Emperor and Dragon ( A Black Clover Fanfiction)

Chapter 12: Ch 12. Changes

News of the battle between Magnus and Galileo defeating Lykan Snow spread around the kingdom like wildfire. The two who saved the capital from certain peril. Nobles, commoners, criminals and even foreigners heard tell of the amazing powers that possibly transcend the need for magic. So many people saw the amazing feats so it had to be true.

Citizens gossip;

"Magnus and Galileo were both able to fight Lykan Snow without any magic power?"

"Yeah he was even charged up with the magic power of about forty henchmen!"

"No way man! That ain't possible, I heard those kids were tough but that's ridiculous!"

"I was there! The magic knights were helpless against the attackers! If not for them we wouldn't be talking right now!"

Word reaches Hage Village, Father Orsi reads a news paper to the rest of the orphanage's residents.

"MAGNUS DID WHAT?" Asta is ecstatic to hear the news of Magnus exploits. "HE"S SO AWESOME! My big brother is definitely going to be wizard king! Until I become a magic knight of course!"

"He leaves for a week and already gets into so much danger… That boy is more worrisome than you Asta."

"But I'm glad he's alright, and it seems he's made a new friend as well." Sister Lily looks to the bright side.

"Who is that blindfolded guy with him?"

Noble scheme of exploiting the young talents.

"The tiny terror Galileo was that strong? I can't believe the Vermillion's were hiding such a beast!"

"He puts his siblings to shame, I shudder to think of the power he'll hold when he matures. I've even heard King Clover intends to marry his daughter to him as reward for his heroic actions."

"Really? She's never made a public appearance before now and suddenly he plans to have her engaged? If that happens it'll be too easy for the Vermillion's to take the throne!"

"What does that mean for House Silva?"

"Wait what about the other boy? Magnus Pendragon, I believe it was."

"Yes, he fought on par with Galileo that night! They are close friends, and apparently he is being awarded a noble status."

"This is worse than we thought with this the Vermillion's will easily be able to recruit him, drastically increasing their influence."

"Then what if we bring him to our side first?"

"Yes that's a good idea! A wedding between Magnus and a daughter of the Silva house would give us a powerful countermeasure to Galileo."

"He'd be a fool to refuse us."

The magic knights discussed the drama at the ball,

"Yo lankey ass bug! Were you at the king's ball?" A young knight with a katana on his waist and a black grimoire wrapped in a brown holster, puffs smokefrom his cigarette. He is way more muscular then the almost anybody in the kingdom.

A tall skinny man with medium straggly black hair jumps up with a blade on his forearm. "Do you wanna get chopped up chronic shitter? Of course I didn't go to that clowns festival, but I hate I didn't. I can barely believe all the rumors" falling back to his seat disappointed he missed the show.

The smoking knight responds with a big laugh "Hahaha I'd squash you like the bug you look like. I don't believe that bull about the ball though, a kid swordsman killing 20 men from over 50 feet away and no one saw his sword move or even his body? Even ki cannot do that".

Just then a beautiful young woman in light armor and matching Ashen deer cloak walks in "what you heard was as true as the moon in the sky. I was present at that ball and I can safely say I could not use any magic. And even if I could use magic, I doubt I could have beaten either of those monsters… One wielded fire and lighting as naturally as if they were his own appendages. I could've sworn I heard him get called a dragon by the other kid. Yami let me just say this to you, if you were to fight that sword kid with a sword you wouldn't know how you died. I saw him use lightning, wind, fire and space-time based techniques with no magic. If the vermillion child is a baby dragon, then it is most fitting to call this Magnus Pendragon a baby god. Both gave off an unfathomable aura, almost otherworldly or better to say beyond this world." The cold faced blonde silenced both of them with her account. Just then two men appeared out of thin air one was Julius the captain of this squad the ashen deer another was a teen in a gold mask with feathers. It was flamboyant but kind of resembled a chicken.

Julius started speaking "As Charlotte says both boys have magnificent power. I have to say young Magnus already has the aura of a ruler destined for greatness, and his combat prowess is incomparable to any fighter I've ever seen. It pains me to say your swordsmanship pales in comparison Yami."

"Why's everyone ganging up on me?"

Everyone ignores Yami and Julius continues "Galileo on the other hand has aura of a true dragon, I felt something similar to it before from some ancient bones inside of a dungeon. I'm positive of this, that tyrannical air he gives of is even like the ways of the dragons of lore. They both compliment each other perfectly. Their teamwork was better than knights who had served together for years. It was truly incredible. They also serve to balance one another, just one of them have the capability to throw this world into turmoil. It's all made me realize how much harder we have to work if we want to continue to call ourselves magic knights capable of protecting the clover kingdom… let me show you something Magnus taught me." Before they even had time to digest and respond to the thought that this kid taught their captain Julius Novachrono the man closest to being the wizard king anything, they see him toss out a tri shaped a knife with a gold handle and a ring at the end were he held his thumb through it had the image of an hour glass on it and he suddenly tosses it behind the knights about 200 feet thanks to accelerating it with time magic but then he reappeared in the same spot with in his hand baffling every one. They only felt magic in the toss, the teleportation did not use any magic whatsoever.

" He named this Kronos' Float. It uses an energy called chakra, allowing me to place this mark on anything I touch. I can move to the mark through time space at any moment I choose. It turns out my magic affinity syncs well with this time space technique. (Maybe that's why he came to my study when he teleported out the villain's lair.)"

"That's an incredible technique! If I could do something like that, I could cut anyone anywhere!"

"Could you show us how to do it captain?"

"When I say 'teach' he didn't actually teach, per say he just left a letter and one of these knives. The letter had basic instruction on simple way to use chakra and the knife was baffling until I saw how he used it on the rooftops. He said he's only allowed to teach people he's fated to, I'm not entirely sure what he meant by that though, but he couldn't teach me. Instead he gifted me this knife with the mark on it. His techniques are very real but they cannot be stolen nor taught casually."

"I believe he brought his brother to the capital because, he wasn't 'fated' to use chakra." Marx added.

"Indeed. So unfortunately, he can't teach you all ninjutsu. Instead he promised me to make a weapon for each of you and myself in exchange for me being his benefactor for seven years. After ceremony be ready to follow me to the farthest parts of the clover kingdom. Since these weapons are going to be tailor made, he wants to use his blacksmith kit at home and he says his state of mind would be at its peak near the church his home so what do you say?"

"Yeah!" The entire squad is excited about the new chapter beginning to unfold in their lives.

Even foreign figures watch from afar. In the Heart Kingdom's palace a young woman in very heavily layered royal robes views replays of the battle while sitting in her throne surrounded by magic projections. "Oh my, I knew those boys would be powerful but this…"

"Yes that power of theirs is somewhat frightening, we should be wary of them." Behind her the figure of a voluptuous woman in a low top dress forms out of water. The charming mass of water is none other than the nature spirit Undine.

"Couldn't they be our allies?"

"Remember they are still from clover kingdom, there's always the possibility of them plotting against us. Just like the spade and diamond kingdoms."

"I see." The young princess stares of into the distance looking a little saddened.

"How about we invite them here under the pretense of a cultural exchange? That way we can meet them face to face and determine if they are dangerous. If so we'll have to deal with them. I believe our tier zero magic knights should be able to handle them should they get out of line. On the other hand, if all goes well we'll have a powerful ally."

"yes an excellent plan Undine."

Back at the Vermillion estate Layla has just left Galileo's room after setting up a full spread for his lunch. Right as he's about to start eating a juicy steak a cold breeze blows through his room. "I didn't open a window." He turns to see Magnus standing on the windowsill. "I thought we were starting our training a little later. You showed up just in time for lunch, might as well join me."

"I'm not hungry, we have to talk Galileo."

"Well say it while we eat, it's never as good when you have to reheat something. Close that window too."

Even though Magnus is clearly upset about something he sits and makes a plate for himself. "I've been thinking a lot about that fight with Lykan."

"Yeah, we kicked his ass" taking a huge bite of steak.

"You proud of that?"

"Why wouldn't I be, we were badass without magic, and he had that magic draining formation boosting his power too."

Magnus glares at Galileo with such rage that his sharingan activates itself "you fucking idiot…you don't get it do you!"

"Whoa, easy man…huh?" Galileo is startled to find himself looking into eyes with disdain for even him. "What are you so pissy about?"

"Think about it! With the powers we hold we should be able to destroy the world by now! WHY THE FUCK ARE WE HAVING REAL BATTLES WITH REGULAR WIZARDS! The sharingan should already have made me invincible! Itachi, Shushi, Madara! Could I really stand on the same platform as them? Not to mention the other old monsters of the ninja world, and I can use half of their abilities!"

"We're not that bad."

"Not that bad? Are you touched in the head? Even without magic I am a literal god of shinobi! And you're a true dragon! Not an imitation using a devil fruit anymore but AN ACTUAL AZURE DRAGON! You are supposed to be a force of nature! With the added bonus of having extra devil fruits! Yet, despite all this and many, many, many more skills and techniques it took both of us, with a fair amount of effort I should add, to defeat a magic knight with more magic than usual. Kaido would demolish you, heaven forbid you face something like Veldora or Acnologia. We'd be finished in battles against real elites and you really think we're doing ok?! If you're content to keep playing around the way we are now, you're not fit to have these powers. Let alone be my rival. And If we're going to lead the others to new heights, we can't progress anywhere near this slowly. You get what I'm saying now don't you? The weak aren't fit to lead." Leaving those words for Galileo to reflect on he vanishes.

Hearing that out loud made Galileo think. He had great powers but he really wasn't using them to their real potential. Magnus was right, he was just playing…wasting his gifts. Galileo wasn't even human anymore, how could he only be a cut above the people around him? Magnus didn't even have to mention how much he's missing because he failed to make use of the system. The realization made him lose his appetite. "Fuck!" He flips the table.

Having left Galileo to think about how strong they really are, Magnus is still brooding himself as he walks through the capital. Having left Yuno to familiarize himself with the Vermilions, he had the evening to himself. Kirsch would join him after the ceremony when they headed back to Hage. Walking out in the open he was greeted by many of the villagers. Many thanked him for his hard work at the ball, others inquired if he'd open up shop again soon. He brushed most of them off with vague answers and continued on his way. On the outskirts of town he comes to a peaceful area by a river. He lies on the riverside thinking of ways to up his training to reach a more reasonable level as quickly as possible,

however his thoughts are interrupted by sobbing. Sitting up Magnus scans his surroundings to see Noelle by herself crying as she fails to exhibit any magic control and move the river water.

"Darn it! Why won't it work?" It's clear she's been at it for a while because she looks tired, sweating heavily and her breathing is ragged. "No matter what method I use the water won't move how I want!"

"(Already working so hard under all that pressure.…Enduring all that persecution for not being able to control her magic, while working twice as hard. She only awakened her magic about year ago.)"

"If only I could use those powers like Magnus or Galileo then I wouldn't need stupid magic. WHY IS IT SO HARD TO CONTROL?!" She can only sigh as she falls backward on to the grass. "Maybe I should just go home…"

"Why would you go back now? You still have practicing to do." Magnus who was just praising her was a little disappointed to see Noelle ready to quit.

"M-magnus! What are you doing here!?" She scrambles to her feet and quickly composes herself.

"You don't have to do all that, no one important is here."

"O-oh, ok."

"I noticed you were practicing your magic control, how is that coming?"

She lowers her head in embarrassment "…not very well. I can't control my magic at all."

"Sure you can, try it again."

"Ok" She kneels down next to the river with her hands out over the water's surface. As mana emerges from her hands the water rises slowly as if magnetized to her palm. Right before it touches it rumbles violently and erupts splashing her in the face and returning to normal "…again…"

"You're thinking too much, relax. Take a deep breath and clear your mind before you try again. Feel how the mana flows all around, and in the water. Imagine water flowing naturally, then see it moving how you want it to. Focus on only that."

"I'll try." She does as instructed, and to her surprise the water actually holds place when meeting her palms. She holds a ball of water up to Magnus. "Look! Magnus I did it! Thank-" Boom! The ball bursts in their faces. "SORRY!"

"Hahaha! You did better, so don't worry. With the right training you can go much farther than this."

"You think so?"

"I know so" he pats Noelle's head. "I'll personally help you get there. You have a lot of potential, and you work a lot harder than some people I know. I respect that."

"Really? Thank you!"

"Don't mention it. Now let's get to work."

"Right!" The two of them would spend the rest of the evening working on basic chakra and magic control until sundown. Magnus took this time to refine his magic skills as well, allowing Noelle to see a near perfect example. He even gave her magic circuits to accelerate her training

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