Chapter 77: Ch. 74 Meeting the folks
Yo Mags! Where ya at?" Bandit led Noelle and Jude through the halls of the Pendragon estate looking for Magnus. "I got places to be ya know!"
"He probably isn't here boss." Jude commented after realizing there was no sign of him. "Magnus is usually pretty busy himself."
"Bullshit! He's on vacation!"
"I assure you he'll find a way to keep busy," Noelle replied rolling her eyes. If he didn't want to be bothered a disappearing act wouldn't be hard, and frankly she'd gotten tired of looking for him days ago.
Bandit just sighed in frustration "lookin' like I gotta use 'that' already."
"That? What do you mean." Both Noelle and Jude were curious of his solution.
"The Magnus summonin' technique. Watch." Bandit surveyed the hall for a moment until his eyes landed on an ornate vase. "There's tha money." He grabbed it hurled it down the hall, but just before it could shatter none other than Magnus himself appeared to catch it.
"Woah careful Bandit! I made this myself, it's very valuable." Magnus returned the vase to it's place and wiped it down.
"Nothin' like losin' money to get his attention!" Bandit laughed.
"(That's really all it took?)" Noelle was a little irritated how simply Bandit found him.
"Why would you do that?" Magnus asked.
"I been searchin' high n' low for ya! It's like tryna find a needle in a haystack! Family matters have been on freeze because my middle man n' lady are doin'…whatever y'all are doin!"
"Family matters?" Magus asked.
"Whatever we're doing?" Noelle asked.
"…Here I thought Gali was the dysfunctional one. Don't I got parents a certain couple promised to introduce me to? Kinda the whole reason I'm in the capital…"
"You haven't gone yet?" Magnus didn't see why he was necessary for that.
"I ain't goin to the Silva's alone. It's weird to just show up at a stranger's house, especially if I ain't robbin' the place. Plus ya also promised to tell me about the big boss' folks too! So you and Noelle" sand gathered under both of their feet and carried the couple face to face "get whatever weird beef this is off ya chests. Like right now! Time is money children."
"Magnus…" Neither wanted to go first.