Elemental Hero in Teyvat

Chapter 21: Chapter 21: The Librarian

-Sekai POV-

Lisa went back to Library. I looked at her as she faded from my view. I start walking up and bring back the leftover to Sara kitchen and make one karage role with them and store into my inventory. The rest leftover I ate quickly and made my way to the library. I found out that no one present in the library beside Lisa which didn't surprise me much. Lisa had taken notice and smiled at me.

Lisa: Ara ara~ that was fast. Were you so eager to see me that you ate your food that fast. I'm touched cutie.

Sekai: Uh, n-no. I just want to know what you need my help with.

Lisa: Oooh~ playing hard to get. I like it~

Sekai: (that was my honest opinion but I don't think she will back down so its better to stay quite) So what do you want my help for Lisa?

Lisa: I want you to first bring me a book on the 5th shelf of that section. The 15th book from the left.

The Librarian said as she pointed to said section. I look at her in confusion but decided to do as she said and went to find the book and as I stood in front of designated shelf. I heard the clanking of her heels but ignore it and focus on finding the book. Then I reached the place she told and found the book. I reached out to grab it but stopped immediately.

Why you ask?

Because Lisa was leaning on me from behind. I could feel her hat on the back of my head. I could also feel two distinct soft things on my back which I dare not describe. Both her hand was on my back as her body leaned onto mine.

Sekai: Um, Lisa what are you doing?

Lisa: What do you think? I leaning on you. Beside I need to do the task do give to me by Jean.

Lisa said as she leaned, her head a bit forward. I could feel her face close to my head as I grew more nervous. I tried my best to composed and continue the conversation.

Sekai: And what is the task?

Lisa: To teach you about various things in Teyvat. Jean said that you plan to join Aether in his travel, so She feel that is need for you to know general thing in Teyvat.

Lisa said as her voice start to grew a bit sad when middle of her statement.

I froze when I heard that. I knew I say that to Jean, but that never my main reason. I feel guilty and start grip my thumbs stronger. This is noticed by Lisa as she then starts to stroke my hair.

Lisa: Your journey will maybe be dangerous and difficult. I don't know where your journey will bring you, and I hope with my little help here will make sure that you know enough about Teyvat so that you won't be in danger.

Lisa said while continue to stroke my hair more. Okey. Now I feel bad for hiding my real reason for following Aether and Paimon. But I didn't do anything and just stood there still. After a while I start to asked Lisa

Sekai: So, you're going to be my Sensei?

Lisa: Yes, I suppose. So, call me Lisa Sensei cutie~

Sekai: Yes Lisa Sensei!

Lisa giggle then told me to sit on a chair beside desk as I complied. I then watched as she pulled books from the shelf and then took them and placed them on table. I sweat dropped at the amount of book.

Sekai: Um do I really need to learn all that?

Lisa: Oh! You're not interested?

Sekai: Yeah, I'm pretty sure it will take a long time for me to learn all of that. So how about you shorten the information and teach me. That way it will save both our time.

Lisa: Ara ara~ wanting me to teach everything on my own without relying on books. I'm very impresses cutie. You sure know how to get a woman. Ufufu~

Sekai: *sigh* (she really has talent for twisting word for her advantage. That mysterious glint in her eyes didn't even help to ensure me). By the way Lisa sensei teach other like this?

Lisa: No. I usually tell them to learn themselves.

Sekai: If that the case then, why are you personally teaching me?

Lisa: Oh, this is different. I wouldn't mind teaching a cutie like you. Not to mention you did take commission to clean library as well. Also…

Lisa suddenly leaned towards me from her chair. I leaned back from my chair as she drew closer to me. She then raised he right hand and used her pointing finger to touch my chin and lifted it up a bit as her face was a few inches apart from mine.

Lisa: *giggle* I don't mind teaching cute and handsome boy like you

Sekai: * blushing* U-uh… alright…

Lisa: *smile* alright right let's start with the lesson.

Noted: Simply, Lisa teaches about Teyvat in general, about 7 nation and its archon, general geography on each nation, about vision and elemental energy in general, then about history of Mondstadt, exc….

-Time Skips-

Lisa: Well, that all the information that I can give you. I hope this will be helpful in your journey cutie.

The Librarian said as she touched my nose with her pointing finger. I grew a bit nervous when she do that.

Sekai: Yeah, i-it was quite helpful.

Lisa: *smile* Good cause you're gonna repay me for it.

Sekai: w-wait… What!

Lisa: *giggle* You heard me. I taught you about Teyvat while taking time out from my own schedule. You need to repay me cutie.

Sekai: B-but didn't you do it because Acting Grandmaster Jean asked you to?

The Librarian suddenly used her pointing finger to lift my chin again and spoke.

Lisa: That maybe so, but because I teach you directly so you have to repay it. Got it cutie~

I just sigh because I know it, I'll never win arguing with her.

Sekai: Okey… I'll repay you Lisa sensei. But what do you want from me?

She went into thinking pose with her finger still on my chin.

Lisa: Hmmm. I know! I want a date!

Sekai: (a date? I don't know they have date fruit in this world… wait I mean from Lisa lecture she said that in Sumeru Nation there is desert area, right? so maybe they grow it there. But can I get it in Mondstadt?)

Sekai: Lisa Sensei… where can I get a date? I know I cannot find date from fruit shop here. Is there a secret shop selling it?

The librarian has a look of confuse before start to giggle again and start to clarify it to my two-brain cell.

Lisa: It's not a date fruit, silly cutie~ a 'date' is the day when boy plan activities for girl to hang out together.

Sekai: Owh you want to hang out for a day with me while I plan what to do on that day. Herm… that doable then Lisa Sensei!

Lisa: Ufufu~, I was right you are innocently cute~ that mean you never been in date before?

Sekai: (Did the time I spent with Eula consider date then? But I didn't plan anything for her that day… so not… maybe…) No as far as I understand what date it… never.

Lisa: Ara ara~ so that I'm going to be the first girl you date. Now aren't lucky.

Sekai: Herm… Maybe I'm the lucky one that have Lisa sensei for my first date.

Lisa: *giggle* My cutie sure knows how to ensnare girl heart. Then two day later near Statue of Barbatos at 10 am. That is the place where we will meet for our date. So don't be late cutie~

Sekai: *Salute* Yes Miss Lisa

Lisa: *mutter* Cheeky cutie… That great. Now while I would like to talk to you more, I have some matters to attends to so I'm quite sorry but we can't spend more time together.

Lisa said as she placed the books back at it original place.

Sekai: No worries. I learned a lot today. Thanks Lisa sensei. 

I said as I helped her place other books back. After we finish placing book back, we left the library. I was about to go on my way when suddenly I remember something.

Sekai: One second Lisa.

I said as I bring out karage roll on my hand and hand it to Lisa. Lisa take the karage roll with surprise expression on her face.

Sekai: I saw you look at the karage when you left back to library. I thought you originally plan to get lunch but because preparing teaching material for my lecture you didn't have time to eat lunch right. So please accept this as apologize.

I saw Lisa watch the karage roll in her eyes in silent thinking that she really hungry and want to eat in silent start to open library door when suddenly a hand was place on my shoulder. I turned around and want to asked why she hold my shoulder when suddenly she did something I never expected.

She kissed me on my left cheek.

I in response froze over and had a shocked look on her face while Lisa on the other hand had satisfied one.

Lisa: *giggle* that for being considerate and give me many surprises today. Now don't be late for that date okey. If you manage to impress me, I might give you…

Lisa face drew closer to mine as I just stayed still as her face drew close to mine and even able feel her breath in my left ear making me growing nervous.

Lisa: A much more intimate gift~. I'm sure you'll like it. Ufufu~

My mind literally frozen when o heard that. The last wording of her was quite suggestive if I do say myself. Lisa then stood straight and looked at me with smile.

Lisa: I'm looking forward for our date cutie~

And then she went on her way as I looked at her as she disappeared from my view. That was quite something… Not that I'm going to complain. But now I have a hang-out date with Lisa to plan. Now to find Aether and Paimon and ask about what this hang-out date is actually are and what I should do then.


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