Chapter 1: **Chapter One: Discrimination and Mockery**
The morning was cold, the sky tinged with gray, as if the heavens themselves were anticipating what was to come. **Liang Chen** stood with his twin brother **Liang Wei** in the schoolyard, awaiting their turn in the "Awakening" ceremony. This was the day their supernatural talents would be revealed, the day that would determine their destiny in society.
"Don't be afraid, my son," whispered their mother **Liu Yan**, placing her hand on **Liang Chen**'s shoulder. But he sensed her tension; he knew she wished he would be like his father, **Liang Ji**, the great S-class hero. His father stood beside them, silent, his eyes fixed ahead with expectation.
"Next twins!" shouted the teacher, pointing to **Liang Chen** and **Liang Wei**. The brothers stepped onto the platform and placed their hands on the "Awakening Stone," which began to glow faintly gold. Everyone watched intently.
Then… it happened.
**Liang Wei**'s stone erupted in a brilliant light, the letters **SS** blazing above it. The crowd gasped in awe. "An SS-class talent! Metal Manipulation! This is extremely rare!"
But **Liang Chen**'s stone emitted only a dim glow, marked with an **E-class** talent: Analysis. A heavy silence fell, followed by rising whispers.
"E? Is that even possible?"
"Even street kids have better talents!"
"What use is a talent like that?"
**Liang Chen** glanced at his parents, who stared back silently. They said nothing, but he saw disappointment in their eyes. His twin brother, **Liang Wei**, burst into laughter. "Is that a talent? Even the cat in our house has a better one than you!"
From that day, everything changed. At school, **Liang Chen** became the target of mockery. His peers avoided him; teachers ignored him. Even at home, he felt like a stranger. His parents were always busy with their duties as heroes, and his twin brother never missed a chance to humiliate him.
"Why can't you be like your brother?" This was the sentence he heard constantly from his parents. Even when he tried to join training sessions, he was excluded because his talent was "useless."
One night, as he sat in his room, he heard his brother's laughter from the next room. **Liang Wei** was boasting to friends about his powerful talent. **Liang Chen** closed his eyes, stifling tears. It felt as if the whole world was against him.
**Liang Chen** began exploring his talent. His ability, called **Analysis**, manifested like a computer interface in his mind. He could store, analyze, and comprehend information at superhuman speeds. The system interface appeared before his eyes as a translucent screen displaying data and details he needed.
When he read a book, information was automatically saved into the "system memory," retrievable at any time. He could also analyze movement patterns of people or objects, allowing him to predict their actions.
For example, once while watching a sparring match between two students, the system interface appeared, showing data on strike speed, weaknesses, and attack opportunities. "If he strikes here, he can win easily," **Liang Chen** muttered to himself.
But this ability was deemed weak in a society that valued physical strength and offensive powers. "What's the point of understanding things if you can't fight?" he was constantly asked.
One day during a school training session, the teacher insisted **Liang Chen** participate. "Even with a weak talent, you must learn to defend yourself," the teacher said coldly.
His twin brother **Liang Wei** volunteered to be his opponent. "Let me show you what a real hero looks like," he sneered.
The match began, and there was no contest. **Liang Wei** used his **Metal Manipulation** to hurl a piece of scrap metal at **Liang Chen**, knocking him to the ground in one blow. Everyone laughed—even the teacher couldn't hold back.
"Look at him! Even a cat would stand a better chance!" a student jeered.
**Liang Chen** stood up, face flushed with shame. He looked at his laughing brother.