Echo'es of Time

Chapter 4: Chapter 4 : The Dying Devil with a curse

Kaido was resigned to his fate, he was feeling pain all around his entire body with his lungs struggling for air, at maxmium he had only an hour to live by , his life force- the only form of life- energy- left in him was streaming out of his body, His body was going weak as the second went by and he was losing his footing 

"Let me send you to your wife " Noc lunged forward ,


Kaido saw a image of his wife , her dimple and warm smile welcoming him , her uneven bangs wavering in the air , he smiled at her raising his head high to welcome death.

Was he just going to accept his fate like that?. A thought crept into his mind.

Was he going to lose ?

Was he going to smile and allow himself to die in peace . No. He couldn't accept defeat until he was dead but currently he wasnt .... at least not yet and not in this manner. His wife head shook as if telling him' no' , he smiled at her, he wasn't ready to join her -at least not without a fight-. Then blood streamed down her lips as she vanished away from his mind. He focused his full concentration on his soul.

His lips chant in a foreign tongue , dark essence lingered around him , Noc stopped in his tracks showing amount of shock and disbelief for a moment

FORBIDDEN MAGIC, his face changed showing immense amount of jo .

This bastard doesn't give up. Does he ?

Kaido was planning to use his Life force to fight in place of mana. A act where he would tap into his life force and use it to boost up his speed, strength and even act as his mana-untill his life ran out


Kaido soul core busted full of Energy, with his soul realm cracking and spilt ,tearing apart it's very foundation after all what was going into it wasn't mana, it was something sinister, a feeling akin to death. Kaido brain screamed in pain as blood flowed out of his mouth. Each and every fibre of his body hurted like hell,his eyes almost bulging out of its sockets,his head banging hard, but he was full of power .

"Round 3 Fight" Kaido head raised as dust raised up in his wake.His astonishing speed made it hard for the naked eyes to follow his movement.

"Yes" Noc yelled in ecstasy " Come for me -" Kaido ran into him before he could finish his sentence sending him flying in the air, Kaido time was ticking he had less than thirty seconds to live, he had to do all what was on his mind, before his body couldn't move anymore.


His head turned towards the spectators, with fear in their eyes in the next instance he was on the old man who had read the scroll -after all he had the bastard in mind -first his sword slashed through the man, the man raised a earth wall as his defense earth defenses

Earth attribute ehn?

Kaido enforced his sword with more force slashing through the earth wall like paper before cutting the man down with it.


He increased his movement to his next opponents, slicing both of their head at once - the clan leader and his guard.


With a sword approaching from above he lunged himself to the air dodging the sword and engaging Noc in a sword-to-sword battle, their speed was so fast people could barely follow up with their speed.


Kaido sent Noc down back to the ground with a kick to the gut, Kai vomited out blood - blackish red-, he had less time than he thought. Still, he didn't waver as he followed after Noc to the earth with a perfect slice cutting to his ribs, Noc managed to block it but his arms couldn't hold on he even used his shadows to enforce his strength but it didn't hold long, his right arm snapped as his body was sent to the ground. With his back resounding into the ground. Black liquid gushed out of Noc lips with his face full of shock and joy of finally finding a match worth his while in battle.


Kaido was overflow with power on par with that of Noc or maybe even higher.His power which one would think made him more of a strong diety made him look not worth than being called- a dying devil- his eyes weren't glowing as one would thing, he was bleeding from every part of his body possible, his eyes, mouth, ears and every single cut on his body. His whole body was in pain to the extend he couldn't figure out what specific part of his body hurt. He was already a dead man walking. So he couldn't care less of the pain.

"Let's all strike him down before he attacks" The most cautious of the watcher said noticing Kaido eyes on them,after all they were next on his list , no one needed to answer they all started their best spells. Kaido wasn't going to wait for that he lunged forward once more going to cut them down.


"Enough!" Noc voice sent tremble through the whole valley with his hand raised up "Great shadow sword ..." A huge sword materialized in the air ranging to be as big as a basic human building ,moving with astonishing speed towards Kaido, Kaido didn't have enough time to invade,

It was too fast, the huge sword cleared him out of the way sending him towards the waterfall. Stopping the sword just before it thrown him into the river took everything out of him. Draining him, he was exhausted, his only remaining arm had snapped backwards due to impact with the giant sword.



Kaido throat hurt as he vomited blood from his gut, he got to his knees

-I guess this is Fate, I''ll die here- He raised his head up, blood flowing down his body.


"It was fun playing with you Kaido Ishtar, but this is where you die" Noc voice resounded, he was tattered with various injuries on his body, Kaido smiled at least he had done some damage to Kaido body was on the verge of falling off the cliff into the water he couldn't even keep his body straight.

"This life was fun " his eyes met with Noc as he pushed his body down towards the waterfall 

"Perhaps in another life or world you and i would have been friends " Noc said looking around him to see that Kaido had killed some of his companions, He was a fighter till the end.



The water falls current gruesomely accepted Kaido body pushing him to the dept slowly, Kaido was going unconscious - he was dying- his whole life flashed before his eyes as he shut them.

In his soul realm his astral body was looking at his soul cores which were all Shattered-all three cores- from him using his life force as a form of energy with everything looking dark and lifeless including all the bond of the artifacts he had merged with slowly fading away , his eyes searched through all of them as his time was already up, his body was dying.

Then he noticed, the vanishing artifact bond looking like a lantern still had a little flame, but it was flickering as thou it was about to go off, approaching it with shocking eyes - his heart stopped - his astral body could feel it he was fading . He was about to die.


The artifact light was going out, a Sense of hope and desire burned within him

Then, with a touch from his astral body —he touched the artifact.

A last escape. A way for him to escape death he thought.

The Vanishing Artifact shattered in his grasp.Upon contact.

And suddenly—.

He felt like he was breathing but he wasn't.

He was living but dead at the same time.

He was being swallowed and vomited at the same time.

Then he began to rot

The magic was wrong. Something was wrong.The entirety of his astral body burnt out without flame . Then his physical body burned not with fire or heat.

He felt being drowned but shockingly not from the water he was in.

His mana built back but then imploded. His skin peeled - not in physical- black veins crawled up his arms, devouring him from the inside out. It was as though he was dead but feeling pain at the same time.

His vision blurred—he was drowning and burning it was as though the water he was in was on fire, no sound could escape his throat.

It was like drowning in fire.

Ah shit .


Like his very soul was being stripped apart, piece by piece.

Kaido wasn't sure if his body was feeling the pain or it was his soul he thought and felt as if he was dead ,if so how was he feeling pain , he raced his body fingers at his chest as if trying to hold himself together. He knew his body was still alive but still dead at the same time . As though the pain he felt by-passed death to get to him.

He wasn't just dying.

He was being erased.His toes were the first to start to disintergrate into nothingness.

Noc senses heightened.

Something was wrong in the water, wariness flickering in his eyes. Everyone could sense it

"Kaido… what did you do?" Noc eyes was serious for once he wasn't smiling unlike before, this was quite serious

Looking above from where Kaido had fallen trying to use mana to enforce his eyes to see what was happening inside the water , his eyes failed him as though been blocked by something else... something sinister.

The artifact had failed.


It had worked too well.


Kaido let out a shattered scream, clutching his hands into where his heart was situated trying to dig through so he could end his pitiful state himself, his heart wasn't pumping that much he could tell from touching his chest in actual sense he was dead, his leg bones began splintering into dust burning with immense pain , his body breaking apart bit by bit.

Pain wracked his very soul.

For the first time in years, Kaido wanted to beg. Wanted to call out to God -if they was actual one-. He had stopped believing they was a God somewhere ever since everything went south in his life but- for now he wanted to believe... Wanted to hope and beg for the pain...

For it to stop.

For it to end.

But he couldn't, he could even barely keep himself sane.

"someone go down there !" Noc ordered as two young men whom served as guards enhanced their selves in mana and jumped down into the water. 

Noc turned to see everyone face

Was it only him whom felt it?

Their faces were terrified,they could all sense trouble brewing but...Her face was calm. Too calm. Lady Saraiel . The woman in white.

"This is all as expected" He could swear he heard her say that .

Who was she actually?

She was the one whom had forced the king hand down to send Noc down to fight Kaido so she could check something- an artifact observation-she called it.

Noc's attention went back to the water as he heard screams violent scream of the two people, he had sent down with the water bubbling and boiling and slowly corroding .... his face full of shock, it was as though the water was disintegrating to nothingness-it wasn't drying up nor was it evaporating it was disintergrating rapidly-. With shocked face to question the lady in white ,he turned around Lady Saraiel was gone .

What the hell is going on?

Kaido tried to reach out for the people who came into the water to escape, to fight, to live—

But his hands disintegrated before his eyes. With their full body disintergrating immediately they came in close range to him .So, did his chest slowly going down to his torso leaving his head.He was disintergrating. His heart, lungs ,liver and every other part went but he didn't die-rather he couldn't - he was already dead but shockingly alive. The pain still intensify not relenting his head still banged.

God damn it all.

The water around him started going to and fast , faster than his body was disintergrating.

And finally…

For the first time in his life…

Kaido felt emmense fear. Fear that griped him in disbelief.

Not for himself.

Not for his death.

But for the world.

Because the artifact's corruption wasn't stopping.

It was spreading.

The battlefield cracked. The air twisted. The sky darkened as the very fabric of reality began to collapse.

Noc staggered back, horror flickering in his gaze.

Kaido let out a shuddering breath, more than half of his body was gone, his soul was fracturing.

He screeched in pain but nothing came out-he was nothing but a head feeling pain. His soul screamed in pain . Tears flooding down his cheeks

And then—

Kaido shattered into dust. With his soul-a bright blue light- being confined into a ball in the vanishing artifact -the lantern which flickered- and transported away or rather vanished.

The corruption did not stop.

It would never stop.

It had already begun.No one could escape not Noc not Anyone in this reality. The artifact corrupted the entire world Turning it to nothingness. Soon scream of people around the planet could be heard with pain spreading fast. Children saw their parents body fade away like dust, Parents saw their children cry for help with immense pain and suffering lingering in their eye , siblings clutched tight to themselves as they slowly faded to nothingnesss unlike Kaido everyone body disintergrating along with their soul. And also..

They were lucky . Their death was fast unlike What had occurred with Kaido. They didn't feel the immense pain he felt . Compared to his pain theirs was nothing but a mustard seed to what he had experienced.

The world itself was falling with him. With mountain ranging down to nothingness ,trees turn to notore than heap of sand , Oceans turn to desolate ground ,with beasts and humans turning into dust .

And Kaido, the man who had once sought vengeance—

Had cursed the world, unknowingly to him.

And it had all perished in his wake.

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