Chapter 20: Ch. 20 A the difference in leadership
Outside beautiful cherry blossoms float gently across the entire Vermillion estate. The fresh smell of spring flowers filled the air putting all who breathed in the aroma at ease. The origin of this serene breeze? Kirsch practicing with his Beautiful spring sword in the courtyard. Every graceful stroke of his blade created more petals which gracefully took to the air and spread out. Mimosa watched from the side, amazed by how elegant Kirsch's technique was.
"Wow Kirsch your swordplay looks so cute!"
The 'complement' threw off Kirsch's focus causing him to stop his dance. If it was anyone else, he'd have cut them down for such a comment. "(Cute isn't quite the word but I'll take the compliment…) Thank you Mimosa. I've spent countless hours perfecting my swordsmanship in Hodge with Magnus."
"It must have been tough all the way out there in the middle of nowhere for so long."
"Don't you know? Hodge is thriving more so than the Capital."
"Huh? Really? How is that possible?"
"Magnus has put a considerable amount of effort into developing the village into a glorious city, as well as helping us grow stronger."
"He sounds like a great leader. I only ever hear good things about Magnus' exploits."
"Yes, he is a more cunning character, but his heart is always in the right place. How have things been living under Galileo's thumb? I know it's not easy with his constant rampages."
"He's really a lot better than he used to be. Well, he is still foul-mouthed, fickle, violent, and greedy but he hasn't burned anything down in a long time. Oh wait, there was that one time at the star festival."
"How is that any better than he used to be?"
"He has helped out. His guild, which I joined, has brought in more business for the capital noble and commoner alike. He's also been helping Julius' research into non magic related abilities."
"Seems like he's at least trying now."
"Yes, but sadly his bad reputation is coming back bite him. Shortly after his tenth birthday, his magic took a sort of dark turn. They say it's like a demons magic power now. A lot of people are getting too scared to continue dealing with him and his guild despite their good works. Some even fear the Vermillion's altogether now. The king still backs us, but only because his daughter is in love with Galileo. Damnatio from house Kira has created a faction that is working to have him chased out of the Kingdom or worse… I think many of the Kira Clover family went through the similar changes as ours when those blue flowers fell from the sky."
"That explains this twisted oppressive feeling coming from this place. It's comparable to a beast's lair or a dungeon. Do you feel ok here?"
"It took some getting used to, but I don't think these powers are necessarily evil, just different. It actually compliments my magic very well. Does having a demonic aura bother you?"
"I prefer not to use it, but I do feel better about it knowing of its origins. Still this heavy concentration of conflicting energies irks me. Would you like to come see the Pendragon estate with me?"
Asta and Yuno both lie on the roof of the Pendragon estate out of breath, gasping for air. "I still don't get how you race someone giving you a tour Asta."
"I was just walking around, you are the one who started running."
"You would've gotten us lost."
"Heh we'd have been fine, you just wanted to race."
"I won anyways…"
"Get your eyes checked, I won!"
"Not a chance..."
"Yuno won." Magnus was sitting next to them, startling them both. "It was pretty close though."
"Magnus where did you come from?"
"You gotta stop doing that!"
"I was concerned about the cyclone barreling straight for my house, but did you enjoy the capital Asta?"
"The capital is huuuge! It was a lot of fun, but the people aren't nice like in Hodge. I always thought the capital was this heavenly place, but they still have a lot of suffering people here too."
"Well of course it is very hard for a place to be as united as Hodge. It takes a great leader and a single cause. Everyone in Hodge was poor so the ambition for success was in all their hearts. Now that you're here let me show you around" says Magnus as he leads them to their rooms in the inner house. Along the way they see Soifon and Itachi sipping tea under a pagoda with a red haired woman. She had a four long braids and her clothes were like a witches(but a lot more revealing).
"That's Magnus's cousin Itachi, and Noelle's body guard Soifon. They're both really strong! Itachi uses his eyes totally different then Magnus, every time I try to fight him I realize I'm in a illusion. Soifon is worse she just beats me up so fast I can't even call it training…Of Magnus' personal squad only Iori ever lets me have any fun. Speaking of, hey big brother when are Iori and Akame coming?"
"Haha, who told you they weren't here" says Magnus with his biggest mischievous smile."
"But I don't know this new lady though. Does she work for us Magnus?"
"She does not." Even Magnus wasn't entirely sure who she was, but she looked familiar.
"That's Irene, she works at the guild directly under Galileo. She practically runs the guild, it only functions so smoothly because of her and Yomi."
"You give me too much credit Yuno, I merely do as instructed."
"You don't have to try making Galileo sound cool in front of them."
Irene couldn't help but chuckle at Yuno's directness. She quickly learned he wasn't one for sugar coating but Yuno rarely missed a chance to get on his own teacher's case…though she could see why. "My my Yuno how cold. You should be more respectful of your teacher. After all, only the heavens, earth and your kin come before them."
"A good philosophy to have. You must be Irene Belserion, the original dragon slaying mage I presume."
"Oh, the great Magnus Pendragon knows my name? I'm flattered. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." She stands to face the master of the household. Itachi and Soifon stand and bow as well but Magnus motions for them to relax and they sit back down.
"The pleasure is all mine, but what business would bring you here today?"
"I came to escort Lumiette home, but there was something she wanted to do with Noelle before leaving. So here I wait, Itachi and Soifon have been most enjoyable company."
"Noelle is with Lumiette? I was looking for her, where did they go?"
"Would you like to see?" Irene flicks her wrist hand a crystal ball appears in hand. At the Pendragon Estate's training field a ways off the two young ladies to be face off.
"Are you sure you want to do this Lumiette?" Noelle seems a bit confused by Lumiette's request.
"Yes, I'm sorry to ask this of you so suddenly but ever since you two have returned to the capital I've noticed something different about you all in House Pendragon, though I can't quite place it."
"We have changed a lot in four years."
"I'm aware, but still since Galileo ran off like that earlier I've been getting a nagging feeling that there is more Magnus knows that Galileo doesn't about these otherworldly techniques. If he really has fallen behind it will show in the training methods we've undergone. I'd like to see that gap for myself. So please, don't hold back."
"(Those eyes they're so serious, I don't think she'd take no for an answer right now.) Very well, I'll humor you and show you what I've learned over these past years." Noelle holds one hand behind her back and the other outstretched like a blade in front of her. A surge of magic power that turns to water and around her like storming waves deep as the ocean. Within the shadow of a terrible fish like creature with great wings could be seen lurking in the depths "Prepare yourself!"
Lumiette could definitely feel a menacing aura coming from those waters. A sensation she had never felt before, even though she didn't know what it was, one thing was clear. This attack could do grave damage. In response Lumiette opened both of her hands and in one a ball of light and the other a ball of shadow. Holding them up a third ball of darkness pulls the two together resulting in a the creation of a blob that resembles the vacuum of space.
"Kunpengs abyssal tirade!" Noelle swings her arm like a downward slash, and all of the water rushes forward in what seemed to be an infinite volume. It takes the form of a hungry kunpeng devouring all in it's path.
"Retribution of the Unholy stars!" Lumiette extends both hands firing a black bird shaped blast that sparkled like there was entire solar systems in it. The blast pulled in everything around it grass and trees, air, and even light was sucked in by the surging wave of destruction."
When the two attacks meet they pushed fiercely against each other, neither allowing themselves to be eaten. The pressure of the clashing energies caused the ground nearby to disintegrate all around the field leaving the girls floating a couple of feet in the air, yet neither gave an inch backward.
"(So strong…I was right my attack is missing something, but still…) I WON'T LOSE!" Lumiette gave another push and her attack nearly doubled in size trying to devour Noelle's attack.
The blasts started to push towards Noelle, but she showed no sign of being pressured. Instead she calmly held out her hand and clenched her fist. The Kunpeng opened it's mouth continually wider and wider, inhaling Lumiette's spell and crashing down with a bite like a tsunami. The attack nearly crushed her but a rift in the space between them absorbed the entire attack.
"Why does everyone think they can just go all out around here?" Magnus approaches the battlefield with Asta, Yuno and Irene in tow. "If that had went off, I fear there my estate would be up in smoke right now. Look at this place!"
"Oh no I'm sorry! I wasn't thinking! I didn't mean to-"realizing she almost destroyed the Pendragon estate so casually embarrassed her to no end. Unnecessary destruction was one of Galileo's traits she put considerable effort into not picking up.
"Don't worry Lumiette, If we destroyed anything Magnus would fix it."
Magnus wanted to protest Noelle's bold statement, but she wasn't wrong. He cared too much about his possessions not to keep everything in perfect condition.
"Lumiette, if you're done here Galileo has asked me to escort you home. I believe there was something he wanted to talk to you about."
"Oh right, I suppose we should be going now, I would like to speak with him as well…but if he wanted to tell me something, I wonder why didn't he use our rings…"
"Something tells me he forgot." Magnus said what everyone was thinking, and they all had to laugh.
"No matter I had a good time here. It was nice to meet you again Magnus, come Lumiette let's go."
"Coming." She stands next to Irene "Thank you for your help Noelle, and I'll see you all at the banquet!"
"No problem, I was happy to help."
"See you tomorrow!"
"Later Lumiette."
"Ah, one more thing. Irene snaps her fingers and the area was restored down to the last pebble. "Have a good evening Pendragons." With a flashing column of light the two dragons vanished.
"That was some exchange you two had, was it necessary to go that far?"
"She wanted to see the difference in our training. It would have been rude to hold back."
"How far off did she seem to you?"
"If she'd known about Heavenly phenomenon I don't know how that would have went. I'm willing to bet she'll figure them out before Galileo does."
"(The king's daughter is really something else, prodigal even. I hate I don't know what she's capable of since she wasn't a part of the story at all. None the less her talent and magic power is the real deal. I look forward to seeing how she turns out.)That'll be an interesting development...Alright! Now that I have you all together, we're going back to town to do a little extra shopping for tomorrow's celebration. The theme is Gold, not the color but the material so you guys have to be ready. As the Pendragons we have to be especially sharp."