Dungeon Raider System

Chapter 188 Rescuing rescuers

"What do you mean by it's just as Uriel thought?" Sam asked worriedly. He could already feel his knees buckle in fear as the alarming sounds of cryptids became closer and closer.

"It made sense to send us first, but not just for the reasons they said. We are a newly founded company and they can wipe us out without effort simply by sending us to die." Uriel replied without even attempting to make it sound less worrying.

"I see." Luna nodded.

"Whew! You had me worried there for a second!" Sam wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Everyone seemed calm and composed even though they were just told they were tricked into going alone into the most dangerous place near their city, everyone but Janett that is.

"Are you guys idiots!? We're going to die! We're definitely going to die!" She began crying loudly. This time, instead of scolding her Sam covered her mouth as a hulking biped cryptid cast his shadow from the entrance of the building. "How can you be so calm?" She whispered after Sam let go of her.

"It's not like this is the first time we've been in a situation like this, this time at least it's still daytime." Uriel replied.

"What's the plan boss?" Nika asked.

"First, you'll stop calling me boss. Second, we're heading towards the Alamo anyways. It doesn't matter if they tried to lure us to our death, sooner or later they'll have to go there or they'll miss the chance."

"What if we don't make it?" Sam asked.

"If what Jon said is true, then once I become a statue I'll kill their asses." Everyone laughed at Uriel's joke. "By the way Luna, any ideas about the living statues?"

"I can't say for sure, after we came back from the cathedral I looked into them and found a couple old poems that described similar situations. There's one that..." Experience new tales on My Virtual Library Empire

"Do you know how to kill them or not?" Uriel glared at her.

"Uhm, I can't be sure yet, I need to observe them while they move." Luna replied excitedly, even though none of it leaked through her aloof face.

"Sounds like a plan to me." Nika smiled and took a peek outside the door. As soon as she did so, the roaring of a nearby cryptid startled everyone. "Woops! My bad!"

"You're a heavenly rank, you moron!"

They were forced to remain hidden for a few more minutes and when things calmed down a little outside they exited the building, though this time Nika remained hidden in Uriel's shadow.

The party moved swiftly across the streets like a well oiled machine. Sam spotted the cryptids and Uriel decided whether to face it or find an alternate way. In the meantime, Luna followed after the group almost skipping as she was thrilled to be surrounded by so many 'wonderful creatures'.

There were a lot of the most common cryptids, but there were also swarms of insect like creatures and some others Luna couldn't recognize from her studies. She behaved like a kid in a candy store, though her 'candy' were deadly creatures that brought nightmares to any sane person.

At some point, they heard a commotion in the distance and gunshots were being fired. Though instead of the usual gunpowder firearms or the pulse weapons, it sounded like a plasma blast.

"It sounds like Tina's shoulder cannon." Uriel pointed out towards the direction he heard it and they rushed over to the corner to give Sam the opportunity to see what was going on.

"It's Medusa!" Sam shouted uncaring of the volume of his voice.

Medusa, Shaker and Tina were already engaged in close combat and were being swarmed by unsightly creatures of all kinds. The longer the battle lasted, the more creatures were being drawn towards it.

Sam grabbed his rifle and provided long distance support, but Uriel decided to get closer to avoid friendly fire. He leaned on a wall and tried to take aim, but soon a small person passed right by him creating a gust of wind, it was Luna.

She ran full speed across the street and started pummeling down cryptids without pause. Her tiny fists packed a much more powerful punch given that the full strength of an ascended was compressed in a much smaller area and the beast rank cryptids fell one after the other.

One of Luna's fist strikes was the same as a bullet and she had no issues taking down the enemies. Because of her small stature she was also a much smaller target than the usual hunter, but her dodging skills were nowhere near Sam's and she was soon hit by a gigantic mantis scythe.

Had she been an evolved she may have been sliced in two, but being an ascended her body was much more resilient and she only got minor wounds.

"Luna! Lunita! Are you ok?" Nika attempted to come outside from Uriel's shadow, but as soon as her head was outside she was greeted with a powerful knock on her head that left a small red bump and she was forced back into the shadow.

"This idiot is trying to kill us!" Uriel scoffed.

"And here I thought we were the ones rescuing you, guys."

"We figured they would try to pull something funny and laid low for a while. Where's the rest of your teams?" Uriel asked, though Medusa shook her head.

"They're not coming, they betrayed you guys."

"Don't look so sad, at least we got the relics." Shaker pointed towards the bulky packages he was carrying on his back.

Uriel thanked Shaker for bringing them, but soon undid the bundles and took the relics out. A faint flux energy signature resonated in between them confirming they were all three of the same kind and Uriel put them in his museum.

Those who didn't know about his trait seemed shocked for a second, but since those relics possessed flux energy they assumed it was just one of their abilities.

The group marched towards the Alamo at a swift pace, now that the group was bigger they were forced to prioritize speed over stealth and it made things easier for them, but also more dangerous. Still, with the help of Tina's shoulder cannon and Sam's incredible aim, most threats were dealt with before they came close.

"There it is." Uriel pointed towards the old structure that looked like nothing but could potentially mean everything. There were so many questions that could find answers within its walls that Uriel couldn't wait to get in, but Luna tugged on his sleeve to call for his attention.

"Vampires." She said after sniffing the air. "Many."

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