DxD: Multiversal Therapist

Chapter 218: Accursed Group Chat

And so it began, my headaches.


[Tsunade: What is this? Why would I even want this? Ray, stop making nonsense and hurry up to make a portal for our therapy].

[Amaterasu: Rude woman, as always].

[Tsunade: What did you say?].

[Amaterasu: I didn't say, I wrote you're a rude woman, as always].

[Tsunade: Come and say that to my face!].

[Amaterasu: I wrote!].

[Azrael: M-My lord actually doesn't consider me a pet? My lord, I am unworthy... please allow me into the pet's group].

[Galadriel: Fufu~ You're all so funny. Sweetheart, I love you too! Thanks for letting me in~]

[Aqua: I can't believe it... I am here?! HAHAHAHA FROM RAGS TO RICHES!]

[Elysir: Don't use capital, Aqua... or I'll ban you].

[Ray: Girls, calm down a bit–]

[Tsunade: Hurry up with my booking, Ray! I can't hold back anymore!]

[Azrael: Master... please downgrade me into a pet, a-a bird maybe?]


[Haku: A group of pets? Master surely doesn't have any respect for us whatsoever. But what would I expect from my beloved master who doesn't even respect me in the bedroom?~].

[Yasaka: Woof woof~ master please come back, I miss you].

[Kuroka: You are desperate -nya, and you're a fox, not a dog -nya].

[Yasaka: Kuroka-chan? It's been so long... are you still a weakling?~ I think you haven't gotten one of the master's massages -woof~].

[Kuroka: S-Shut up -nya! Master loves me the same! Also, stop barking -nya!].

[Grayfia: Oh my... I, a married woman with a child, am your pet, Ray-kun? Is that our next roleplay? Do you hope that I will be your naughty kitty maid-nya?~].

[Kuroka: Don't be saying 'nya'-nya! I am the cat here-nya! You roleplay as something else, if it's you, a cow -nya].

[Grayfia: *SNORT* Toujou-san, what was that?]

[Kuroka: I'm sorry sensei-nya...].

[Yasaka: You should be more afraid of me, you know?].

[Solution: Shameless bunch of otherworlders. Master, must I bark as well for you to come to me?]

[Haku: Huh? Who is this? A newcomer? We don't need more pets around here]

[Solution: I will make sure master is so satisfied he won't return to that shithole, two more pets underway, a vampire and a succubus~].

[Yasaka: Is that a declaration of war I heard, Haku?]

[Haku: Sounds like it].

[Yasaka: We will have to go there again and level that world to the ground].

[Kuroka: Count me in -nya!].

[Haku: Weak kitty what can you do?~]

[Kuroka: Master, they're bullying me -nya! I need a power-up!]


[Kuroka: Master! Don't stay silent -nya! Say something, I miss you!]

[Yasaka: Master hurry up and come back, m-my pussy, I-I am starting to lose my patience!]

[Haku: If you're not back to me by the end of the month I may have to go there and destroy a few empires, master~ just saying].

[Solution: Bring it!]

[Ray: No no no you're not bringing shit!]


[Anna Yamada: Hi!].

[Anna Blair: Hello, Anna-chan!]

[Anna Yamada: Anna!].

[Anna Blair: Anna-chan!~]

[Anna Yamada: Anna!~]

[Rias: Stop it you two! I'm a bit dizzy now.]

[Akeno: Fufu, all our friends are here~ uhm... where is Koneko-chan?]

[Rias: Akeno, stop it!].

[Akeno: We should tell Ray to join Sona and Tsubaki too, and maybe Seek-chan, that would be so fun!].

[Rias: STOP!]

[Gabriel: Woah~ is this another one of Ray's creations? I miss him...]

[Anna Yamada: Gabriel-chan! Long time!]

[Gabriel: Anna-chan!~ Please come to the heaven to have some tea any time, you can bring your parents too~]

[Anna Yamada: Uhm, I wonder if I should ask Ray-chan to join my mom–]

[Rias: STOP IT! NO!]

[Akeno: Should we do a pyjama party?]

[Anna Blair: I can't go (T-T)]

[Ray: I can make that happen~].

[Rias: Ray! Y-You didn't read above, did you?]

[Ray: Hmn, what are you talking about? Anyway, let me stay here girls, the other groups are... a bit crazy].

[Akeno: Kareshi-kun!~ remember our promise... tied up nice and tight~]

[Ray: U-Ugh, okay...]

[Rias: What promise is she talking about? I haven't heard of it!]

[Anna Yamada: I want to know too!]

[Gabriel: Now I'm interested, can I join? Please let me join!~]



It wasn't more than ten minutes since the groups were created and it was already chaotic. I felt like my body couldn't decide whether I had a huge headache or an overdose of sugar. I love all of those girls but holy hell they do have dispairing personalities. Some are easy-going, and some are territorial, some violent... soon the time will come in which I'll have them all in one place surrounded with our children and I wonder if I and frank are going to make it. 

Nevertheless, I was looking forward to it. 


Galadriel went on her way to the edges of the continent to help the sirens and triton races; I didn't worry much about her, but I did tell Ophis and Elysir to keep an eye.

As for me; I rode an imperial carriage together with the five saintesses that headed towards the Sloane Theocracy which was en-route to head to the Elf Kingdom. Aqua was left in charge of the Sun Church together with Leone and Draudillon. So there was nothing to worry about on that end.

Alana Blair, Anna Blair together with the dark elf sisters Yuna, Merluna and Nocturna Clay. 

At no time did they wear a disguise, I told them that so long as they were with me, that wouldn't be necessary ever again. So they displayed to me their full concentrated elfic charm.

I talked to them to try and get to know them better. From the moment we met, this is actually the first instance I've had the time to speak to them like this. 

"We will be counting on you, milord. Do not hesitate to ask our help for anything~" Yuna bowed, "Henceforth you are the leader of our party, please lead us to glory".

"You don't need to be so formal. We will make quick work out of this together and I'll make sure you elves see the light of the day".

The older sister Yuna was by far the most clingy. She sat to my right, taking Alana's spot even though the latter didn't look too happy about it. I took it as her being comfortable and outgoing due to her age which according to them was in the fifties, even if she looked no older than her sisters.

She was a sorceress wearing tight and beautiful white robes; her white hair in two braids that cascaded along her pretty countenance, she also wore glasses on this occasion, although I have seen them without any. 

She put her hand on my leg and giggled while telling me about the many struggles dark elves had to go through in their life. To get slaved by humans, to get hunted by beastmen for revenge... however, compared to Forest Elves, they still had a degree of freedom due to their higher numbers.

I also came to know that she was married back in her village and had two children, although she switched the subject when I asked further.

There were a lot of dark elves camps spreading across the continents in many jungles and forests, so they could afford a degree of freedom compared to Forest Elves, who, upon abandoning the Kingdom, were never allowed back again.

Both of her sisters; Merluna and Nocturna Clay, joined our conversation leaning forward with interest. 

Merluna was a majestic yellow-eyed raven-haired beauty wearing light leather armour with plates, she had a shield and a sword on her back while Nocturna had long white hair tied in a bum with yellow eyes and she also wore garments similar to a sorceress, but when I asked her... she said she wasn't a sorceress but instead, a priest proficient in light and dark magic. I remember during our fight she had more of a supportive role.

It was incredible how much those sisters resembled one another. Altogether they were quite the all-round group. It is no wonder they're one of the most powerful adventurer parties in the continent. 

Once I knew enough about their lives, the questions about mine started raining down. Anna was on the side of the carriage, minding her own business and presumably talking to Rias, Akeno and the girls... she was going to get fixated on that group chat for quite a while.

Alana hadn't said a word and instead looked at the window until the questions about me started. 

I didn't divagate much and only went through the basics. 

"Out of your lovers, who do you love the most?~" Yuna asked the question that no one should ever ask. I don't know why or how... but I felt like countless eyes were staring at me when she said that. 

It is a question I have an answer to; it's an answer that will never change, but that doesn't mean I like to say it due to obvious repercussions. 

"The one I love the most is my wife, Elysir" I coughed.

I could almost hear a prideful huff and several twitches of tongues before the presence all moved away from me. I guess one way or another they hope that with continuous effort, my answer will eventually change. 

"True to your feelings, I like that," Yuna giggled. It could have been my imagination, but I think I saw her lick her lips. 

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