Dungeon Raider System

Chapter 192 Storming the Alamo

When Jon Hunter arrived at the scene he was able to see Nika Garcia giving the 'cheeky young lad' a lap pillow and serving him a drink. It would have seemed like something taken from a romantic movie, if not for the presence of the horrid vampires, the fact that everything and everyone was covered in dust and that she was wounded.

Fortunately for Uriel, Jon didn't see him recover from his wounds nor did he see the jaguar spirit. However, none of that mattered because at that moment because as annoying as his presence was, they still felt safer when he showed up.

"Where's Winnie?" Jon asked, uncaring of the presence of the cryptids that stopped in their tracks after sensing his imposing presence.

Nika would have loved to point out that if he called that to her face he would face consequences, but she limited herself to point towards the cathedral where Medusa was supposed to be along with the rest of Uriel's party.

"Did that prick just leave us?" Uriel blinked a couple times confounded. Jon had left them as swiftly as he arrived, but at least they got a much needed respite. Now that he was feeling better and he had a new weapon, defeating the weaker cryptids turned out be easy as pie even without Nika's help.

The problem lied in the entity level cryptid that remained inside the Alamo and the never ending vampires that came seemingly out of nowhere. The only thing they could do was endure and try to survive until the rest of their party came back.

"This is getting tiresome." Uriel said after a swing of his sword that neatly sliced the head of an incoming nosferatu vampire. There were so many flux orbs laying around him that he couldn't move anymore without stepping on them and Nika was too tired and wounded to pick them up.

Now Uriel understood why it was so important to bring people that could provide support. Even something as menial as picking up flux orbs from the ground would have been a great help for him.

"After seeing you fight with a sword, I think you should quit on using a revolver." Nika said, her mouth gaping at the sight of Uriel slicing and dicing vampires, not letting a single one pass him.

"I still want to learn."

"You don't have a crush on Charlie, do you?" Nika's question distracted Uriel long enough to lose his rhythm and a vampire almost passed him.

"O-Of course not! I just think it would be useful to learn how to shoot!" Although he looked guilty on Nika's eyes, the reason why he wanted to learn how to shoot was simple. His aim was so terrible it was embarrassing.

At some point, the entity nosferatu vampire that lurked inside the Alamo roared stopping the smaller ones on the spot. Much to Uriel's demise, they started gathering in a single massive group. Just when Uriel thought everything was lost, the sounds of gunshots came from behind and the first row of vampires dropped to the ground like toys that ran out of battery.

Something like that wasn't enough to destroy them, but then a powerful blast of fire burned them to a crisp. It was colonel Ethan's trait, a mix of wind and fire manipulation that allowed him to produce and shoot incredibly hot flames with precision. But that wasn't all, from the other side Jon came along with Uriel's party safe and sound.

Sam provided support fire, headshot after headshot the vampires dropped to the ground like flies. The army positioned their soldiers forcing the vampires to go back inside the Alamo to avoid the rain of bullets that poured on them.

Now that the situation was somewhat safe Medusa rushed over to the collapsed building and started removing the rubble until she managed to dig out Shaker.

"He's still breathing!" She shouted and Luna came limping to provide first aid to the fallen hunter.

"This isn't the time to rest, we need to enter the dungeon now or we'll be surrounded by every damned cryptid in the lost city!" Ethan exclaimed.

"And whose fault is it?" Jon grinned at the ever smiling colonel.

"It doesn't matter, if we're not inside the dungeon when those things come, we're dead meat."

Nika joined their discussion and they tried to come up with a plan, but even Jon was wary of entering the fort by himself. The tables had turned on the cryptids, but the problem still remained. The entity level nosferatu was still inside the fort and Ethan couldn't use his trait without possibly destroying whatever clues may be inside the old building.

The entity level nosferatu seemingly laughed at the hunters and then all the windows at the fort were taken over by monster level vampires who started hurling rocks covered in black goo at the hunters and soldiers.

While their aim wasn't that great, anyone who got hit by them would drop to the ground screaming in pain. The field doctors didn't know what was wrong with them and couldn't perform any effective treatment.

Once again the battle was tied, except the vampires would recover seconds after being hit in the head while the hunters would fall if even a drop of the black goo touched them. It made everyone so scared of taking a step out of cover they couldn't advance anymore and everything came to a standstill.

At that point, a loud laughter erupted in the battlefield and Jon started walking towards the fort by himself wielding Nika's wooden stake.

"If this doesn't work you'll owe me a drink, Nikki."

Nika had told Jon about their weakness to wood and although Jon didn't believe it, he thought he could extort a date with her.

The holy rank hunter advanced amidst the enemy projectiles and even dodged the not so 'friendly' fire coming from behind. He moved so casually to the sides it looked as though he was drunk, but in reality he was dodging every projectile with the minimum effort until he reached the entrance and disappeared inside.

Then, a shrill sound hurt everyone's eardrums and they saw how the vampires posted at the windows were taken down one after the other by Jon without breaking a sweat. The holy rank hunter then poked his head out from the entrance and showed a pristine entity level flux orb as proof that he took down the cryptid, though instead of his typical smug he actually looked disappointed.

"Advance!" Ethan commanded his troops and every soldier began their march in a breathtaking display of organization and discipline. Then, all the members in Uriel's party looked at him with expectant eyes.

"Uhm... go?" He said awkwardly and the group moved in a clumsy attempt to imitate the soldiers. "Just move your damn feet, we're not the army!" He added in embarrassment.

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