Chapter 2: Chapter 2
Percy didn't know how long he slept but when he woke up he found himself alone under the warm covers of the cotton blanket. He felt refreshed without a hint of exhaustion in him. A welcoming difference from the time he spent outdoors for the last three years. Out there Percy had slept in a lot of places, from the harsh hot weather of Caelid to the cold beaches of South Limgrave. Outside the walls of the Hold, you didn't have time to complain nor the right.
There was no need for comfort and it was up to yourself to dictate what comfort meant and it was your choice to either indulge yourself in any semblance of comfort or peace. Personally, Percy was content with his sleeping bag and small tent; however, that wasn't always the case. During the first few months of his journey, Percy couldn't sleep a wink.
He was constantly on edge listening and waiting for someone or something to attack him. It didn't help that he wasn't used to sleeping in a sleeping bag on the hard earthy floor. Yet, Percy was stuck in that arrangement for a whole month and it was only after the third month that he was able to finally get more than three hours of sleep. From there he slowly grew used to his sleeping arrangements. It also helped when he would summon his other companion, the Stormhawk Deenh to watch over him.
Deenh had been a gift for his tenth birthday, given to him by a Tarnished who had visited a place called the Chapel of Anticipation. Percy didn't know what happened to the Tarnished but the last core memory he had of them was when a lot of the other Tarnished called them suicidal for returning to that place.
Regardless, Percy was very grateful as he had gotten his first real friend. The other Tarnished didn't count as they were years older than him. They also treated him more like a kid… which he was.
"Are you awake my dear?"
"Huh? Mom?" Percy looked towards the owner of the voice.
Lady Fia walked into the room carrying a small tray. It consisted of a bowl of warm soup and a loaf of bread with some butter.
"Come sit and eat, Perseus."
A rumble came from Percy's stomach making him redden in embarrassment. "Yeah, I'm starving." He stood up and sat at the small dining table for four people where his mom then placed the warm bowl of soup in front of him with a spoon. Just from the look of it, Percy could feel his stomach grumble - it looked very appealing. There was some meat cut into cubes, chopped potatoes, and assorted vegetables like diced carrots, and peas.
All in all, it looked a lot more appetizing than the food he ate outside; which usually consisted of anything he could get his hands on. From sheep, squirrels, birds, and local foliage that were safe to eat - you couldn't be picky out there.
"Thanks for the food mom!"
Fia sighed happily. "You're welcome, dear."
Twenty minutes later after savouring his mom's cooking - he knew it was hers after taking the first bite. Sharing the fresh soft bread with her as well as praising her cooking skills; Percy leant back in his chair as he balanced it with its back two legs. He felt so full and although outside he also satiated his hunger it just wasn't the same.
After resting for a few minutes Percy told his mom what he had been up to. He started with his journey in Limgrave where he found a weird man with a pale white mask conversing with another Tarnished. It seemed that they were arguing about something so Percy had merely ignored them and proceeded on his way into the forest. There he found a few Limgrave soldiers that he knew would attack him. If he had been a newly awakened Tarnished he would've walked straight up to them only to end up being attacked. However, with his mom's teachings and the words of the Tarnished who lived in the Hold Percy knew better.
So he silently crept past them until he was out of the forest. However, upon exiting the treeline Percy had found a Limgrave encampment. At this point of the story, Percy reassured his mom that he hadn't charged in there in hopes of killing them.
Afterwards, Percy spent his time exploring Limgrave on foot. Which was very dangerous and stupid. But, that was only for those who had no survival training whatsoever. Percy had been taught personally by Yura on the ways to move without being noticed. So with his teachings, Percy was able to explore although there were plenty of close calls.
"Where did you go afterwards?" Fia asked.
"I went south by following the road- but don't worry Mom! I followed it from afar and made sure to stay in or near a wooded area."
Percy knew exactly what his mom was worried about. He had seen the group of soldiers, skeletons, and two trolls who pulled a large carriage.
When he bypassed the group Percy decided to head up a hill to see from a higher vantage point. By then after exploring for a few hours and ending up on the hill Percy found a small shack where he decided to sleep for the night. He made sure there weren't any enemies by checking around the small wooden house and banging on the windows. When he deemed it safe he made his way inside and slept. He had a lot of trouble falling asleep and by morning he had only gotten around two hours of shut eye.
What Percy failed to mention, however, was the girl who had appeared right beside him during the day. She scared the crap out of him and woke him up as if cold water had been thrown at him. It wasn't that Percy didn't trust his mom. But that he knew he would be teased.
Percy and his mom conversed for two hours straight. He told her everything about his journey—with the exception of his interactions with the girl and of course, his multiple very deadly close calls.
"Oh wow, it's already two o'clock?"
"I let you sleep till eleven," Fia explained. "You looked so tired."
"That explains it then." Percy shrugged.
"Let's continue the rest of your journey tomorrow ok? Fia said and raised a finger to stop Percy from interrupting. "I'm sure Hweg would be happy to see you back. You should go greet him." Fia explained.
"You're right! I'll see you later then Mom."
"Wait before you go, Brother Coryhn is present so you should greet him too."
Percy gave her a thumbs-up and left their shared room.
Elden Ring
Percy approached the misbegotten blacksmith of the Hold. Like any other day at any time of the day, Hweg was busy hammering away at a blade. He made all sorts of blades from knives, daggers, swords of all types, axes, spears, you name it and he can make it.
"Afternoon there Hweg," Percy announced while picking up a plain-looking sword that had been discarded haphazardly in the middle of the hall.
Hweg glanced up briefly, his eyes widening comically. "Well well well, you're back eh Percy? Where've you been hiding?"
Percy laughed. "Everywhere and nowhere Hweg. Just been exploring here and there."
Hweg nodded and returned to his smithing. "Glad to have you back. Been quiet for the past few months. Seems like no one wants to venture out there anymore. Then again who am I to judge."
Percy nodded. "It definitely isn't for everyone. Although, I bet you wouldn't mind if they head out huh? Your skills seem to be diminishing without having the chance to upgrade some armaments."
"Would help that's for sure." Hweg shrugged.
"Well, don't you worry about that. I heard that the Myrmidons are returning soon."
"So Mighty Achilles returns as well. Good good, means more blades for me to work on."
"Hmm, I met one of his men, Aspetos. They had a campsite by the grace south of the Bridge of Sacrifice. It seemed that whatever the Myrmidons were doing was complete."
"Apart from that I too need some work on my blade!" Percy noted the brief flash of joy that crossed Hweg's usually neutral expression.
"Oh and Hweg, I came across a new ore that you might like. Found it at a tomb by Castle Morne on one of their beaches. I'm not sure what it is so consider it a gift from me to you." Percy nodded. "I'll see you later then. I'll bring my blade as well."
Hweg nodded and shooed Percy away.
Percy smiled and turned to head into the roundtable room. It was barren like yesterday except there was Brother Corhyn who stood ever so vigilant by the wall directly behind his chair by the roundtable.
"Brother Corhyn," Percy bowed. "It's nice to see you again."
"Percy? Ah, it is you. It has been a long time young one." Corhyn spoke in his low voice.
Percy bowed respectfully at the man who had taught him about medicine. With Corhyn's knowledge, Percy had survived a lot of encounters and tough situations he found himself in when he ran out of his flask or when he was too far from a grace site. The latter was a big problem when he decided to visit places that didn't seem to be meant to be explored. Such as the time he went down a large cliff only to find there was no way back up.
Percy borrowed Corhyn's chair. "Your teachings helped me a lot out there."
"I am glad to hear this." Corhyn nodded with a slight upturn of his mouth.
There wasn't much else for Percy to talk about. Brother Corhyn was a man with very few words and often took himself either by meditation or praying. So after only thirty minutes or so, Percy bid the man farewell and promised to visit in the future if he wanted to learn some incantations.
Before going to his mom, however, Percy still had one final destination to visit. It was also the second reason why he had returned to the Hold. He knew it was too early and that his mother would no doubt be upset but it was time.
Elden Ring
"So you're finally going to Stormveil. After your three-year-long absence to explore the open areas of Limgrave from the North to the South and even venturing briefly into Caelid through a portal found in another forgotten church of Marika; you're finally going to face the Fell Omen and the Grafted."
Gideon sat behind his desk littered with scrolls and books filled with knowledge he researched along with those of his Creed. His striking spartan-like helmet revealed not a face but a pit of darkness boring into Percy's.
For as long as Percy could remember. Gideon Ofnir was a very serious man and one who always made him nervous. He always had this air of coldness around him even though his actions and words may conflict with it. Regardless the man was the leader of the roundtable and he took that role seriously.
Percy nodded with determination present on his face. "Throughout my three-year absence from the hold to journey outside, I have come across so many places and faced so many different hostile creatures born from the madness caused by the shattering. I've fought them, shed blood and sweat, broke steel and bones - of mine own and theres; yes, there is plenty for me to explore still. But it's time for me to move on."
Everything Percy recited was true. He was ready to venture past Limgrave, to head into Stormveil castle the home of Margit the Fell Omen and Godrick the Grafted, a descendant of Godwyn the Golden. It may sound stupid to others how he wants to head to that abandoned castle but to him, it was the starting line of his journey to become the Elden Lord.
Yes, he explored the lands of Limgrave as well as a tiny portion of Caelid; yes, he faced monsters and mad creatures as well as other humans and humanoids, yes, he suffered wounds and injuries that would make a person cringe. But that was only that. There wasn't a clear goal. Percy took three years to journey so that he could train and get real experience; it was also his way of learning how to be independent. Since the journey to become the Elden Lord was often a lonely one.
Gideon nodded numbly, his finger tracing the open book in front of him. "Yes… yes, you are right. With your skills and knowledge of this land, I have no doubt you can retake Stormveil and purge the filth from that once luminous castle."
"Exactly," Percy agreed.
"Then go… Tarnished, defeat the Fell Omen, strike the Grafted and send him to his death."
Percy nodded and went to leave but stopped at Gideon's voice.
"Just remember to be careful," Gideon said as he looked at a giant map of Limgrave hanging by the rightmost wall. "A lot of Tarnished died at the hands of those two. More than I can count."
"Don't worry Sir Gideon, I'll prevail," Percy smirked. His smirk only grew larger at the next words that escaped Gideon's lips. After all, it was exactly what Percy expected him to say.
"Make sure you do. I wouldn't want to deal with your mother about this; I have plenty of other important stuff to do than survive the attack of a grieving woman for not stopping you. Now begone with you."
| Notes |
The Myrmidons: A group of Tarnished led by Achilles, the Mighty.
Achilles, the Mighty: OC / One of the first Tarnished who returned to the Lands Between. A decorated fighter and leader known for his ferocity and aggressive fighting style. More information will be given.
Astepon: OC Tarnished.
Creed: Individuals who gather information for Gideon Ofnir.
| End |