Extra Judicial Killing

Chapter 16: Chapter 16. His Nemesis.

"Cherry reporting. An unusual person is headed to your beach. ". The great villain then did heard such alarm around his house. Sitting on a chair like a Duke, zipping his share of wine, the great villain halted it. He raised it right in front of his head and he said "Surprising. So I have an untimely visitor with me. I wonder who would it be?.". He tilted his head and he put his glass of wine on the nearby table. He stood up and he start to walk normaly. Apparently the are already 3 bottles of wine on such table. Unaffected with alcohol he diligently went out of his house. He took his smart glasses and he wear it like usual. On one's eyes, such casual formal attire would be comparable to a diplomat, with out black sleeve. Welcomed by the cold wind of the night and the magnificient sound of the sea, there the great villain started his grand opening. He walk on a sidewalk filled with solar lamps. Such lamps are giving yellow and orange light under the bask of the darkness of the night. He walk on it like he is not even affected by the alcohol, like he is not even drunk at all. Not far from him is the so called guest then he said "Why are you here this late at night my dear?." Suprisingly a police then did took his gun and he said "I am here putting you on custody Mr. Drake". At that moment, a wild and devilish laugh covered the silence of the night. "What a brilliant move. How am I going to custody when this place is my own turf officer.".. "Freeze." Said by the police. However the great villains mouth did not even freeze and he said "Why would I freeze my friend.". At that moment, 4 more guys then did start to appear "We are the authority and we are watching you from the the start. You are clever and tricky Mr.drake.". "Oh really, i wonder, since when did you start watching my very moves. Officer.". The officer then did shouted "immediately tie him up, such murderer must be put under custody.". A devilish smile then was pasted on his face and he yelled loudly "Its play time. ". Said by the villain. That moment, on their pathway, gasses appear like a set of smoke and the great villain then did start run back to his residence while saying "Time to evacuate. Gyahahahaha.". Gunshots resounded and the great villain tried his best to evade them. The great villain then did start to tap his smart glasses and he commanded his a.i. "Clear cache Cherry, and Inform stratos of my force evacuation.". "As you commanded, self destruct in 10 minutes. Timer starts now.". The great villain then did went on his old Nissan car, as fast as he could he dragged his arse on such old model vehicle. Meanwhile the police who were caught by the gasses were immediately sent to their demise. "What are these things?.". Caught by the surprise attack, the only thing that the person nearby could do is to hold his throat for he is under the effect of poison. "May day, may day...". Said by the other police however, such poisonous gas, when release mid air will immediately spread like a wind. Caught by it, they too followed the same kind of death. Meanwhile the great villain with his old model of vehicle is running with his asses as fast as he could. "Woosh..". The great villain then did checked his side mirror and he look at his old house. He raised his hands and he said "bye bye me.". Then a sudden huge explosion then did appear. The once darkness of the night was devoured by the huge red orange fire. Above it is a black and grey color of huge smoke coming from the villains main house. On his car, the villain added "Cherry are you still there.". The Artificial intelligence then did responded. "Yes, the underground network is still active. What are your next order.". The great villain then did said "Unfortunately, my time is up for them. Immediately press the button of self destruction.". The Artificial intelligence then did follow his order. At that time, 6 beautiful lady were silently and professionaly killed and all of them died out of suffocation. Out of breath, the girls died with the use of nanotech choking their throat. The villain then did saw the report on his smart glasses and he said "Im really sorry bitches, this time, I know for sure. Someone is now watching me.". He continued to drive his car heading to the South. Then on his back, a massive shockwave did appear. "HAHAHAHAHAH", laughed by the great villain. "That is chemical gasses for you. Just try a little step unto it and you will immediately die of suffocation. That's it if you want to die.". The car did continued to move as fast as it can be then he said like lunatic.". He smiled so wide and he said "Finally, mister scientists, the one who implanted something unto me. I have a great message unto you.". The great wind of the night then did start to cover his entire body and he added "Come and visit me anytime you want. I know that you are watching me from the very start.". Then a beastly eyes then did was pasted on his face and he suddenly became serious and then he said " but you cannot stop me from getting my revenge to all of you.". Finally the great villain did laugh like the joker and Woosh.. resounded by his car as he started to speed up headed to his next basement, to the south. That night four policeman did died once more on his gasps, one house got detonated, one beach got compromise because of chemical gasses for the great villain have caused havoc once again. Not far from that site of incident. Someone did put his hands down on his table and he said " Sharp as usual my great friend. Unfortunately, like I have told you long before. You won't be able to find me.". Such voice then did start to disappear along with his hand. Back to the crime scene, serenes of different noises and hymn did start to arise. What comes next is the moving patrol vehicles, yet unfortunate they don't know that such place is filled with chemicals. That night, due to the negligence on duty, 30 policeman got killed because of the lurking chemicals. Poor police department, they a recorded a huge number of casualty in just a day. End of season 1.

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