Dragon ball human Reborn

Chapter 23: Pilaf gang

"Sure thing let's get this thing over with " Alex said with a smirk

"Ok it's set pinky swear on it " Pilaf said as he raised his hands and showed his pinky

"pff Hahaha sorry but I can't asking for a pinky promise what are you five " Mellon started laughing as she hold herself back Alex was himself cracked a smile while pilaf and his gang was blushing furiously

"Don't laugh you uncivilized people don't you know pinky swear it's like a handshake but instead of holding hands "pilaf said he went in front of Alex as he linked their fingers and continued "you link your little fingers together next you shake up and down like this and now the deal is seal haha "

"Now that was a promise you can't take it back "

"Alright then let's do this "Alex said as he took his stance

"Hmm you seem pretty sure of yours-" before Pilaf could complete his sentence Alex disappeared from his place and in front of Mai and punched her in the gut then appeared in front shu and kicked him away and appeared in front of pilaf and grabbed him by his neck

"let sire go please " shu said as he stood up Mai also joined him and said "Please don't kill emperor"

"Hey no fair we weren't ready yet "Pilaf said as he started squirming

"Yeah Alex what the heck " Mellon said to Alex as she walked towards him Alex confused as he looked back at her as she continues " You can't just Attack them you have to let the bad guys get ready Attacking them out of nowhere is just no fun "

"Mellon tell me exactly how many times did you fell on your head when " Alex said as he glanced at her then he looked back at Pilaf and "Now hand over your Dragon Balls and dragon radar and I'll let you go "

"No I won't you think you I am scared " Pilaf said trying to appear confident

"Oh you're not are you then you'll definitely enjoy this" Alex said smirk as he started flying up and stopped above the clouds "w-w-wait please let me go"

"Trust me I will let you go if don't give me what I want" Alex said in a Menacing tone

"Wait I mean please don't let me go "Pilaf immediately understand what Alex meant as he hastily removed a capsule out his pocket and gave it to Alex "Here this capsule contain a box in which I kept the dragon Balls and the dragon radar now please let's go back "

"Well let's go " Alex said as he took the capsule as landed back down on earth as he throws Pilaf at shu and Mai as they crashed

"It was too easy like stealing candy from a child's easy " Alex said as he showed the capsule to Mellon who didn't look very happy "what you don't want Dragon Balls it's ok I'll keep it "

"No I didn't say that "Mellon said as she snatched the capsule out his hands before he could put it in his pocket and said " this time it felt like we were the bad and I didn't like it one bit "

"It's Alright besides it doesn't look like they've given up " Alex said as looked at the Pilaf gang

"Shu Mai What were you doing when he was holding me " pilaf started shouting at shu and Mai the moment he got up both shu and Mai apologized as they lowered their heads "we are sorry sire "

"Now is not time to apologise it's time for revenge" Pilaf said as he took out another capsule out his pocket shu and Mai also followed as they Also took out a capsule out of their pockets as they press the button and throws the capsules in front of them soon three robots appeared before as they started running towards them

"Hurry let's go" As all three jumped into their robots Pilaf struggled a bit but still able climb inside safely

"Hahaha well well look who's back on top now These are the most advanced armored battle bots ever made. I call them Pilaf machines" Pilaf as he started laughing "Mai why don't you give him a little demonstration of how terrifying my inventions are"

"Why do I have to do It you're the Boss it's your privilege" Mai said as she looked somewhere avoiding eye contact

"Alright Already we'll Attacks together on my Mark ATTACK " pilaf shouted as they started running towards Alex to Mai was first to reach as she tried catch him with both of her robot arms

Alex jumped as he dodged the and punched the Robot but it didn't do anything to it using the the momentum of his punch he jumped back and landed

"Woah you guys are strong I didn't expect that" Alex said then he started running around to avoid the energy beam shu was firing at him and tried to attack this time with a flying kick to Pilaf robot but instead it was Alex who was sent flying by one of pilaf's punch

"Hahaha that would never work this baby is made up of triple reinforced titanium it's hundred Times strong than regular steel " Pilaf said while still laughing

"Those guys are strong I guess I hope Alex is gonna be fine" Mellon said as she looked at the fight while hiding behind a rock

Pilaf attacked Alex with its stretched robo Arm but Alex dodged it and caught it's wrist and started spinning it

"Woah w-what I am not feeling please stop it" Pilaf shouted after spinning the robot Alex throws it at the Mai and shu as they crashed

"Did you guys had enough yet " Alex said as he crossed his arms slowly the robots got up

"What are we supposed do emperor " Mai asked

"Well we still got our he's got tire out sometimes now you two let's get connected " Pilaf shouted as all three connected and created one giant robot

"Now attack" Pilaf shouted as the giant robot fires a missile Alex dodged easily "even if you dodge you can't escape"

Just as Pilaf said the missile returns Alex started running around trying dodged the missile

'Man this is annoying ' Alex thought then he started running towards the giant Robot

"Emperor he's coming at us" Mai shouted seeing Alex running she panicked just as he reached in front them he disappeared they sighed a relief but Then they saw missile heading towards them

"Shu Mai do something " Pilaf shouted as the missile exploded soon they were revealed lying in ruble even though the robot exploded the were fine

"That was a good fight were going then c'mon Mellon how long are planning to hide " Alex said as he went ahead

"Hey wait I am coming too " Mellon said as started running behind him then she turned around as she waved and shouted " bye-bye you three take care"

And they left

Power level

Alex : 165

Pilaf (pilaf machine ) : 35

shu (Pilaf machine ) : 45

Mai ( Pilaf machine) : 60

Pilaf Machine combine : 140

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