Chapter 12: Chapter 12. The villain mourns
"Woosh....whoosh...woosh...woosh...". Such continues sound of the waves in front of him is casually making the villainous guy feel relax. Then he raised his wine glass and he said "Cheers to you, and to the deceased.". He look at the horizon and there he saw the magnificient view of mix combination of purple, violet, red and orange sky. The sunset of the afternoon then did show him how magnificient life is if he choose the solitary life. He took a light zip on his glass and he then continue watching the great image of horizon in front. Then he started to visualize his past. There he saw his upcoming next target laughing at him, mocking him since they are poor. Jesting him for unknown reason. Then he closed his eyes and there he remember a fucking scene. Something which he will never forget. Then he checked his wine and he said "Come to think of it, when I was young, I used to have lots of friends. That time, I am mostly crowded with friends.". He then did drink a single zip on his wine and he said "friends would somehow make me full, and filled with vigor enough for a day.". He then did put the wine on the nearby table and he stood up. He then did start to walk on the white sandy beach headed to the nearby sea. Half naked, he started to run on the nearby beach, in return he was welcomed by the luke warm sea water. What comes next is a memory of him being chased out anywhere he would like to go. Such vivid memory of people treating him like a Dog. So in order to relax himself, he went for a simple floating session. Devoured by the luke warm sea water, floating on it, he started to relax even more further. He closed his eyes and he remember a painful memory of his past, "We have a dog here with us. Welcome to the Panaraga Beach. Please do enjoy yourself Dog.". Then what comes next is a sweet torturing set of songs deployed by the citizen around them. Caught with panic disorder, the guy could only surrender to it. His parents who are with him is also alarmed and like any other thing, panic disorder caught them too. Unable to enjoy the beach, the family could only surrender the bitter sweet tragic past. His eyes then did start to open up and he saw him self floating on the sea, devoured by the luke warm water of the sea. His ears are clogged by the water itself making him even more relax as he tried to remember his bitter past. Above him is the great hue and pasted image of the great sunset. The great villain did laugh so hard as he shouted it to his hearts content. Such horrific laughter did comes from the very inner portion of his heart. It is his soul. Deep and horrific laugh did resonated around the beach. Yet no one is able to hear it, for such beach is a private one. One which he himself bought, one which will always make his heart be comfortable. For several hours, the great villain choose to enjoy the great sensation of the sea water. While the time passes by, the great hue of the sunset started to be devoured by the black and blue night sky. Bit by bit, starts of different colours and sizes started to appear. Along with the white sandy beach are several solar powered lamps, set by the great villain so he could light up his beach during night. It was exact six pm when the villain decided to resurface out of the sea water. Bare skinned and naked he went out of the water and he started move on the nearby chair. He took the final zip on his wine glass and said "Condolence to the police whom I have killed.". then he took the glass of wine and left for good, and then he surrender for the day and went inside his house. Poor next victim, for he will suffer a terrible death. For the octopus won't let him out of it safe, and the only path for him is death.