Dracula Mihawk reincarnated in MHA

Chapter 4: A tale in the forest.

We currently see Izuku/Mihawk walking around...somewhere... with his blade in his hand that his mother got him, as it is a claymore and he's doing some practice swings with it in the middle of a forest

(don't ask me how he's there)

"I guess that's enough for today." izuku said while wiping away the sweat from his body with a towel and packing up his stuff as he was training for the whole day, He made some wine here and drank some before leaving and stashing the wine away "that's better after training." he said while eating some cheese and walking through the forest to go back to musutafu city as the claymore is on his back and in a sudden...he heard a girl scream and ran towards the scene, seeing where there's a group of perverted men who are surrounding three girls

(don't criticize me, I'm just doing this cause I'm bored)

as he saw a girl with brown hair, Uraraka. A girl with black raven hair, Momo. and a girl with green hair, tyusu

"Well, well, well. we got some fresh meat here" one of the perverted men said while extending his hands to grasp one of their bust

"Stop it!" Uraraka said as she swatted the pervert man's hand away

"Stop playing around and let us have some fun." he said with a dark chuckle and our protagonist came in and pulled out his claymore

"Sorry, but can you stop harassing these ladies." izuku said while there was danger in his eyes and the perverted men group just laughed

"What a kid going to do when he's against quirks while you don't even have any" the pervert man said while activating his quirk, and the ground started to shake while pillars of dirt came out and went towards Izuku

"Look out!" Momo said

"How is he even going to win!" Uraraka said worriedly

"I don't know guys, but I have a feeling that he isn't a normal quirkless dude." tyusu said while the three were backing away from the battle they can only hope that the quirkless kid would come out safely

izuku currently slashing through the pillars of dirt with ease "I thought you would be stronger." he said calmly as the pervert man kept up the assault and made more pillars to izuku

"DON'T GET COCKY KID!" the pervert man said as he kept on making more pillars of dirt before he felt something cold on his throat...

"give up. it's futile if you are against me." izuku said calmly as he had the claymore on the perverted man's throat

gulps "O-okay, sir" the perverted man told in fear "Alright guys! Let get out of here!" he said to the group of perverted men and just ran away in total fear while their spines have a cold shiver while izuku glared at them from the distance

izuku approached the three girls and gave them a helping hand "are you ladies okay" he helped them up one by one before putting his claymore on his back

"yes, and um...thank you for saving us" Uraraka said while blushing

"yes, thank you for saving us, we won't forget about your actions." Momo said while blushing "Do you really...have no quirk?" she asked izuku

"Yeah man, you took them down with that big ol sword, are you some kind of sword master." tyusu said to Izuku

"I am a swordsman and I'm going to attend U.A. so I can become the world's strongest swordsman and surpass all quirks with my strength alone." izuku said proudly

"The... world...strongest...swordsman?" the three girls said confusedly before one of them spoke up

"So you're a samurai then." tyusu said

"Woah! A samurai going to U.A. that'll be awesome!" Uraraka said with excitement

"no. I'm not a samurai. I'm a swordsman. There's a difference" Izuku said simply

"even without a quirk, you still look like a formidable foe or should I say warrior" Momo chimed in "Oh sorry. My name is Momo, and my quirk allows me to make anything Unorganic. Nice to meet you" she introduced herself to izuku.

"My name is Izuku" izuku introduced himself.

"My name is Uraraka, and my quirk allows me to touch anything and make it have zero gravity" the brown hair girl said

"the name Tyusu, my quirk allows me to have a frog-like body." the frog-like girl said

"nice to meet you then" Izuku said while extending his hand out for a shake and shaken all the girl's hands.

"why does he look so handsome." uraraka thought as she felt izuku smooth yet muscular hand before blushing madly and hiding her face.

"is everything alright?" Momo asked the madly blushing teen

"Y-yeah, everything is alright." uraraka said

"not gonna lie, but you sure do look handsome" Tyusu honestly said to Izuku

"thanks. I always get compliments like that." izuku calmly said

"Oh yeah, I'm going to attend U.A. as well." Uraraka said to izuku

"Same here." tyusu said

"Yeah, except I'm going through recommendations to U.A." said Momo

"Huh? So your family is rich then." izuku said calmly

"That's one way you could put it." Momo said sheepishly

"Well then, see you in the future." izuku started to head back towards Musutafu City

"Where are you heading?" Uraraka said to izuku

"I'm going back to Musutafu, so I can get some rest after my training." izuku simply said

"W-well, can we um...come along with you." said Uraraka

"if that's okay with you." said Momo

"fine." said Izuku while the three girls started to walk along with our former warlord and strongest swordsman who was heading back home as well

musutafu city

we saw the four teens walking

"I can go home by myself. if that's okay." said Momo

"That's alright. It's your choice." said Izuku

"yeah, I'm gonna go home by myself as well. see ya then." tyusu said while Momo and Tyusu went their separate ways, going back home

izuku looked at Uraraka "I supposed that you'll be going home as well." he said calmly

"N-no, if it's okay. but can you...walk with me." Uraraka nervously asked Izuku

"Fine." izuku agreed as they both started to walk and izuku walked along with Urarak back home




It was silent when they were walking, only the bustling roads, chatter, and some villains in the distance being taken down by a hero were the only things they could hear before reaching Urarakas house.

"thank you." uraraka said to izuku

"For what exactly" said izuku

"For walking me back." uraraka said shyly

"Your welcome then." izuku said before walking away to go back home and rest while Uraraka stood there...blushing before going inside

izuku/mihawk POV

"she looks like she has a strong will" Izuku pondered about Uraraka and sensed that she has a strong will...can he teach her Haki or will it be too hard for her? Who knows?

A random villain came out from an alleyway "Well, well, well. a kid all alone and quirkless. This'll be too easy." the villain said before activating his quirk...(I don't even know, I'll make one up.) his fist turn into blades. and aimed it at izuku but our former warlord parried it with ease...as now he has a faint smile

"this will be fun at least." izuku said while having his claymore in hand and ready to fight

"don't get cocky kid! you don't even have a quirk!" the villain said before charging at izuku

the clashes of metal and quirk filled the empty space and some people saw this and started to record this battle

"is that kid...really taking on that dude without a quirk." the civilian said while recording whats happening

"come on dude! you can do this!" a random pink skin girl cheered on the quirkless kid as its Mina, and she's recording what's happening and cheering on izuku

as izuku kept on blocking and parrying the attacks, obviously toying him "come on. I'm quirkless after all. I thought I wouldn't be a match to you." izuku said calmly but hauntingly

"don't talk shit when your going to be on the floor!" the villain kept on making the attacks before izuku finally made his attack

"alright. I'm done, it's getting late." izuku said before delivering a slash towards the villain who blocked it...but his fist blades shatterd

"how...how is this brat so strong...NO. I WONT LOSE TO A BRAT THATS QIURKLESS" the villain said before charging towards izuku with bloodlust and kill...but he was wrong

izuku jumped in the air the villain and sending fast and multiple thrusts towards the villain who tried to block but was easily overwhelmed and now has multiple cuts all over his body while being in a small pool of blood

"hey kid!" a hero shouted out "what do you think you are doing, let the professionals do the work!" the hero started to scold izuku but he cut him off

"if I would've wait for a hero. I would have been dead." izuku said while leaving a dumbfound hero while izuku started to go back home. satisfied that he got to have some battles in a while

at izukus and inkos house

right now inko isn't home since she is out working while our boy izuku (Mihawk) is currently cleaning the house, cooking dinner, and having some tea while he is relaxing

"can't even believe that my father isn't here." izuku muttered as he is making dinner, which is something he would make back in his world, steak (if you are wondering how he has money, let's say that um...he takes the cash from the villains) mash potatoes, corn, and some beet. and he heard the door open, which is his mother, Inko

"Hi, sweety. how was your day." inko said in a motherly tone while she took off her coat and shoes before entering "Wow, what are you cooking, izuku." she asked izuku

"Something that I saw in the magazines and took some notes." izuku simply said and continued cooking "Have some tea, it on the table for you, and its still warm. so relax while I finish." izuku said as he motioned inko to the table with a cup of tea and her to relax on the couch

"thank you so much." inko said before grabbing the cup of tea and relaxed on the couch.

that's all for the chapter. izuku and inko are eating together while izuku has a faint smile while her mother compliments his cooking skills

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