after her laughter died down.

"Well, she was being all depressed about going out so I thought I put this on her." Naruto chuckled and slapped Tenten's butt, causing her to squeal in surprise. "I want people to know that despite what happened, she's still has her head up high."

Ino chuckled and stood up, walking toward the girl and looked at her, going behind her and placing her arms above Tenten's shoulder, pressing her body up against Tenten's back. "So...you feel good?"

"A little...but I never wore something like this out in public." Tenten answered. "I don't know how I'm supposed to feel."

"You're fine with the whole incident right?" Tenten nodded. "Then show it. Don't show any embarrassment. Just let yourself feel good and reflect it." Ino turned to Naruto. "So...what are your plans for today?"

"Well, I'm just going to do some stuff, visit some people for a while. Now you on the other hand, will stay here until either Sakura wakes up or you get her up. After that, you can do what you want, go where you want. I don't care." Ino resisted the urge to react. "So does that mean I can go see my parents?"

"Yeah, like I said, I don't care, BUT I expect all of you to be at the library at exactly 1:45 p.m."

"Well...alright. You keep saying everybody but it's just the two of us."

"Ah ha...now that's where you are wrong darling. When Sakura is finally up and about, I want you to tell her to let Junko out. Give her a stable body so she can last."

"What exactly are you planning master?" Ino finally asked, really confused. She had thought that considering what day it was and what happened, he would rest.

Here, Naruto smirked and wrapped his arm around Tenten's and started leading them away toward the front door. "That's a surprise dear Ino. Now there's one more thing I want the three of you to do. Before you leave here, I want all of you to pack nice fresh clothes. I want them dinner clothes, something nice that'll show off your outstanding features. You know what I like so just go with that. I want that sealed in the flesh seals as I really don't want them wrinkled. Make sure you bring the make up and other supplies that you think you might need to look good. We won't be coming home to dress so make sure you have everything."

`Dress clothes? Are we going out or something? Damn it! I wish I could hear what he's thinking. If it wasn't for the rules...I so wish I had turned it on before.' Ino considered asking again but it would mostly have the same affect. "As you wish Naruto-sama."

Naruto nodded and turned back around, rehooking his arm around Tenten's arm. Ino turned as well, deciding to go ahead and pick out her outfit. However, she didn't get a few steps in before Naruto spoke again. "One more thing my little cosmos..." Ino turned back around to see Naruto just about to close the door. "When you pick out your outfit, make sure it compliment boots. I want to see them on you. I don't care what they are as long as they are boots." He turned toward Tenten. "That goes the same for you. In fact..." He turned to Ino again. "Bring some extras so she can choose. Bye."

With that, Naruto closed the door.


Unfortunately for Ino, Sakura stayed asleep the entire two hours. She was itching to go see her parents but that damn girl just wouldn't wake up. She had already picked out her outfit and sealed them up and now there was nothing to do but wait. She did have the thought of killing time downstairs but then she would run the risk of knocking herself out and being late. As the minutes ticked by, she was getting ticked off by the sleeping girl and began to imagine ways to wake up Sakura in the most horribly way possible and when the last minute passed, she was out of the chair as fast as you could blink and well on her way in dragging Sakura by her hand to the backyard.

When Ino finally managed to drag Sakura out onto the marble, she dropped her and started ripping Sakura's clothes off. Once off, Ino went to the side of the house and grabbed the water hose and turned the water on. She knew that the water was going to be cold and despite Sakura liking the cold, the freezing temp would wake her up hard. An evil grin was on her face as she adjusted the nozzle's setting's to jet.

No one keeps Uzumaki Ino from seeing her family...besides Naruto of course.

Taking aim, she squeezed the trigger, setting a solid stream of ice cold water directly to Sakura's face, producing that exact reactions that Ino wanted. Screaming and trashing, Sakura woke up from the relentless onslaught of cold water. Ino kept up both the wicked grin and the water until she felt Sakura had been punished enough and released the trigger. "Oh...good, you're awake." Ino spoke, putting the hose down and bending down next to a coughing Sakura.

"Wh(cough)what's goi(coughcough)on?"

"Bitch like you taking her sweet time napping deserved such a rude awaking." Of course, hearing that insulting tone in Ino's voice, Sakura knew Ino was pissed about something. She suddenly yelped with something cotton hit her face and set her fully on her back. "Dry yourself and get your fucking ass inside the motherfucking house."

Okay, Ino was really pissed off about something.

Removing the towel from her face, she looked at the back of her blonde sister before she disappeared into the house. What had happened while she was out? Did Naruto punish her as well and blamed it on her? Well, she wasn't going to get any answers sitting on this warm marble so she got up and started drying herself off while walking toward the back door. By the time she entered, she was dry and found Ino sitting on a chair and waiting for her. Sakura took a seat on a chair opposite of her and waited. A couple of minutes passed before Ino took a deep, deep breath and let it out. "I'm sorry about that Sakura. I didn't mean that."

"You're pissed about something sis and that gets me mad. So what's up?"

Ino took another deep breath and leaned forward. "Do you remember Kin?"

Sakura nodded. "I remember I interrogated the girl and she ended up your father. Why?"

"The reason I'm asking is because a couple of days ago, I learned something about her."

"Well, if it caused you to wake me up like that then..."

"She's dead..." Ino suddenly said. "Or rather she's slated to be executed."

There was silence for a couple of minutes before Sakura spoke again. "What happened? Wasn't Inoichi trying to learn how to be a slave master?"

"Yeah, he was but..." Ino sighed and leaned back. "I don't really know all the details, Ibiki didn't tell me much. All I know is that she tried something and got caught. Because of that, Ibiki got her back and put her up for execution."

"I thought she was broken."

"That's what I thought as well but apparently, there was just enough will left in her to try and kill herself and take her captors with her. Now like I said, I don't know the details but I was going to find my father after you got up."

"Well you didn't have to wake me up that way."

"Yeah well, I felt like doing it and I did it." Ino stood up and dusted off her clothes. "Now before I leave, master wanted me to tell you some orders when you woke up."

"Well, why are you waiting?" Sakura asked, very impatiently.

Ino chuckled and nodded. "First of all, he wants Junko out and have a stable body. No idea why he wants her out but he does. Next he wants you to go upstairs and pick out a dinner dress, something really nice. He wants boots so keep that in mind when you pick something out. Don't ask me why, I'm just assuming that we're going out to eat. He also wants you to make sure you both take all the make-up supplies with you as we will not be coming back home and seal up everything in our flesh seals. Now this is important, at precisely 1:45, we're to be in the library."

"Wearing the dresses?"

Ino shook her head. "No...I don't know exactly when but he'll tell us I guess. So...to recap...let Junko out. Choose some nice clothes and seal them up. Both of you have some fun until 1:45 while I go visit my parents. Something else is going to happen. You want me to repeat it?"

Sakura chuckled and shook her head. "Nah, I think I got it. You leaving?"

"After I'm sure you understand his orders. He's going to hurt me if you had a misunderstanding."

Sakura let out a soft groan and rolled her eyes. "Give Junko an earth body, the both of us choose dinner dresses and seal those as well as make-up supplies in our seals, have some fun and when it's close to 1:45, go to the library and wait."

"And the boots?"

"Make sure the outfit matches it."

"Good." Ino stood up and bowed. "Now if you excuse me, I need to go see my parents."


Ino wasn't sure just what kind of mood her father would be in when she finally ran into him but she could imagine his pride hurt. After all, Kin was a project he had taken on, to further his understanding on the master/slave relationship. To be honest, Ino never really quite understood why he never asked Naruto for help. He knew that Naruto likes to talk. He knew that, if asked, he would tell you more then you wanted to know about a subject. Naruto knows her father and most importantly, he trusted him so all Inoichi had to do was ask for one of them and he would give him one of his pets for his research.

Well, on the other hand, he did say that he wanted to do it by himself but still...no harm in asking right?

Taking the shortest route, she arrived at her home and decided to go in through the flower shop where she found her mother working with a customer. She smiled when Iris brightened up upon seeing her and held up a finger, saying that it'll be a moment. Ino nodded and looked around her former place of employment. She really missed working here. The aroma of the flowers, the smell of the fertilizer, and even the stinky smell of the dung fertilizer out back. She looked forward to retiring because it meant that she could come back here and work alongside her parents again. She may have grown up and is a masochist sex slave to a boy who really REALLY likes to inflict extreme pain on them, Sakura especially.

But that doesn't mean Ino doesn't miss her parents terribly.

After all she was still twelve years old and by all rights she should still be living with her parents, enjoying life to the fullest before she grew up. Well life wasn't always fair and because of her stupidity, she found her way into Naruto's life, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing, Ino thought. Because of him, she's much stronger both mentally and physically, can withstand her own rape, and even mind-rape someone if she chooses. All in all, life was very fair to her.

Ino felt a hand on her shoulder and she looked behind her to see her mother. "Haven't seen you in a long time sweetie."

"Yeah I missed you too mama."

"Why don't we come inside for a bit?" Ino nodded and her mother went to the store door, locked it and switched the sign to `closed' and went back to her daughter and they entered the house.


Once Ino and Iris had settled in, there was a bit of an awkward silence. It was a bit strange to Ino though since she hardly seen her mother so quiet but since she knew why, it was a little more confusing. After a while though, the silence was getting unnerving so she was the first to speak. "So...where's dad?"

"He's mediating in the garden."

"How upset is he? How are you as a matter of fact? You're never this silent."

Iris chuckled and shifted. "Ever the observant aren't you?"

"Just how attached were you to her?" Ino asked, her face showing no emotion other then curiosity. "If you're hesitating about talking about it..."

"If you want the truth..." Ino's mother suddenly interrupted. "I had grown attached to the girl." Iris chuckled when Ino sported a confused look and raised one of her eyebrows. "I know I know, but there was just something about her. I liked her, really I did, and things were going great until she tried to kill herself and us."

"So what happened?"

"You're going to have to ask your father that."

"I will. So how have you been doing? How's the shop?"

"Well, the shop has been doing fine no thanks to your leaving." Iris joked. "But I have to admit, I missed the freedom when you were working at the shop. Now I can't keep shirking my chores on you."

Ino laughed, remembering how her mother used to boss her around. "Yeah well, I won't leave you alone for too long. Once I quit, master will allow me to return to my job here."

"Well I can't wait for that time but for the present, I need to get back to the shop. Your father's in the back."

"Alright, I'll go see him."


While Iris went back to the shop, Ino went to the backyard and found her father, deep in meditation. She knew better then to speak to him right now so she simply walked up and sat next to him entering into a similar meditation pose and just waited. She didn't have her passive telepathy on but she didn't need it. She knew her father and so she waited, waited for him to adjust. After a while though, it seems like he wasn't going to speak so she broke the silence by speaking first. "You know...when I first learned that you wanted to know why master is how he is, I was completely surprised. I mean, at first, you barely tolerated him. Even in the beginning when he first got Sakura, you tolerated him but you helped him when he asked for help, even before all this and now because I'm happy and you know it, that tolerance became acceptance, and caused you two to become friends somewhat."

"You going somewhere with this?" Inoichi asked, keeping his eyes closed.

Ino chuckled and continued. "So when you told me you asked for Kin, to be a master, I knew I was your daughter because it was my curiosity that landed me with him and your curiosity that landed her with you."

"So what are you saying? I shouldn't have tried?"

"That's not what I'm saying. All I'm saying is that you could've been a little more prepared. Naruto-sama learned about it before he even tried anything with Sakura."

"And you think I went into it naive? Princess, if you think that..."

"AGAIN..." Ino interrupted. "That's not what I'm saying. I know you and I know how you like to learn but dealing with an enemy captive, a kuniochi for that matter, things are a bit different. Now I don't know exactly what you did and I have every confidence you did the best the two of you could do. I would be more then happy to hear about it when you're ready but what I would like to know is how you are doing. How you are handling her future execution."

"Past execution." Inoichi corrected, the both of them never moving from their poses and keeping their eyes shut. "She was killed yesterday."

"Already, damn...that was fast."

"Executed, autopsied, incinerated, and her ashes incinerated."

The young blonde chuckled. "Too bad. Sakura would've loved to be involved in that process. You know she's actually thinking of moving away from her medical studies and studying to be a medical examiner."

"Girl like Sakura and her little...obsession, M.E. would be perfect for her."

"That's what I said but a guro freak like her should not be let with dead bodies."

"How do you know she's a guro freak?"

Now that question caused Ino to open a single eye and stare at her father. "I know her dad and I know what she likes. Guro is near the top."

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