Chapter 2: Watch Your Step.
115 Points.
"What fun... if only 90% of the remaining cards didn't cost 3 arms and 4 legs." It quickly became a trend, look up a power, see the price, internally cry and put it back. "I mean... 500 points to water walk? it's not even a big deal in the show, what the fudge." Now he was going over the martial prowess of certain characters and even then it was eating at his very soul. Seriously, 200 points to fight like IRUKA!? The same Iruka that get's bodied taking a hit for Naruto? It's the basics of basics, The only reason he doesn't have super-side character disease is that he was a good man with half a braincell that could see blondie for the boy and not the beast inside. "Naruto 1150 points, makes sense. Sasuke 1150 points, Makes sense. Useless, 900!? What about Sakura makes her fighting style 900 points!? Neji, 650. Hinata, 700. Temari, 550. Rock lee, 25. Gaara, 850... Wait a minute." He quickly went back to Rock lee.
This makes no sense. Look how they massacred my boy, THE DISRESPECT. I mean... I'll take it, but why? What about Rock lee makes him so cheap? What does he not... have. Chakra. His lines or tubing or whatever the shiatzu it's called are defective. So he focused heavy as fudge on taijutsu. Now that leaves a question... is Fire bending or Pyrokinesis just spicy chakra? And, if so, how can I abuse the hell out of this to merge them together? Questions to answer later. 90 points remaining.
"Alright... that should be enough to make me decently strong and guarantee my immediate survival. Time to get wacky and fun." Marcus looked to the miscellaneous deck, letting his hopes soar. There's always some kind of absolutely broken garbage hidden in the discount bin. Here's hoping the afterlife knows to keep a trend alive. Taking the first card out, he watched as it slipped from his fingers to the stack of cards that he already selected... without his permission or intent. "... Hey, Voice?"
"Hm? Yes? and it's *#^$((#. "
"...I'm not even gonna pretend to try to pronounce that, uhm, is there some kind of trick with the miscellaneous deck?"
"Did I not mention? It's sentient, it's giving you it's recommendations, most cards are 10 points, so draw as many as you feel comfortable with... careful, not all of them are winners. What did you pull?"
"Familiar-Familiar... The soul of a past animal companion has expressed it's desire to join you on your new journey, while they may not verbally communicate, you're intrinsically bound. You will know inherently what they are trying to tell you. That... doesn't sound so bad. ALRIGHTY THEN, gacha mechanics, take me away." He quickly pulled another 3. and put the deck back down to see his gathered loot.
Disciple of Dionysus- Where you tread, wine and music shall follow. Your pursuits in the production of alcohol shall never fail, neither shall your crops to make blessed brews. Halve the time it takes to grow plants and ferment booze. You're now a bit of a musical Savant, an idiot music savant, but nonetheless. You can learn most instruments on the fly and play them proficiently with decent practice.
"...I-is the greek pantheon a thing?"
"Technically all pantheons are a thing. Mortals have different experiences, in different times, in different areas. Your worship feeds the deity's and the deity's help to earn such worship. Symbiotic, no?"
"Ya know what? I'll take it."
Hephaestus's Boon of inspiration- Toil and tinker, show what goes on in that thinker. So long as a contraption in feasible you'll know what you need to make it as well as how to make it. Who needs engineering degrees? Heat and Fire are the domain of the forge, and the forge is yours. Minor to medium resistance to burns.
"...Who writes these?"
Feral Aspect- The greater the bond between the holder and an animal the more traits they will share. Example given: A Knight and their trusted Steed will find that both have incredible leg strength, and the Horse may find they are quite capable with a blade in their mouth.
"Welp, that's an... image. That I'll never be able to un-imagine."
"Hey, Infinite souls across time and space, not all of them come with a Harvard education... 50 Points left. You sure you don't want to double check the other decks?"
"Meh, I never got to really gamble in life. May as well do it now." Marcus drew another card, this one came from the box in a flash as sparks startling him. Investigating the card would show him why. A 'Rare' card apparently for 30 points. One he definitely appreciated pulling.
Magician's Inventory- Carry many objects using flourish and pizzazz with this tricky Hammer space. So long as one covers or otherwise hides an object from an outsiders view, they can move the object in or out a dimensional pocket. Even magic has it's limits, anything over the users weight is added to the users weight. This additional weight will not effect anything outside the user. (Timeless)
"OH, that is Flubbing BUSTED. Just to be clear, Only I'll feel the additional weight, right? Not an animal or carriage I'm riding or using?"
"Yup, You're lucky to pull that from the misc-deck. Cards like that are usually in the triple digits."
"...I'm going to mess with so many people... Hehehehe..."
"Not sure I like the context of that laugh... Are you locking in the cards you've picked so far?"
"Yeah, This seems like a very strong combo."
"Okay, Lemme make an offer then. 10 points and I'll trigger a shopping spree. We'll convert the other 10 points to... Lets say 100 USD per point, so 1000 Dollars. You can get yourself some starting supplies."
"Ehhh, Not sure that's a good deal."
"Toilet paper."
"Alright, shopping spree it is." He'd honestly forgotten that he'd need that... and toothbrushes and paste. Oof and general medicines would be a godsend. He's not gonna suck on a toadcicles' butt to get over a cold. One of the few other things he remembered from the show, on account of his niece laughing so hard she passed out, woke up, rewound and did it again.
"Great! Let me just take these and weave them for you." Marcus fell back in his chair as a massive marble white hand reached from the darkness and gingerly took his stack of selected cards before retreating to the abyss , thin lines of light giving him small flashes of a blindfolded face happily playing with his cards. doing... something he couldn't really understand, but soon enough a smaller adorably fluffy blue-grey creature pitter-pattered from the dark.
"...Puff-Puff? Oh my GOD, I forgot all about you." Accepting the Maine-coon kitten into his hands as it started climbing his pant leg. Only for it to jump from his palms and continue it's way up to his shoulder. Like a pirate and his parrot. "Aw, Just like when I was a elementary student."
"Snrk , Of course it would be Puff. She can't let her favorite kitten from her sight now can she?" The comment earned a tiny spitting hiss from said kitten. "From the day she got here she watched after your life along with a good deal of your ancestors.... one of the better conversationalists in your family too." The entity continued to chuckle as it weaved lines of light from card to card, If Marcus had to guess, they were tweaking them to make sure they could work with one another.
"You speak Cat?"
"I speak all languages, Including Catonese." Both Marcus and Puff seemed to groan from the pun. "Now, are you going to watch me work for the next eternity or go on your shopping spree?" The same marble hand reemerged from the Darkness pointing behind Marcus. Following it, Marcus nearly cracked his spectral neck, double taking the sight of the truly gargantuan super market.
3 Shopping carts later...
"Alright, sure half the budget was taken by that Multidimensional Multimedia Player, But we got plenty of gear and some changes of clothes. Some food for you." Prmow "I know You wanted more of the wet stuff, but we should save those for special occasions. I also got you an extra jar of cat nip to make up for it... Don't you complain about the MMP again, It's a good deal, we can watch movies and listen to music, better than just wandering in silence... I'll be blessed before I miss the Community movie." Growl "SIX SEASONS AND A MOVIE!" ... "Well, no we're not gonna just whip it and play movies to random people, then we'd get questions on the tech... questions I can't be fudged to answer."
"...You know there's no Tax here right? You can get more."
"...Alright, we can get more wet stuff." PURR
Once the shopping was finally entirely done, the voice sent a stream of light to his chest that the cards in turn simply glided into. "Woah." He could feel it near immediately. Heat radiating from his core and warming the entirety of his spiritual body. Like a full body dip into a hot tub, relaxing knots and aches he didn't realize he had. "Alright, I immediately love that."
"Now... Don't take this the wrong way."
"I feel like I have to on principal, but go on."
"African Americans aren't exactly... common in Avatar. BUT" The voice made themselves a bit louder to stop any potential rebuttal, most souls didn't appreciate having to change their bodies if they can help it. Unless it came with a free six pack and some other physical upgrades. "I can make you a water tribesman, physically at least."
"Yeah, I mean, it's close enough, I'm not gonna pitch a fit over it. Never cared about what race I was... Might be fun to grow out my hair and not have an afro for once. So long as you don't make me like 12 again, I think we're good."
"...You're gonna make me a child again aren't you."
"...Yes, not a baby. We got enough complaints about that to never try it again. But I'll drop you a few years before the story begins to set yourself up... Maybe 4 years? so 16 by the time Aang wakes up."
"Whatever... Shitake. I calculated weight for my current body." Thinking over how to adjust his purchases between the large rucksack, No matter what he did he'd be overweight with the Magicians Inventory... He'd have to drop weight and come back for his supplies once he made camp.
"Where did you think of setting up?"
"Southern Air temple. It was abandoned in the show, figured I could clean it up. Give the bodies a proper burial. Aang would still be crushed but at least they'd be shown respect."
"Actually they practiced sky burial, giving their bodies to nature as generously as possible... It'd be best to make a memorial and scatter the bones in the mountains."
"Good to know."
"As for getting there, I can't drop you in the middle of the temple, but the road leading to it? Easy as pie."
"D'alright then. You don't have to offer it twice, I'd rather not climb a mountain."
"Goody good. Watch your step. Have fun!"
Before he could further question the voice, the marble hand came falling for him, to smack him as though he were a pest, making him yell and flinch in surprise, bracing for pain. His screams ended and the high pitched whine of a tween replaced it. His surprise continued as he opened his eyes to the snow covered paths of the road to the air temple, visible to him above. Puff was doing an impression of a cat's laugh... if they could laugh. "BITCH, you kn- oh fuck yes I can swear again."
Seeing his gear surrounding him as he went for one of the blankets he bought, to store it away in his magician's inventory. Only to fall face first into the snow, his legs being infinitely more heavy than they should have been. Looking down to his legs, he noticed he had... ankle weights. He could only guess it was another prank the voice pulled on him. "...This can be forgiven, but it won't be forgotten."