Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Date with librarian
-The next Morning-
Sekai POV
I got out of my bed and freshened up. Then I put on I trace a formal attire that I usually wear when I go on formal ceremony. I looked at the mirror and thought is was not bad. After that I wore fingerless gauntlet on both my arms. Then I combed my hair and looked at myself in the mirror and nodded to myself that I'm ready for today event.
Sekai: (Good, this should be enough for my date with Lisa, and according to Aether, the first date is special so I have to dress appropriately. Well, as this is my first date I need to take this seriously.)
Sekai: Well, can't be late. If I remember correctly, she said to meet her at the Statue of Barbatos.
I went out from my room and greet Aether good morning while Paimon is still asleep. Aether wishes me luck. I went past many Mondstadters and they complimented me on my wear and some of the girls started to whisper amongst themselves after seeing me. Maybe they taught me as a noble due to my formal attire so I just ignore them. I made my way through the city and finally arrived at the Statue.
I decided to sit on the bench near the Statue instead of standing in front of it. After I waited for some time, I heard the clanking of heels and turned my head to see Lisa walking towards me. My eyes widened as I saw the attire she was wearing.
She was out of her usual clothes and in beautiful white dress, the contrast that come from the usual dark purple attire to light dress with a tinge of purple really make her look more angelic and divine.
Overall, she was gorgeous. And the gentle wind that blew bringing flower petal around only seemed to increase her beauty even further. The people around had their eyes on her as she made her way towards me.
Lisa: Hey cutie, did you wait long?
Sekai: Nah, I just got here a few minutes ago. By the way, that a nice dress Lisa. You look gorgeous.
I said to her with smile as I stood up from the bench.
Lisa: Of how bold~. Well you look quite handsome yourself, I'm quite happy that you decide to dress this nicely for me~
Sekai: (thanks Aether I guess) Thanks, I thought this gonna be important occasion for both of us, so I need to look the part.
Lisa: *smile* That very kind of you. Now, why don't we get on this date.
Sekai: Yeah, follow me, Lisa.
Lisa: Sure.
After that the two of us walked together as the people around us started to talk amongst themselves. But I didn't say anything to them and focused on the date. The two of us walked and made our way to Good Hunter where Sara greeted two of us.
Sara: Hello, welcome to Good Hunter, what would you… Wait Lisa and Soma sensei?
Sara said with confused and surprised look as she looks at us. Then she continued with excited voice.
Sara: Master, I did it I won!
I head pat her
Sekai: Good job my student.
Sara seems to blushing red.
Sara: It thanks to you Soma Sensei
Sekai: *smile* Just Sekai.
Sara: thanks Sekai.
There were silent again…
Sekai: ehem… btw, can I order 2 Tea Break Pancakes and 1 satisfying salad.
Sekai: Oh right. I'll make them in no time. Please take a seat.
I nodded to her and made my way to the seat with Lisa. I pulled back a chair and let Lisa sit wand the I sat on my own chair opposite her. I looked at Sara and I saw her glancing at us from time to time. I didn't mind though as I turned my attention to Lisa who currently smiling in my direction.
Lisa: So, what have you planned for our date Sekai?
Sekai: That's a surprise. You'll find out soon.
Lisa: Well then, I'm looking forward to it. By the way cutie, what that all about with Sara.
Lisa gives a smile, but I feel like my spine is tingling.
Sekai: O-oh that, remember on the day you invite me for teaching session at library. Where you come to find me here while I taking lunch?
Lisa: Ufufu~ the day you accept to go on this date.
Sekai: *blushing* y-yeah. Ehem, I said that the leftover is from helping Sara right? so…
I proceed to explain Sara situation to Lisa and Lisa just smile.
Lisa: Poor Sara, I'm happy she manages to avoid that. If not, there someone out there need to be punish~
Sekai: *sweatdrop* So how has your days been going Lisa? From the time I've entered the library you didn't seem to have any problem and was enjoying your time there.
Lisa: Oh, its going fine. Especially enjoyable when you back to infirmary though~ it is always nice to tease you~
Sekai: *blush* R-really, I'm glad, I guess…
After that I made small talk with her as Sara came with the food and we enjoy our breakfast,
Then we went on our way as Lisa followed me out of Modstadt. Thinking that it gonna be hard for Lisa to walk on heel, I start to trance on hoverbike (That bike creates by MotoBot)
Lisa has a looked of surprised on her face and started to asked me
Lisa: What is this?
Sekai: This is hoverbike, let just say, its kind of transportation that hover on land. So, you didn't need worry of the road surface.
I start to show how to ride a bike to Lisa and proceed to ask Lisa to ride on back. Lisa holds my hip making me blush especially when she starts to hug me. I tried my hardest to ride the hoverbike while ignoring two massive sensations on my back. Eventually we reached Windrise as I stop the hoverbike and we are standing under massive oak tree.
Lisa: That was a best ride ever. It even better than horse and carriage. Thanks cutie~
Sekai: It's my pleasure my lady…
Lisa looked at massive tree then at me
Lisa: Oooh the Symbol of Mondsdat's Hero huh. That actually a good choice, it is one of the romantic spots in Mondstadt.
Sekai: Yep. Also, there something here that I want to give you, so could you wait me beside the statue of seven?
Lisa: Of course, I have no problem with that.
Lisa made her way to the statue and then I turned my attention to the tree. I turned myself in cyclone form and summon Cyclone Hoverboard, Then I slowly mad my way towards the top of the tree and looked around for the thing I wanted. After feeling the wind element around me, it direct me towards the thing I wanted.
I carefully hover towards the branches and managed to get my hand on it. Then I pulled out the box from my inventory and put it inside and slowly hover my may down. After that, I returned to base form and walked towards Lisa who was sitting at beside the Statue of Seven as she looked at crystal flies some space ahead of her.
Sekai: Hey Lisa, here it is.
I present the small box to Lisa while she took it on her hand.
Lisa: Oh, I wonder what it is.
She opened the box and had a surprised look on her face. She picked up the object inside the box which was a leaf of the tree. But unliked normal leaves is was glowing teal colour as she look at it.
Lisa: Oh, is this a tree leaf infused with Anemo energy?
Sekai: Yeah, you can occasionally find leave like that on this tree. And only this tree minds you. You won't find these types of leaves anywhere on any other tree in Mondstadt. (Well if what I feel from anemo energy is true)
Lisa: This is quite curious indeed. While it is possible to gather elemental energy or better yet use a vision to gather the energy. It is quite difficult to infuse that same energy in such a delicate thing. It's usually takes a lot of concentration otherwise the leaf might just get destroyed. It's a unique thing indeed.
Sekai: That right. Moreso a leaf with this much elemental energy. I thought that since you are librarian and studied in Sumeru Akademiya, you might be interested in it, if anything else, you can just book press it and used it as bookmark.
Lisa: Ufufu, you sure know how to make a lady happy. This is a good gift for someone like me.
Sekai: I'll hold onto it for now. We still need have another place to go.
Lisa: Oh really, alright then. Lead the way.
Lisa said as she gave me the box.
I put the box into my inventory and then started to walk towards the hoverbike. After a few steps, Lisa suddenly grabbed my hand. This of course surprised me as I looked at her as she just giggled and smiled at me. I just smiled back and walk towards the hoverbike. Then we ride the hoverbike and enjoyed the scenery along the way. We reached the second spot that I already put in my plan that is Thousand Wind Temple.
Lisa: Oh my, the Thousand Wind Temple. Is this the next spot?
Sekai: yeah, what do you think?
Lisa: This is quite unorthodox but it isn't unwelcome. This is quite a surprise and I wouldn't say that I don't like it. I rather interested actually, I wanted to come here before but didn't have the time and even if I did it would only be for a few moments before I had to go.
Sekai: Well, I'm glad you like it.
When I was doing commission, I found this place during my way back, finding it quite old and having its own backstory I start going to Library to find information about this place. Well, let just say it's had its own history. So, I thought this would a good place to take a Librarian.
Sekai: By the way, it's already noon, so why don't we have lunch.
Lisa: I would be delighted to~
I smiled at her and let her choose the place to sit. She decided on a place a bit more into wilderness but close to the temple. Then I trance on picnic cloth placed it and took out our lunch from inventory. Damn, you know how busted this inventory is.
Lisa: Oh my, Barbatos Ratatouille and Northern Apple Stew. Ufufu, you sure know how to make girl feel special.
I smiled and spoke
Sekai: Let's eat.
Lisa: *smile* Sure.
The two of us took our share and started to eat and yup, I still need a lot more training to reach Soma level. But hey, its was still satisfying seeing Lisa tried her best to cover her ecstasy on her first bite.
Sekai: T-this is really tasty. I don't think Sara can cook to this level.
Sekai: Yeah, Sara needs more training to reach this level…
Lisa: Are you saying that it's y-
Sekai: Let just enjoyed our meal my lady… didn't want the dish to went cold.
After that we enjoyed our food while talking with each other. But this time is was about the temple and its significance. Apparently, it was an amphitheater which was used by the old aristocracy for gladiator fight. After the establishment of the Knight, the place was abandoned. Due to the negligence, it has come to this state. Though she also told me that some ruin guards were responsible for its current state as well. Maybe I can talk this with Master Diluc and change it into arena where they can determine the strongest person on Mondsdat.
Lisa: That was really satisfying.
Sekai: Yup it sure was. But I'm not done. It's time for a bit dessert.
I said as I pulled out two Moon pies from inventory.
Lisa: Oooh Moon Pie, haven't eaten them in a while.
Lisa said as she clasped her hands.
Sekai: and here your drink.
I said as I placed two glass and poured Apple Cider in them.
Lisa: Apple Cider as well. I do remember you going to the tavern before we set off. Oh my, you just know how to get the heart of a girl don't you~. Ufufu, I like it~
Lisa said with smile with her sultry tone.
Sekai: Thanks, though I'm honestly just doing the best I can. Ice?
I presented the glass to her as I asked her,
Lisa: Yes, three cube please.
I nodded to her as I put three ice cubes inside her drink. I had kept insulated box inside my inventory. Not like it have the function done as the inventory itself just stop time of item inside it. But hey for presentation's sake, I guess. I put two ice cubes in my Apple Cider as we then enjoyed our drinks.
Lisa: Mmmm~, this is so good. A dessert after a meal and a nice cold drink. That hit the spot.
Lisa said cheerfully as she happily ate her dessert.
Sekai: Thank my lady, I'm Happy you like it.
After that we stayed at the Temple for some time as we looked at it and talked about it with each other. I could see that Lisa was quite happy seeing the temple. I knew for a fact Lisa didn't like normal books and much preferred the one in the restricted section of the library which she had told me herself. Her title as a Witch is also not for show as she knows quite a lot and is interested in element and seem very interested in them.
I had also heard form Amber that she was a prodigy from Academia that comes in hundred years or something. Though he doesn't know why she left the Academia and no one in Mondstadt actually asked her something like this. That was also my question since Lisa is a very curious person so the fact that she left the Academia was a bit puzzling to me. But since she didn't say anything herself, I didn't ask her about it.
We made our way to Starsnatch Cliff, the second romantic spot on Mondstadt. And it had become evening by the time we had reached the cliff so I laid down picnic cloth on appropriate place and invite Lisa to sit down. We managed to see sundown and wait enjoying the view until the star and Moon out creating a beautiful view. I was amazed by view and then looked at Lisa who had an amazed look on her face.
Sekai: Its really beautiful, isn't it?
Lisa: Yes, it is always nice to watch the night sky.
After that we both continue looked at the sky and would occasionally look at sea as well. Then I turned and looked at the City of Mondstadt and it looked really great.
Sekai: You know, Mondstadt look great from here.
Lisa: *smile* I agree. It really is sight to behold.
One thing I realized was Mondstadt was bigger than what I imagined. There actually many small part of Mondstadt that I still not explore especially on civilian area where most of Mondstadt stay.
We stayed in silence as we admired the sky before I felt a hand on my right arm. I look and saw Lisa placing a hand on mine with a bright smile on her face. My eyes widened a bit before I grinned at her. The two of us then continue to look at the night sky with the gentle wind blowing around us. After staying like this for some time I decided it was it was time for the final act.
Sekai: Hey Lisa, I have something for you.
Lisa: Oh my, it still hasn't ended. I wonder what it is~
With a smile and nodded I take out a gift-wrapped box from inventory and presented it to her.
Lisa: Oooh~ a gift. I wonder what it is~
Lisa said in her sultry tone as she took the box.
She unwrapped the box and opened it and looked inside. She had a surprised look on her face as she looked at the content of the box. She then took out the content which was a ragged old scroll.
Lisa: Of my, and this is?
Sekai: This is an ancient scroll as you might already realize. I actually don't know what its content are but I thought it might be in your interest.
I said sheepishly as I rubbed my neck.
Lisa opened the scroll and her eye widened.
Lisa: W-wait, this is? No way, this is one of the three lost scrolls that make up the "Northern Border Wind Investigation". How did you get this?
The Librarian asked with a surprised look as she looked at me.
Sekai: It was from Marjorie's shop. She got it from the Adventure Guild.
Lisa: This is great. With this it will help in further knowing how the people of ancient civilization understood the elements. This is the best gift you could give me! Lisa said excitedly as she grabbed me and hugged me close to her, with my head in her chest.
Sekai: Uh? Lisa, I glad you like it, but please check the bottom of gift box again.
Lisa: Ufufu the surprise never ends~
Lisa releases me and look at the bottom of the box, and she found a small box and bring it in her hand.
Lisa: A box in the box, what a surprise.
Sekai: Well, opened it…
When she opened it, there is the spinning shinning blue rose and alongside it the music started. Lisa looked quite surprised and enjoyed the music until the end. At the end she had a little tear on her eyes. Lisa looked at me and hugged me again, but this time a real hug.
Lisa: The music on the music box remained me on my past. Thanks cutie~ how do you do it.
Sekai: Well, let just say it was a trade secret.
It's not like I can say I compose the music base on Arabic nation culture at my past world. After all, after listening to Lisa explanation in Sumeru culture, I thought that it's have kind of similar culture.
(The music on the music box is For Riddles for Wonders)
Lisa: Owh, look like someone has started to be cheeky~
Lisa releases me from the hug, and what I didn't expected she pulled me again to her chest and start to patting my head.
Sekai: U-uh… Lisa can you release me…
I said a bit nervously as I feel kind of embarrassed and my face was heating up.
Lisa: Just enjoy it, consider this my gift to you. You deserve it for giving me such a wonderful gift.
Lisa said as she tightened her hold on my head.
Sekai: Uh okey, thank, I guess.
I said with nervous smile as I didn't know what to do.
Lisa: You're welcome cutie~. Now just enjoy this gift of mine~.
Lisa said in her sultry tone as she rubbed the hair on my head.
We stayed like that for sometime while feeling the position is quite embarrassing. But Lisa didn't seem bothered by it. If anything, she seemed to like it very much. So, I didn't object and just let the warm feeling this hug gave me. Kinda reminding me a huge give by my step-sister at my past world. I didn't know why suddenly Lisa tighten her huge when I reminded on that.
After that we made our way back to Modstadt by riding the hoverbike. At the bridge we step down from the hoverbike cause I didn't want to make any big commotion if someone saw I riding that. I dispel the hoverbike and walk towards main gate. We greeted two knights stationed at the gate and made our way to Good Hunter as I told Lisa to buy the food of her choosing.
Lisa: A Sticky Honey Roast and Goulash please.
Sara: I'll get it ready.
Lisa sat across from me as she smiled at me as I smiled back.
Sekai: So Lisa, I never asked but how did you get your vision?
Lisa had a surprised look when she heard that and looked a bit nervous which confused me.
Lisa: well, it wasn't anything big really. Nothing really extravagant happened when I got my vision.
Sekai: Well, if you don't want me to know then I will not pressure you.
Lisa: Alright, well as to how I got my Vision. Well I was in the library of Sumeru Academia and then I said "I want a Vision" and the next moment a Vision fell on my lap.
I blinked. A second time then third. I rubbed my eyes and even snapped my fingers near my right ear to checked if it still working properly. Lisa on the other hand was giggling at my antics.
Sekai: Um, Lisa, did you say that you got your Vision just because you said you wanted one?
Lisa: *smile* Yes, that what I said.
Sekai: Wow….
I mean I know how rare Vision are according to Venti explanation. And based on Amber and Noelle experience on how the get their own Vision it needs more than just asking it. Guess Lisa is more impressive than I give her credit for.
Sekai: *confuse* Though that begs the question. If you got a Vision then why did you leave the Academia? Considering how you are, I would've thought you would spend more time studying in Sumeru. Why did you leave so abruptly?
Lisa just sighed in response to my question. Maybe I shouldn't have asked that. Sorry Aether I stumble on my first date.
Sekai: Um, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to.
Lisa: Oh it fine darling~. I don't mind you knowing it. Simply put, I believe that a powerlike Vision must have a price. But I don't know what that price is. I thought that it was too high for knowledge and left the Academia then now I became the librarian.
Sekai: Oh, are you worried about it now?
Lisa: Oh its fine. I think there will come time where I will have to pay the price, I just hope I will be ready for it. But maybe if you, no never mind. The point is that I just want to laze around the library for the time.
Even though Lisa quickly tried to cover it, I had heard her mentioning me. Does she hope for me to interfere if that time come? But Lisa then asked me back about similar question.
Lisa: So how about you cutie, what price you must pay for your Vision? A strong and unique one at that.
I just smile and looked at my watch and ponder, should I tell the truth or half-truth. Afterall I already asked Lisa something quite personal.
Sekai: Well, Let just say I already pay the price before I gained mine, I guess. (I died and rewarded with power of my choice and I choose this one) as what the price is… my most prized connection (past world). But hey, I over that now. I maybe lost something… but I can still find new connection now like Lisa sensei!
I smiled at Lisa as I see Lisa have a surprise face with small blush. Suddenly Sara came with the food and left it on our table.
Sara: Here's your Sticky Honey Roast and Goulash.
The Sticky Honey Roast and Goulash looked really delicious.
Sekai: Shall we dig in?
Lisa: Of course.
We then started to eat our tasty dinner as we enjoyed our time together. After our dinner, we bid farewell to Sara as we stood in front of the water fountain.
Lisa: Awww~ I wanted to spend some time with you~. It was so much fun~
Lisa said in her usual tone as she placed her right hand on her cheek.
Sekai: Yeah, it sure was. But we can still meet tomorrow at celebration party at Angle Share. But hey, I think for my first date, I think I did pretty good don't you think?
Lisa: *smile* It was a good date. Thanks for making my first date a memorable one.
Sekai: No problem.
I said with smile before my mind stopped for a bit. Wait what did she just said?
Sekai: Hold on Lisa, did you just say that this was your first date?
Lisa: Oh, didn't I tell you. Sorry~
Sekai: So we both went for our first that, wow.
Lisa: Yes, it is. And while I did say that I will give you a very intimate gift if we had a good date.
Lisa leaned towards me. I was a bit taller than Lisa. But that didn't stop her from leaning on my body as I felt her weight on me. Our face was close to each other and I could see her eyes directly.
Lisa: But we both need rest for tomorrow so we'll postpone if for some time. But don't worry darling. I'll make sure to compensate.
Lisa said in her sultry tine before she kissed my right cheek.
Sekai: I-I guess I will look forward to it.
I said to her as I felt heat start reaching my face.
Lisa: Alright then. Thanks for the nice date. Bye darling~
Sekai: hold on Lisa. I still need to escort you to your house.
Lisa: Oh aren't you a gentleman~ sure please follow me and keep me safe.
Lisa said as she then did something that shocked me. She latched onto my right arm and pressed it against her chest. I blushed a bit than I continue to escorted her to her house.
Lisa: Thanks cutie~ you're such a gentleman. I'll be sure to remember our date.
Sekai: Yeah, I will remember it as well. Thanks for the nice date.
I then walk and reach my temporary lodging and find out that Aether and Paimon still didn't returned, maybe they have extra commission today. I took a bath and trance into clean clothes as I laid on the bed as I remembered today event.
"Man, what a day, I don't know this date can give me this kind of experience. Well, I need to thank Aether and Amber for their tips tomorrow but now its time for me to sleep. There a celebration tomorrow and I looking forwards to continue to tell Naruto stories in this world"
I then closed my eyes and went to sleep.
Another day and another new experience. I wonder what the world will have for me tomorrow.