After our arrival from Mr.Dominic's, Jay came out to welcome us back home. I was feeling some aches in my head. Right now I really needed my tea; it was my only remedy, it was soothing.
"Welcome sir," Jay welcomed me as I stepped down from the car.
"Yes sir ".
"I will be needing my tea now," I rubbed my forehead attempting to reduce the pressure.
"Okay sir..., you're alright sir?," Jay asked. I guessed he noticed my sickly movement. He was my butler and my favorite person, he knows me so well that I do wonder if he doesn't know me more I know myself.
"I just need my tea and a little bit of rest," I ran up the stairs in a hurry to get on my bed. " And also help her with her packing," I said and walked off.
Minutes later, Jay arrived with the tea on a tray.
"Mr.Linham...," he knocked on door.
"Yes..Jay come in."
"Your tea sir ."
"Drop it on the table ," I said with fatigue.
"Sir...are you sure you're alright? Should I call the doctor?," he asked, I could sense he was trying to hide his panic.
"No don't, I'm okay, like I said I just need a bit of rest that's all. Is she gone?," I opened my eyes partially to see his response.
"Huh? No,no sir she hasn't, may I ask the reason she's packing? Is Mrs.Graham going on a vacation alone?."
"Sometimes Jay, you act like a wise person, and other times you're so oblivious of things, she's leaving for a good dumb head," I frowned, giving him a disappointed look.
"Oh!," he exclaimed, shocked." She does not want.."
He hasn't even finished his sentence when I shouted. "It's not her who doesn't want to continue this marriage !, it's I who is against it, I have been against it from the very beginning, don't act so unwise you ought to be prudent, think like me that's why you are my pal huh."
"Can I speak freely?" he asked, dropping the tea tray on the table.
"Hmm that's what I want," I stretched on the bed trying to release myself of the pain I felt on my back. It was like I was being beaten with hammers.
"You want a divorce right?".
"I already had." I gave him a mockery smirk.
"Jeez Colin you did what?! And you didn't bothered telling me about it?".
"Why are you shouting, don't you know my head is banging?," I hissed. I gave him a mockery smirk, "sometimes you shouldn't know everything, you just need to find out."
"You're the one who doesn't deserve her, you have to know, you can never get such a lady from anywhere else in the world, people like her don't come in pairs, man…you just missed a lifetime opportunity," he frowned.
"Then marry her so you wouldn't miss a lifetime opportunity yourself. I can get anyone I want and when I want broke ass," I curled my lips in a sneering smile.
"I would have if only fate had led her my way instead, and also if I had the resources ," he rubbed his head, feeling defeated, I could feel his heart pounding painful throbs.
"You see man, it all balls down to what I'm saying, resource! That's all you need to get the woman of your dreams." I laughed uncontrollably.
"But... you shouldn't let her go just like that... at least tell her you need more time, I think she will understand, you both are still very young ."
"I don't need more time for anything, I don't even think I will ever want to get married again,how can just a woman own all these huh?" I spreaded my arms demonstrating what I meant.
"Really you need to rethink your actions." he turned around heading out of the room.
"Arrragh…," I cursed under my breath.
"Are you okay? I would call the doctor even if it's against your will." He said and stomped out.
"," I held my head, I didn't wanted to see any doctor, I just wanted some rest. "Don't send for anyone, just make sure she leaves my house this instant ." I took a deep breath.
"Yes sir," he frowned." Like she's the cause of your problem," he hissed underneath his breath enough for me to hear.
"You just don't understand." I muttered shaking my head.
As I tried to sit up to take the tea I felt a bang inside my heart, "arrrgh!!!" I screamed as the tray fell down from my hands.
Pretty soon I heard footsteps rushing up the stairs.
"Colin !" He rushed to my side as I laid on the ground holding my head and screaming in pains.
"Are you okay…" I heard a feminine voice ask in more of a whisper that I thought it wasn't real.
"My head…my head…" I kept saying in agony.
"Don't you think we should take him to the hospital?" The same voice asked this time I could sense some panic in it. I tried to rise my head to see who it was." Arrragh…" I cursed as the pain hit me like a hammer.
"Yeah…we should," Jay said and lifted me up ,he carried me as though I were some a bag of cotton.
I tried to open my eyes but the pains I felt didn't permit me to. As I laid on the bed, I felt some presence but I couldn't tell who it was.I heard someone walked into the room.
"Is he okay ?" A voice asked.
"Yes…dear,he's stable for now." Another voice replied. I guess this was the doctor.
I tried to listen to their conversation but the pain in my head was so loud that I could barely hear.
"I'm Tina Davis, his girlfriend," I heard a barbie like voice say.
Tina…? Was it her all along? She came back I guess. ' But why ?' I wondered.
"Alright Miss, I would like to speak to you in private." The other voice said. Then I heard footsteps receding.
I suddenly felt a deep urge to sleep and I obeyed willingly, I really needed it.
"He is awake…" someone said as I opened my eyes gently so as not to arose the headaches.
"My love…how are you feeling?" She held my hands, I could see some traces of tears in her eyes.
"You..are..cry…ing," I could barely manage to say.
" I'm not my love," she wept the tears off her eyes. "It just that I was so scared…" she burst into tears. " I thought I've lost you."
'Lost me…how,' I wondered. I'm just stressed out,not that I have some terrible sickness or something.
"Thank God it's all over, we can be together again…" she held my hands smiling sheepishly.
Just then I realized what she meant. She's happy about my divorce. Well..anyone who claims to care about me should.
"Jay…" I managed to call.
"Yes boss!" He rushed to my sides.
"Where's Bell?" I was shocked to have asked about her; the one woman who I can never comprehend.
"She left already," he sat close to me. " Are you feeling better now? The doctor said it's insomnia, you will get better soon." He gave me an encouraging smile.
"Yeah I know…" I managed to sit up.
Jay hunched forward and whispered into my ear, "Tina's here…"
Just then I remembered our last night together, it was before my supposed wedding. She had vowed never to come back to me if I went on with the wedding.
" What are you doing here," I asked not turning to her side.
"I came to see you," she stifled a sob." You never did asked after me."
"And…why should I have? You said you were never going to come back to me once I went on with the wedding, and I did, so why aren't you keeping to your own vow?" I said in a mockery tone.
"I would have…" her voice trailed off.
"Then why did you come here?" I flushed red with anger. She better not tell me she needs any damn thing,I have always knew she was a gold digger, but never believed she would be this cheap.
"I'm…I'm with your child Colin."