Dungeon Raider System

Chapter 196 Third world

"Why did you do that? Do you like that boy?" Jon poked fun at Medusa. "You know I'm not one to tell, but I do want to know."

"Of course not! It was just a good luck charm! He's just a friend!" Medusa replied blushing up to her ears.


"lie, lie and lie," She replied with a poker face that would have made Luna look like an expressive person. "this isn't the time for playing around, you know?"

Seiren wasn't amused by Jon's playful attitude, in fact, she resented him deeply for choosing to take her instead of someone with a combat oriented trait. Even with her combat training, she would be completely unable to defend herself from threats that Jon would deem as meaningless and her life had been on the line on more occasions than she could count.

"She's got a point, what is this place?"

In front of their eyes was a beautiful and bright landscape surrounded by six tall mountains at the distance. Everything was so shiny they had trouble adjusting their sight to it and there was even a rainbow that appeared to be a solid object instead of the figments of illusion like they were supposed to be.

"This is troublesome. We're currently at the hardest world, the world where the lady from the living statue came from."

"How can you tell?"

"It's my job to know these things, but if you must know, there's an old legend about holy people that traveled following the rainbow. This is the place where the first humans were supposedly born in the native American legend and if I remember correctly, there's a good god and an evil one in here. I was really hoping to go to the second world, Crockett had a lot of fun in that one."

"Uncle! did you lie to Uriel!?" Medusa was both angry and shocked.

"Of course I did! Where would be the fun in spoiling the adventure for him? Besides, I think he'll figure out things on his own. He's such a cheeky young lad, it reminds me of myself when I was his age."


"He's lying, but I can't tell for sure what is he lying about."

"Et tu brute!" Jon pouted.

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"You're not Julius Caesar and I didn't betray you, Miss Medusa is also a higher up at the Mapple corporation. Stop being so dramatic." Seiren crossed her arms in annoyance, though that gesture emphasized certain physical attributes that managed to distract Jon and make him forget his feelings of betrayal.

"Stop making that face! This is precisely why I hate men!" Medusa stomped her feet.

"You used to have such a crush on me when you were little, where did my cute little Winnie go?" Jon mockingly wiped a feigned tear from his eye.

"I hate you!" Medusa turned on her heels and proceeded to walk to a random direction ubt after just a couple steps she calmed herself. She couldn't bring herself to actually hate the man who meant so much to her during her childhood, but on the other hand, there was somebody else that did. "He hates you..."

"I know." Jon shrugged his shoulders.

"I understand why you had to take the book from him, I also get why you didn't share your findings with him but I really hope you're ready to face the consequences."

No one in their sane mind would think a holy rank hunter would ever feel threatened by an ascended hunter, but for some unknown reason, Jon knew he had to take her warning seriously. He too felt something odd about Uriel but he hadn't yet figured out if it was something good or bad, all he knew was that the young student left a deep impression on him.

After their conversation, Jon started walking towards the rainbow followed close by Medusa and Seiren. With the help of Crockett's diary Jon knew exactly what he had to do in order to get to the end of the dungeon, but that wasn't his goal.

What he needed to do was to defeat as many cryptid as he could before the group those who came from the second world joined them. The third world didn't have any orichalcum veins, but what it lacked in resources it made up for in enemies.

As usual, the most common cryptids in that area were of the beast rank but they were really troublesome. They possessed a strange ability that allowed them to call for stronger cryptids to defend them and because of that, Jon warned his companions to not engage in combat unless strictly necessary.

Their way towards the rainbow was uneventful and quite enjoyable and they were even able to have a meal before stepping into the colorful arch in the sky, but as soon as they did things became more 'interesting' according to Jon.

Monster rank cryptids in the form of hard shell caterpillars were feeding upon the rainbow nonstop and they were very territorial. Had that been all it wouldn't have been any issues for them as Jon could take them out with a single strike, the problem was that if Jon didn't deal quick enough with those, they would rapidly evolve into armored butterflies.

Given their size and numbers, Jon was forced to do much more fighting that he usually would and contrary to Crockett, who was armed with the tomahawk when he visited the dungeon, Jon was unarmed making it difficult to deal with the butterflies without using his trait.

"This is bad, I can't use my trait without hurting you." Jon clicked his tongue in annoyance after sending a butterfly back about twenty meters in the air without causing it any damage whatsoever.

The more they advanced, the more butterflies surrounded them, thus making it more difficult for Jon to deal with the creatures without activating his trait and Jon knew that if he distanced himself enough to not harm the girls they would be swarmed by the monster rank cryptids.

"This is gobshit!" Jon said as he spat on the rainbow.

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